2015-05-21 03:12:09 -04:00
/* vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms
* of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md
* Copyright (C) 2015 Dale Weiler
* Standard C library for kernel
#include <system.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define ALIGN (sizeof(size_t))
#define ONES ((size_t)-1/UCHAR_MAX)
#define HIGHS (ONES * (UCHAR_MAX/2+1))
#define HASZERO(X) (((X)-ONES) & ~(X) & HIGHS)
#define BITOP(A, B, OP) \
((A)[(size_t)(B)/(8*sizeof *(A))] OP (size_t)1<<((size_t)(B)%(8*sizeof *(A))))
void * memcpy(void * restrict dest, const void * restrict src, size_t n) {
2015-05-26 23:38:21 -07:00
asm volatile("rep movsb"
: "=c"((int){0})
2015-05-21 03:13:47 -04:00
: "D"(dest), "S"(src), "c"(n)
2015-05-26 23:38:21 -07:00
: "flags", "memory");
2015-05-21 03:12:09 -04:00
return dest;
void * memset(void * dest, int c, size_t n) {
2015-05-26 23:38:21 -07:00
asm volatile("rep stosb"
: "=c"((int){0})
2015-05-21 03:12:09 -04:00
: "D"(dest), "a"(c), "c"(n)
2015-05-26 23:38:21 -07:00
: "flags", "memory");
2015-05-21 03:12:09 -04:00
return dest;
int memcmp(const void * vl, const void * vr, size_t n) {
const unsigned char *l = vl;
const unsigned char *r = vr;
for (; n && *l == *r; n--, l++, r++);
return n ? *l-*r : 0;
void * memchr(const void * src, int c, size_t n) {
const unsigned char * s = src;
c = (unsigned char)c;
for (; ((uintptr_t)s & (ALIGN - 1)) && n && *s != c; s++, n--);
if (n && *s != c) {
const size_t * w;
size_t k = ONES * c;
for (w = (const void *)s; n >= sizeof(size_t) && !HASZERO(*w^k); w++, n -= sizeof(size_t));
for (s = (const void *)w; n && *s != c; s++, n--);
return n ? (void *)s : 0;
void * memrchr(const void * m, int c, size_t n) {
const unsigned char * s = m;
c = (unsigned char)c;
while (n--) {
if (s[n] == c) {
return (void*)(s+n);
return 0;
void * memmove(void * dest, const void * src, size_t n) {
char * d = dest;
const char * s = src;
if (d==s) {
return d;
if (s+n <= d || d+n <= s) {
return memcpy(d, s, n);
if (d<s) {
if ((uintptr_t)s % sizeof(size_t) == (uintptr_t)d % sizeof(size_t)) {
while ((uintptr_t)d % sizeof(size_t)) {
if (!n--) {
return dest;
*d++ = *s++;
for (; n >= sizeof(size_t); n -= sizeof(size_t), d += sizeof(size_t), s += sizeof(size_t)) {
*(size_t *)d = *(size_t *)s;
for (; n; n--) {
*d++ = *s++;
} else {
if ((uintptr_t)s % sizeof(size_t) == (uintptr_t)d % sizeof(size_t)) {
while ((uintptr_t)(d+n) % sizeof(size_t)) {
if (!n--) {
return dest;
d[n] = s[n];
while (n >= sizeof(size_t)) {
n -= sizeof(size_t);
*(size_t *)(d+n) = *(size_t *)(s+n);
while (n) {
d[n] = s[n];
return dest;
int strcmp(const char * l, const char * r) {
for (; *l == *r && *l; l++, r++);
return *(unsigned char *)l - *(unsigned char *)r;
size_t strlen(const char * s) {
const char * a = s;
const size_t * w;
for (; (uintptr_t)s % ALIGN; s++) {
if (!*s) {
return s-a;
for (w = (const void *)s; !HASZERO(*w); w++);
for (s = (const void *)w; *s; s++);
