315 lines
7.9 KiB
315 lines
7.9 KiB
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <lib/part.h>
#if defined (bios)
# include <drivers/disk.h>
#include <lib/real.h>
#include <lib/libc.h>
#include <lib/blib.h>
#include <lib/print.h>
#include <mm/pmm.h>
#include <fs/file.h>
size_t volume_get_sector_size(struct volume *volume) {
#if defined (bios)
return disk_get_sector_size(volume->drive);
#elif defined (uefi)
return -1;
struct gpt_table_header {
// the head
char signature[8];
uint32_t revision;
uint32_t header_size;
uint32_t crc32;
uint32_t _reserved0;
// the partitioning info
uint64_t my_lba;
uint64_t alternate_lba;
uint64_t first_usable_lba;
uint64_t last_usable_lba;
// the guid
struct guid disk_guid;
// entries related
uint64_t partition_entry_lba;
uint32_t number_of_partition_entries;
uint32_t size_of_partition_entry;
uint32_t partition_entry_array_crc32;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct gpt_entry {
struct guid partition_type_guid;
struct guid unique_partition_guid;
uint64_t starting_lba;
uint64_t ending_lba;
uint64_t attributes;
uint16_t partition_name[36];
} __attribute__((packed));
bool gpt_get_guid(struct guid *guid, struct volume *volume) {
struct gpt_table_header header = {0};
int sector_size = volume_get_sector_size(volume);
// read header, located after the first block
volume_read(volume, &header, sector_size * 1, sizeof(header));
// check the header
if (strncmp(header.signature, "EFI PART", 8))
return false;
if (header.revision != 0x00010000)
return false;
*guid = header.disk_guid;
return true;
static int gpt_get_part(struct volume *ret, struct volume *volume, int partition) {
struct gpt_table_header header = {0};
int sector_size = volume_get_sector_size(volume);
// read header, located after the first block
volume_read(volume, &header, sector_size * 1, sizeof(header));
// check the header
if (strncmp(header.signature, "EFI PART", 8))
if (header.revision != 0x00010000)
// parse the entries if reached here
if ((uint32_t)partition >= header.number_of_partition_entries)
return END_OF_TABLE;
struct gpt_entry entry = {0};
volume_read(volume, &entry,
(header.partition_entry_lba * sector_size) + (partition * sizeof(entry)),
struct guid empty_guid = {0};
if (!memcmp(&entry.unique_partition_guid, &empty_guid, sizeof(struct guid)))
ret->drive = volume->drive;
ret->partition = partition;
ret->sector_size = sector_size;
ret->first_sect = entry.starting_lba;
ret->sect_count = (entry.ending_lba - entry.starting_lba) + 1;
struct guid guid;
if (!fs_get_guid(&guid, ret)) {
ret->guid_valid = false;
} else {
ret->guid_valid = true;
ret->guid = guid;
ret->part_guid_valid = true;
ret->part_guid = entry.unique_partition_guid;
return 0;
struct mbr_entry {
uint8_t status;
uint8_t chs_first_sect[3];
uint8_t type;
uint8_t chs_last_sect[3];
uint32_t first_sect;
uint32_t sect_count;
} __attribute__((packed));
static int mbr_get_logical_part(struct volume *ret, struct volume *extended_part,
int partition) {
struct mbr_entry entry;
size_t ebr_sector = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < partition; i++) {
size_t entry_offset = ebr_sector * extended_part->sector_size + 0x1ce;
int r;
r = volume_read(extended_part, &entry, entry_offset, sizeof(struct mbr_entry));
if (r)
return r;
if (entry.type != 0x0f && entry.type != 0x05)
return END_OF_TABLE;
ebr_sector = entry.first_sect;
size_t entry_offset = ebr_sector * extended_part->sector_size + 0x1be;
int r;
r = volume_read(extended_part, &entry, entry_offset, sizeof(struct mbr_entry));
if (r)
return r;
if (entry.type == 0)
ret->drive = extended_part->drive;
ret->partition = partition + 4;
ret->sector_size = volume_get_sector_size(extended_part);
ret->first_sect = extended_part->first_sect + ebr_sector + entry.first_sect;
ret->sect_count = entry.sect_count;
struct guid guid;
if (!fs_get_guid(&guid, ret)) {
ret->guid_valid = false;
} else {
ret->guid_valid = true;
ret->guid = guid;
ret->part_guid_valid = false;
return 0;
static int mbr_get_part(struct volume *ret, struct volume *volume, int partition) {
// Check if actually valid mbr
uint16_t hint = 0;
volume_read(volume, &hint, 444, sizeof(uint16_t));
if (hint && hint != 0x5a5a)
struct mbr_entry entry;
if (partition > 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
size_t entry_offset = 0x1be + sizeof(struct mbr_entry) * i;
int r = volume_read(volume, &entry, entry_offset, sizeof(struct mbr_entry));
if (r)
return r;
if (entry.type != 0x0f)
struct volume extended_part;
extended_part.drive = volume->drive;
extended_part.partition = i;
extended_part.sector_size = volume_get_sector_size(volume);
extended_part.first_sect = entry.first_sect;
extended_part.sect_count = entry.sect_count;
return mbr_get_logical_part(ret, &extended_part, partition - 4);
return END_OF_TABLE;
size_t entry_offset = 0x1be + sizeof(struct mbr_entry) * partition;
int r = volume_read(volume, &entry, entry_offset, sizeof(struct mbr_entry));
if (r)
return r;
if (entry.type == 0)
ret->drive = volume->drive;
ret->partition = partition;
ret->sector_size = volume_get_sector_size(volume);
ret->first_sect = entry.first_sect;
ret->sect_count = entry.sect_count;
struct guid guid;
if (!fs_get_guid(&guid, ret)) {
ret->guid_valid = false;
} else {
ret->guid_valid = true;
ret->guid = guid;
ret->part_guid_valid = false;
return 0;
int part_get(struct volume *part, struct volume *volume, int partition) {
int ret;
ret = gpt_get_part(part, volume, partition);
if (ret != INVALID_TABLE)
return ret;
ret = mbr_get_part(part, volume, partition);
if (ret != INVALID_TABLE)
return ret;
static struct volume *volume_index = NULL;
static size_t volume_index_i = 0;
void volume_create_index(void) {
#if defined (bios)
volume_index_i = disk_create_index(&volume_index);
#elif defined (uefi)
bool volume_get_by_guid(struct volume *part, struct guid *guid) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < volume_index_i; i++) {
if (volume_index[i].guid_valid
&& memcmp(&volume_index[i].guid, guid, 16) == 0) {
goto found;
if (volume_index[i].part_guid_valid
&& memcmp(&volume_index[i].part_guid, guid, 16) == 0) {
goto found;
return false;
*part = volume_index[i];
return true;
bool volume_get_by_coord(struct volume *part, drive_t drive, int partition) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < volume_index_i; i++) {
if (volume_index[i].drive == drive
&& volume_index[i].partition == partition) {
goto found;
return false;
*part = volume_index[i];
return true;
int volume_read(struct volume *part, void *buffer, uint64_t loc, uint64_t count) {
#if defined (bios)
return disk_read(part->drive, buffer,
loc + (part->first_sect * part->sector_size), count);
#elif defined (uefi)
(void)part; (void)buffer; (void)loc; (void)count;
return -1;