2021-11-26 06:41:56 +03:00
* @brief Configure the weather information 'daemon'
* Messes with /etc/weather.json so it needs root for now...
* @copyright
* This file is part of ToaruOS and is released under the terms
* of the NCSA / University of Illinois License - see LICENSE.md
* Copyright (C) 2018-2021 K. Lange
2020-03-28 17:21:25 +03:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <toaru/json.h>
#include <toaru/hashmap.h>
#include <toaru/list.h>
typedef struct JSON_Value Value;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Value * config = json_parse_file("/etc/weather.json");
if (config) {
char * city = JSON_KEY(config, "city")->string;
char * key = JSON_KEY(config, "key")->string;
char * __comment = JSON_KEY(config, "--comment")->string;
char * units = JSON_KEY(config, "units")->string;
fprintf(stdout, "City? [%s] ", city);
char ncity[100];
fgets(ncity, 100, stdin);
if (ncity[0] != '\n') {
char * n = strstr(ncity, "\n");
if (n) *n = '\0';
city = ncity;
fprintf(stdout, "Units? [%s] ", units);
char nunits[100];
fgets(nunits, 100, stdin);
if (nunits[0] != '\n') {
char * n = strstr(nunits, "\n");
if (n) *n = '\0';
units = nunits;
FILE * f = fopen("/etc/weather.json", "w");
fprintf(f, "{\n");
fprintf(f, " \"city\": \"%s\",\n", city);
fprintf(f, " \"units\": \"%s\",\n", units);
fprintf(f, "\n");
fprintf(f, " \"--comment\": \"%s\",\n", __comment);
fprintf(f, " \"key\": \"%s\"\n", key);
fprintf(f, "}\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Configuration is not set. A key is required. Please create the file manually.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "(Press ENTER to exit.)\n");
return 0;