I'm trying to get PATA access to work on real hardware (and in
VirtualBox, specifically), but it's not working out well. Unless there's
a major breakthrough tomorrow, I'm going to set it aside for a while.
- Desktop icons use the shadowing
- The login screen uses shadows instead of poorly-executed strokes
- The blur_test app has been updated to show multiple blur levels,
but does not use the library function.
Type to change the text.
Resize if you need more space.
Alt+F4 to quit.
(And remember, focus follows mouse, but does not go through transparent
windows, so if you're in the right box, you'll be fine)
Kernel driver sends raw scancodes, compositor or terminal handle the
rest. Support for F* keys will be added soon, in the mean time userspace
applications can know about the status of modifiers (control, shift,
alt, and super).
Compositor actions have been changed to Alt+Left Click for move and
Alt+Middle Click for resize. I'll work on adding more mouse events once
I get them to be faster (they're annoyingly slow at the moment... I want
more accuracy and less latency).
Also add functionality to the terminal to toggle it on and off.
There's a small, but nice-to-have performance increase from disabling
alpha transparency in the terminal.
Also, the display server sets DISPLAY=... to the shmem endpoint for the
compositor, so if getenv("DISPLAY") returns a pointer, you can assume
you are in a graphical environment, instead of having to rely on things
like arguments. Good for those applications that want to be able to run
both full-screen and windowed.