МЦСТ 5.10

This commit is contained in:
Елчинян Арен 2024-07-09 13:46:46 +03:00
parent 18edf914c8
commit 3e15b318e1
7502 changed files with 974485 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# clang-format configuration file. Intended for clang-format >= 4.
# For more information, see:
# Documentation/process/clang-format.rst
# https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
# https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
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# Taken from:
# git grep -h '^#define [^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*(' include/ \
# | sed "s,^#define \([^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*\)(.*$, - '\1'," \
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- 'apei_estatus_for_each_section'
- 'ata_for_each_dev'
- 'ata_for_each_link'
- '__ata_qc_for_each'
- 'ata_qc_for_each'
- 'ata_qc_for_each_raw'
- 'ata_qc_for_each_with_internal'
- 'ax25_for_each'
- 'ax25_uid_for_each'
- '__bio_for_each_bvec'
- 'bio_for_each_bvec'
- 'bio_for_each_bvec_all'
- 'bio_for_each_integrity_vec'
- '__bio_for_each_segment'
- 'bio_for_each_segment'
- 'bio_for_each_segment_all'
- 'bio_list_for_each'
- 'bip_for_each_vec'
- 'bitmap_for_each_clear_region'
- 'bitmap_for_each_set_region'
- 'blkg_for_each_descendant_post'
- 'blkg_for_each_descendant_pre'
- 'blk_queue_for_each_rl'
- 'bond_for_each_slave'
- 'bond_for_each_slave_rcu'
- 'bpf_for_each_spilled_reg'
- 'btree_for_each_safe128'
- 'btree_for_each_safe32'
- 'btree_for_each_safe64'
- 'btree_for_each_safel'
- 'card_for_each_dev'
- 'cgroup_taskset_for_each'
- 'cgroup_taskset_for_each_leader'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_entry'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_entry_idx'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_valid_entry'
- 'cpufreq_for_each_valid_entry_idx'
- 'css_for_each_child'
- 'css_for_each_descendant_post'
- 'css_for_each_descendant_pre'
- 'device_for_each_child_node'
- 'dma_fence_chain_for_each'
- 'do_for_each_ftrace_op'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_state_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_atomic_crtc_state_for_each_plane_state'
- 'drm_atomic_for_each_plane_damage'
- 'drm_client_for_each_connector_iter'
- 'drm_client_for_each_modeset'
- 'drm_connector_for_each_possible_encoder'
- 'drm_for_each_bridge_in_chain'
- 'drm_for_each_connector_iter'
- 'drm_for_each_crtc'
- 'drm_for_each_encoder'
- 'drm_for_each_encoder_mask'
- 'drm_for_each_fb'
- 'drm_for_each_legacy_plane'
- 'drm_for_each_plane'
- 'drm_for_each_plane_mask'
- 'drm_for_each_privobj'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_hole'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node_in_range'
- 'drm_mm_for_each_node_safe'
- 'flow_action_for_each'
- 'for_each_active_dev_scope'
- 'for_each_active_drhd_unit'
- 'for_each_active_iommu'
- 'for_each_aggr_pgid'
- 'for_each_available_child_of_node'
- 'for_each_bio'
- 'for_each_board_func_rsrc'
- 'for_each_bvec'
- 'for_each_card_auxs'
- 'for_each_card_auxs_safe'
- 'for_each_card_components'
- 'for_each_card_dapms'
- 'for_each_card_pre_auxs'
- 'for_each_card_prelinks'
- 'for_each_card_rtds'
- 'for_each_card_rtds_safe'
- 'for_each_card_widgets'
- 'for_each_card_widgets_safe'
- 'for_each_cgroup_storage_type'
- 'for_each_child_of_node'
- 'for_each_clear_bit'
- 'for_each_clear_bit_from'
- 'for_each_cmsghdr'
- 'for_each_compatible_node'
- 'for_each_component_dais'
- 'for_each_component_dais_safe'
- 'for_each_comp_order'
- 'for_each_console'
- 'for_each_cpu'
- 'for_each_cpu_and'
- 'for_each_cpu_not'
- 'for_each_cpu_wrap'
- 'for_each_dapm_widgets'
- 'for_each_dev_addr'
- 'for_each_dev_scope'
- 'for_each_displayid_db'
- 'for_each_dma_cap_mask'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be_rollback'
- 'for_each_dpcm_be_safe'
- 'for_each_dpcm_fe'
- 'for_each_drhd_unit'
- 'for_each_dss_dev'
- 'for_each_efi_memory_desc'
- 'for_each_efi_memory_desc_in_map'
- 'for_each_element'
- 'for_each_element_extid'
- 'for_each_element_id'
- 'for_each_endpoint_of_node'
- 'for_each_evictable_lru'
- 'for_each_fib6_node_rt_rcu'
- 'for_each_fib6_walker_rt'
- 'for_each_free_mem_pfn_range_in_zone'
- 'for_each_free_mem_pfn_range_in_zone_from'
- 'for_each_free_mem_range'
- 'for_each_free_mem_range_reverse'
- 'for_each_func_rsrc'
- 'for_each_hstate'
- 'for_each_if'
- 'for_each_iommu'
- 'for_each_ip_tunnel_rcu'
- 'for_each_irq_nr'
- 'for_each_link_codecs'
- 'for_each_link_cpus'
- 'for_each_link_platforms'
- 'for_each_lru'
- 'for_each_matching_node'
- 'for_each_matching_node_and_match'
- 'for_each_member'
- 'for_each_mem_region'
- 'for_each_memblock_type'
- 'for_each_memcg_cache_index'
- 'for_each_mem_pfn_range'
- '__for_each_mem_range'
- 'for_each_mem_range'
- '__for_each_mem_range_rev'
- 'for_each_mem_range_rev'
- 'for_each_migratetype_order'
- 'for_each_msi_entry'
- 'for_each_msi_entry_safe'
- 'for_each_net'
- 'for_each_net_continue_reverse'
- 'for_each_netdev'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_continue_reverse'
- 'for_each_netdev_feature'
- 'for_each_netdev_in_bond_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_rcu'
- 'for_each_netdev_reverse'
- 'for_each_netdev_safe'
- 'for_each_net_rcu'
- 'for_each_new_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_new_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_node'
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- 'for_each_node_by_type'
- 'for_each_node_mask'
- 'for_each_node_state'
- 'for_each_node_with_cpus'
- 'for_each_node_with_property'
- 'for_each_nonreserved_multicast_dest_pgid'
- 'for_each_of_allnodes'
- 'for_each_of_allnodes_from'
- 'for_each_of_cpu_node'
- 'for_each_of_pci_range'
- 'for_each_old_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_connector_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_crtc_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_mst_mgr_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_oldnew_plane_in_state_reverse'
- 'for_each_oldnew_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_plane_in_state'
- 'for_each_old_private_obj_in_state'
- 'for_each_online_cpu'
- 'for_each_online_node'
- 'for_each_online_pgdat'
- 'for_each_pci_bridge'
- 'for_each_pci_dev'
- 'for_each_pci_msi_entry'
- 'for_each_pcm_streams'
- 'for_each_physmem_range'
- 'for_each_populated_zone'
- 'for_each_possible_cpu'
- 'for_each_present_cpu'
- 'for_each_prime_number'
- 'for_each_prime_number_from'
- 'for_each_process'
- 'for_each_process_thread'
- 'for_each_property_of_node'
- 'for_each_registered_fb'
- 'for_each_requested_gpio'
- 'for_each_requested_gpio_in_range'
- 'for_each_reserved_mem_range'
- 'for_each_reserved_mem_region'
- 'for_each_rtd_codec_dais'
- 'for_each_rtd_codec_dais_rollback'
- 'for_each_rtd_components'
- 'for_each_rtd_cpu_dais'
- 'for_each_rtd_cpu_dais_rollback'
- 'for_each_rtd_dais'
- 'for_each_set_bit'
- 'for_each_set_bit_from'
- 'for_each_set_clump8'
- 'for_each_sg'
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- 'for_each_sg_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_dma_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_dma_sg'
- 'for_each_sgtable_page'
- 'for_each_sgtable_sg'
- 'for_each_sibling_event'
- 'for_each_subelement'
- 'for_each_subelement_extid'
- 'for_each_subelement_id'
- '__for_each_thread'
- 'for_each_thread'
- 'for_each_unicast_dest_pgid'
- 'for_each_wakeup_source'
- 'for_each_zone'
- 'for_each_zone_zonelist'
- 'for_each_zone_zonelist_nodemask'
- 'fwnode_for_each_available_child_node'
- 'fwnode_for_each_child_node'
- 'fwnode_graph_for_each_endpoint'
- 'gadget_for_each_ep'
- 'genradix_for_each'
- 'genradix_for_each_from'
- 'hash_for_each'
- 'hash_for_each_possible'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_rcu'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_rcu_notrace'
- 'hash_for_each_possible_safe'
- 'hash_for_each_rcu'
- 'hash_for_each_safe'
- 'hctx_for_each_ctx'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_bl_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'hlist_for_each'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry'
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- 'hlist_for_each_entry_continue_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_continue_rcu_bh'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_from'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_from_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu_bh'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_rcu_notrace'
- 'hlist_for_each_entry_safe'
- '__hlist_for_each_rcu'
- 'hlist_for_each_safe'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_from'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'hlist_nulls_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'i3c_bus_for_each_i2cdev'
- 'i3c_bus_for_each_i3cdev'
- 'ide_host_for_each_port'
- 'ide_port_for_each_dev'
- 'ide_port_for_each_present_dev'
- 'idr_for_each_entry'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_continue_ul'
- 'idr_for_each_entry_ul'
- 'in_dev_for_each_ifa_rcu'
- 'in_dev_for_each_ifa_rtnl'
- 'inet_bind_bucket_for_each'
- 'inet_lhash2_for_each_icsk_rcu'
- 'key_for_each'
- 'key_for_each_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_func'
- 'klp_for_each_func_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_func_static'
- 'klp_for_each_object'
- 'klp_for_each_object_safe'
- 'klp_for_each_object_static'
- 'kunit_suite_for_each_test_case'
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- 'kvm_for_each_vcpu'
- 'list_for_each'
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- 'list_for_each_codec_safe'
- 'list_for_each_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_from_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_lockless'
- 'list_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'list_for_each_entry_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_continue'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_from'
- 'list_for_each_entry_safe_reverse'
- 'list_for_each_prev'
- 'list_for_each_prev_safe'
- 'list_for_each_safe'
- 'llist_for_each'
- 'llist_for_each_entry'
- 'llist_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'llist_for_each_safe'
- 'mci_for_each_dimm'
- 'media_device_for_each_entity'
- 'media_device_for_each_intf'
- 'media_device_for_each_link'
- 'media_device_for_each_pad'
- 'nanddev_io_for_each_page'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_dev'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_private'
- 'netdev_for_each_lower_private_rcu'
- 'netdev_for_each_mc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_uc_addr'
- 'netdev_for_each_upper_dev_rcu'
- 'netdev_hw_addr_list_for_each'
- 'nft_rule_for_each_expr'
- 'nla_for_each_attr'
- 'nla_for_each_nested'
- 'nlmsg_for_each_attr'
- 'nlmsg_for_each_msg'
- 'nr_neigh_for_each'
- 'nr_neigh_for_each_safe'
- 'nr_node_for_each'
- 'nr_node_for_each_safe'
- 'of_for_each_phandle'
- 'of_property_for_each_string'
- 'of_property_for_each_u32'
- 'pci_bus_for_each_resource'
- 'pcm_for_each_format'
- 'ping_portaddr_for_each_entry'
- 'plist_for_each'
- 'plist_for_each_continue'
- 'plist_for_each_entry'
- 'plist_for_each_entry_continue'
- 'plist_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'plist_for_each_safe'
- 'pnp_for_each_card'
- 'pnp_for_each_dev'
- 'protocol_for_each_card'
- 'protocol_for_each_dev'
- 'queue_for_each_hw_ctx'
- 'radix_tree_for_each_slot'
- 'radix_tree_for_each_tagged'
- 'rbtree_postorder_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rdma_for_each_block'
- 'rdma_for_each_port'
- 'rdma_umem_for_each_dma_block'
- 'resource_list_for_each_entry'
- 'resource_list_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rhl_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'rhl_for_each_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each'
- 'rht_for_each_entry'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_from'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_rcu_from'
- 'rht_for_each_entry_safe'
- 'rht_for_each_from'
- 'rht_for_each_rcu'
- 'rht_for_each_rcu_from'
- '__rq_for_each_bio'
- 'rq_for_each_bvec'
- 'rq_for_each_segment'
- 'scsi_for_each_prot_sg'
- 'scsi_for_each_sg'
- 'sctp_for_each_hentry'
- 'sctp_skb_for_each'
- 'shdma_for_each_chan'
- '__shost_for_each_device'
- 'shost_for_each_device'
- 'sk_for_each'
- 'sk_for_each_bound'
- 'sk_for_each_entry_offset_rcu'
- 'sk_for_each_from'
- 'sk_for_each_rcu'
- 'sk_for_each_safe'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each_from'
- 'sk_nulls_for_each_rcu'
- 'snd_array_for_each'
- 'snd_pcm_group_for_each_entry'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_path'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_path_safe'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_sink_path'
- 'snd_soc_dapm_widget_for_each_source_path'
- 'tb_property_for_each'
- 'tcf_exts_for_each_action'
- 'udp_portaddr_for_each_entry'
- 'udp_portaddr_for_each_entry_rcu'
- 'usb_hub_for_each_child'
- 'v4l2_device_for_each_subdev'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_dst_buf_safe'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf'
- 'v4l2_m2m_for_each_src_buf_safe'
- 'virtio_device_for_each_vq'
- 'while_for_each_ftrace_op'
- 'xa_for_each'
- 'xa_for_each_marked'
- 'xa_for_each_range'
- 'xa_for_each_start'
- 'xas_for_each'
- 'xas_for_each_conflict'
- 'xas_for_each_marked'
- 'xbc_array_for_each_value'
- 'xbc_for_each_key_value'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_array_value'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_child'
- 'xbc_node_for_each_key_value'
- 'zorro_for_each_dev'
#IncludeBlocks: Preserve # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
- Regex: '.*'
Priority: 1
IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$'
IndentCaseLabels: false
#IndentPPDirectives: None # Unknown to clang-format-5.0
IndentWidth: 8
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
JavaScriptQuotes: Leave
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# Taken from git's rules
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PenaltyBreakString: 10
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SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
options = --timeout 200
options = --use-gitgrep

