CC = i386-elf-gcc LD = i386-elf-gcc OBJCOPY = i386-elf-objcopy OBJDUMP = i386-elf-objdump READELF = i386-elf-readelf BUILD_ID := $(shell dd if=/dev/urandom count=8 bs=1 | od -An -t x8 | sed 's/^ /0x/') LIMINE_VERSION := $(shell git describe --exact-match --tags `git log -n1 --pretty='%h'` || git log -n1 --pretty='%h') WERROR = -Werror CFLAGS = -Os -pipe -Wall -Wextra $(WERROR) INTERNAL_CFLAGS = \ -std=gnu11 \ -fplan9-extensions \ -ffreestanding \ -fno-stack-protector \ -fno-pic \ -fno-omit-frame-pointer \ -Wno-address-of-packed-member \ -masm=intel \ -mno-80387 \ -mno-mmx \ -mno-3dnow \ -mno-sse \ -mno-sse2 \ -MMD \ -DBUILD_ID=$(BUILD_ID) \ -DLIMINE_VERSION='"$(LIMINE_VERSION)"' \ -I. \ -I.. LDFLAGS = -Os INTERNAL_LDFLAGS = \ -lgcc \ -static-libgcc \ -nostdlib \ -no-pie \ -z max-page-size=0x1000 \ -static .PHONY: all clean C_FILES := $(shell find -L ./ -type f -name '*.c' | sort) ASM_FILES := $(shell find -L ./ -type f -name '*.asm' | sort) OBJ := $(ASM_FILES:.asm=.o) $(C_FILES:.c=.o) HEADER_DEPS := $(C_FILES:.c=.d) all: limine.sys stage2.bin stage2.bin.gz stage2.bin.gz: stage2.bin gzip -n -9 < stage2.bin > stage2.bin.gz stage2.bin: limine.sys dd if=limine.sys bs=$$(( 0x$$($(READELF) -S limine.elf | grep .stage3.text | sed 's/^.*] //' | awk '{print $$3}' | sed 's/^0*//') - 0x8000 )) count=1 of=$@ limine_nomap.elf ./ $(OBJDUMP) limine_nomap.elf limine limine.sys: limine.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ limine_nomap.elf: $(OBJ) $(LD) $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_LDFLAGS) -Wl,--gc-sections -Tlinker_stage2only.ld -o $@ || \ ( echo "This error means that stage2 was trying to use stage3 symbols before loading stage 3" && \ false ) $(LD) $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_LDFLAGS) -Tlinker_nomap.ld -o $@ limine.elf: $(OBJ) $(LD) $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_LDFLAGS) -Tlinker.ld -o $@ -include $(HEADER_DEPS) %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ %.o: %.asm nasm $< -f elf32 -o $@ clean: rm -f limine.elf limine_nomap.elf limine.sys stage2.bin stage2.bin.gz $(OBJ) $(HEADER_DEPS)