2022-07-11 01:46:17 +02:00

528 lines
17 KiB

#include <fs/fat32.h>
#include <lib/blib.h>
#include <drivers/disk.h>
#include <lib/libc.h>
#include <lib/print.h>
#include <mm/pmm.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define FAT32_LFN_MAX_ENTRIES 20
#define FAT32_LFN_ATTRIBUTE 0x0F
struct fat32_context {
struct volume *part;
int type;
char *label;
uint16_t bytes_per_sector;
uint8_t sectors_per_cluster;
uint16_t reserved_sectors;
uint8_t number_of_fats;
uint32_t hidden_sectors;
uint32_t sectors_per_fat;
uint32_t fat_start_lba;
uint32_t data_start_lba;
uint32_t root_directory_cluster;
uint16_t root_entries;
uint32_t root_start;
uint32_t root_size;
struct fat32_file_handle {
struct fat32_context context;
uint32_t first_cluster;
uint32_t size_bytes;
uint32_t size_clusters;
uint32_t *cluster_chain;
size_t chain_len;
struct fat32_bpb {
union {
struct {
uint8_t jump[3];
char oem[8];
uint16_t bytes_per_sector;
uint8_t sectors_per_cluster;
uint16_t reserved_sectors;
uint8_t fats_count;
uint16_t root_entries_count;
uint16_t sectors_count_16;
uint8_t media_descriptor_type;
uint16_t sectors_per_fat_16;
uint16_t sectors_per_track;
uint16_t heads_count;
uint32_t hidden_sectors_count;
uint32_t sectors_count_32;
uint32_t sectors_per_fat_32;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t fat_version_number;
uint32_t root_directory_cluster;
uint16_t fs_info_sector;
uint16_t backup_boot_sector;
uint8_t reserved[12];
uint8_t drive_number;
uint8_t nt_flags;
uint8_t signature;
uint32_t volume_serial_number;
char label[11];
char system_identifier[8];
} __attribute__((packed));
uint8_t padding[512];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct fat32_directory_entry {
char file_name_and_ext[8 + 3];
uint8_t attribute;
uint8_t file_data_1[8];
uint16_t cluster_num_high;
uint8_t file_data_2[4];
uint16_t cluster_num_low;
uint32_t file_size_bytes;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct fat32_lfn_entry {
uint8_t sequence_number;
char name1[10];
uint8_t attribute;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t dos_checksum;
char name2[12];
uint16_t first_cluster;
char name3[4];
} __attribute__((packed));
static int fat32_open_in(struct fat32_context* context, struct fat32_directory_entry* directory, struct fat32_directory_entry* file, const char* name);
static int fat32_init_context(struct fat32_context* context, struct volume *part) {
context->part = part;
struct fat32_bpb bpb;
volume_read(context->part, &bpb, 0, sizeof(struct fat32_bpb));
// Checks for FAT12/16
if (strncmp((((void *)&bpb) + 0x36), "FAT", 3) == 0) {
goto valid;
// Checks for FAT32
if (strncmp((((void *)&bpb) + 0x52), "FAT", 3) == 0) {
goto valid;
// Checks for FAT32 (with 64-bit sector count)
if (strncmp((((void *)&bpb) + 0x03), "FAT32", 5) == 0) {
goto valid;
return 1;
// The following mess to identify the FAT type is from the FAT spec
// at paragraph 3.5
size_t root_dir_sects = ((bpb.root_entries_count * 32) + (bpb.bytes_per_sector - 1)) / bpb.bytes_per_sector;
size_t data_sects = (bpb.sectors_count_16 ?: bpb.sectors_count_32) - (bpb.reserved_sectors + (bpb.fats_count * (bpb.sectors_per_fat_16 ?: bpb.sectors_per_fat_32)) + root_dir_sects);
size_t clusters_count = data_sects / bpb.sectors_per_cluster;
if (clusters_count < 4085) {
context->type = 12;
} else if (clusters_count < 65525) {
context->type = 16;
} else {
context->type = 32;
context->bytes_per_sector = bpb.bytes_per_sector;
context->sectors_per_cluster = bpb.sectors_per_cluster;
context->reserved_sectors = bpb.reserved_sectors;
context->number_of_fats = bpb.fats_count;
context->hidden_sectors = bpb.hidden_sectors_count;
context->sectors_per_fat = context->type == 32 ? bpb.sectors_per_fat_32 : bpb.sectors_per_fat_16;
context->root_directory_cluster = bpb.root_directory_cluster;
context->fat_start_lba = bpb.reserved_sectors;
context->root_entries = bpb.root_entries_count;