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Christoph Hellwig <hch@lst.de>
Marc Gonzalez <marc.w.gonzalez@free.fr>

linux-kernel-5.10/.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
*.c diff=cpp
*.h diff=cpp
*.dtsi diff=dts
*.dts diff=dts

linux-kernel-5.10/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# NOTE! Don't add files that are generated in specific
# subdirectories here. Add them in the ".gitignore" file
# in that subdirectory instead.
# NOTE! Please use 'git ls-files -i --exclude-standard'
# command after changing this file, to see if there are
# any tracked files which get ignored after the change.
# Normal rules (sorted alphabetically)
# Top-level generic files
# RPM spec file (make rpm-pkg)
# Debian directory (make deb-pkg)
# Snap directory (make snap-pkg)
# tar directory (make tar*-pkg)
# We don't want to ignore the following even if they are dot-files
# Generated include files
# stgit generated dirs
# quilt's files
# cscope files
# gnu global files
# id-utils files
# Leavings from module signing
# Kconfig presets
# Kconfig savedefconfig output
# Kdevelop4
# Clang's compilation database file
# Documentation toolchain

linux-kernel-5.10/.mailmap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
# This list is used by git-shortlog to fix a few botched name translations
# in the git archive, either because the author's full name was messed up
# and/or not always written the same way, making contributions from the
# same person appearing not to be so or badly displayed. Also allows for
# old email addresses to map to new email addresses.
# For format details, see "MAPPING AUTHORS" in "man git-shortlog".
# Please keep this list dictionary sorted.
# This comment is parsed by git-shortlog:
# repo-abbrev: /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/
Aaron Durbin <adurbin@google.com>
Adam Oldham <oldhamca@gmail.com>
Adam Radford <aradford@gmail.com>
Adriana Reus <adi.reus@gmail.com> <adriana.reus@intel.com>
Adrian Bunk <bunk@stusta.de>
Alan Cox <alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk>
Alan Cox <root@hraefn.swansea.linux.org.uk>
Aleksandar Markovic <aleksandar.markovic@mips.com> <aleksandar.markovic@imgtec.com>
Aleksey Gorelov <aleksey_gorelov@phoenix.com>
Alexander Lobakin <alobakin@pm.me> <alobakin@dlink.ru>
Alexander Lobakin <alobakin@pm.me> <alobakin@marvell.com>
Alexander Lobakin <alobakin@pm.me> <bloodyreaper@yandex.ru>
Alexandre Belloni <alexandre.belloni@bootlin.com> <alexandre.belloni@free-electrons.com>
Alexei Starovoitov <ast@kernel.org> <alexei.starovoitov@gmail.com>
Alexei Starovoitov <ast@kernel.org> <ast@fb.com>
Alexei Starovoitov <ast@kernel.org> <ast@plumgrid.com>
Alex Shi <alex.shi@linux.alibaba.com> <alex.shi@intel.com>
Alex Shi <alex.shi@linux.alibaba.com> <alex.shi@linaro.org>
Al Viro <viro@ftp.linux.org.uk>
Al Viro <viro@zenIV.linux.org.uk>
Andi Kleen <ak@linux.intel.com> <ak@suse.de>
Andi Shyti <andi@etezian.org> <andi.shyti@samsung.com>
Andreas Herrmann <aherrman@de.ibm.com>
Andrew Morton <akpm@linux-foundation.org>
Andrew Murray <amurray@thegoodpenguin.co.uk> <amurray@embedded-bits.co.uk>
Andrew Murray <amurray@thegoodpenguin.co.uk> <andrew.murray@arm.com>
Andrew Vasquez <andrew.vasquez@qlogic.com>
Andrey Ryabinin <ryabinin.a.a@gmail.com> <a.ryabinin@samsung.com>
Andy Adamson <andros@citi.umich.edu>
Antoine Tenart <atenart@kernel.org> <antoine.tenart@bootlin.com>
Antoine Tenart <atenart@kernel.org> <antoine.tenart@free-electrons.com>
Antonio Ospite <ao2@ao2.it> <ao2@amarulasolutions.com>
Archit Taneja <archit@ti.com>
Ard Biesheuvel <ardb@kernel.org> <ard.biesheuvel@linaro.org>
Arnaud Patard <arnaud.patard@rtp-net.org>
Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>
Axel Dyks <xl@xlsigned.net>
Axel Lin <axel.lin@gmail.com>
Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org> <bart.vanassche@sandisk.com>
Bart Van Assche <bvanassche@acm.org> <bart.vanassche@wdc.com>
Ben Gardner <bgardner@wabtec.com>
Ben M Cahill <ben.m.cahill@intel.com>
Björn Steinbrink <B.Steinbrink@gmx.de>
Boris Brezillon <bbrezillon@kernel.org> <b.brezillon.dev@gmail.com>
Boris Brezillon <bbrezillon@kernel.org> <b.brezillon@overkiz.com>
Boris Brezillon <bbrezillon@kernel.org> <boris.brezillon@bootlin.com>
Boris Brezillon <bbrezillon@kernel.org> <boris.brezillon@free-electrons.com>
Brian Avery <b.avery@hp.com>
Brian King <brking@us.ibm.com>
Changbin Du <changbin.du@intel.com> <changbin.du@gmail.com>
Changbin Du <changbin.du@intel.com> <changbin.du@intel.com>
Chao Yu <chao@kernel.org> <chao2.yu@samsung.com>
Chao Yu <chao@kernel.org> <yuchao0@huawei.com>
Christophe Ricard <christophe.ricard@gmail.com>
Christoph Hellwig <hch@lst.de>
Corey Minyard <minyard@acm.org>
Damian Hobson-Garcia <dhobsong@igel.co.jp>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <danborkmann@googlemail.com>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <danborkmann@iogearbox.net>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <daniel.borkmann@tik.ee.ethz.ch>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <dborkmann@redhat.com>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <dborkman@redhat.com>
Daniel Borkmann <daniel@iogearbox.net> <dxchgb@gmail.com>
David Brownell <david-b@pacbell.net>
David Woodhouse <dwmw2@shinybook.infradead.org>
Dengcheng Zhu <dzhu@wavecomp.com> <dczhu@mips.com>
Dengcheng Zhu <dzhu@wavecomp.com> <dengcheng.zhu@gmail.com>
Dengcheng Zhu <dzhu@wavecomp.com> <dengcheng.zhu@imgtec.com>
Dengcheng Zhu <dzhu@wavecomp.com> <dengcheng.zhu@mips.com>
<dev.kurt@vandijck-laurijssen.be> <kurt.van.dijck@eia.be>
Dmitry Baryshkov <dbaryshkov@gmail.com>
Dmitry Baryshkov <dbaryshkov@gmail.com> <[dbaryshkov@gmail.com]>
Dmitry Baryshkov <dbaryshkov@gmail.com> <dmitry_baryshkov@mentor.com>
Dmitry Baryshkov <dbaryshkov@gmail.com> <dmitry_eremin@mentor.com>
Dmitry Safonov <0x7f454c46@gmail.com> <dima@arista.com>
Dmitry Safonov <0x7f454c46@gmail.com> <d.safonov@partner.samsung.com>
Dmitry Safonov <0x7f454c46@gmail.com> <dsafonov@virtuozzo.com>
Domen Puncer <domen@coderock.org>
Douglas Gilbert <dougg@torque.net>
Ed L. Cashin <ecashin@coraid.com>
Erik Kaneda <erik.kaneda@intel.com> <erik.schmauss@intel.com>
Evgeniy Polyakov <johnpol@2ka.mipt.ru>
Felipe W Damasio <felipewd@terra.com.br>
Felix Kuhling <fxkuehl@gmx.de>
Felix Moeller <felix@derklecks.de>
Filipe Lautert <filipe@icewall.org>
Franck Bui-Huu <vagabon.xyz@gmail.com>
Frank Rowand <frowand.list@gmail.com> <frank.rowand@am.sony.com>
Frank Rowand <frowand.list@gmail.com> <frank.rowand@sonymobile.com>
Frank Rowand <frowand.list@gmail.com> <frowand@mvista.com>
Frank Zago <fzago@systemfabricworks.com>
Gao Xiang <xiang@kernel.org> <gaoxiang25@huawei.com>
Gao Xiang <xiang@kernel.org> <hsiangkao@aol.com>
Gerald Schaefer <gerald.schaefer@linux.ibm.com> <geraldsc@de.ibm.com>
Gerald Schaefer <gerald.schaefer@linux.ibm.com> <gerald.schaefer@de.ibm.com>
Gerald Schaefer <gerald.schaefer@linux.ibm.com> <geraldsc@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@echidna.(none)>
Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@suse.de>
Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com>
Greg Kurz <groug@kaod.org> <gkurz@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Gregory CLEMENT <gregory.clement@bootlin.com> <gregory.clement@free-electrons.com>
Gustavo Padovan <gustavo@las.ic.unicamp.br>
Gustavo Padovan <padovan@profusion.mobi>
Hanjun Guo <guohanjun@huawei.com> <hanjun.guo@linaro.org>
Heiko Carstens <hca@linux.ibm.com> <h.carstens@de.ibm.com>
Heiko Carstens <hca@linux.ibm.com> <heiko.carstens@de.ibm.com>
Henk Vergonet <Henk.Vergonet@gmail.com>
Henrik Kretzschmar <henne@nachtwindheim.de>
Henrik Rydberg <rydberg@bitmath.org>
Herbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
Jacob Shin <Jacob.Shin@amd.com>
Jaegeuk Kim <jaegeuk@kernel.org> <jaegeuk@google.com>
Jaegeuk Kim <jaegeuk@kernel.org> <jaegeuk.kim@samsung.com>
Jaegeuk Kim <jaegeuk@kernel.org> <jaegeuk@motorola.com>
Jakub Kicinski <kuba@kernel.org> <jakub.kicinski@netronome.com>
James Bottomley <jejb@mulgrave.(none)>
James Bottomley <jejb@titanic.il.steeleye.com>
James E Wilson <wilson@specifix.com>
James Hogan <jhogan@kernel.org> <james@albanarts.com>
James Hogan <jhogan@kernel.org> <james.hogan@imgtec.com>
James Ketrenos <jketreno@io.(none)>
Jan Glauber <jan.glauber@gmail.com> <jang@de.ibm.com>
Jan Glauber <jan.glauber@gmail.com> <jang@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Jan Glauber <jan.glauber@gmail.com> <jglauber@cavium.com>
Jarkko Sakkinen <jarkko@kernel.org> <jarkko.sakkinen@linux.intel.com>
Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ziepe.ca> <jgg@mellanox.com>
Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ziepe.ca> <jgg@nvidia.com>
Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@ziepe.ca> <jgunthorpe@obsidianresearch.com>
<javier@osg.samsung.com> <javier.martinez@collabora.co.uk>
Javi Merino <javi.merino@kernel.org> <javi.merino@arm.com>
Jayachandran C <c.jayachandran@gmail.com> <jayachandranc@netlogicmicro.com>
Jayachandran C <c.jayachandran@gmail.com> <jchandra@broadcom.com>
Jayachandran C <c.jayachandran@gmail.com> <jchandra@digeo.com>
Jayachandran C <c.jayachandran@gmail.com> <jnair@caviumnetworks.com>
<jean-philippe@linaro.org> <jean-philippe.brucker@arm.com>
Jean Tourrilhes <jt@hpl.hp.com>
Jeff Garzik <jgarzik@pretzel.yyz.us>
Jeff Layton <jlayton@kernel.org> <jlayton@poochiereds.net>
Jeff Layton <jlayton@kernel.org> <jlayton@primarydata.com>
Jeff Layton <jlayton@kernel.org> <jlayton@redhat.com>
Jens Axboe <axboe@suse.de>
Jens Osterkamp <Jens.Osterkamp@de.ibm.com>
Jiri Slaby <jirislaby@kernel.org> <jirislaby@gmail.com>
Jiri Slaby <jirislaby@kernel.org> <jslaby@novell.com>
Jiri Slaby <jirislaby@kernel.org> <jslaby@suse.com>
Jiri Slaby <jirislaby@kernel.org> <jslaby@suse.cz>
Jiri Slaby <jirislaby@kernel.org> <xslaby@fi.muni.cz>
Johan Hovold <johan@kernel.org> <jhovold@gmail.com>
Johan Hovold <johan@kernel.org> <johan@hovoldconsulting.com>
John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de>
John Stultz <johnstul@us.ibm.com>
<josh@joshtriplett.org> <josh@freedesktop.org>
<josh@joshtriplett.org> <josh@kernel.org>
<josh@joshtriplett.org> <josht@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
<josh@joshtriplett.org> <josht@us.ibm.com>
<josh@joshtriplett.org> <josht@vnet.ibm.com>
Juha Yrjola <at solidboot.com>
Juha Yrjola <juha.yrjola@nokia.com>
Juha Yrjola <juha.yrjola@solidboot.com>
Julien Thierry <julien.thierry.kdev@gmail.com> <julien.thierry@arm.com>
Kamil Konieczny <k.konieczny@samsung.com> <k.konieczny@partner.samsung.com>
Kay Sievers <kay.sievers@vrfy.org>
Kees Cook <keescook@chromium.org> <kees.cook@canonical.com>
Kees Cook <keescook@chromium.org> <keescook@google.com>
Kees Cook <keescook@chromium.org> <kees@outflux.net>
Kees Cook <keescook@chromium.org> <kees@ubuntu.com>
Kenneth W Chen <kenneth.w.chen@intel.com>
Konstantin Khlebnikov <koct9i@gmail.com> <khlebnikov@yandex-team.ru>
Konstantin Khlebnikov <koct9i@gmail.com> <k.khlebnikov@samsung.com>
Koushik <raghavendra.koushik@neterion.com>
Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk@kernel.org> <k.kozlowski.k@gmail.com>
Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk@kernel.org> <k.kozlowski@samsung.com>
Kuninori Morimoto <kuninori.morimoto.gx@renesas.com>
Leonardo Bras <leobras.c@gmail.com> <leonardo@linux.ibm.com>
Leonid I Ananiev <leonid.i.ananiev@intel.com>
Leon Romanovsky <leon@kernel.org> <leon@leon.nu>
Leon Romanovsky <leon@kernel.org> <leonro@mellanox.com>
Leon Romanovsky <leon@kernel.org> <leonro@nvidia.com>
Linas Vepstas <linas@austin.ibm.com>
Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@c0d3.blue> <linus.luessing@ascom.ch>
Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@c0d3.blue> <linus.luessing@web.de>
<linux-hardening@vger.kernel.org> <kernel-hardening@lists.openwall.com>
Li Yang <leoyang.li@nxp.com> <leoli@freescale.com>
Li Yang <leoyang.li@nxp.com> <leo@zh-kernel.org>
Lukasz Luba <lukasz.luba@arm.com> <l.luba@partner.samsung.com>
Maciej W. Rozycki <macro@mips.com> <macro@imgtec.com>
Marcin Nowakowski <marcin.nowakowski@mips.com> <marcin.nowakowski@imgtec.com>
Marc Zyngier <maz@kernel.org> <marc.zyngier@arm.com>
Mark Brown <broonie@sirena.org.uk>
Mark Starovoytov <mstarovo@pm.me> <mstarovoitov@marvell.com>
Mark Yao <markyao0591@gmail.com> <mark.yao@rock-chips.com>
Martin Kepplinger <martink@posteo.de> <martin.kepplinger@ginzinger.com>
Martin Kepplinger <martink@posteo.de> <martin.kepplinger@puri.sm>
Martin Kepplinger <martink@posteo.de> <martin.kepplinger@theobroma-systems.com>
Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <matthew.r.wilcox@intel.com>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <matthew@wil.cx>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <mawilcox@linuxonhyperv.com>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <mawilcox@microsoft.com>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <willy@debian.org>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <willy@linux.intel.com>
Matthew Wilcox <willy@infradead.org> <willy@parisc-linux.org>
Matthieu CASTET <castet.matthieu@free.fr>
Matt Ranostay <matt.ranostay@konsulko.com> <matt@ranostay.consulting>
Matt Ranostay <mranostay@gmail.com> Matthew Ranostay <mranostay@embeddedalley.com>
Matt Ranostay <mranostay@gmail.com> <matt.ranostay@intel.com>
Matt Redfearn <matt.redfearn@mips.com> <matt.redfearn@imgtec.com>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <maurochehab@gmail.com>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <mchehab@brturbo.com.br>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <mchehab@infradead.org>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <mchehab@osg.samsung.com>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <mchehab@redhat.com>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <m.chehab@samsung.com>
Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@kernel.org> <mchehab@s-opensource.com>
Maxime Ripard <mripard@kernel.org> <maxime.ripard@bootlin.com>
Maxime Ripard <mripard@kernel.org> <maxime.ripard@free-electrons.com>
Mayuresh Janorkar <mayur@ti.com>
Michael Buesch <m@bues.ch>
Michel Dänzer <michel@tungstengraphics.com>
Mike Rapoport <rppt@kernel.org> <mike@compulab.co.il>
Mike Rapoport <rppt@kernel.org> <mike.rapoport@gmail.com>
Mike Rapoport <rppt@kernel.org> <rppt@linux.ibm.com>
Miodrag Dinic <miodrag.dinic@mips.com> <miodrag.dinic@imgtec.com>
Miquel Raynal <miquel.raynal@bootlin.com> <miquel.raynal@free-electrons.com>
Mitesh shah <mshah@teja.com>
Mohit Kumar <mohit.kumar@st.com> <mohit.kumar.dhaka@gmail.com>
Morten Welinder <terra@gnome.org>
Morten Welinder <welinder@anemone.rentec.com>
Morten Welinder <welinder@darter.rentec.com>
Morten Welinder <welinder@troll.com>
Mythri P K <mythripk@ti.com>
Nguyen Anh Quynh <aquynh@gmail.com>
Nicolas Ferre <nicolas.ferre@microchip.com> <nicolas.ferre@atmel.com>
Nicolas Pitre <nico@fluxnic.net> <nicolas.pitre@linaro.org>
Nicolas Pitre <nico@fluxnic.net> <nico@linaro.org>
Oleksij Rempel <linux@rempel-privat.de> <bug-track@fisher-privat.net>
Oleksij Rempel <linux@rempel-privat.de> <external.Oleksij.Rempel@de.bosch.com>
Oleksij Rempel <linux@rempel-privat.de> <fixed-term.Oleksij.Rempel@de.bosch.com>
Oleksij Rempel <linux@rempel-privat.de> <o.rempel@pengutronix.de>
Oleksij Rempel <linux@rempel-privat.de> <ore@pengutronix.de>
Pali Rohár <pali@kernel.org> <pali.rohar@gmail.com>
Paolo 'Blaisorblade' Giarrusso <blaisorblade@yahoo.it>
Patrick Mochel <mochel@digitalimplant.org>
Paul Burton <paulburton@kernel.org> <paul.burton@imgtec.com>
Paul Burton <paulburton@kernel.org> <paul.burton@mips.com>
Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@kernel.org> <paul.mckenney@linaro.org>
Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@kernel.org> <paulmck@linux.ibm.com>
Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@kernel.org> <paulmck@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Paul E. McKenney <paulmck@kernel.org> <paulmck@us.ibm.com>
Peter A Jonsson <pj@ludd.ltu.se>
Peter Oruba <peter.oruba@amd.com>
Peter Oruba <peter@oruba.de>
Pratyush Anand <pratyush.anand@gmail.com> <pratyush.anand@st.com>
Praveen BP <praveenbp@ti.com>
Punit Agrawal <punitagrawal@gmail.com> <punit.agrawal@arm.com>
Qais Yousef <qsyousef@gmail.com> <qais.yousef@imgtec.com>
Quentin Monnet <quentin@isovalent.com> <quentin.monnet@netronome.com>
Quentin Perret <qperret@qperret.net> <quentin.perret@arm.com>
Rafael J. Wysocki <rjw@rjwysocki.net> <rjw@sisk.pl>
Rajesh Shah <rajesh.shah@intel.com>
Ralf Baechle <ralf@linux-mips.org>
Ralf Wildenhues <Ralf.Wildenhues@gmx.de>
Randy Dunlap <rdunlap@infradead.org> <rdunlap@xenotime.net>
Rémi Denis-Courmont <rdenis@simphalempin.com>
Ricardo Ribalda <ribalda@kernel.org> <ricardo@ribalda.com>
Ricardo Ribalda <ribalda@kernel.org> Ricardo Ribalda Delgado <ribalda@kernel.org>
Ricardo Ribalda <ribalda@kernel.org> <ricardo.ribalda@gmail.com>
Ross Zwisler <zwisler@kernel.org> <ross.zwisler@linux.intel.com>
Rudolf Marek <R.Marek@sh.cvut.cz>
Rui Saraiva <rmps@joel.ist.utl.pt>
Sachin P Sant <ssant@in.ibm.com>
Sakari Ailus <sakari.ailus@linux.intel.com> <sakari.ailus@iki.fi>
Sam Ravnborg <sam@mars.ravnborg.org>
Santosh Shilimkar <santosh.shilimkar@oracle.org>
Santosh Shilimkar <ssantosh@kernel.org>
Sarangdhar Joshi <spjoshi@codeaurora.org>
Sascha Hauer <s.hauer@pengutronix.de>
S.Çağlar Onur <caglar@pardus.org.tr>
Sean Christopherson <seanjc@google.com> <sean.j.christopherson@intel.com>
Sean Nyekjaer <sean@geanix.com> <sean.nyekjaer@prevas.dk>
Sebastian Reichel <sre@kernel.org> <sebastian.reichel@collabora.co.uk>
Sebastian Reichel <sre@kernel.org> <sre@debian.org>
Sedat Dilek <sedat.dilek@gmail.com> <sedat.dilek@credativ.de>
Shiraz Hashim <shiraz.linux.kernel@gmail.com> <shiraz.hashim@st.com>
Shuah Khan <shuah@kernel.org> <shuahkhan@gmail.com>
Shuah Khan <shuah@kernel.org> <shuah.khan@hp.com>
Shuah Khan <shuah@kernel.org> <shuahkh@osg.samsung.com>
Shuah Khan <shuah@kernel.org> <shuah.kh@samsung.com>
Simon Arlott <simon@octiron.net> <simon@fire.lp0.eu>
Simon Kelley <simon@thekelleys.org.uk>
Stéphane Witzmann <stephane.witzmann@ubpmes.univ-bpclermont.fr>
Stephen Hemminger <shemminger@osdl.org>
Steve Wise <larrystevenwise@gmail.com> <swise@chelsio.com>
Steve Wise <larrystevenwise@gmail.com> <swise@opengridcomputing.com>
Subash Abhinov Kasiviswanathan <subashab@codeaurora.org>
Subhash Jadavani <subhashj@codeaurora.org>
Sudeep Holla <sudeep.holla@arm.com> Sudeep KarkadaNagesha <sudeep.karkadanagesha@arm.com>
Sumit Semwal <sumit.semwal@ti.com>
Takashi YOSHII <takashi.yoshii.zj@renesas.com>
Tejun Heo <htejun@gmail.com>
Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch>
Thomas Pedersen <twp@codeaurora.org>
Tiezhu Yang <yangtiezhu@loongson.cn> <kernelpatch@126.com>
Todor Tomov <todor.too@gmail.com> <todor.tomov@linaro.org>
Tony Luck <tony.luck@intel.com>
TripleX Chung <xxx.phy@gmail.com> <triplex@zh-kernel.org>
TripleX Chung <xxx.phy@gmail.com> <zhongyu@18mail.cn>
Tsuneo Yoshioka <Tsuneo.Yoshioka@f-secure.com>
Tycho Andersen <tycho@tycho.pizza> <tycho@tycho.ws>
Uwe Kleine-König <ukleinek@informatik.uni-freiburg.de>
Uwe Kleine-König <u.kleine-koenig@pengutronix.de>
Uwe Kleine-König <ukleinek@strlen.de>
Uwe Kleine-König <ukl@pengutronix.de>
Uwe Kleine-König <Uwe.Kleine-Koenig@digi.com>
Valdis Kletnieks <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu>
Vinod Koul <vkoul@kernel.org> <vinod.koul@intel.com>
Vinod Koul <vkoul@kernel.org> <vinod.koul@linux.intel.com>
Vinod Koul <vkoul@kernel.org> <vkoul@infradead.org>
Viresh Kumar <vireshk@kernel.org> <viresh.kumar2@arm.com>
Viresh Kumar <vireshk@kernel.org> <viresh.kumar@st.com>
Viresh Kumar <vireshk@kernel.org> <viresh.linux@gmail.com>
Vivien Didelot <vivien.didelot@gmail.com> <vivien.didelot@savoirfairelinux.com>
Vlad Dogaru <ddvlad@gmail.com> <vlad.dogaru@intel.com>
Vladimir Davydov <vdavydov.dev@gmail.com> <vdavydov@parallels.com>
Vladimir Davydov <vdavydov.dev@gmail.com> <vdavydov@virtuozzo.com>
WeiXiong Liao <gmpy.liaowx@gmail.com> <liaoweixiong@allwinnertech.com>
Will Deacon <will@kernel.org> <will.deacon@arm.com>
Wolfram Sang <wsa@kernel.org> <w.sang@pengutronix.de>
Wolfram Sang <wsa@kernel.org> <wsa@the-dreams.de>
Yakir Yang <kuankuan.y@gmail.com> <ykk@rock-chips.com>
Yusuke Goda <goda.yusuke@renesas.com>

