#include #include #include #include static uint8_t stack[4096] = {0}; void stivale_main(struct stivale_struct *info); __attribute__((section(".stivalehdr"), used)) struct stivale_header header = { .stack = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)stack + sizeof(stack), .framebuffer_bpp = 0, .framebuffer_width = 0, .framebuffer_height = 0, .flags = 1, .entry_point = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)stivale_main }; void stivale_main(struct stivale_struct *info) { // Print some info. e9_puts("Stivale information passed to the kernel:"); e9_printf("Cmdline: %s", (char*)info->cmdline); e9_printf("Memory map at %x with contents:", info->memory_map_addr); struct stivale_mmap_entry *memmap = ((struct stivale_mmap_entry *)(info->memory_map_addr)); for (size_t i = 0; i < info->memory_map_entries; i++) { struct stivale_mmap_entry e = memmap[i]; e9_printf("\tEntry %d: [%x+%x] %x", i, e.base, e.length, e.type); } e9_printf("Framebuffer at %x with specifics:", info->framebuffer_addr); e9_printf("\tPitch: %d", info->framebuffer_pitch); e9_printf("\tWidth: %d", info->framebuffer_width); e9_printf("\tHeight: %d", info->framebuffer_height); e9_printf("\tBPP: %d", info->framebuffer_bpp); e9_printf("RSDP at %x", info->rsdp); e9_printf("Module map at %x with modules:", info->modules); struct stivale_module *modules = ((struct stivale_module *)(info->modules)); for (size_t i = 0; i < info->module_count; i++) { struct stivale_module e = *modules; e9_printf("\tModule %d: [%x+%x] %s", i, e.begin, e.end, e.string); modules = (struct stivale_module *)e.next; } e9_printf("Epoch is %x", info->epoch); e9_printf("Flags are %x", info->flags); // Guru meditation. for (;;); }