graphics: Add affine transformations for sprites

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2021-07-13 19:21:33 +09:00
parent a39a0bba06
commit b4f4edb614
3 changed files with 204 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -717,81 +717,81 @@ static int yutani_blit_window(yutani_globals_t * yg, yutani_server_window_t * wi
_win_sprite.blank = 0;
_win_sprite.alpha = ALPHA_EMBEDDED;
if (window->anim_mode) {
int frame = yutani_time_since(yg, window->anim_start);
if (frame >= yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]) {
/* XXX handle animation-end things like cleanup of closing windows */
if (yutani_is_closing_animation[window->anim_mode]) {
list_insert(yg->windows_to_remove, window);
goto draw_finish;
if (window->opacity != 255 || window->rotation || window == yg->resizing_window || window->anim_mode) {
double m[2][3];
double opacity = (double)(window->opacity) / 255.0;
if (window->rotation) {
gfx_matrix_translate(m, window->width / 2, window->height / 2);
gfx_matrix_rotate(m, (double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0);
gfx_matrix_translate(m, -window->width / 2, -window->height / 2);
if (window == yg->resizing_window) {
double x_scale = (double)yg->resizing_w / (double)yg->resizing_window->width;
double y_scale = (double)yg->resizing_h / (double)yg->resizing_window->height;
if (x_scale < 0.00001) {
x_scale = 0.00001;
window->anim_mode = 0;
window->anim_start = 0;
goto draw_window;
} else {
switch (window->anim_mode) {
frame = yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode] - frame;
} /* fallthrough */
double time_diff = ((double)frame / (float)yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]);
if (y_scale < 0.00001) {
y_scale = 0.00001;
gfx_matrix_translate(m, (int)yg->resizing_offset_x, (int)yg->resizing_offset_y);
gfx_matrix_scale(m, x_scale, y_scale);
if (window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DIALOG_ANIMATION) {
double x = time_diff;
int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 -x)) / 2;
if (window->anim_mode) {
int frame = yutani_time_since(yg, window->anim_start);
if (frame >= yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]) {
/* XXX handle animation-end things like cleanup of closing windows */
if (yutani_is_closing_animation[window->anim_mode]) {
list_insert(yg->windows_to_remove, window);
return 0;
window->anim_mode = 0;
window->anim_start = 0;
} else {
switch (window->anim_mode) {
frame = yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode] - frame;
} /* fallthrough */
double time_diff = ((double)frame / (float)yutani_animation_lengths[window->anim_mode]);
draw_sprite_scaled(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y + t_y, window->width, window->height * x);
} else {
double x = 0.75 + time_diff * 0.25;
int t_x = (window->width * (1.0 - x)) / 2;
int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 - x)) / 2;
double opacity = time_diff * (double)(window->opacity) / 255.0;
if (!yutani_window_is_top(yg, window) && !yutani_window_is_bottom(yg, window) &&
!(window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_ALT_ANIMATION)) {
draw_sprite_scaled_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x + t_x, window->y + t_y, window->width * x, window->height * x, opacity);
if (window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_DIALOG_ANIMATION) {
double x = time_diff;
int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 -x)) / 2;
gfx_matrix_translate(m, 0, t_y);
gfx_matrix_scale(m, 1.0, x);
} else {
draw_sprite_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y, opacity);
double x = 0.75 + time_diff * 0.25;
opacity *= time_diff;
if (!yutani_window_is_top(yg, window) && !yutani_window_is_bottom(yg, window) &&
!(window->server_flags & YUTANI_WINDOW_FLAG_ALT_ANIMATION)) {
int t_x = (window->width * (1.0 - x)) / 2;
int t_y = (window->height * (1.0 - x)) / 2;
gfx_matrix_translate(m, t_x, t_y);
gfx_matrix_scale(m, x, x);
goto draw_window;
draw_sprite_transform(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, m, opacity);
} else {
if (window->opacity != 255) {
double opacity = (double)(window->opacity) / 255.0;
if (window == yg->resizing_window) {
draw_sprite_scaled_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x + (int)yg->resizing_offset_x, window->y + (int)yg->resizing_offset_y, yg->resizing_w, yg->resizing_h, opacity);
} else {
if (window->rotation) {
draw_sprite_rotate(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x + window->width / 2, window->y + window->height / 2, (double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0, opacity);
} else {
draw_sprite_alpha(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y, opacity);
} else {
if (window == yg->resizing_window) {
draw_sprite_scaled(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x + (int)yg->resizing_offset_x, window->y + (int)yg->resizing_offset_y, yg->resizing_w, yg->resizing_h);
} else {
if (window->rotation) {
draw_sprite_rotate(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x + window->width / 2, window->y + window->height / 2, (double)window->rotation * M_PI / 180.0, 1.0);
} else {
draw_sprite(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y);
draw_sprite(yg->backend_ctx, &_win_sprite, window->x, window->y);
return 0;

View File

@ -129,4 +129,13 @@ extern uint32_t gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern(int32_t x, int32_t y, double alpha
extern gfx_context_t * init_graphics_subregion(gfx_context_t * base, int x, int y, int width, int height);
typedef double gfx_matrix_t[2][3];
extern void gfx_matrix_identity(gfx_matrix_t);
extern void gfx_matrix_scale(gfx_matrix_t, double x, double y);
extern void gfx_matrix_translate(gfx_matrix_t, double x, double y);
extern void gfx_matrix_rotate(gfx_matrix_t, double rotation);
extern void draw_sprite_transform(gfx_context_t * ctx, sprite_t * sprite, double matrix[2][3], float alpha);