linux-kernel-5.10/COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
The Linux Kernel is provided under:
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note
Being under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only,
according with:
With an explicit syscall exception, as stated at:
In addition, other licenses may also apply. Please see:
for more details.
All contributions to the Linux Kernel are subject to this COPYING file.

linux-kernel-5.10/CREDITS Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
This directory attempts to document the ABI between the Linux kernel and
userspace, and the relative stability of these interfaces. Due to the
everchanging nature of Linux, and the differing maturity levels, these
interfaces should be used by userspace programs in different ways.
We have four different levels of ABI stability, as shown by the four
different subdirectories in this location. Interfaces may change levels
of stability according to the rules described below.
The different levels of stability are:
This directory documents the interfaces that the developer has
defined to be stable. Userspace programs are free to use these
interfaces with no restrictions, and backward compatibility for
them will be guaranteed for at least 2 years. Most interfaces
(like syscalls) are expected to never change and always be
This directory documents interfaces that are felt to be stable,
as the main development of this interface has been completed.
The interface can be changed to add new features, but the
current interface will not break by doing this, unless grave
errors or security problems are found in them. Userspace
programs can start to rely on these interfaces, but they must be
aware of changes that can occur before these interfaces move to
be marked stable. Programs that use these interfaces are
strongly encouraged to add their name to the description of
these interfaces, so that the kernel developers can easily
notify them if any changes occur (see the description of the
layout of the files below for details on how to do this.)
This directory documents interfaces that are still remaining in
the kernel, but are marked to be removed at some later point in
time. The description of the interface will document the reason
why it is obsolete and when it can be expected to be removed.
This directory contains a list of the old interfaces that have
been removed from the kernel.
Every file in these directories will contain the following information:
What: Short description of the interface
Date: Date created
KernelVersion: Kernel version this feature first showed up in.
Contact: Primary contact for this interface (may be a mailing list)
Description: Long description of the interface and how to use it.
Users: All users of this interface who wish to be notified when
it changes. This is very important for interfaces in
the "testing" stage, so that kernel developers can work
with userspace developers to ensure that things do not
break in ways that are unacceptable. It is also
important to get feedback for these interfaces to make
sure they are working in a proper way and do not need to
be changed further.
The fields should be use a simple notation, compatible with ReST markup.
Also, the file **should not** have a top-level index, like::
How things move between levels:
Interfaces in stable may move to obsolete, as long as the proper
notification is given.
Interfaces may be removed from obsolete and the kernel as long as the
documented amount of time has gone by.
Interfaces in the testing state can move to the stable state when the
developers feel they are finished. They cannot be removed from the
kernel tree without going through the obsolete state first.
It's up to the developer to place their interfaces in the category they
wish for it to start out in.
Notable bits of non-ABI, which should not under any circumstances be considered
- Kconfig. Userspace should not rely on the presence or absence of any
particular Kconfig symbol, in /proc/config.gz, in the copy of .config
commonly installed to /boot, or in any invocation of the kernel build
- Kernel-internal symbols. Do not rely on the presence, absence, location, or
type of any kernel symbol, either in System.map files or the kernel binary
itself. See Documentation/process/stable-api-nonsense.rst.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/level
Date: March 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.21
Contact: Alan Stern <stern@rowland.harvard.edu>
Each USB device directory will contain a file named
power/level. This file holds a power-level setting for
the device, either "on" or "auto".
"on" means that the device is not allowed to autosuspend,
although normal suspends for system sleep will still
be honored. "auto" means the device will autosuspend
and autoresume in the usual manner, according to the
capabilities of its driver.
During normal use, devices should be left in the "auto"
level. The "on" level is meant for administrative uses.
If you want to suspend a device immediately but leave it
free to wake up in response to I/O requests, you should
write "0" to power/autosuspend.
Device not capable of proper suspend and resume should be
left in the "on" level. Although the USB spec requires
devices to support suspend/resume, many of them do not.
In fact so many don't that by default, the USB core
initializes all non-hub devices in the "on" level. Some
drivers may change this setting when they are bound.
This file is deprecated and will be removed after 2010.
Use the power/control file instead; it does exactly the
same thing.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
What: /sys/class/dax/
Date: May, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.7
Contact: linux-nvdimm@lists.01.org
Description: Device DAX is the device-centric analogue of Filesystem
DAX (CONFIG_FS_DAX). It allows memory ranges to be
allocated and mapped without need of an intervening file
system. Device DAX is strict, precise and predictable.
Specifically this interface:
1. Guarantees fault granularity with respect to a given
page size (pte, pmd, or pud) set at configuration time.
2. Enforces deterministic behavior by being strict about
what fault scenarios are supported.
The /sys/class/dax/ interface enumerates all the
device-dax instances in the system. The ABI is
deprecated and will be removed after 2020. It is
replaced with the DAX bus interface /sys/bus/dax/ where
device-dax instances can be found under

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
This ABI is deprecated and will be removed after 2021. It is
replaced with the batadv generic netlink family.
What: /sys/class/net/<iface>/batman-adv/elp_interval
Date: Feb 2014
Contact: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@web.de>
Defines the interval in milliseconds in which batman
emits probing packets for neighbor sensing (ELP).
What: /sys/class/net/<iface>/batman-adv/iface_status
Date: May 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Indicates the status of <iface> as it is seen by batman.
What: /sys/class/net/<iface>/batman-adv/mesh_iface
Date: May 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
The /sys/class/net/<iface>/batman-adv/mesh_iface file
displays the batman mesh interface this <iface>
currently is associated with.
What: /sys/class/net/<iface>/batman-adv/throughput_override
Date: Feb 2014
Contact: Antonio Quartulli <a@unstable.cc>
Defines the throughput value to be used by B.A.T.M.A.N. V
when estimating the link throughput using this interface.
If the value is set to 0 then batman-adv will try to
estimate the throughput by itself.

