2011-03-19 17:01:56 -05:00
\section { History}
\subsection { Documentation History}
This is the first edition of the \toarutitle . Writing of this documentation began on March 17th, 2011. This section is reserved to document future changes to this documentation.
\subsubsection { Revision History}
\begin { itemize}
\item 2011-03-17 \emph { Documentation work begins}
2011-12-25 21:45:02 -06:00
\item 2011-12-25 \emph { Actually bothered to expand the manual}
2011-03-19 17:01:56 -05:00
\end { itemize}
\subsection { Kernel History}
For a complete history of the ToAruOS Kernel, please reference the git commit logs.
\subsubsection { Revision History}
\begin { itemize}
\item 2011-01-15 \emph { Initial commit}
\item 2011-01-20 \emph { Memory paging}
\item 2011-01-28 \emph { EXT2 in-memory read support}
\item 2011-02-04 \emph { Ramdisk moved to \texttt { genext2fs} }
\item 2011-02-07 \emph { Kernel debug shell}
\item 2011-02-10 \emph { Moved to clang for compilation}
\item 2011-02-19 \emph { Serial console}
2011-12-25 21:45:02 -06:00
\item 2011-12-25 \emph { VESA support}
2011-03-19 17:01:56 -05:00
\end { itemize}
\subsection { Userspace History}
No userspace applications or libraries currently exist.