cpuwidget: Legend cleanup

This commit is contained in:
K. Lange 2021-10-24 16:39:52 +09:00
parent ca8fc639db
commit 468b1ae22b
1 changed files with 50 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -279,55 +279,70 @@ static void demarcate(gfx_context_t * ctx) {
static void draw_legend_cpu(void) {
int available_width = ctx_cpu->width / cpu_count;
static char * ellipsify(char * input, int font_size, struct TT_Font * font, int max_width, int * out_width) {
int len = strlen(input);
char * out = malloc(len + 4);
memcpy(out, input, len + 1);
int width;
tt_set_size(font, font_size);
while ((width = tt_string_width(font, out)) > max_width) {
out[len+0] = '.';
out[len+1] = '.';
out[len+2] = '.';
out[len+3] = '\0';
if (out_width) *out_width = width;
return out;
static void draw_legend_element(int which, int count, int index, uint32_t color, char * label) {
struct decor_bounds bounds;
decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds);
decor_get_bounds(wina, &bounds);
/* Available display width */
int legend_width = ctx_base->width - bounds.width - 40;
if (legend_width <= 0) return;
/* Calculate graph offset from the usual rule */
int y = bounds.top_height + (which + 1) * (top_pad + graph_height) + which * bottom_pad + 4;
/* Space to give to each unit. */
int unit_width = legend_width / count;
/* Left offset of this unit */
int unit_x = unit_width * index + bounds.left_width + 10;
/* First draw blob */
unit_x, y, 20, 20, 5, color);
if (unit_width > 22) {
char * label_cropped = ellipsify(label, 12, tt_thin, unit_width - 22, NULL);
tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin, 22 + unit_x, y + 14, label_cropped, rgb(0,0,0));
static void draw_legend_cpu(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < cpu_count; ++i) {
char _cpu_name[] = "CPU ";
sprintf(_cpu_name, "CPU %d", i+1);
bounds.left_width + i * available_width + 30,
bounds.top_height + top_pad + graph_height + 5,
20, 20, 5, colors[i]);
tt_set_size(tt_thin, 13);
tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin,
bounds.left_width + i * available_width + 60,
bounds.top_height + top_pad + graph_height + 20,
_cpu_name, rgb(0,0,0));
draw_legend_element(0, cpu_count, i, colors[i], _cpu_name);
static void draw_legend_mem(void) {
struct decor_bounds bounds;
decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds);
bounds.left_width + 30,
bounds.top_height + 2 * (top_pad + graph_height) + bottom_pad + 5,
20, 20, 5, rgb(250,110,240));
tt_set_size(tt_thin, 13);
tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin,
bounds.left_width + 60,
bounds.top_height + 2 * (top_pad + graph_height) + bottom_pad + 20,
"Memory Usage", rgb(0,0,0));
draw_legend_element(1, 1, 0, rgb(250,110,240), "Memory Usage");
static void draw_legend_net(void) {
int available_width = ctx_net->width / if_count;
struct decor_bounds bounds;
decor_get_bounds(NULL, &bounds);
for (int i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) {
char _net_name[300];
sprintf(_net_name, "%s (%s)", (i & 1) ? "TX" : "RX", ifnames[i>>1]);
bounds.left_width + i * available_width + 30,
bounds.top_height + 3 * (top_pad + graph_height) + 2 * bottom_pad + 5,
20, 20, 5, if_colors[i]);
tt_set_size(tt_thin, 13);
tt_draw_string(ctx_base, tt_thin,
bounds.left_width + i * available_width + 60,
bounds.top_height + 3 * (top_pad + graph_height) + 2 * bottom_pad + 20,
_net_name, rgb(0,0,0));
draw_legend_element(2, if_count, i, if_colors[i], _net_name);