#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void stage3_common(void); #if defined (uefi) __attribute__((naked)) EFI_STATUS efi_main( __attribute__((unused)) EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, __attribute__((unused)) EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable) { // Invalid return address of 0 to end stacktraces here asm ( "pushq $0\n\t" "pushq $0\n\t" "xorl %eax, %eax\n\t" "jmp uefi_entry\n\t" ); } __attribute__((noreturn)) void uefi_entry(EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable) { gST = SystemTable; gBS = SystemTable->BootServices; gRT = SystemTable->RuntimeServices; efi_image_handle = ImageHandle; EFI_STATUS status; init_memmap(); term_vbe(0, 0); early_term = true; print("Limine " LIMINE_VERSION "\n\n"); disk_create_index(); EFI_HANDLE current_handle = ImageHandle; for (;;) { EFI_GUID loaded_img_prot_guid = EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL_GUID; EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL *loaded_image = NULL; status = uefi_call_wrapper(gBS->HandleProtocol, 3, current_handle, &loaded_img_prot_guid, &loaded_image); if (status) { panic("HandleProtocol failure (%x)", status); } boot_volume = disk_volume_from_efi_handle(loaded_image->DeviceHandle); if (boot_volume != NULL) stage3_common(); current_handle = loaded_image->ParentHandle; } } #endif #if defined (bios) __attribute__((section(".stage3_build_id"))) uint64_t stage3_build_id = BUILD_ID; __attribute__((section(".stage3_entry"))) #endif __attribute__((noreturn)) void stage3_common(void) { volume_iterate_parts(boot_volume, if (!init_config_disk(_PART)) { boot_volume = _PART; break; } ); char *verbose_str = config_get_value(NULL, 0, "VERBOSE"); verbose = verbose_str != NULL && strcmp(verbose_str, "yes") == 0; if (verbose) { print("Boot drive: %x\n", boot_volume->index); print("Boot partition: %d\n", boot_volume->partition); } char *cmdline; char *config = menu(&cmdline); char *proto = config_get_value(config, 0, "PROTOCOL"); if (proto == NULL) { panic("PROTOCOL not specified"); } if (!strcmp(proto, "stivale")) { stivale_load(config, cmdline); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "stivale2")) { #if defined (bios) void *efi_system_table = NULL; #elif defined (uefi) void *efi_system_table = gST; #endif stivale2_load(config, cmdline, boot_volume->pxe, efi_system_table); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "linux")) { linux_load(config, cmdline); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "chainload")) { chainload(config); } else if (!strcmp(proto, "multiboot1") || !strcmp(proto, "multiboot")) { multiboot1_load(config, cmdline); } panic("Invalid protocol specified"); }