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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
This ABI is deprecated and will be removed after 2021. It is
replaced with the batadv generic netlink family.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/aggregated_ogms
Date: May 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Indicates whether the batman protocol messages of the
mesh <mesh_iface> shall be aggregated or not.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/<vlan_subdir>/ap_isolation
Date: May 2011
Contact: Antonio Quartulli <a@unstable.cc>
Indicates whether the data traffic going from a
wireless client to another wireless client will be
silently dropped. <vlan_subdir> is empty when referring
to the untagged lan.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/bonding
Date: June 2010
Contact: Simon Wunderlich <sw@simonwunderlich.de>
Indicates whether the data traffic going through the
mesh will be sent using multiple interfaces at the
same time (if available).
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/bridge_loop_avoidance
Date: November 2011
Contact: Simon Wunderlich <sw@simonwunderlich.de>
Indicates whether the bridge loop avoidance feature
is enabled. This feature detects and avoids loops
between the mesh and devices bridged with the soft
interface <mesh_iface>.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/fragmentation
Date: October 2010
Contact: Andreas Langer <an.langer@gmx.de>
Indicates whether the data traffic going through the
mesh will be fragmented or silently discarded if the
packet size exceeds the outgoing interface MTU.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/gw_bandwidth
Date: October 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Defines the bandwidth which is propagated by this
node if gw_mode was set to 'server'.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/gw_mode
Date: October 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Defines the state of the gateway features. Can be
either 'off', 'client' or 'server'.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/gw_sel_class
Date: October 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Defines the selection criteria this node will use
to choose a gateway if gw_mode was set to 'client'.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/hop_penalty
Date: Oct 2010
Contact: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@web.de>
Defines the penalty which will be applied to an
originator message's tq-field on every hop.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/isolation_mark
Date: Nov 2013
Contact: Antonio Quartulli <a@unstable.cc>
Defines the isolation mark (and its bitmask) which
is used to classify clients as "isolated" by the
Extended Isolation feature.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/multicast_mode
Date: Feb 2014
Contact: Linus Lüssing <linus.luessing@web.de>
Indicates whether multicast optimizations are enabled
or disabled. If set to zero then all nodes in the
mesh are going to use classic flooding for any
multicast packet with no optimizations.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/network_coding
Date: Nov 2012
Contact: Martin Hundeboll <martin@hundeboll.net>
Controls whether Network Coding (using some magic
to send fewer wifi packets but still the same
content) is enabled or not.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/orig_interval
Date: May 2010
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Defines the interval in milliseconds in which batman
sends its protocol messages.
What: /sys/class/net/<mesh_iface>/mesh/routing_algo
Date: Dec 2011
Contact: Marek Lindner <mareklindner@neomailbox.ch>
Defines the routing procotol this mesh instance
uses to find the optimal paths through the mesh.

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
These files are deprecated and will be removed. The same files are available
under /sys/bus/typec (see Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-typec).
What: /sys/class/typec/<port|partner|cable>/<dev>/svid
Date: April 2017
Contact: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
The SVID (Standard or Vendor ID) assigned by USB-IF for this
alternate mode.
What: /sys/class/typec/<port|partner|cable>/<dev>/mode<index>/
Date: April 2017
Contact: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
Every supported mode will have its own directory. The name of
a mode will be "mode<index>" (for example mode1), where <index>
is the actual index to the mode VDO returned by Discover Modes
USB power delivery command.
What: /sys/class/typec/<port|partner|cable>/<dev>/mode<index>/description
Date: April 2017
Contact: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
Shows description of the mode. The description is optional for
the drivers, just like with the Billboard Devices.
What: /sys/class/typec/<port|partner|cable>/<dev>/mode<index>/vdo
Date: April 2017
Contact: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
Shows the VDO in hexadecimal returned by Discover Modes command
for this mode.
What: /sys/class/typec/<port|partner|cable>/<dev>/mode<index>/active
Date: April 2017
Contact: Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
Shows if the mode is active or not. The attribute can be used
for entering/exiting the mode with partners and cable plugs, and
with the port alternate modes it can be used for disabling
support for specific alternate modes. Entering/exiting modes is
supported as synchronous operation so write(2) to the attribute
does not return until the enter/exit mode operation has
finished. The attribute is notified when the mode is
entered/exited so poll(2) on the attribute wakes up.
Entering/exiting a mode will also generate uevent KOBJ_CHANGE.
Valid values: yes, no

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
What: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_governor_ro
Date: April, 2020
Contact: linux-pm@vger.kernel.org
current_governor_ro shows current using cpuidle governor, but read only.
with the update that cpuidle governor can be changed at runtime in default,
both current_governor and current_governor_ro co-exist under
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/ file, it's duplicate so make
current_governor_ro obselete.

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/arvo/roccatarvo<minor>/actual_profile
Date: Januar 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 1-5.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
profile which is also the profile that's active on device startup.
When written this attribute activates the selected profile
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/arvo/roccatarvo<minor>/button
Date: Januar 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The keyboard can store short macros with consist of 1 button with
several modifier keys internally.
When written, this file lets one set the sequence for a specific
button for a specific profile. Button and profile numbers are
included in written data. The data has to be 24 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/arvo/roccatarvo<minor>/info
Date: Januar 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns some info about the device like the
installed firmware version.
The size of the data is 8 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/arvo/roccatarvo<minor>/key_mask
Date: Januar 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The keyboard lets the user deactivate 5 certain keys like the
windows and application keys, to protect the user from the outcome
of accidentally pressing them.
The integer value of this attribute has bits 0-4 set depending
on the state of the corresponding key.
When read, this file returns the current state of the buttons.
When written, the given buttons are activated/deactivated
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/arvo/roccatarvo<minor>/mode_key
Date: Januar 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The keyboard has a condensed layout without num-lock key.
Instead it uses a mode-key which activates a gaming mode where
the assignment of the number block changes.
The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0 (OFF) to 1 (ON).
When read, this file returns the actual state of the key.
When written, the key is activated/deactivated immediately.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/actual_profile
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
profile. This value is persistent, so its equivalent to the
profile that's active when the device is powered on next time.
When written, this file sets the number of the startup profile
and the device activates this profile immediately.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/info
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
The data is 6 bytes long.
This file is readonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/key_mask
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one deactivate certain keys like
windows and application keys, to prevent accidental presses.
Profile number for which this settings occur is included in
written data. The data has to be 6 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_capslock
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
capslock key for a specific profile. Profile number is included
in written data. The data has to be 6 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_easyzone
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
easyzone keys for a specific profile. Profile number is included
in written data. The data has to be 65 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_function
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
function keys for a specific profile. Profile number is included
in written data. The data has to be 41 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_macro
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the macro
keys for a specific profile. Profile number is included in
written data. The data has to be 35 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_media
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the media
keys for a specific profile. Profile number is included in
written data. The data has to be 29 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/keys_thumbster
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
thumbster keys for a specific profile. Profile number is included
in written data. The data has to be 23 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/last_set
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the time in secs since
epoch in which the last configuration took place.
The data has to be 20 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/light
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the backlight intensity for
a specific profile. Profile number is included in written data.
The data has to be 10 bytes long for Isku, IskuFX needs 16 bytes
of data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/macro
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one store macros with max 500
keystrokes for a specific button for a specific profile.
Button and profile numbers are included in written data.
The data has to be 2083 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile and key to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/reset
Date: November 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one reset the device.
The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/control
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one select which data from which
profile will be read next. The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/talk
Date: June 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one trigger easyshift functionality
from the host.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/isku/roccatisku<minor>/talkfx
Date: February 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one trigger temporary color schemes
from the host.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/actual_profile
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
profile. This value is persistent, so its equivalent to the
profile that's active when the mouse is powered on next time.
When written, this file sets the number of the startup profile
and the mouse activates this profile immediately.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/startup_profile
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
profile. This value is persistent, so its equivalent to the
profile that's active when the mouse is powered on next time.
When written, this file sets the number of the startup profile
and the mouse activates this profile immediately.
Please use actual_profile, it does the same thing.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/firmware_version
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns the raw integer version number of the
firmware reported by the mouse. Using the integer value eases
further usage in other programs. To receive the real version
number the decimal point has to be shifted 2 positions to the
left. E.g. a returned value of 121 means 1.21
This file is readonly.
Please read binary attribute info which contains firmware version.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/info
Date: November 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
When written, the device can be reset.
The data is 8 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/macro
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store a macro with max 500 key/button strokes
When written, this file lets one set the sequence for a specific
button for a specific profile. Button and profile numbers are
included in written data. The data has to be 2082 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/profile_buttons
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
buttons back to the mouse. The data has to be 77 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/profile[1-5]_buttons
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When read, these files return the respective profile buttons.
The returned data is 77 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_buttons instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/profile_settings
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
settings back to the mouse. The data has to be 43 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/profile[1-5]_settings
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When read, these files return the respective profile settings.
The returned data is 43 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_settings instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/sensor
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse has a tracking- and a distance-control-unit. These
can be activated/deactivated and the lift-off distance can be
set. The data has to be 6 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/talk
Date: May 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: Used to active some easy* functions of the mouse from outside.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/tcu
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written a calibration process for the tracking control unit
can be initiated/cancelled. Also lets one read/write sensor
The data has to be 4 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/koneplus/roccatkoneplus<minor>/tcu_image
Date: October 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read the mouse returns a 30x30 pixel image of the
sampled underground. This works only in the course of a
calibration process initiated with tcu.
The returned data is 1028 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/actual_profile
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. actual_profile holds number of actual profile.
This value is persistent, so its value determines the profile
that's active when the mouse is powered on next time.
When written, the mouse activates the set profile immediately.
The data has to be 3 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/control
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one select which data from which
profile will be read next. The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/info
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
When written, the device can be reset.
The data is 6 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/macro
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store a macro with max 500 key/button strokes
When written, this file lets one set the sequence for a specific
button for a specific profile. Button and profile numbers are
included in written data. The data has to be 2082 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/profile_buttons
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
buttons back to the mouse. The data has to be 59 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/profile_settings
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
settings back to the mouse. The data has to be 31 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/sensor
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse has a tracking- and a distance-control-unit. These
can be activated/deactivated and the lift-off distance can be
set. The data has to be 6 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/talk
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: Used to active some easy* functions of the mouse from outside.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/tcu
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written a calibration process for the tracking control unit
can be initiated/cancelled. Also lets one read/write sensor
The data has to be 4 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/konepure/roccatkonepure<minor>/tcu_image
Date: December 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read the mouse returns a 30x30 pixel image of the
sampled underground. This works only in the course of a
calibration process initiated with tcu.
The returned data is 1028 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/actual_cpi
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 1-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the active
cpi level.
This file is readonly.
Has never been used. If bookkeeping is done, it's done in userland tools.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/actual_profile
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the active
When written, the mouse activates this profile immediately.
The profile that's active when powered down is the same that's
active when the mouse is powered on.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/actual_sensitivity_x
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 1-10.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
sensitivity in x direction.
This file is readonly.
Has never been used. If bookkeeping is done, it's done in userland tools.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/actual_sensitivity_y
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 1-10.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the actual
sensitivity in y direction.
This file is readonly.
Has never been used. If bookkeeping is done, it's done in userland tools.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/firmware_version
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns the raw integer version number of the
firmware reported by the mouse. Using the integer value eases
further usage in other programs. To receive the real version
number the decimal point has to be shifted 2 positions to the
left. E.g. a returned value of 121 means 1.21
This file is readonly.
Obsoleted by binary sysfs attribute "info".
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/info
Date: November 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
When written, the device can be reset.
The data is 6 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/profile_buttons
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
buttons back to the mouse. The data has to be 23 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/profile[1-5]_buttons
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When read, these files return the respective profile buttons.
The returned data is 23 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_buttons instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/profile_settings
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
settings back to the mouse. The data has to be 16 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/kovaplus/roccatkovaplus<minor>/profile[1-5]_settings
Date: January 2011
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When read, these files return the respective profile settings.
The returned data is 16 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_settings instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/control
Date: October 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, cpi, button and light settings can be configured.
When read, actual cpi setting and sensor data are returned.
The data has to be 8 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/actual_cpi
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: It is possible to switch the cpi setting of the mouse with the
press of a button.
When read, this file returns the raw number of the actual cpi
setting reported by the mouse. This number has to be further
processed to receive the real dpi value:
===== ====
===== ====
1 400
2 800
4 1600
===== ====
This file is readonly.
Has never been used. If bookkeeping is done, it's done in userland tools.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/actual_profile
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns the number of the actual profile in
range 0-4.
This file is readonly.
Please use binary attribute "settings" which provides this information.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/firmware_version
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns the raw integer version number of the
firmware reported by the mouse. Using the integer value eases
further usage in other programs. To receive the real version
number the decimal point has to be shifted 2 positions to the
left. E.g. a returned value of 138 means 1.38
This file is readonly.
Please use binary attribute "info" which provides this information.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/info
Date: November 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
When written, the device can be reset.
The data is 6 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/profile_buttons
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
buttons back to the mouse. The data has to be 19 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/profile[1-5]_buttons
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_buttons holds information about button layout.
When read, these files return the respective profile buttons.
The returned data is 19 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_buttons instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/profile_settings
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
settings back to the mouse. The data has to be 13 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/profile[1-5]_settings
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split in settings and buttons.
profile_settings holds information like resolution, sensitivity
and light effects.
When read, these files return the respective profile settings.
The returned data is 13 bytes in size.
This file is readonly.
Write control to select profile and read profile_settings instead.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/settings
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns the settings stored in the mouse.
The size of the data is 3 bytes and holds information on the
When written, this file lets write settings back to the mouse.
The data has to be 3 bytes long. The mouse will reject invalid
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/pyra/roccatpyra<minor>/startup_profile
Date: August 2010
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The integer value of this attribute ranges from 0-4.
When read, this attribute returns the number of the profile
that's active when the mouse is powered on.
This file is readonly.
Please use binary attribute "settings" which provides this information.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/control
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one select which data from which
profile will be read next. The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/profile
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. profile holds index of actual profile.
This value is persistent, so its value determines the profile
that's active when the device is powered on next time.
When written, the device activates the set profile immediately.
The data has to be 3 bytes long.
The device will reject invalid data.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_primary
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the default of all keys for
a specific profile. Profile index is included in written data.
The data has to be 125 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_function
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
function keys for a specific profile. Profile index is included
in written data. The data has to be 95 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_macro
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the macro
keys for a specific profile. Profile index is included in
written data. The data has to be 35 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_thumbster
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
thumbster keys for a specific profile. Profile index is included
in written data. The data has to be 23 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_extra
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
capslock and function keys for a specific profile. Profile index
is included in written data. The data has to be 8 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/keys_easyzone
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the function of the
easyzone keys for a specific profile. Profile index is included
in written data. The data has to be 294 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/key_mask
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one deactivate certain keys like
windows and application keys, to prevent accidental presses.
Profile index for which this settings occur is included in
written data. The data has to be 6 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/light
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the backlight intensity for
a specific profile. Profile index is included in written data.
This attribute is only valid for the glow and pro variant.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/macro
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one store macros with max 480
keystrokes for a specific button for a specific profile.
Button and profile indexes are included in written data.
The data has to be 2002 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile and key to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/info
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
The data is 8 bytes long.
This file is readonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/reset
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one reset the device.
The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/talk
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one trigger easyshift functionality
from the host.
The data has to be 16 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/light_control
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one switch between stored and custom
light settings.
This attribute is only valid for the pro variant.
The data has to be 8 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/stored_lights
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set per-key lighting for different
This attribute is only valid for the pro variant.
The data has to be 1382 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/custom_lights
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set the actual per-key lighting.
This attribute is only valid for the pro variant.
The data has to be 20 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/ryos/roccatryos<minor>/light_macro
Date: October 2013
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one set a light macro that is looped
whenever the device gets in dimness mode.
This attribute is only valid for the pro variant.
The data has to be 2002 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/buttons
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split into general settings and
button settings. The buttons variable holds information about
button layout. When written, this file lets one write the
respective profile buttons to the mouse. The data has to be
47 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/control
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one select which data from which
profile will be read next. The data has to be 3 bytes long.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/general
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. A profile is split into general settings and
button settings. A profile holds information like resolution,
sensitivity and light effects.
When written, this file lets one write the respective profile
settings back to the mouse. The data has to be 43 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Which profile to write is determined by the profile number
contained in the data.
This file is writeonly.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/info
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When read, this file returns general data like firmware version.
When written, the device can be reset.
The data is 8 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/macro
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: When written, this file lets one store macros with max 500
keystrokes for a specific button for a specific profile.
Button and profile numbers are included in written data.
The data has to be 2083 bytes long.
Before reading this file, control has to be written to select
which profile and key to read.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/profile
Date: Mai 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse can store 5 profiles which can be switched by the
press of a button. profile holds number of actual profile.
This value is persistent, so its value determines the profile
that's active when the mouse is powered on next time.
When written, the mouse activates the set profile immediately.
The data has to be 3 bytes long.
The mouse will reject invalid data.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<devnum>:<config num>.<interface num>/<hid-bus>:<vendor-id>:<product-id>.<num>/savu/roccatsavu<minor>/sensor
Date: July 2012
Contact: Stefan Achatz <erazor_de@users.sourceforge.net>
Description: The mouse has a Avago ADNS-3090 sensor.
This file allows reading and writing of the mouse sensors registers.
The data has to be 4 bytes long.
Users: http://roccat.sourceforge.net

