panel: cleanup and fix display of window items

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2021-07-26 20:49:57 +09:00
parent fe456850d8
commit a96c7b3f2b
2 changed files with 40 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -1015,6 +1015,28 @@ static void handle_key_event(struct yutani_msg_key_event * ke) {
* Clip text and add ellipsis to fit a specified display width.
static char * ellipsify(char * input, int font_size, struct TT_Font * font, int max_width, int * out_width) {
int len = strlen(input);
char * out = malloc(len + 4);
memcpy(out, input, len + 1);
int width;
tt_set_size(font, font_size);
while ((width = tt_string_width(font, out)) > max_width) {
out[len+0] = '.';
out[len+1] = '.';
out[len+2] = '.';
out[len+3] = '\0';
if (out_width) *out_width = width;
return out;
static void redraw(void) {
@ -1110,39 +1132,12 @@ static void redraw(void) {
if (window_list) {
foreach(node, window_list) {
struct window_ad * ad = node->value;
char * s = "";
char tmp_title[50];
int w = 0;
int w = title_width;
if (APP_OFFSET + i + w > LEFT_BOUND) {
if (title_width > MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) {
memset(tmp_title, 0x0, 50);
int t_l = strlen(ad->name);
if (t_l > 45) {
t_l = 45;
for (int i = 0; i < t_l; ++i) {
tmp_title[i] = ad->name[i];
if (!ad->name[i]) break;
tt_set_size(font, 14);
while (tt_string_width(font, tmp_title) > title_width - ICON_PADDING) {
tmp_title[t_l] = '.';
tmp_title[t_l+1] = '.';
tmp_title[t_l+2] = '.';
tmp_title[t_l+3] = '\0';
w += title_width;
s = tmp_title;
/* Hilight the focused window */
if (ad->flags & 1) {
/* This is the focused window */
@ -1153,56 +1148,20 @@ static void redraw(void) {
/* Get the icon for this window */
sprite_t * icon = icon_get_48(ad->icon);
sprite_t * _tmp_s = create_sprite(48, PANEL_HEIGHT-Y_PAD*2, ALPHA_EMBEDDED);
gfx_context_t * _tmp = init_graphics_sprite(_tmp_s);
draw_fill(_tmp, rgba(0,0,0,0));
/* Draw it, scaled if necessary */
if (icon->width == 48) {
draw_sprite(_tmp, icon, 0, 0);
} else {
draw_sprite_scaled(_tmp, icon, 0, 0, 48, 48);
draw_sprite_alpha(ctx, _tmp_s, APP_OFFSET + i + w - 48 - 2, Y_PAD, 0.7);
sprite_t * _tmp_s = create_sprite(w, PANEL_HEIGHT, ALPHA_EMBEDDED);
gfx_context_t * _tmp = init_graphics_sprite(_tmp_s);
draw_fill(_tmp, rgba(0,0,0,0));
tt_set_size(font, 14);
tt_draw_string(_tmp, font, 0, 14, s, rgb(0,0,0));
blur_context_box(_tmp, 4);
draw_sprite(ctx, _tmp_s, APP_OFFSET + i + 2, TEXT_Y_OFFSET + 2);
if (title_width > MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) {
/* Then draw the window title, with appropriate color */
uint32_t color;
if (j == focused_app) {
/* Current hilighted - title should be a light blue */
} else {
if (ad->flags & 1) {
color = FOCUS_COLOR;
} else {
color = txt_color;
tt_draw_string(ctx, font, APP_OFFSET + i + 2, TEXT_Y_OFFSET + 2 + 14, s, color);
if (title_width >= MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) {
/* Ellipsifiy the title */
char * s = ellipsify(ad->name, 14, font, title_width - 4, NULL);
sprite_t * icon = icon_get_48(ad->icon);
gfx_context_t * subctx = init_graphics_subregion(ctx, APP_OFFSET + i, Y_PAD, w, PANEL_HEIGHT - Y_PAD * 2);
draw_sprite_scaled_alpha(subctx, icon, w - 48 - 2, 0, 48, 48, 0.7);
tt_draw_string_shadow(subctx, font, s, 14, 2, TEXT_Y_OFFSET, (j == focused_app) ? HILIGHT_COLOR : (ad->flags & 1) ? FOCUS_COLOR : txt_color, rgb(0,0,0), 4);
} else {
sprite_t * icon = icon_get_16(ad->icon);
gfx_context_t * subctx = init_graphics_subregion(ctx, APP_OFFSET + i, Y_PAD, w, PANEL_HEIGHT - Y_PAD * 2);
draw_sprite_scaled(subctx, icon, 6, 6, 16, 16);
/* XXX This keeps track of how far left each window list item is
@ -1302,14 +1261,14 @@ static void update_window_list(void) {
int tmp = LEFT_BOUND;
tmp -= APP_OFFSET;
if (tmp < 0) {
title_width = 0;
title_width = 28;
} else {
title_width = tmp / new_window_list->length;
if (title_width > MAX_TEXT_WIDTH) {
title_width = MAX_TEXT_WIDTH;
if (title_width < MIN_TEXT_WIDTH) {
title_width = 0;
title_width = 28;
} else {

View File

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ gfx_context_t * init_graphics_subregion(gfx_context_t * base, int x, int y, int
out->width = width;
out->height = height;
out->stride = base->stride;
out->backbuffer = base->buffer + (base->stride * y) + x * 4;
out->backbuffer = base->backbuffer + (base->stride * y) + x * 4;
out->buffer = base->buffer + (base->stride * y) + x * 4;
if (base->clips) {