Kernel driver sends raw scancodes, compositor or terminal handle the
rest. Support for F* keys will be added soon, in the mean time userspace
applications can know about the status of modifiers (control, shift,
alt, and super).
Compositor actions have been changed to Alt+Left Click for move and
Alt+Middle Click for resize. I'll work on adding more mouse events once
I get them to be faster (they're annoyingly slow at the moment... I want
more accuracy and less latency).
- libc functions not implemented yet
- see `env` for an example of reading variables
- see `esh` for an example of how to set and maintain variables for
sending to other applications
Both of the above will be the basis for the libc implementation.
The compositor itself still needs work, but the compositing engine
within now does full blitting and is faster than the old method.
Transparency is now supported properly, though telling the compositor to
use it on a window will degrade performance. One terminal is usually
okay, and everything runs faster than it did before; two terminals is
pushing it; three will make you very sad. The stacking logic has also
been updated. Presumably, alpha blitting for transparent windows could
be done with SIMD instructions and be extremely fast.
All graphics libraries have also been updated to (hopefully) work
properly with alpha bits.
* Also cleaning up some kernel logging options here.
* You can log in as local or root with passwords local and toor
* Graphical sessions are still buggy, so don't kill that terminal.
- Can now register a userspace file descriptor as the output for kernel
print statements through kprintf()
- Can set logging levels for debug print messages, which are separate
from kernel log events and meant to be more readily visible. Log
events are recorded in a buffer to be viewed later, though nothing
actually using logging at the moment.
- Serial output is disabled by default now. You can enable it yourself
by appending the logtoserial argument to the kernel on boot.
This is an automated system by which we boot qemu headless and use the
serial line to capture output from a testing application that is started
on bootup, running with the VGA terminal shell. This might be expanded
to boot to the graphical display within VNC and perform more advanced
tests with the Python shim using a VNC module for Python; we'll see.