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
These files allow sending arbitrary IPC commands to the PMC/SCU which
may be dangerous. These will be removed eventually and should not be
used in any new applications.
What: /sys/bus/platform/devices/INT34D2:00/simplecmd
Date: Jun 2015
KernelVersion: 4.1
Contact: Mika Westerberg <mika.westerberg@linux.intel.com>
Description: This interface allows userspace to send an arbitrary
IPC command to the PMC/SCU.
Format: %d %d where first number is command and
second number is subcommand.
What: /sys/bus/platform/devices/INT34D2:00/northpeak
Date: Jun 2015
KernelVersion: 4.1
Contact: Mika Westerberg <mika.westerberg@linux.intel.com>
Description: This interface allows userspace to enable and disable
Northpeak through the PMC/SCU.
Format: %u.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
What: /sys/firmware/acpi/hotplug/force_remove
Date: Mar 2017
Contact: Rafael J. Wysocki <rafael.j.wysocki@intel.com>
Since the force_remove is inherently broken and dangerous to
use for some hotplugable resources like memory (because ignoring
the offline failure might lead to memory corruption and crashes)
enabling this knob is not safe and thus unsupported.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
What: /sys/class/gpio/
Date: July 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.27
Contact: Linus Walleij <linusw@kernel.org>
As a Kconfig option, individual GPIO signals may be accessed from
userspace. GPIOs are only made available to userspace by an explicit
"export" operation. If a given GPIO is not claimed for use by
kernel code, it may be exported by userspace (and unexported later).
Kernel code may export it for complete or partial access.
GPIOs are identified as they are inside the kernel, using integers in
the range 0..INT_MAX. See Documentation/admin-guide/gpio for more information.
/export ... asks the kernel to export a GPIO to userspace
/unexport ... to return a GPIO to the kernel
/gpioN ... for each exported GPIO #N OR
/<LINE-NAME> ... for a properly named GPIO line
/value ... always readable, writes fail for input GPIOs
/direction ... r/w as: in, out (default low); write: high, low
/edge ... r/w as: none, falling, rising, both
/gpiochipN ... for each gpiochip; #N is its first GPIO
/base ... (r/o) same as N
/label ... (r/o) descriptive, not necessarily unique
/ngpio ... (r/o) number of GPIOs; numbered N to N + (ngpio - 1)
This ABI is deprecated and will be removed after 2020. It is
replaced with the GPIO character device.

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This ABI is renamed and moved to a new location /sys/kernel/fadump/enabled.
What: /sys/kernel/fadump_enabled
Date: Feb 2012
Contact: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
Description: read only
Primarily used to identify whether the FADump is enabled in
the kernel or not.
User: Kdump service

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
This ABI is renamed and moved to a new location /sys/kernel/fadump/registered.¬
What: /sys/kernel/fadump_registered
Date: Feb 2012
Contact: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
Description: read/write
Helps to control the dump collect feature from userspace.
Setting 1 to this file enables the system to collect the
dump and 0 to disable it.
User: Kdump service

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
This ABI is renamed and moved to a new location /sys/kernel/fadump/release_mem.¬
What: /sys/kernel/fadump_release_mem
Date: Feb 2012
Contact: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
Description: write only
This is a special sysfs file and only available when
the system is booted to capture the vmcore using FADump.
It is used to release the memory reserved by FADump to
save the crash dump.

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
What: /sys/fs/selinux/checkreqprot
Date: April 2005 (predates git)
KernelVersion: 2.6.12-rc2 (predates git)
Contact: selinux@vger.kernel.org
The selinuxfs "checkreqprot" node allows SELinux to be configured
to check the protection requested by userspace for mmap/mprotect
calls instead of the actual protection applied by the kernel.
This was a compatibility mechanism for legacy userspace and
for the READ_IMPLIES_EXEC personality flag. However, if set to
1, it weakens security by allowing mappings to be made executable
without authorization by policy. The default value of checkreqprot
at boot was changed starting in Linux v4.4 to 0 (i.e. check the
actual protection), and Android and Linux distributions have been
explicitly writing a "0" to /sys/fs/selinux/checkreqprot during
initialization for some time. Support for setting checkreqprot to 1
will be removed no sooner than June 2021, at which point the kernel
will always cease using checkreqprot internally and will always
check the actual protections being applied upon mmap/mprotect calls.
The checkreqprot selinuxfs node will remain for backward compatibility
but will discard writes of the "0" value and will reject writes of the
"1" value when this mechanism is removed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
What: /sys/fs/selinux/disable
Date: April 2005 (predates git)
KernelVersion: 2.6.12-rc2 (predates git)
Contact: selinux@vger.kernel.org
The selinuxfs "disable" node allows SELinux to be disabled at runtime
prior to a policy being loaded into the kernel. If disabled via this
mechanism, SELinux will remain disabled until the system is rebooted.
The preferred method of disabling SELinux is via the "selinux=0" boot
parameter, but the selinuxfs "disable" node was created to make it
easier for systems with primitive bootloaders that did not allow for
easy modification of the kernel command line. Unfortunately, allowing
for SELinux to be disabled at runtime makes it difficult to secure the
kernel's LSM hooks using the "__ro_after_init" feature.
Thankfully, the need for the SELinux runtime disable appears to be
gone, the default Kconfig configuration disables this selinuxfs node,
and only one of the major distributions, Fedora, supports disabling
SELinux at runtime. Fedora is in the process of removing the
selinuxfs "disable" node and once that is complete we will start the
slow process of removing this code from the kernel.
More information on /sys/fs/selinux/disable can be found under the

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
What: devfs
Date: July 2005 (scheduled), finally removed in kernel v2.6.18
Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
devfs has been unmaintained for a number of years, has unfixable
races, contains a naming policy within the kernel that is
against the LSB, and can be replaced by using udev.
The files fs/devfs/*, include/linux/devfs_fs*.h were removed,
along with the assorted devfs function calls throughout the
kernel tree.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
What: dv1394 (a.k.a. "OHCI-DV I/O support" for FireWire)
Date: May 2010 (scheduled), finally removed in kernel v2.6.37
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
/dev/dv1394/* were character device files, one for each FireWire
controller and for NTSC and PAL respectively, from which DV data
could be received by read() or transmitted by write(). A few
ioctl()s allowed limited control.
This special-purpose interface has been superseded by libraw1394 +
libiec61883 which are functionally equivalent, support HDV, and
transparently work on top of the newer firewire kernel drivers.
ffmpeg/libavformat (if configured for DV1394)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
What: ip_queue
Date: finally removed in kernel v3.5.0
Contact: Pablo Neira Ayuso <pablo@netfilter.org>
ip_queue has been replaced by nfnetlink_queue which provides
more advanced queueing mechanism to user-space. The ip_queue
module was already announced to become obsolete years ago.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
What: tcp_dma_copybreak sysctl
Date: Removed in kernel v3.13
Contact: Dan Williams <dan.j.williams@intel.com>
Formerly the lower limit, in bytes, of the size of socket reads
that will be offloaded to a DMA copy engine. Removed due to
coherency issues of the cpu potentially touching the buffers
while dma is in flight.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
What: /sys/o2cb symlink
Date: May 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: ocfs2-devel@oss.oracle.com
Description: This is a symlink: /sys/o2cb to /sys/fs/o2cb. The symlink is
removed when new versions of ocfs2-tools which know to look
in /sys/fs/o2cb are sufficiently prevalent. Don't code new
software to look here, it should try /sys/fs/o2cb instead.
Users: ocfs2-tools. It's sufficient to mail proposed changes to

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
What: raw1394 (a.k.a. "Raw IEEE1394 I/O support" for FireWire)
Date: May 2010 (scheduled), finally removed in kernel v2.6.37
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
/dev/raw1394 was a character device file that allowed low-level
access to FireWire buses. Its major drawbacks were its inability
to implement sensible device security policies, and its low level
of abstraction that required userspace clients to duplicate much
of the kernel's ieee1394 core functionality.
Replaced by /dev/fw*, i.e. the <linux/firewire-cdev.h> ABI of
libraw1394 (works with firewire-cdev too, transparent to library ABI

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
What: /sys/bus/nd/devices/regionX/nfit/ecc_unit_size
Date: Aug, 2017
KernelVersion: v4.14 (Removed v4.18)
Contact: linux-nvdimm@lists.01.org
(RO) Size of a write request to a DIMM that will not incur a
read-modify-write cycle at the memory controller.
When the nfit driver initializes it runs an ARS (Address Range
Scrub) operation across every pmem range. Part of that process
involves determining the ARS capabilities of a given address
range. One of the capabilities that is reported is the 'Clear
Uncorrectable Error Range Length Unit Size' (see: ACPI 6.2
section Function Index 1 - Query ARS Capabilities).
This property indicates the boundary at which the NVDIMM may
need to perform read-modify-write cycles to maintain ECC (Error
Correcting Code) blocks.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
rfkill - radio frequency (RF) connector kill switch support
For details to this subsystem look at Documentation/driver-api/rfkill.rst.
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/claim
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: This file was deprecated because there no longer was a way to
claim just control over a single rfkill instance.
This file was scheduled to be removed in 2012, and was removed
in 2016.
Values: 0: Kernel handles events

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This ABI is moved to /sys/firmware/opal/mpipl/release_core.
What: /sys/kernel/fadump_release_opalcore
Date: Sep 2019
Contact: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org
Description: write only
The sysfs file is available when the system is booted to
collect the dump on OPAL based machine. It used to release
the memory used to collect the opalcore.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
What: /sys/kernel/uids/<uid>/cpu_shares
Date: December 2007, finally removed in kernel v2.6.34-rc1
Contact: Dhaval Giani <dhaval@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Srivatsa Vaddagiri <vatsa@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
The /sys/kernel/uids/<uid>/cpu_shares tunable is used
to set the cpu bandwidth a user is allowed. This is a
propotional value. What that means is that if there
are two users logged in, each with an equal number of
shares, then they will get equal CPU bandwidth. Another
example would be, if User A has shares = 1024 and user
B has shares = 2048, User B will get twice the CPU
bandwidth user A will. For more details refer

