section .data bits 32 global multiboot_reloc_stub multiboot_reloc_stub: jmp .code times 4-($-multiboot_reloc_stub) db 0 ; EBX = self ; ESI = magic value ; EDI = protocol info ; ECX = entry point ; EAX = ranges ; EDX = ranges count .code: mov esp, .mini_stack_top push edi push esi push ecx .ranges_loop: test edx, edx ; Loop until we're done jz .ranges_loop_out mov esi, [eax] ; ESI = range.elsewhere mov edi, [eax+8] ; EDI = mov ecx, [eax+16] ; ECX = range.length rep movsb ; Copy range to target location add eax, 24 ; Move to the next range dec edx jmp .ranges_loop .ranges_loop_out: ; We're done relocating! pop ecx pop esi pop edi push ecx mov eax, esi ; EAX = magic value mov ebx, edi ; EBX = protocol info xor ecx, ecx xor edx, edx xor esi, esi xor edi, edi xor ebp, ebp ret .mini_stack: times 3 dq 0 .mini_stack_top: global multiboot_reloc_stub_end multiboot_reloc_stub_end: