#if defined (bios) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include uint32_t get_boot_server_info() { struct pxenv_get_cached_info cachedinfo = { 0 }; cachedinfo.packet_type = 2; pxe_call(PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&cachedinfo)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&cachedinfo)); struct bootph *ph = (struct bootph*)(void *) (((((uint32_t)cachedinfo.buffer) >> 16) << 4) + (((uint32_t)cachedinfo.buffer) & 0xFFFF)); return ph->sip; } int tftp_open(struct tftp_file_handle *handle, uint32_t server_ip, uint16_t server_port, const char *name) { int ret = 0; if (!server_ip) { struct pxenv_get_cached_info cachedinfo = { 0 }; cachedinfo.packet_type = 2; pxe_call(PXENV_GET_CACHED_INFO, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&cachedinfo)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&cachedinfo)); struct bootph *ph = (struct bootph*)(void *) (((((uint32_t)cachedinfo.buffer) >> 16) << 4) + (((uint32_t)cachedinfo.buffer) & 0xFFFF)); server_ip = ph->sip; } struct PXENV_UNDI_GET_INFORMATION undi_info = { 0 }; ret = pxe_call(UNDI_GET_INFORMATION, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&undi_info)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&undi_info)); if (ret) { return -1; } //TODO figure out a more proper way to do this. uint16_t mtu = undi_info.MaxTranUnit - 48; handle->server_ip = server_ip; handle->server_port = server_port; handle->packet_size = mtu; struct pxenv_get_file_size fsize = { .status = 0, .sip = server_ip, }; strcpy((char*)fsize.name, name); ret = pxe_call(TFTP_GET_FILE_SIZE, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&fsize)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&fsize)); if (ret) { return -1; } handle->file_size = fsize.file_size; volatile struct pxenv_open open = { .status = 0, .sip = server_ip, .port = (server_port) << 8, .packet_size = mtu }; strcpy((char*)open.name, name); ret = pxe_call(TFTP_OPEN, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&open)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&open)); if (ret) { print("failed to open file %x or bad packet size", open.status); return -1; } mtu = open.packet_size; uint8_t *buf = conv_mem_alloc(mtu); handle->data = ext_mem_alloc(handle->file_size); memset(handle->data, 0, handle->file_size); size_t to_transfer = handle->file_size; size_t progress = 0; bool slow = false; while (to_transfer > 0) { volatile struct pxenv_read read = { .boff = ((uint16_t)rm_off(buf)), .bseg = ((uint16_t)rm_seg(buf)), }; ret = pxe_call(TFTP_READ, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&read)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&read)); if (ret) { panic("failed reading"); } memcpy(handle->data + progress, buf, read.bsize); if (read.bsize < mtu && !slow) { slow = true; print("Server is sending the file in smaller packets (it sent %d bytes), download might take longer.\n", read.bsize); } to_transfer -= read.bsize; progress += read.bsize; } uint16_t close = 0; ret = pxe_call(TFTP_CLOSE, ((uint16_t)rm_seg(&close)), (uint16_t)rm_off(&close)); if (ret) { panic("close failed"); } return 0; } int tftp_read(void* fd, void *buf, uint64_t loc, uint64_t count) { struct tftp_file_handle *handle = (struct tftp_file_handle*)fd; if ((loc + count) > handle->file_size) { return -1; } memcpy(buf, handle->data + loc, count); return 0; } #endif