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
What: video1394 (a.k.a. "OHCI-1394 Video support" for FireWire)
Date: May 2010 (scheduled), finally removed in kernel v2.6.37
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
/dev/video1394/* were character device files, one for each FireWire
controller, which were used for isochronous I/O. It was added as an
alternative to raw1394's isochronous I/O functionality which had
performance issues in its first generation. Any video1394 user had
to use raw1394 + libraw1394 too because video1394 did not provide
asynchronous I/O for device discovery and configuration.
Replaced by /dev/fw*, i.e. the <linux/firewire-cdev.h> ABI of
libdc1394 (works with firewire-cdev too, transparent to library ABI

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
What: /dev/fw[0-9]+
Date: May 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
The character device files /dev/fw* are the interface between
firewire-core and IEEE 1394 device drivers implemented in
userspace. The ioctl(2)- and read(2)-based ABI is defined and
documented in <linux/firewire-cdev.h>.
This ABI offers most of the features which firewire-core also
exposes to kernelspace IEEE 1394 drivers.
Each /dev/fw* is associated with one IEEE 1394 node, which can
be remote or local nodes. Operations on a /dev/fw* file have
different scope:
- The 1394 node which is associated with the file:
- Asynchronous request transmission
- Get the Configuration ROM
- Query node ID
- Query maximum speed of the path between this node
and local node
- The 1394 bus (i.e. "card") to which the node is attached to:
- Isochronous stream transmission and reception
- Asynchronous stream transmission and reception
- Asynchronous broadcast request transmission
- PHY packet transmission and reception
- Allocate, reallocate, deallocate isochronous
resources (channels, bandwidth) at the bus's IRM
- Query node IDs of local node, root node, IRM, bus
- Query cycle time
- Bus reset initiation, bus reset event reception
- All 1394 buses:
- Allocation of IEEE 1212 address ranges on the local
link layers, reception of inbound requests to such
an address range, asynchronous response transmission
to inbound requests
- Addition of descriptors or directories to the local
nodes' Configuration ROM
Due to the different scope of operations and in order to let
userland implement different access permission models, some
operations are restricted to /dev/fw* files that are associated
with a local node:
- Addition of descriptors or directories to the local
nodes' Configuration ROM
- PHY packet transmission and reception
A /dev/fw* file remains associated with one particular node
during its entire life time. Bus topology changes, and hence
node ID changes, are tracked by firewire-core. ABI users do not
need to be aware of topology.
The following file operations are supported:
Currently the only useful flags are O_RDWR.
Initiate various actions. Some take immediate effect, others
are performed asynchronously while or after the ioctl returns.
See the inline documentation in <linux/firewire-cdev.h> for
descriptions of all ioctls.
poll(2), select(2), epoll_wait(2) etc.
Watch for events to become available to be read.
Receive various events. There are solicited events like
outbound asynchronous transaction completion or isochronous
buffer completion, and unsolicited events such as bus resets,
request reception, or PHY packet reception. Always use a read
buffer which is large enough to receive the largest event that
could ever arrive. See <linux/firewire-cdev.h> for descriptions
of all event types and for which ioctls affect reception of
Allocate a DMA buffer for isochronous reception or transmission
and map it into the process address space. The arguments should
be used as follows: addr = NULL, length = the desired buffer
size, i.e. number of packets times size of largest packet,
prot = at least PROT_READ for reception and at least PROT_WRITE
for transmission, flags = MAP_SHARED, fd = the handle to the
/dev/fw*, offset = 0.
Isochronous reception works in packet-per-buffer fashion except
for multichannel reception which works in buffer-fill mode.
Unmap the isochronous I/O buffer from the process address space.
Besides stopping and freeing I/O contexts that were associated
with the file descriptor, back out any changes to the local
nodes' Configuration ROM. Deallocate isochronous channels and
bandwidth at the IRM that were marked for kernel-assisted
re- and deallocation.
Users: libraw1394;
tools like linux-firewire-utils, fwhack, ...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
What: /sys/fs/o2cb/ (was /sys/o2cb)
Date: Dec 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.16
Contact: ocfs2-devel@oss.oracle.com
Description: Ocfs2-tools looks at 'interface-revision' for versioning
information. Each logmask/ file controls a set of debug prints
and can be written into with the strings "allow", "deny", or
"off". Reading the file returns the current state.
Users: ocfs2-tools. It's sufficient to mail proposed changes to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
What: The kernel syscall interface
This interface matches much of the POSIX interface and is based
on it and other Unix based interfaces. It will only be added to
over time, and not have things removed from it.
Note that this interface is different for every architecture
that Linux supports. Please see the architecture-specific
documentation for details on the syscall numbers that are to be
mapped to each syscall.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
What: /sys/firmware/acpi/pm_profile
Date: 03-Nov-2011
KernelVersion: v3.2
Contact: linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org
Description: The ACPI pm_profile sysfs interface exports the platform
power management (and performance) requirement expectations
as provided by BIOS. The integer value is directly passed as
retrieved from the FADT ACPI table.
Values: For possible values see ACPI specification:
5.2.9 Fixed ACPI Description Table (FADT)
Field: Preferred_PM_Profile
Currently these values are defined by spec:
== =================
0 Unspecified
1 Desktop
2 Mobile
3 Workstation
4 Enterprise Server
5 SOHO Server
6 Appliance PC
7 Performance Server
>7 Reserved
== =================

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/
Date: May 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
IEEE 1394 node device attributes.
Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime.
See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions.
Contents of the Configuration ROM register.
Binary attribute; an array of host-endian u32.
The node's EUI-64 in the bus information block of
Configuration ROM.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u64.
What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/units
Date: June 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.31
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
IEEE 1394 node device attribute.
Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime.
See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions.
Summary of all units present in an IEEE 1394 node.
Contains space-separated tuples of specifier_id and
version of each unit present in the node. Specifier_id
and version are hexadecimal string representations of
u24 of the respective unit directory entries.
Specifier_id and version within each tuple are separated
by a colon.
Users: udev rules to set ownership and access permissions or ACLs of
/dev/fw[0-9]+ character device files
What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+/is_local
Date: July 2012
KernelVersion: 3.6
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
IEEE 1394 node device attribute.
Read-only and immutable.
Values: 1: The sysfs entry represents a local node (a controller card).
0: The sysfs entry represents a remote node.
What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/fw[0-9]+[.][0-9]+/
Date: May 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
IEEE 1394 unit device attributes.
Read-only. Immutable during the unit device's lifetime.
See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions.
Same as MODALIAS in the uevent at device creation.
Offset of the unit directory within the parent device's
(node device's) Configuration ROM, in quadlets.
Decimal string representation.
What: /sys/bus/firewire/devices/*/
Date: May 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Attributes common to IEEE 1394 node devices and unit devices.
Read-only. Mutable during the node device's lifetime.
Immutable during the unit device's lifetime.
See IEEE 1212 for semantic definitions.
These attributes are only created if the root directory of an
IEEE 1394 node or the unit directory of an IEEE 1394 unit
actually contains according entries.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u24.
Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u24.
Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u24.
Mandatory in unit directories according to IEEE 1212.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u24.
Mandatory in the root directory according to IEEE 1212.
Contents of a respective textual descriptor leaf.
Hexadecimal string representation of an u24.
Mandatory in unit directories according to IEEE 1212.
What: /sys/bus/firewire/drivers/sbp2/fw*/host*/target*/*:*:*:*/ieee1394_id
Date: Feb 2004
KernelVersion: 2.6.4
Contact: linux1394-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
SCSI target port identifier and logical unit identifier of a
logical unit of an SBP-2 target. The identifiers are specified
in SAM-2...SAM-4 annex A. They are persistent and world-wide
unique properties the SBP-2 attached target.
Read-only attribute, immutable during the target's lifetime.
Format, as exposed by firewire-sbp2 since 2.6.22, May 2007:
Colon-separated hexadecimal string representations of
u64 EUI-64 : u24 directory_ID : u16 LUN
without 0x prefixes, without whitespace. The former sbp2 driver
(removed in 2.6.37 after being superseded by firewire-sbp2) used
a somewhat shorter format which was not as close to SAM.
Users: udev rules to create /dev/disk/by-id/ symlinks

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
What: /sys/bus/mhi/devices/.../serialnumber
Date: Sept 2020
KernelVersion: 5.10
Contact: Bhaumik Bhatt <bbhatt@codeaurora.org>
Description: The file holds the serial number of the client device obtained
using a BHI (Boot Host Interface) register read after at least
one attempt to power up the device has been done. If read
without having the device power on at least once, the file will
read all 0's.
Users: Any userspace application or clients interested in device info.
What: /sys/bus/mhi/devices/.../oem_pk_hash
Date: Sept 2020
KernelVersion: 5.10
Contact: Bhaumik Bhatt <bbhatt@codeaurora.org>
Description: The file holds the OEM PK Hash value of the endpoint device
obtained using a BHI (Boot Host Interface) register read after
at least one attempt to power up the device has been done. If
read without having the device power on at least once, the file
will read all 0's.
Users: Any userspace application or clients interested in device info.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
What: /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/.../nvmem
Date: July 2015
KernelVersion: 4.2
Contact: Srinivas Kandagatla <srinivas.kandagatla@linaro.org>
This file allows user to read/write the raw NVMEM contents.
Permissions for write to this file depends on the nvmem
provider configuration.
Note: This file is only present if CONFIG_NVMEM_SYSFS
is enabled
hexdump /sys/bus/nvmem/devices/qfprom0/nvmem
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
00000a0 db10 2240 0000 e000 0c00 0c00 0000 0c00
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/persist
Date: May 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.23
Contact: Alan Stern <stern@rowland.harvard.edu>
USB device directories can contain a file named power/persist.
The file holds a boolean value (0 or 1) indicating whether or
not the "USB-Persist" facility is enabled for the device. For
hubs this facility is always enabled and their device
directories will not contain this file.
For more information, see Documentation/driver-api/usb/persist.rst.
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/autosuspend
Date: March 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.21
Contact: Alan Stern <stern@rowland.harvard.edu>
Each USB device directory will contain a file named
power/autosuspend. This file holds the time (in seconds)
the device must be idle before it will be autosuspended.
0 means the device will be autosuspended as soon as
possible. Negative values will prevent the device from
being autosuspended at all, and writing a negative value
will resume the device if it is already suspended.
The autosuspend delay for newly-created devices is set to
the value of the usbcore.autosuspend module parameter.
What: /sys/bus/usb/device/.../power/connected_duration
Date: January 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.25
Contact: Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@intel.com>
If CONFIG_PM is enabled, then this file is present. When read,
it returns the total time (in msec) that the USB device has been
connected to the machine. This file is read-only.
PowerTOP <powertop@lists.01.org>
What: /sys/bus/usb/device/.../power/active_duration
Date: January 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.25
Contact: Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@intel.com>
If CONFIG_PM is enabled, then this file is present. When read,
it returns the total time (in msec) that the USB device has been
active, i.e. not in a suspended state. This file is read-only.
Tools can use this file and the connected_duration file to
compute the percentage of time that a device has been active.
For example::
echo $((100 * `cat active_duration` / `cat connected_duration`))
will give an integer percentage. Note that this does not
account for counter wrap.
PowerTOP <powertop@lists.01.org>
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/<busnum>-<port[.port]>...:<config num>-<interface num>/supports_autosuspend
Date: January 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.27
Contact: Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@intel.com>
When read, this file returns 1 if the interface driver
for this interface supports autosuspend. It also
returns 1 if no driver has claimed this interface, as an
unclaimed interface will not stop the device from being
autosuspended if all other interface drivers are idle.
The file returns 0 if autosuspend support has not been
added to the driver.
USB PM tool
What: /sys/bus/usb/device/.../avoid_reset_quirk
Date: December 2009
Contact: Oliver Neukum <oliver@neukum.org>
Writing 1 to this file tells the kernel that this
device will morph into another mode when it is reset.
Drivers will not use reset for error handling for
such devices.
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../devnum
KernelVersion: since at least 2.6.18
Device address on the USB bus.
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../bConfigurationValue
KernelVersion: since at least 2.6.18
bConfigurationValue of the *active* configuration for the
device. Writing 0 or -1 to bConfigurationValue will reset the
active configuration (unconfigure the device). Writing
another value will change the active configuration.
Note that some devices, in violation of the USB spec, have a
configuration with a value equal to 0. Writing 0 to
bConfigurationValue for these devices will install that
configuration, rather then unconfigure the device.
Writing -1 will always unconfigure the device.
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../busnum
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Bus-number of the USB-bus the device is connected to.
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../descriptors
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Binary file containing cached descriptors of the device. The
binary data consists of the device descriptor followed by the
descriptors for each configuration of the device.
Note that the wTotalLength of the config descriptors can not
be trusted, as the device may have a smaller config descriptor
than it advertises. The bLength field of each (sub) descriptor
can be trusted, and can be used to seek forward one (sub)
descriptor at a time until the next config descriptor is found.
All descriptors read from this file are in bus-endian format
What: /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../speed
KernelVersion: since at least 2.6.18
Speed the device is connected with to the usb-host in
Mbit / second. IE one of 1.5 / 12 / 480 / 5000.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/id
Date: Jul 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.31
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The VMBus child_relid of the device's primary channel
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/class_id
Date: Jul 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.31
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The VMBus interface type GUID of the device
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/device_id
Date: Jul 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.31
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The VMBus interface instance GUID of the device
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channel_vp_mapping
Date: Jul 2015
KernelVersion: 4.2.0
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The mapping of which primary/sub channels are bound to which
Virtual Processors.
Format: <channel's child_relid:the bound cpu's number>
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/device
Date: Dec. 2015
KernelVersion: 4.5
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The 16 bit device ID of the device
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus and user level RDMA libraries
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/vendor
Date: Dec. 2015
KernelVersion: 4.5
Contact: K. Y. Srinivasan <kys@microsoft.com>
Description: The 16 bit vendor ID of the device
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus and user level RDMA libraries
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/numa_node
Date: Jul 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: This NUMA node to which the VMBUS device is
attached, or -1 if the node is unknown.
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Directory for per-channel information
NN is the VMBUS relid associtated with the channel.
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/cpu
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: VCPU (sub)channel is affinitized to
Users: tools/hv/lsvmbus and other debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/in_mask
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Host to guest channel interrupt mask
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/latency
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Channel signaling latency. This file is available only for
performance critical channels (storage, network, etc.) that use
the monitor page mechanism.
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/out_mask
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Guest to host channel interrupt mask
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/pending
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Channel interrupt pending state. This file is available only for
performance critical channels (storage, network, etc.) that use
the monitor page mechanism.
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/read_avail
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Bytes available to read
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/write_avail
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Bytes available to write
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/events
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Number of times we have signaled the host
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/interrupts
Date: September. 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Number of times we have taken an interrupt (incoming)
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/subchannel_id
Date: January. 2018
KernelVersion: 4.16
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Subchannel ID associated with VMBUS channel
Users: Debugging tools and userspace drivers
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/monitor_id
Date: January. 2018
KernelVersion: 4.16
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Monitor bit associated with channel. This file is available only
for performance critical channels (storage, network, etc.) that
use the monitor page mechanism.
Users: Debugging tools and userspace drivers
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/ring
Date: January. 2018
KernelVersion: 4.16
Contact: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Description: Binary file created by uio_hv_generic for ring buffer
Users: Userspace drivers
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/intr_in_full
Date: February 2019
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Michael Kelley <mikelley@microsoft.com>
Description: Number of guest to host interrupts caused by the inbound ring
buffer transitioning from full to not full while a packet is
waiting for buffer space to become available
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/intr_out_empty
Date: February 2019
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Michael Kelley <mikelley@microsoft.com>
Description: Number of guest to host interrupts caused by the outbound ring
buffer transitioning from empty to not empty
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/out_full_first
Date: February 2019
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Michael Kelley <mikelley@microsoft.com>
Description: Number of write operations that were the first to encounter an
outbound ring buffer full condition
Users: Debugging tools
What: /sys/bus/vmbus/devices/<UUID>/channels/<N>/out_full_total
Date: February 2019
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Michael Kelley <mikelley@microsoft.com>
Description: Total number of write operations that encountered an outbound
ring buffer full condition
Users: Debugging tools

