2022-02-03 10:38:43 +01:00

113 lines
3.2 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <mm/vmm.h>
#include <mm/pmm.h>
#include <lib/blib.h>
#include <lib/print.h>
#include <sys/cpu.h>
#define PT_SIZE ((uint64_t)0x1000)
typedef uint64_t pt_entry_t;
void vmm_assert_nx(void) {
uint32_t a, b, c, d;
if (!cpuid(0x80000001, 0, &a, &b, &c, &d) || !(d & (1 << 20))) {
panic(false, "vmm: NX functionality not available on this CPU.");
static pt_entry_t *get_next_level(pt_entry_t *current_level, size_t entry) {
pt_entry_t *ret;
if (current_level[entry] & 0x1) {
// Present flag set
ret = (pt_entry_t *)(size_t)(current_level[entry] & ~((pt_entry_t)0xfff));
} else {
// Allocate a table for the next level
ret = ext_mem_alloc(PT_SIZE);
// Present + writable + user (0b111)
current_level[entry] = (pt_entry_t)(size_t)ret | 0b111;
return ret;
pagemap_t new_pagemap(int lv) {
pagemap_t pagemap;
pagemap.levels = lv;
pagemap.top_level = ext_mem_alloc(PT_SIZE);
return pagemap;
static bool is_1gib_page_supported(void) {
// Cache the cpuid result :^)
static bool CACHE_INIT = false;
static bool CACHE = false;
if (!CACHE_INIT) {
// Check if 1GiB pages are supported:
uint32_t eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
CACHE = cpuid(0x80000001, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx) && ((edx & 1 << 26) == 1 << 26);
CACHE_INIT = true;
printv("paging: 1GiB pages are %s!\n", CACHE ? "supported" : "not supported");
return CACHE;
void map_page(pagemap_t pagemap, uint64_t virt_addr, uint64_t phys_addr, uint64_t flags, enum page_size pg_size) {
// Calculate the indices in the various tables using the virtual address
size_t pml5_entry = (virt_addr & ((uint64_t)0x1ff << 48)) >> 48;
size_t pml4_entry = (virt_addr & ((uint64_t)0x1ff << 39)) >> 39;
size_t pml3_entry = (virt_addr & ((uint64_t)0x1ff << 30)) >> 30;
size_t pml2_entry = (virt_addr & ((uint64_t)0x1ff << 21)) >> 21;
size_t pml1_entry = (virt_addr & ((uint64_t)0x1ff << 12)) >> 12;
pt_entry_t *pml5, *pml4, *pml3, *pml2, *pml1;
// Paging levels
switch (pagemap.levels) {
case 5:
pml5 = pagemap.top_level;
goto level5;
case 4:
pml4 = pagemap.top_level;
goto level4;
pml4 = get_next_level(pml5, pml5_entry);
pml3 = get_next_level(pml4, pml4_entry);
if (pg_size == Size1GiB) {
// Check if 1GiB pages are avaliable.
if (is_1gib_page_supported()) {
pml3[pml3_entry] = (pt_entry_t)(phys_addr | flags | (1 << 7));
} else {
// If 1GiB pages are not supported then emulate it by splitting them into
// 2MiB pages.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 0x40000000; i += 0x200000) {
map_page(pagemap, virt_addr + i, phys_addr + i, flags, Size2MiB);
pml2 = get_next_level(pml3, pml3_entry);
if (pg_size == Size2MiB) {
pml2[pml2_entry] = (pt_entry_t)(phys_addr | flags | (1 << 7));
pml1 = get_next_level(pml2, pml2_entry);
pml1[pml1_entry] = (pt_entry_t)(phys_addr | flags);