View File

@ -1122,6 +1122,136 @@ void draw_sprite_rotate(gfx_context_t * ctx, sprite_t * sprite, int32_t x, int32
static void apply_matrix(double x, double y, gfx_matrix_t matrix, double *out_x, double *out_y) {
*out_x = matrix[0][0] * x + matrix[0][1] * y + matrix[0][2];
*out_y = matrix[1][0] * x + matrix[1][1] * y + matrix[1][2];
static void multiply_matrix(gfx_matrix_t x, gfx_matrix_t y) {
double a = x[0][0];
double b = x[0][1];
double c = x[0][2];
double d = x[1][0];
double e = x[1][1];
double f = x[1][2];
double g = y[0][0];
double h = y[0][1];
double i = y[0][2];
double j = y[1][0];
double k = y[1][1];
double l = y[1][2];
x[0][0] = a * g + b * j;
x[0][1] = a * h + b * k;
x[0][2] = a * i + b * l + c;
x[1][0] = d * g + e * j;
x[1][1] = d * h + e * k;
x[1][2] = d * i + e * l + f;
void gfx_matrix_identity(gfx_matrix_t matrix) {
matrix[0][0] = 1;
matrix[0][1] = 0;
matrix[0][2] = 0;
matrix[1][0] = 0;
matrix[1][1] = 1;
matrix[1][2] = 0;
void gfx_matrix_scale(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double x, double y) {
multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){
{x, 0.0, 0.0},
{0.0, y, 0.0},
void gfx_matrix_rotate(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double r) {
multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){
{ cos(r), -sin(r), 0.0},
{ sin(r), cos(r), 0.0},
void gfx_matrix_translate(gfx_matrix_t matrix, double x, double y) {
multiply_matrix(matrix, (gfx_matrix_t){
{ 1.0, 0.0, x },
{ 0.0, 1.0, y },
static double matrix_det(gfx_matrix_t matrix) {
double a = matrix[0][0];
double b = matrix[0][1];
double d = matrix[1][0];
double e = matrix[1][1];
return a * e - b * d;
int gfx_matrix_invert(gfx_matrix_t m, gfx_matrix_t inverse) {
double det = matrix_det(m);
if (det == 0.0) return 1;
double a = m[0][0];
double b = m[0][1];
double c = m[1][0];
double d = m[1][1];
double tx = m[0][2];
double ty = m[1][2];
inverse[0][0] = d * (1.0 / det);
inverse[0][1] = -b * (1.0 / det);
inverse[1][0] = -c * (1.0 / det);
inverse[1][1] = a * (1.0 / det);
inverse[0][2] = (b * ty - d * tx) / det;
inverse[1][2] = (c * tx - a * ty) / det;
return 0;
void draw_sprite_transform(gfx_context_t * ctx, sprite_t * sprite, gfx_matrix_t matrix, float alpha) {
double inverse[2][3];
gfx_matrix_invert(matrix, inverse);
/* Calculate corners */
double ul_x, ul_y;
double ll_x, ll_y;
double ur_x, ur_y;
double lr_x, lr_y;
apply_matrix(0, 0, matrix, &ul_x, &ul_y);
apply_matrix(0, sprite->height, matrix, &ll_x, &ll_y);
apply_matrix(sprite->width, 0, matrix, &ur_x, &ur_y);
apply_matrix(sprite->width, sprite->height, matrix, &lr_x, &lr_y);
/* Calculate bounds */
int32_t _left = fmin(fmin(ul_x, ll_x), fmin(ur_x, lr_x));
int32_t _top = fmin(fmin(ul_y, ll_y), fmin(ur_y, lr_y));
int32_t _right = fmax(fmax(ul_x, ll_x), fmax(ur_x, lr_x));
int32_t _bottom = fmax(fmax(ul_y, ll_y), fmax(ur_y, lr_y));
for (int32_t _y = _top; _y < _bottom; ++_y) {
if (_y < 0) continue;
if (_y >= ctx->height) break;
if (!_is_in_clip(ctx, _y)) continue;
for (int32_t _x = _left; _x < _right; ++_x) {
if (_x < 0) continue;
if (_x >= ctx->width) break;
double u, v;
apply_matrix(_x, _y, inverse, &u, &v);
uint32_t n_color = getBilinearFilteredPixelColor(sprite, u / (double)sprite->width, v/(double)sprite->height);
uint32_t f_color = premultiply((n_color & 0xFFFFFF) | ((uint32_t)(255 * alpha) << 24));
f_color = (f_color & 0xFFFFFF) | ((uint32_t)(alpha * _ALP(n_color)) << 24);
GFX(ctx,_x,_y) = alpha_blend_rgba(GFX(ctx,_x,_y), f_color);
uint32_t gfx_vertical_gradient_pattern(int32_t x, int32_t y, double alpha, void * extra) {
struct gradient_definition * gradient = extra;
int base_r = _RED(gradient->top), base_g = _GRE(gradient->top), base_b = _BLU(gradient->top);