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
What: /sys/bus/w1/devices/.../w1_master_timeout_us
Date: April 2015
Contact: Dmitry Khromov <dk@icelogic.net>
Description: Bus scanning interval, microseconds component.
Some of 1-Wire devices commonly associated with physical access
control systems are attached/generate presence for as short as
100 ms - hence the tens-to-hundreds milliseconds scan intervals
are required.
see Documentation/w1/w1-generic.rst for detailed information.
Users: any user space application which wants to know bus scanning

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/*/devtype
Date: Feb 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.38
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The type of the device. e.g., one of: 'vbd' (block),
'vif' (network), or 'vfb' (framebuffer).
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/*/nodename
Date: Feb 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.38
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
XenStore node (under /local/domain/NNN/) for this
backend device.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/physical_device
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The major:minor number (in hexidecimal) of the
physical device providing the storage for this backend
block device.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/mode
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Whether the block device is read-only ('r') or
read-write ('w').
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/f_req
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of flush requests from the frontend.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/oo_req
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of requests delayed because the backend was too
busy processing previous requests.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/rd_req
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of read requests from the frontend.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/rd_sect
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of sectors read by the frontend.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/wr_req
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of write requests from the frontend.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/vbd-*/statistics/wr_sect
Date: April 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Number of sectors written by the frontend.
What: /sys/bus/xen-backend/devices/*/state
Date: August 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Joe Jin <joe.jin@oracle.com>
The state of the device. One of: 'Unknown',
'Initialising', 'Initialised', 'Connected', 'Closing',
'Closed', 'Reconfiguring', 'Reconfigured'.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
What: /sys/class/backlight/<backlight>/bl_power
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@rpsys.net>
Control BACKLIGHT power, values are FB_BLANK_* from fb.h
- FB_BLANK_UNBLANK (0) : power on.
- FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN (4) : power off
Users: HAL
What: /sys/class/backlight/<backlight>/brightness
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@rpsys.net>
Control the brightness for this <backlight>. Values
are between 0 and max_brightness. This file will also
show the brightness level stored in the driver, which
may not be the actual brightness (see actual_brightness).
Users: HAL
What: /sys/class/backlight/<backlight>/actual_brightness
Date: March 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@rpsys.net>
Show the actual brightness by querying the hardware.
Users: HAL
What: /sys/class/backlight/<backlight>/max_brightness
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@rpsys.net>
Maximum brightness for <backlight>.
Users: HAL
What: /sys/class/backlight/<backlight>/type
Date: September 2010
KernelVersion: 2.6.37
Contact: Matthew Garrett <mjg@redhat.com>
The type of interface controlled by <backlight>.
"firmware": The driver uses a standard firmware interface
"platform": The driver uses a platform-specific interface
"raw": The driver controls hardware registers directly
In the general case, when multiple backlight
interfaces are available for a single device, firmware
control should be preferred to platform control should
be preferred to raw control. Using a firmware
interface reduces the probability of confusion with
the hardware and the OS independently updating the
backlight state. Platform interfaces are mostly a
holdover from pre-standardisation of firmware

View File

@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
sysfs interface common for all infiniband devices
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/node_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/node_guid
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/sys_image_guid
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ===========================================
node_type: (RO) Node type (CA, RNIC, usNIC, usNIC UDP,
switch or router)
node_guid: (RO) Node GUID
sys_image_guid: (RO) System image GUID
=============== ===========================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/node_desc
Date: Feb, 2006
KernelVersion: v2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RW) Update the node description with information such as the
node's hostname, so that IB network management software can tie
its view to the real world.
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/fw_ver
Date: Jun, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.10
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RO) Display firmware version
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/lid
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/rate
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/lid_mask_count
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/sm_sl
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/sm_lid
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/state
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/phys_state
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/cap_mask
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ===============================================
lid: (RO) Port LID
rate: (RO) Port data rate (active width * active
lid_mask_count: (RO) Port LID mask count
sm_sl: (RO) Subnet manager SL for port's subnet
sm_lid: (RO) Subnet manager LID for port's subnet
state: (RO) Port state (DOWN, INIT, ARMED, ACTIVE or
phys_state: (RO) Port physical state (Sleep, Polling,
LinkUp, etc)
cap_mask: (RO) Port capability mask. 2 bits here are
settable- IsCommunicationManagementSupported
(set when CM module is loaded) and IsSM (set
via open of issmN file).
=============== ===============================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/link_layer
Date: Oct, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.37
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RO) Link layer type information (Infiniband or Ethernet type)
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/symbol_error
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_remote_physical_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_switch_relay_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/link_error_recovery
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_xmit_constraint_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_contraint_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/local_link_integrity_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/excessive_buffer_overrun_errors
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_xmit_data
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_data
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_xmit_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_rcv_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/unicast_rcv_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/unicast_xmit_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/multicast_rcv_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/multicast_xmit_packets
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/link_downed
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_xmit_discards
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/VL15_dropped
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device>/ports/<port-num>/counters/port_xmit_wait
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
**Errors info**:
symbol_error: (RO) Total number of minor link errors detected on
one or more physical lanes.
port_rcv_errors : (RO) Total number of packets containing an
error that were received on the port.
port_rcv_remote_physical_errors : (RO) Total number of packets
marked with the EBP delimiter received on the port.
port_rcv_switch_relay_errors : (RO) Total number of packets
received on the port that were discarded because they could not
be forwarded by the switch relay.
link_error_recovery: (RO) Total number of times the Port
Training state machine has successfully completed the link error
recovery process.
port_xmit_constraint_errors: (RO) Total number of packets not
transmitted from the switch physical port due to outbound raw
filtering or failing outbound partition or IP version check.
port_rcv_constraint_errors: (RO) Total number of packets
received on the switch physical port that are discarded due to
inbound raw filtering or failing inbound partition or IP version
local_link_integrity_errors: (RO) The number of times that the
count of local physical errors exceeded the threshold specified
by LocalPhyErrors
excessive_buffer_overrun_errors: (RO) This counter, indicates an
input buffer overrun. It indicates possible misconfiguration of
a port, either by the Subnet Manager (SM) or by user
intervention. It can also indicate hardware issues or extremely
poor link signal integrity
**Data info**:
port_xmit_data: (RO) Total number of data octets, divided by 4
(lanes), transmitted on all VLs. This is 64 bit counter
port_rcv_data: (RO) Total number of data octets, divided by 4
(lanes), received on all VLs. This is 64 bit counter.
port_xmit_packets: (RO) Total number of packets transmitted on
all VLs from this port. This may include packets with errors.
This is 64 bit counter.
port_rcv_packets: (RO) Total number of packets (this may include
packets containing Errors. This is 64 bit counter.
link_downed: (RO) Total number of times the Port Training state
machine has failed the link error recovery process and downed
the link.
unicast_rcv_packets: (RO) Total number of unicast packets,
including unicast packets containing errors.
unicast_xmit_packets: (RO) Total number of unicast packets
transmitted on all VLs from the port. This may include unicast
packets with errors.
multicast_rcv_packets: (RO) Total number of multicast packets,
including multicast packets containing errors.
multicast_xmit_packets: (RO) Total number of multicast packets
transmitted on all VLs from the port. This may include multicast
packets with errors.
**Misc info**:
port_xmit_discards: (RO) Total number of outbound packets
discarded by the port because the port is down or congested.
VL15_dropped: (RO) Number of incoming VL15 packets dropped due
to resource limitations (e.g., lack of buffers) of the port.
port_xmit_wait: (RO) The number of ticks during which the port
had data to transmit but no data was sent during the entire tick
(either because of insufficient credits or because of lack of
Each of these files contains the corresponding value from the
port's Performance Management PortCounters attribute, as
described in the InfiniBand Architecture Specification.
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device-name>/hw_counters/lifespan
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<device-name>/ports/<port-num>/hw_counters/lifespan
Date: May, 2016
KernelVersion: 4.6
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
The optional "hw_counters" subdirectory can be under either the
parent device or the port subdirectories or both. If present,
there are a list of counters provided by the hardware. They may
match some of the counters in the counters directory, but they
often include many other counters. In addition to the various
counters, there will be a file named "lifespan" that configures
how frequently the core should update the counters when they are
being accessed (counters are not updated if they are not being
accessed). The lifespan is in milliseconds and defaults to 10
unless set to something else by the driver. Users may echo a
value between 0-10000 to the lifespan file to set the length
of time between updates in milliseconds.
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<hca>/ports/<port-number>/gid_attrs/ndevs/<gid-index>
Date: November 29, 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4.0
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: The net-device's name associated with the GID resides
at index <gid-index>.
What: /sys/class/infiniband/<hca>/ports/<port-number>/gid_attrs/types/<gid-index>
Date: November 29, 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4.0
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: The RoCE type of the associated GID resides at index <gid-index>.
This could either be "IB/RoCE v1" for IB and RoCE v1 based GIDs
or "RoCE v2" for RoCE v2 based GIDs.
What: /sys/class/infiniband_mad/umadN/ibdev
What: /sys/class/infiniband_mad/umadN/port
What: /sys/class/infiniband_mad/issmN/ibdev
What: /sys/class/infiniband_mad/issmN/port
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Each port of each InfiniBand device has a "umad" device and an
"issm" device attached. For example, a two-port HCA will have
two umad devices and two issm devices, while a switch will have
one device of each type (for switch port 0).
======= =====================================
ibdev: (RO) Show Infiniband (IB) device name
port: (RO) Display port number
======= =====================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband_mad/abi_version
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RO) Value is incremented if any changes are made that break
userspace ABI compatibility of umad & issm devices.
What: /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbsN/ibdev
What: /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbsN/abi_version
Date: Sept, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.14
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ===========================================
ibdev: (RO) Display Infiniband (IB) device name
abi_version: (RO) Show ABI version of IB device specific
=============== ===========================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/abi_version
Date: Sep, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.14
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RO) Value is incremented if any changes are made that break
userspace ABI compatibility of uverbs devices.
sysfs interface for Mellanox IB HCA low-level driver (mthca)
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mthcaX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mthcaX/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mthcaX/board_id
Date: Apr, 2005
KernelVersion: v2.6.12
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ================================================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Host Channel Adapter type: MT23108, MT25208
(MT23108 compat mode), MT25208 or MT25204
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board ID
=============== ================================================
sysfs interface for Mellanox ConnectX HCA IB driver (mlx4)
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/board_id
Date: Sep, 2007
KernelVersion: v2.6.24
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ===============================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Host channel adapter type
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board ID
=============== ===============================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<port-num>/gids/<n>
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<port-num>/admin_guids/<n>
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<port-num>/pkeys/<n>
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<port-num>/mcgs/
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<pci-slot-num>/ports/<m>/gid_idx/0
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/ports/<pci-slot-num>/ports/<m>/pkey_idx/<n>
Date: Aug, 2012
KernelVersion: v3.6.15
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
The sysfs iov directory is used to manage and examine the port
P_Key and guid paravirtualization. This directory is added only
for the master -- slaves do not have it.
Under iov/ports, the administrator may examine the gid and P_Key
tables as they are present in the device (and as are seen in the
"network view" presented to the SM).
The "pkeys" and "gids" subdirectories contain one file for each
entry in the port's P_Key or GID table respectively. For
example, ports/1/pkeys/10 contains the value at index 10 in port
1's P_Key table.
======================= ==========================================
gids/<n>: (RO) The physical port gids n = 0..127
admin_guids/<n>: (RW) Allows examining or changing the
administrative state of a given GUID
n = 0..127
pkeys/<n>: (RO) Displays the contents of the physical
key table n = 0..126
mcgs/: (RO) Muticast group table
<m>/gid_idx/0: (RO) Display the GID mapping m = 1..2
<m>/pkey_idx/<n>: (RW) Writable except for RoCE pkeys.
m = 1..2, n = 0..126
Under the iov/<pci slot number>
directories, the admin may map the index
numbers in the physical tables (as under
iov/ports) to the paravirtualized index
numbers that guests see.
For example, if the administrator, for
port 1 on guest 2 maps physical pkey
index 10 to virtual index 1, then that
guest, whenever it uses its pkey index
1, will actually be using the real pkey
index 10.
======================= ==========================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/<pci-slot-num>/ports/<m>/smi_enabled
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx4_X/iov/<pci-slot-num>/ports/<m>/enable_smi_admin
Date: May, 2014
KernelVersion: v3.15.7
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Enabling QP0 on VFs for selected VF/port. By default, no VFs are
enabled for QP0 operation.
================= ==== ===========================================
smi_enabled: (RO) Indicates whether smi is currently enabled
for the indicated VF/port
enable_smi_admin: (RW) Used by the admin to request that smi
capability be enabled or disabled for the
indicated VF/port. 0 = disable, 1 = enable.
================= ==== ===========================================
The requested enablement will occur at the next reset of the VF
(e.g. driver restart on the VM which owns the VF).
sysfs interface for Chelsio T4/T5 RDMA driver (cxgb4)
What: /sys/class/infiniband/cxgb4_X/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/cxgb4_X/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/cxgb4_X/board_id
Date: Apr, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== =============================================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Driver short name. Should normally match
the name in its bus driver structure (e.g.
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board id. (Vendor + device
=============== =============================================
sysfs interface for Intel IB driver qib
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/version
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/board_id
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/boardversion
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/nctxts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/localbus_info
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/tempsense
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/serial
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/nfreectxts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/chip_reset
Date: May, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ======================================================
version: (RO) Display version information of installed software
and drivers.
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Host channel adapter type
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board id
boardversion: (RO) Current version of the chip architecture
nctxts: (RO) Return the number of user ports (contexts)
localbus_info: (RO) Human readable localbus info
tempsense: (RO) Display temp sense registers in decimal
serial: (RO) Serial number of the HCA
nfreectxts: (RO) The number of free user ports (contexts)
chip_reset: (WO) Reset the chip if possible by writing
"reset" to this file. Only allowed if no user
contexts are open that use chip resources.
=============== ======================================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/sl2vl/[0-15]
Date: May, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
(RO) The directory contains 16 files numbered 0-15 that specify
the Service Level (SL). Listing the SL files returns the Virtual
Lane (VL) as programmed by the SL.
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/CCMgtA/cc_settings_bin
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/CCMgtA/cc_table_bin
Date: May, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Per-port congestion control. Both are binary attributes.
=============== ================================================
cc_table_bin (RO) Congestion control table size followed by
table entries.
cc_settings_bin (RO) Congestion settings: port control, control
map and an array of 16 entries for the
congestion entries - increase, timer, event log
trigger threshold and the minimum injection rate
=============== ================================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/linkstate/loopback
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/linkstate/led_override
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/linkstate/hrtbt_enable
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/linkstate/status
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/linkstate/status_str
Date: May, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
[to be documented]
=============== ===============================================
loopback: (WO)
led_override: (WO)
hrtbt_enable: (RW)
status: (RO)
status_str: (RO) Displays information about the link state,
possible cable/switch problems, and hardware
errors. Possible states are- "Initted",
"Present", "IB_link_up", "IB_configured" or
=============== ===============================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/rc_resends
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/seq_naks
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/rdma_seq
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/rnr_naks
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/other_naks
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/rc_timeouts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/look_pkts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/pkt_drops
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/dma_wait
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qibX/ports/N/diag_counters/unaligned
Date: May, 2010
KernelVersion: v2.6.35
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
[to be documented]
sysfs interface for Mellanox Connect-IB HCA driver mlx5
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_X/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_X/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_X/reg_pages
What: /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_X/fw_pages
Date: Jul, 2013
KernelVersion: v3.11
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
[to be documented]
sysfs interface for Cisco VIC (usNIC) Verbs Driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/board_id
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/config
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/qp_per_vf
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/max_vf
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/cq_per_vf
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/iface
Date: Sep, 2013
KernelVersion: v3.14
Contact: Christian Benvenuti <benve@cisco.com>,
Dave Goodell <dgoodell@cisco.com>,
=============== ===============================================
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board id
config: (RO) Report the configuration for this PF
qp_per_vf: (RO) Queue pairs per virtual function.
max_vf: (RO) Max virtual functions
cq_per_vf: (RO) Completion queue per virtual function
iface: (RO) Shows which network interface this usNIC
entry is associated to (visible with ifconfig).
=============== ===============================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/qpn/summary
What: /sys/class/infiniband/usnic_X/qpn/context
Date: Sep, 2013
KernelVersion: v3.14
Contact: Christian Benvenuti <benve@cisco.com>,
Dave Goodell <dgoodell@cisco.com>,
[to be documented]
sysfs interface for Emulex RoCE HCA Driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/ocrdmaX/hw_rev
Date: Feb, 2014
KernelVersion: v3.14
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
What: /sys/class/infiniband/ocrdmaX/hca_type
Date: Jun, 2014
KernelVersion: v3.16
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
hca_type: (RO) Display FW version
sysfs interface for Intel Omni-Path driver (HFI1)
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/board_id
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/nctxts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/serial
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/chip_reset
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/boardversion
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/nfreectxts
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/tempsense
Date: May, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.6
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== =============================================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
board_id: (RO) Manufacturing board id
nctxts: (RO) Total contexts available.
serial: (RO) Board serial number
chip_reset: (WO) Write "reset" to this file to reset the
chip if possible. Only allowed if no user
contexts are open that use chip resources.
boardversion: (RO) Human readable board info
nfreectxts: (RO) The number of free user ports (contexts)
tempsense: (RO) Thermal sense information
=============== =============================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/CCMgtA/cc_settings_bin
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/CCMgtA/cc_table_bin
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/CCMgtA/cc_prescan
Date: May, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.6
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Per-port congestion control.
=============== ================================================
cc_table_bin (RO) CCA tables used by PSM2 Congestion control
table size followed by table entries. Binary
cc_settings_bin (RO) Congestion settings: port control, control
map and an array of 16 entries for the
congestion entries - increase, timer, event log
trigger threshold and the minimum injection rate
delay. Binary attribute.
cc_prescan (RW) enable prescanning for faster BECN
response. Write "on" to enable and "off" to
=============== ================================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/sc2vl/[0-31]
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/sl2sc/[0-31]
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/ports/N/vl2mtu/[0-15]
Date: May, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.6
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ===================================================
sc2vl/: (RO) 32 files (0 - 31) used to translate sl->vl
sl2sc/: (RO) 32 files (0 - 31) used to translate sl->sc
vl2mtu/: (RO) 16 files (0 - 15) used to determine MTU for vl
=============== ===================================================
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/sdma_N/cpu_list
What: /sys/class/infiniband/hfi1_X/sdma_N/vl
Date: Sept, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.8
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
sdma<N>/ contains one directory per sdma engine (0 - 15)
=============== ==============================================
cpu_list: (RW) List of cpus for user-process to sdma
engine assignment.
vl: (RO) Displays the virtual lane (vl) the sdma
engine maps to.
=============== ==============================================
This interface gives the user control on the affinity settings
for the device. As an example, to set an sdma engine irq
affinity and thread affinity of a user processes to use the
sdma engine, which is "near" in terms of NUMA configuration, or
physical cpu location, the user will do::
echo "3" > /proc/irq/<N>/smp_affinity_list
echo "4-7" > /sys/devices/.../sdma3/cpu_list
cat /sys/devices/.../sdma3/vl
echo "8" > /proc/irq/<M>/smp_affinity_list
echo "9-12" > /sys/devices/.../sdma4/cpu_list
cat /sys/devices/.../sdma4/vl
to make sure that when a process runs on cpus 4,5,6, or 7, and
uses vl=0, then sdma engine 3 is selected by the driver, and
also the interrupt of the sdma engine 3 is steered to cpu 3.
Similarly, when a process runs on cpus 9,10,11, or 12 and sets
vl=1, then engine 4 will be selected and the irq of the sdma
engine 4 is steered to cpu 8. This assumes that in the above N
is the irq number of "sdma3", and M is irq number of "sdma4" in
the /proc/interrupts file.
sysfs interface for Intel(R) X722 iWARP i40iw driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/i40iwX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/i40iwX/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/i40iwX/board_id
Date: Jan, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.10
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ==== ========================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Show HCA type (I40IW)
board_id: (RO) I40IW board ID
=============== ==== ========================
sysfs interface for QLogic qedr NIC Driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qedrX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/qedrX/hca_type
Date: Oct, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.10
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ==== ========================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Display HCA type
=============== ==== ========================
sysfs interface for VMware Paravirtual RDMA driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/vmw_pvrdmaX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/vmw_pvrdmaX/hca_type
What: /sys/class/infiniband/vmw_pvrdmaX/board_id
Date: Oct, 2016
KernelVersion: v4.10
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ==== =====================================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Host channel adapter type
board_id: (RO) Display PVRDMA manufacturing board ID
=============== ==== =====================================
sysfs interface for Broadcom NetXtreme-E RoCE driver
What: /sys/class/infiniband/bnxt_reX/hw_rev
What: /sys/class/infiniband/bnxt_reX/hca_type
Date: Feb, 2017
KernelVersion: v4.11
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
=============== ==== =========================
hw_rev: (RO) Hardware revision number
hca_type: (RO) Host channel adapter type
=============== ==== =========================