return s-a;
char * strdup(const char * s) {
size_t l = strlen(s);
return memcpy(malloc(l+1), s, l+1);
char * stpcpy(char * restrict d, const char * restrict s) {
size_t * wd;
const size_t * ws;
if ((uintptr_t)s % ALIGN == (uintptr_t)d % ALIGN) {
for (; (uintptr_t)s % ALIGN; s++, d++) {
if (!(*d = *s)) {
return d;
wd = (void *)d;
ws = (const void *)s;
for (; !HASZERO(*ws); *wd++ = *ws++);
d = (void *)wd;
s = (const void *)ws;
for (; (*d=*s); s++, d++);
return d;
char * strcpy(char * restrict dest, const char * restrict src) {
stpcpy(dest, src);
return dest;
size_t strspn(const char * s, const char * c) {
const char * a = s;
size_t byteset[32/sizeof(size_t)] = { 0 };
if (!c[0]) {
return 0;
if (!c[1]) {
for (; *s == *c; s++);
return s-a;
for (; *c && BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)c, |=); c++);
for (; *s && BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)s, &); s++);
return s-a;
char * strchrnul(const char * s, int c) {
size_t * w;
size_t k;
c = (unsigned char)c;
if (!c) {
return (char *)s + strlen(s);
for (; (uintptr_t)s % ALIGN; s++) {
if (!*s || *(unsigned char *)s == c) {
return (char *)s;
k = ONES * c;
for (w = (void *)s; !HASZERO(*w) && !HASZERO(*w^k); w++);
for (s = (void *)w; *s && *(unsigned char *)s != c; s++);
return (char *)s;
char * strchr(const char * s, int c) {
char *r = strchrnul(s, c);
return *(unsigned char *)r == (unsigned char)c ? r : 0;
char * strrchr(const char * s, int c) {
return memrchr(s, c, strlen(s) + 1);
size_t strcspn(const char * s, const char * c) {
const char *a = s;
if (c[0] && c[1]) {
size_t byteset[32/sizeof(size_t)] = { 0 };
for (; *c && BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)c, |=); c++);
for (; *s && !BITOP(byteset, *(unsigned char *)s, &); s++);
return s-a;
return strchrnul(s, *c)-a;
char * strpbrk(const char * s, const char * b) {
s += strcspn(s, b);
return *s ? (char *)s : 0;
static char *strstr_2b(const unsigned char * h, const unsigned char * n) {
uint16_t nw = n[0] << 8 | n[1];
uint16_t hw = h[0] << 8 | h[1];
for (h++; *h && hw != nw; hw = hw << 8 | *++h);
return *h ? (char *)h-1 : 0;
static char *strstr_3b(const unsigned char * h, const unsigned char * n) {
uint32_t nw = n[0] << 24 | n[1] << 16 | n[2] << 8;
uint32_t hw = h[0] << 24 | h[1] << 16 | h[2] << 8;
for (h += 2; *h && hw != nw; hw = (hw|*++h) << 8);
return *h ? (char *)h-2 : 0;
static char *strstr_4b(const unsigned char * h, const unsigned char * n) {
uint32_t nw = n[0] << 24 | n[1] << 16 | n[2] << 8 | n[3];
uint32_t hw = h[0] << 24 | h[1] << 16 | h[2] << 8 | h[3];
for (h += 3; *h && hw != nw; hw = hw << 8 | *++h);
return *h ? (char *)h-3 : 0;
static char *strstr_twoway(const unsigned char * h, const unsigned char * n) {
size_t mem;
size_t mem0;
size_t byteset[32 / sizeof(size_t)] = { 0 };
size_t shift[256];
size_t l;
/* Computing length of needle and fill shift table */
for (l = 0; n[l] && h[l]; l++) {
BITOP(byteset, n[l], |=);
