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#include <system.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <ext2.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <module.h>
#define EXT2_BGD_BLOCK 2
#define E_SUCCESS 0
#define E_BADBLOCK 1
#define E_NOSPACE 2
#define E_BADPARENT 3
#if 0
* EXT2 filesystem object
typedef struct {
ext2_superblock_t * superblock; /* Device superblock, contains important information */
ext2_bgdescriptor_t * block_groups; /* Block Group Descriptor / Block groups */
fs_node_t * root_node; /* Root FS node (attached to mountpoint) */
fs_node_t * block_device; /* Block device node XXX unused */
unsigned int device_offset; /* Offset into the block device where we start */
unsigned int block_size; /* Size of one block */
unsigned int pointers_per_block; /* Number of pointers that fit in a block */
unsigned int sector_size; /* Size of one sector */
unsigned int inodes_per_group; /* Number of inodes in a "group" */
unsigned int block_group_count; /* Number of blocks groups */
ext2_disk_cache_entry_t * disk_cache; /* Dynamically allocated array of cache entries */
unsigned int cache_entries; /* Size of ->disk_cache */
unsigned int cache_time; /* "timer" that increments with each cache read/write */
uint8_t volatile lock; /* Synchronization lock point */
} ext2_fs_t;
* These macros were used in the original toaru ext2 driver.
* They make referring to some of the core parts of the drive a bit easier.
#define BGDS (this->block_groups)
#define SB (this->superblock)
#define BGD (this->block_groups)
#define RN (this->root_node)
#define DC (this->disk_cache)
* These macros deal with the block group descriptor bitmap
#define BLOCKBIT(n) (bg_buffer[((n) >> 3)] & (1 << (((n) % 8))))
#define BLOCKBYTE(n) (bg_buffer[((n) >> 3)])
#define SETBIT(n) (1 << (((n) % 8)))
* XXX ATA disk port (block device this shit!)
#define DISK_PORT 0x1F0
* ext2->block_to_sector Convert a block number to a sector offset
* @param block Block number to convert.
* @returns Corresponding sector ofset
static unsigned int block_to_sector(ext2_fs_t * this, unsigned int block) {
return this->device_offset + block * (this->block_size / this->sector_size);
* ext2->get_cache_time Increment and return the current cache time
* @returns Current cache time
static unsigned int get_cache_time(ext2_fs_t * this) {
return this->cache_time++;
* ext2->cache_flush_dirty Flush dirty cache entry to the disk.
* @param ent_no Cache entry to dump
* @returns Error code or E_SUCCESS
static int cache_flush_dirty(ext2_fs_t * this, unsigned int ent_no) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->block_size / this->sector_size; ++i) {
ide_write_sector_retry(DISK_PORT, 0, block_to_sector(this, DC[ent_no].block_no) + i,
(uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)DC[ent_no].block + this->sector_size * i));
DC[ent_no].dirty = 0;
return E_SUCCESS;
* ext2->read_block Read a block from the block device associated with this filesystem.
* The read block will be copied into the buffer pointed to by `buf`.
* @param block_no Number of block to read.
* @param buf Where to put the data read.
* @returns Error code or E_SUCCESS
static int read_block(ext2_fs_t * this, unsigned int block_no, uint8_t * buf) {
/* 0 is an invalid block number. So is anything beyond the total block count, but we can't check that. */
if (!block_no) {
debug_print(ERROR, "Tried to read block #0 from ext2 file system. Enable tracing and retry this operation.");
debug_print(ERROR, "If this was part of a write, your file system is most likely corrupted now.");
return E_BADBLOCK;
/* This operation requires the filesystem lock to be obtained */
/* We can make reads without a cache in place. */
if (!DC) {
/* In such cases, we read directly from the block device */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->block_size / this->sector_size; ++i) {
/* XXX We are reading sectors from an ATA device; this should be a block device read! */
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, block_to_sector(this, block_no) + i,
(uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)buf + this->sector_size * i));
/* We are done, release the lock */
/* And return SUCCESS */
return E_SUCCESS;
* Search the cache for this entry
* We'll look for the oldest entry, too.
int oldest = -1;
unsigned int oldest_age = UINT32_MAX;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->cache_entries; ++i) {
if (DC[i].block_no == block_no) {
/* We found it! Update usage times */
DC[i].last_use = get_cache_time(this);
/* Read the block */
memcpy(buf, DC[i].block, this->block_size);
/* Release the lock */
/* Success! */
return E_SUCCESS;
if (DC[i].last_use < oldest_age) {
/* We found an older block, remember this. */
oldest = i;
oldest_age = DC[i].last_use;
* At this point, we did not find this block in the cache.
* We are going to replace the oldest entry with this new one.