context->root_start = context->reserved_sectors + context->number_of_fats * context->sectors_per_fat;
context->root_size = DIV_ROUNDUP(context->root_entries * sizeof(struct fat32_directory_entry), context->bytes_per_sector);
switch (context->type) {
case 12:
case 16:
context->data_start_lba = context->root_start + context->root_size;
case 32:
context->data_start_lba = context->root_start;
// get the volume label
struct fat32_directory_entry _current_directory;
struct fat32_directory_entry *current_directory;
switch (context->type) {
case 12:
case 16:
current_directory = NULL;
case 32:
_current_directory.cluster_num_low = context->root_directory_cluster & 0xFFFF;
_current_directory.cluster_num_high = context->root_directory_cluster >> 16;
current_directory = &_current_directory;
char *vol_label;
if (fat32_open_in(context, current_directory, (struct fat32_directory_entry *)&vol_label, NULL) == 0) {
context->label = vol_label;
} else {
context->label = NULL;
return 0;
static int read_cluster_from_map(struct fat32_context *context, uint32_t cluster, uint32_t *out) {
switch (context->type) {
case 12: {
*out = 0;
uint16_t tmp = 0;
volume_read(context->part, &tmp, context->fat_start_lba * context->bytes_per_sector + (cluster + cluster / 2), sizeof(uint16_t));
if (cluster % 2 == 0) {
*out = tmp & 0xfff;
} else {
*out = tmp >> 4;
case 16:
*out = 0;
volume_read(context->part, out, context->fat_start_lba * context->bytes_per_sector + cluster * sizeof(uint16_t), sizeof(uint16_t));
case 32:
volume_read(context->part, out, context->fat_start_lba * context->bytes_per_sector + cluster * sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(uint32_t));
*out &= 0x0fffffff;
return 0;
static uint32_t *cache_cluster_chain(struct fat32_context *context,
uint32_t initial_cluster,
size_t *_chain_length) {
uint32_t cluster_limit = (context->type == 12 ? 0xfef : 0)
| (context->type == 16 ? 0xffef : 0)
| (context->type == 32 ? 0xfffffef : 0);
if (initial_cluster < 0x2 || initial_cluster > cluster_limit)
return NULL;
uint32_t cluster = initial_cluster;
size_t chain_length;
for (chain_length = 1; ; chain_length++) {
read_cluster_from_map(context, cluster, &cluster);
if (cluster < 0x2 || cluster > cluster_limit)
uint32_t *cluster_chain = ext_mem_alloc(chain_length * sizeof(uint32_t));
cluster = initial_cluster;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chain_length; i++) {
cluster_chain[i] = cluster;
read_cluster_from_map(context, cluster, &cluster);
*_chain_length = chain_length;
return cluster_chain;
static bool read_cluster_chain(struct fat32_context *context,
uint32_t *cluster_chain,
void *buf, uint64_t loc, uint64_t count) {
size_t block_size = context->sectors_per_cluster * context->bytes_per_sector;
for (uint64_t progress = 0; progress < count;) {
uint64_t block = (loc + progress) / block_size;
uint64_t chunk = count - progress;
uint64_t offset = (loc + progress) % block_size;
if (chunk > block_size - offset)
chunk = block_size - offset;
uint64_t base = ((uint64_t)context->data_start_lba + (cluster_chain[block] - 2) * context->sectors_per_cluster) * context->bytes_per_sector;
volume_read(context->part, buf + progress, base + offset, chunk);
progress += chunk;
return true;
// Copy ucs-2 characters to char*
static void fat32_lfncpy(char* destination, const void* source, unsigned int size) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// ignore high bytes
*(((uint8_t*) destination) + i) = *(((uint8_t*) source) + (i * 2));
static bool fat32_filename_to_8_3(char *dest, const char *src) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
bool ext = false;
for (size_t k = 0; k < 8+3; k++)
dest[k] = ' ';
while (src[i]) {
if (src[i] == '.') {
if (ext) {
// This is a double extension here, just give up.
return false;
ext = true;
j = 8;
if (j >= 8+3 || (j >= 8 && !ext)) {
// Filename too long, give up.