shift[n[l]] = l+1;
if (n[l]) {
return 0; /* hit the end of h */
/* Compute maximal suffix */
size_t ip = -1;
size_t jp = 0;
size_t k = 1;
size_t p = 1;
while (jp+k<l) {
if (n[ip+k] == n[jp+k]) {
if (k == p) {
jp += p;
k = 1;
} else {
} else if (n[ip+k] > n[jp+k]) {
jp += k;
k = 1;
p = jp - ip;
} else {
ip = jp++;
k = p = 1;
size_t ms = ip;
size_t p0 = p;
/* And with the opposite comparison */
ip = -1;
jp = 0;
k = p = 1;
while (jp+k<l) {
if (n[ip+k] == n[jp+k]) {
if (k == p) {
jp += p;
k = 1;
} else {
} else if (n[ip+k] < n[jp+k]) {
jp += k;
k = 1;
p = jp - ip;
} else {
ip = jp++;
k = p = 1;
if (ip+1 > ms+1) {
ms = ip;
} else {
p = p0;
/* Periodic needle? */
if (memcmp(n, n+p, ms+1)) {
mem0 = 0;
p = MAX(ms, l-ms-1) + 1;
} else {
mem0 = l-p;
mem = 0;
/* Initialize incremental end-of-haystack pointer */
const unsigned char * z = h;
/* Search loop */
for (;;) {
/* Update incremental end-of-haystack pointer */
if ((size_t)(z-h) < l) {
/* Fast estimate for MIN(l,63) */
size_t grow = l | 63;
const unsigned char *z2 = memchr(z, 0, grow);
if (z2) {
z = z2;
if ((size_t)(z-h) < l) {
return 0;
} else {
z += grow;
/* Check last byte first; advance by shift on mismatch */
if (BITOP(byteset, h[l-1], &)) {
k = l-shift[h[l-1]];
if (k) {
if (mem0 && mem && k < p) k = l-p;
h += k;
mem = 0;
} else {
h += l;
mem = 0;
/* Compare right half */
for (k=MAX(ms+1,mem); n[k] && n[k] == h[k]; k++);
if (n[k]) {
h += k-ms;
mem = 0;
/* Compare left half */
for (k=ms+1; k>mem && n[k-1] == h[k-1]; k--);
if (k <= mem) {
return (char *)h;
h += p;
mem = mem0;
char *strstr(const char * h, const char * n) {
/* Return immediately on empty needle */
if (!n[0]) {
return (char *)h;
/* Use faster algorithms for short needles */
h = strchr(h, *n);
if (!h || !n[1]) {
return (char *)h;
if (!h[1]) return 0;
if (!n[2]) return strstr_2b((void *)h, (void *)n);
if (!h[2]) return 0;
if (!n[3]) return strstr_3b((void *)h, (void *)n);
if (!h[3]) return 0;
if (!n[4]) return strstr_4b((void *)h, (void *)n);
/* Two-way on large needles */
return strstr_twoway((void *)h, (void *)n);
static inline int isdigit(int ch) {
return (unsigned int)ch-'0' < 10;
static inline int isspace(int ch) {
return ch == ' ' || (unsigned int)ch-'\t' < 5;
int atoi(const char * s) {
int n = 0;
int neg = 0;
while (isspace(*s)) {
switch (*s) {
case '-':
neg = 1;
/* Fallthrough is intentional here */
case '+':
while (isdigit(*s)) {
n = 10*n - (*s++ - '0');
/* The sign order may look incorrect here but this is correct as n is calculated
* as a negative number to avoid overflow on INT_MAX.
return neg ? n : -n;
char * strtok_r(char * str, const char * delim, char ** saveptr) {
char * token;
if (str == NULL) {
str = *saveptr;
str += strspn(str, delim);
if (*str == '\0') {
*saveptr = str;
return NULL;
token = str;
str = strpbrk(token, delim);
if (str == NULL) {
*saveptr = (char *)lfind(token, '\0');
} else {
*str = '\0';
*saveptr = str + 1;
return token;