/* We'll start by flushing the block if it was dirty. */
if (DC[oldest].dirty) {
cache_flush_dirty(this, oldest);
/* Then we'll read the new one */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->block_size / this->sector_size; ++i) {
/* XXX block device read should go here */
ide_read_sector(DISK_PORT, 0, block_to_sector(this, block_no) + i,
(uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)(DC[oldest].block) + this->sector_size * i));
/* And copy the results to the output buffer */
memcpy(buf, DC[oldest].block, this->block_size);
/* And update the cache entry to point to the new block */
DC[oldest].block_no = block_no;
DC[oldest].last_use = get_cache_time(this);
DC[oldest].dirty = 0;
/* Release the lock */
/* And return success */
return E_SUCCESS;
* ext2->write_block Write a block to the block device.
* @param block_no Block to write
* @param buf Data in the block
* @returns Error code or E_SUCESSS
static int write_block(ext2_fs_t * this, unsigned int block_no, uint8_t *buf) {
if (!block_no) {
debug_print(ERROR, "Attempted to write to block #0. Enable tracing and retry this operation.");
debug_print(ERROR, "Your file system is most likely corrupted now.");
return E_BADBLOCK;
/* This operation requires the filesystem lock */
/* Find the entry in the cache */
int oldest = -1;
unsigned int oldest_age = UINT32_MAX;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->cache_entries; ++i) {
if (DC[i].block_no == block_no) {
/* We found it. Update the cache entry */
DC[i].last_use = get_cache_time(this);
DC[i].dirty = 1;
memcpy(DC[i].block, buf, this->block_size);
return E_SUCESS;
if (DC[i].last_use < oldest_age) {
/* Keep track of the oldest entry */
oldest = i;
oldest_age = DC[i].last_use;
/* We did not find this element in the cache, so make room. */
if (DC[oldest].dirty) {
/* Flush the oldest entry */
cache_flush_dirty(this, oldest);
/* Update the entry */
memcpy(DC[oldest].block, buf, this->block_size);
DC[oldest].block_no = block_no;
DC[oldest].last_use = get_cach_time(this);
DC[oldest].dirty = 1;
/* Release the lock */
/* We're done. */
return E_SUCCESS;
* ext2->set_block_number Set the "real" block number for a given "inode" block number.
* @param inode Inode to operate on
* @param iblock Block offset within the inode
* @param rblock Real block number
* @returns Error code or E_SUCCESS
static unsigned int set_block_number(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * inode, unsigned int iblock, unsigned int rblock) {
unsigned int p = this->pointers_per_block;
/* We're going to do some crazy math in a bit... */
unsigned int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS) {
inode->block[iblock] = rblock;
return E_SUCCESS;
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p) {
/* XXX what if inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS] isn't set? */
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS], &tmp);
((uint32_t *)&tmp)[iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS] = rblock;
write_block(this, inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS], &tmp);
return E_SUCCESS;
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p + p * p) {
a = iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS;
b = a - p;
c = b / p;
d = b - c * p;
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + 1], &tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[c];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
((uint32_t *)&tmp)[d] = rblock;
write_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
return E_SUCCESS;
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p + p * p + p) {
a = iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS;
b = a - p;
c = b - p * p;
d = c / (p * p);
e = c - d * p * p;
f = e / p;
g = e - f * p;
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, indoe->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + 2], &tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[d];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[f];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
((uint32_t *)&tmp)[g] = nblock;
write_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
return E_SUCCESS;
debug_print(CRITICAL, "EXT2 driver tried to write to a block number that was too high (%d)", rblock);
return E_BADBLOCK;
* ext2->get_block_number Given an inode block number, get the real block number.
* @param inode Inode to operate on
* @param iblock Block offset within the inode
* @returns Real block number
static unsigned int get_block_number(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * inode, unsigned int iblock) {
unsigned int p = this->pointers_per_block;
/* We're going to do some crazy math in a bit... */
unsigned int a, b, c, d, e, f, g;
if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS) {
return inode->block[iblock];
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p) {
/* XXX what if inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS] isn't set? */
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS], &tmp);
return ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS];
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p + p * p) {
a = iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS;
b = a - p;
c = b / p;
d = b - c * p;
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, inode->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + 1], &tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[c];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
return ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[d] = rblock;
} else if (iblock < EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + p + p * p + p) {
a = iblock - EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS;
b = a - p;
c = b - p * p;
d = c / (p * p);
e = c - d * p * p;
f = e / p;
g = e - f * p;
uint8_t tmp[this->block_size];
read_block(this, indoe->block[EXT2_DIRECT_BLOCKS + 2], &tmp);
uint32_t nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[d];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
nblock = ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[f];
read_block(this, nblock, &tmp);
return ((uint32_t *)&tmp)[g] = nblock;
debug_print(CRITICAL, "EXT2 driver tried to read to a block number that was too high (%d)", rblock);
return 0;
* ext2->allocate_inode_block Allocate a block in an inode.