return false;
dest[j++] = toupper(src[i++]);
return true;
static int fat32_open_in(struct fat32_context* context, struct fat32_directory_entry* directory, struct fat32_directory_entry* file, const char* name) {
size_t block_size = context->sectors_per_cluster * context->bytes_per_sector;
char current_lfn[FAT32_LFN_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH] = {0};
size_t dir_chain_len;
struct fat32_directory_entry *directory_entries;
if (directory != NULL) {
uint32_t current_cluster_number = directory->cluster_num_low;
if (context->type == 32)
current_cluster_number |= (uint32_t)directory->cluster_num_high << 16;
uint32_t *directory_cluster_chain = cache_cluster_chain(context, current_cluster_number, &dir_chain_len);
if (directory_cluster_chain == NULL)
return -1;
directory_entries = ext_mem_alloc(dir_chain_len * block_size);
read_cluster_chain(context, directory_cluster_chain, directory_entries, 0, dir_chain_len * block_size);
pmm_free(directory_cluster_chain, dir_chain_len * sizeof(uint32_t));
} else {
dir_chain_len = DIV_ROUNDUP(context->root_entries * sizeof(struct fat32_directory_entry), block_size);
directory_entries = ext_mem_alloc(dir_chain_len * block_size);
volume_read(context->part, directory_entries, context->root_start * context->bytes_per_sector, context->root_entries * sizeof(struct fat32_directory_entry));
int ret;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (dir_chain_len * block_size) / sizeof(struct fat32_directory_entry); i++) {
if (directory_entries[i].file_name_and_ext[0] == 0x00) {
// no more entries here
if (name == NULL) {
if (directory_entries[i].attribute != FAT32_ATTRIBUTE_VOLLABEL) {
char *r = ext_mem_alloc(12);
memcpy(r, directory_entries[i].file_name_and_ext, 11);
// remove trailing spaces
for (int j = 10; j >= 0; j--) {
if (r[j] == ' ') {
r[j] = 0;
*((char **)file) = r;
ret = 0;
goto out;
if (directory_entries[i].attribute == FAT32_LFN_ATTRIBUTE) {
struct fat32_lfn_entry* lfn = (struct fat32_lfn_entry*) &directory_entries[i];
if (lfn->sequence_number & 0b01000000) {
// this lfn is the first entry in the table, clear the lfn buffer
memset(current_lfn, ' ', sizeof(current_lfn));
const unsigned int lfn_index = ((lfn->sequence_number & 0b00011111) - 1U) * 13U;
if (lfn_index >= FAT32_LFN_MAX_ENTRIES * 13) {
fat32_lfncpy(current_lfn + lfn_index + 00, lfn->name1, 5);
fat32_lfncpy(current_lfn + lfn_index + 05, lfn->name2, 6);
fat32_lfncpy(current_lfn + lfn_index + 11, lfn->name3, 2);
if (lfn_index != 0)
// remove trailing spaces
for (int j = SIZEOF_ARRAY(current_lfn) - 2; j >= -1; j--) {
if (j == -1 || current_lfn[j] != ' ') {
current_lfn[j + 1] = 0;
if (!strcmp(current_lfn, name)) {
*file = directory_entries[i+1];
ret = 0;
goto out;
if (directory_entries[i].attribute & (1 << 3)) {
// It is a volume label, skip
// SFN
char fn[8+3];
if (!fat32_filename_to_8_3(fn, name)) {
if (!strncmp(directory_entries[i].file_name_and_ext, fn, 8+3)) {
*file = directory_entries[i];
ret = 0;
goto out;
// file not found
ret = -1;
pmm_free(directory_entries, dir_chain_len * block_size);
return ret;
char *fat32_get_label(struct volume *part) {
struct fat32_context context;
if (fat32_init_context(&context, part) != 0) {
return NULL;
return context.label;
static void fat32_read(struct file_handle *handle, void *buf, uint64_t loc, uint64_t count);
static void fat32_close(struct file_handle *file);
struct file_handle *fat32_open(struct volume *part, const char *path) {
struct fat32_context context;
int r = fat32_init_context(&context, part);
if (r) {
return NULL;
struct fat32_directory_entry _current_directory;
struct fat32_directory_entry *current_directory;
struct fat32_directory_entry current_file;
unsigned int current_index = 0;
char current_part[FAT32_LFN_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
// skip trailing slashes
while (path[current_index] == '/') {
// walk down the directory tree
switch (context.type) {
case 12:
case 16:
current_directory = NULL;
case 32:
_current_directory.cluster_num_low = context.root_directory_cluster & 0xFFFF;
_current_directory.cluster_num_high = context.root_directory_cluster >> 16;
current_directory = &_current_directory;
for (;;) {
bool expect_directory = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(current_part); i++) {
if (path[i + current_index] == 0) {
memcpy(current_part, path + current_index, i);
current_part[i] = 0;
expect_directory = false;
if (path[i + current_index] == '/') {
memcpy(current_part, path + current_index, i);
current_part[i] = 0;
current_index += i + 1;
expect_directory = true;
if ((r = fat32_open_in(&context, current_directory, &current_file, current_part)) != 0) {
return NULL;
if (expect_directory) {
_current_directory = current_file;
current_directory = &_current_directory;
} else {
struct file_handle *handle = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct file_handle));
struct fat32_file_handle *ret = ext_mem_alloc(sizeof(struct fat32_file_handle));
ret->context = context;
ret->first_cluster = current_file.cluster_num_low;
if (context.type == 32)
ret->first_cluster |= (uint64_t)current_file.cluster_num_high << 16;
ret->size_clusters = DIV_ROUNDUP(current_file.file_size_bytes, context.bytes_per_sector);
ret->size_bytes = current_file.file_size_bytes;
ret->cluster_chain = cache_cluster_chain(&context, ret->first_cluster, &ret->chain_len);
handle->fd = (void *)ret;
handle->read = (void *)fat32_read;
handle->close = (void *)fat32_close;
handle->size = ret->size_bytes;
handle->vol = part;
#if uefi == 1
handle->efi_part_handle = part->efi_part_handle;
return handle;
static void fat32_read(struct file_handle *file, void *buf, uint64_t loc, uint64_t count) {
struct fat32_file_handle *f = file->fd;
read_cluster_chain(&f->context, f->cluster_chain, buf, loc, count);
static void fat32_close(struct file_handle *file) {
struct fat32_file_handle *f = file->fd;
pmm_free(f->cluster_chain, f->chain_len * sizeof(uint32_t));
pmm_free(f, sizeof(struct fat32_file_handle));
pmm_free(file, sizeof(struct file_handle));