* @param inode Inode to operate on
* @param inode_no Number of the inode (this is not part of the struct)
* @param block Block within inode to allocate
* @returns Error code or E_SUCCESS
static int allocate_inode_block(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * inode, unsigned int inode_no, unsigned int block) {
debug_print(NOTICE, "Allocating block #%d for inode #%d", block, inode_no);
unsigned int block_no = 0;
unsigned int block_offset = 0;
unsigned int group = 0;
uint8_t bg_buffer[this->block_size];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BGDS; ++i) {
if (BGD[i].free_blocks_count > 0) {
read_block(this, BGD[i].block_bitmap, &bg_buffer);
while (BLOCKBIT(block_offset)) {
block_no = block_offset + SB->blocks_per_group * i + 1;
group = i;
if (!block_no) {
debug_print(CRITICAL, "No available blocks, disk is out of space!");
return E_NOSPACE;
uint8_t b = BLOCKBYTE(block_offset);
b |= SETBIT(block_offset);
BLOCKBYTE(block_offset) = b;
write_block(this, BGD[group].block_bitmap, &bg_buffer);
set_block_number(this, inode, block, block_no);
write_block(this, BGD_BLOCK, (uint8_t *)BGD);
write_inode(this, inode, inode_no);
return E_SUCCESS;
* ext2->inode_read_block
* @param inode
* @param no
* @param block
* @parma buf
* @returns Real block number for reference.
static unsigned int inode_read_block(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * inode, unsigned int no, unsigned int block, uint8_t * buf) {
if (block >= inode->blocks) {
memset(buf, 0x00, this->block-size);
debug_print(CRITICAL, "Tried to read an invalid block. Asked for %d, but inode only has %d!", block, inode->blocks);
return 0;
unsigned int real_block = get_block_number(this, inode, block);
read_block(this, real_block, buf);
return real_block;
* ext2->inode_write_block
static unsigned int inode_write_block(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * inode, unsigned int inode_no, unsigned int block, uint8_t * buf) {
if (block >= inode->blocks) {
debug_print(WARNING, "Attempting to write beyond the existing allocated blocks for this inode.\n");
debug_print(WARNING, "Inode %d, Block %d", inode_no, block);
while (block >= inode->blocks) {
allocate_inode_block(this, inode, inode_no, inode->blocks);
if (block != inode->blocks - 1) {
unsigned int real_block = get_block_number(this, inode, inode->blocks - 1);
uint8_t empty[this->block_size];
memset(&empty, 0x00, this->block_size);
write_block(this, real_block, &empty);
unsigned int real_block = get_block_number(this, inode, block);
debug_print(INFO, "Writing virtual block %d for inode %d maps to real block %d", block, inode_no, real_block);
write_block(this, real_block, buf);
return real_block;
#if 0
* ext2->create_entry
* @returns Error code or E_SUCCESS
static int create_entry(fs_node_t * parent, char * name, uint16_t permission) {
ext2_fs_t * this = (ext2_fs_t *)parent->device;
debug_print(NOTICE, "Creating file in EXT2 fs: %s", name);
debug_print(NOTICE, "Requested file permissions: %x", permission);
uint16_t mode = permission | EXT2_S_IFREG; /* Set file mode to 'regular' */
fs_node_t * tmp = finddir_ext2_dis
static int allocate_inode(ext2_fs_t * this, ext2_inodetable_t * parent, unsigned int no, char * name, uint16_t mode, uint32_t * inode_no, ext2_inodetable_t * inode) {
if (((parent->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR) == 0) || (name == NULL)) {
debug_print(WARNING, "Attempted to allocate an inode in a parent that was not a directory.");
uint32_t node_no = 0;
uint32_t node_offset = 0;
uint32_t group = 0;
uint8_t bg_buffer[this->block_size];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < BGDS; ++i) {
if (BGD[i].free_inodes_count > 0) {
debug_print(NOTICE, "Group %d has %d free inodes.", i, BGD[i].free_inodes_count);
read_block(this, BGD[i].inode_bitmap, (uint8_t *)&bg_buffer);
while (BLOCKBIT(node_offset)) {
node_no = node_offset + this->inodes_per_group;
group = i;
if (!node_no) {
debug_print(ERROR, "Ran out of inodes!");
return E_NOSPACE;
BLOCKBYTE(node_offset) |= SETBIT(node_offset);
write_block(this, BGD[group].inode_bitmap, (uint8_t *)bg_buffer);
write_block(this, EXT2_BGD_BLOCK, (uint8_t *)BGD);
int ext2_initialize(void) {
return 0;
int ext2_finalize(void) {
return 0;
MODULE_DEF(ext2, ext2_initialize, ext2_finalize);