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
rfkill - radio frequency (RF) connector kill switch support
For details to this subsystem look at Documentation/driver-api/rfkill.rst.
For the deprecated ``/sys/class/rfkill/*/claim`` knobs of this interface look in
What: /sys/class/rfkill
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion: v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org,
Description: The rfkill class subsystem folder.
Each registered rfkill driver is represented by an rfkillX
subfolder (X being an integer >= 0).
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/name
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Name assigned by driver to this key (interface or driver name).
Values: arbitrary string.
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/type
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Driver type string ("wlan", "bluetooth", etc).
Values: See include/linux/rfkill.h.
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/persistent
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Whether the soft blocked state is initialised from non-volatile
storage at startup.
Values: A numeric value:
- 0: false
- 1: true
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/state
Date: 09-Jul-2007
KernelVersion v2.6.22
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Current state of the transmitter.
This file was scheduled to be removed in 2014, but due to its
large number of users it will be sticking around for a bit
longer. Despite it being marked as stable, the newer "hard" and
"soft" interfaces should be preferred, since it is not possible
to express the 'soft and hard block' state of the rfkill driver
through this interface. There will likely be another attempt to
remove it in the future.
Values: A numeric value.
transmitter is turned off by software
transmitter is (potentially) active
transmitter is forced off by something outside of
the driver's control.
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/hard
Date: 12-March-2010
KernelVersion v2.6.34
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Current hardblock state. This file is read only.
Values: A numeric value.
0: inactive
The transmitter is (potentially) active.
1: active
The transmitter is forced off by something outside of
the driver's control.
What: /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill[0-9]+/soft
Date: 12-March-2010
KernelVersion v2.6.34
Contact: linux-wireless@vger.kernel.org
Description: Current softblock state. This file is read and write.
Values: A numeric value.
0: inactive
The transmitter is (potentially) active.
1: active
The transmitter is turned off by software.

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@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The device/ directory under a specific TPM instance exposes
the properties of that TPM chip
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/active
Date: April 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "active" property prints a '1' if the TPM chip is accepting
commands. An inactive TPM chip still contains all the state of
an active chip (Storage Root Key, NVRAM, etc), and can be
visible to the OS, but will only accept a restricted set of
commands. See the TPM Main Specification part 2, Structures,
section 17 for more information on which commands are
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/cancel
Date: June 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.13
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "cancel" property allows you to cancel the currently
pending TPM command. Writing any value to cancel will call the
TPM vendor specific cancel operation.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/caps
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "caps" property contains TPM manufacturer and version info.
Example output::
Manufacturer: 0x53544d20
TCG version: 1.2
Firmware version: 8.16
Manufacturer is a hex dump of the 4 byte manufacturer info
space in a TPM. TCG version shows the TCG TPM spec level that
the chip supports. Firmware version is that of the chip and
is manufacturer specific.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/durations
Date: March 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "durations" property shows the 3 vendor-specific values
used to wait for a short, medium and long TPM command. All
TPM commands are categorized as short, medium or long in
execution time, so that the driver doesn't have to wait
any longer than necessary before starting to poll for a
Example output::
3015000 4508000 180995000 [original]
Here the short, medium and long durations are displayed in
usecs. "[original]" indicates that the values are displayed
unmodified from when they were queried from the chip.
Durations can be modified in the case where a buggy chip
reports them in msec instead of usec and they need to be
scaled to be displayed in usecs. In this case "[adjusted]"
will be displayed in place of "[original]".
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/enabled
Date: April 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "enabled" property prints a '1' if the TPM chip is enabled,
meaning that it should be visible to the OS. This property
may be visible but produce a '0' after some operation that
disables the TPM.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/owned
Date: April 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "owned" property produces a '1' if the TPM_TakeOwnership
ordinal has been executed successfully in the chip. A '0'
indicates that ownership hasn't been taken.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/pcrs
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "pcrs" property will dump the current value of all Platform
Configuration Registers in the TPM. Note that since these
values may be constantly changing, the output is only valid
for a snapshot in time.
Example output::
PCR-00: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75
PCR-01: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75
PCR-02: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75
PCR-03: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75
PCR-04: 3A 3F 78 0F 11 A4 B4 99 69 FC AA 80 CD 6E 39 57 C3 3B 22 75
The number of PCRs and hex bytes needed to represent a PCR
value will vary depending on TPM chip version. For TPM 1.1 and
1.2 chips, PCRs represent SHA-1 hashes, which are 20 bytes
long. Use the "caps" property to determine TPM version.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/pubek
Date: April 2005
KernelVersion: 2.6.12
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "pubek" property will return the TPM's public endorsement
key if possible. If the TPM has had ownership established and
is version 1.2, the pubek will not be available without the
owner's authorization. Since the TPM driver doesn't store any
secrets, it can't authorize its own request for the pubek,
making it unaccessible. The public endorsement key is gener-
ated at TPM manufacture time and exists for the life of the
Example output::
Algorithm: 00 00 00 01
Encscheme: 00 03
Sigscheme: 00 01
Parameters: 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00
Modulus length: 256
B4 76 41 82 C9 20 2C 10 18 40 BC 8B E5 44 4C 6C
3A B2 92 0C A4 9B 2A 83 EB 5C 12 85 04 48 A0 B6
1E E4 81 84 CE B2 F2 45 1C F0 85 99 61 02 4D EB
86 C4 F7 F3 29 60 52 93 6B B2 E5 AB 8B A9 09 E3
D7 0E 7D CA 41 BF 43 07 65 86 3C 8C 13 7A D0 8B
82 5E 96 0B F8 1F 5F 34 06 DA A2 52 C1 A9 D5 26
0F F4 04 4B D9 3F 2D F2 AC 2F 74 64 1F 8B CD 3E
1E 30 38 6C 70 63 69 AB E2 50 DF 49 05 2E E1 8D
6F 78 44 DA 57 43 69 EE 76 6C 38 8A E9 8E A3 F0
A7 1F 3C A8 D0 12 15 3E CA 0E BD FA 24 CD 33 C6
47 AE A4 18 83 8E 22 39 75 93 86 E6 FD 66 48 B6
10 AD 94 14 65 F9 6A 17 78 BD 16 53 84 30 BF 70
E0 DC 65 FD 3C C6 B0 1E BF B9 C1 B5 6C EF B1 3A
F8 28 05 83 62 26 11 DC B4 6B 5A 97 FF 32 26 B6
F7 02 71 CF 15 AE 16 DD D1 C1 8E A8 CF 9B 50 7B
C3 91 FF 44 1E CF 7C 39 FE 17 77 21 20 BD CE 9B
Possible values::
Algorithm: TPM_ALG_RSA (1)
Encscheme: TPM_ES_RSAESPKCSv15 (2)
Sigscheme: TPM_SS_NONE (1)
Parameters, a byte string of 3 u32 values:
Key Length (bits): 00 00 08 00 (2048)
Num primes: 00 00 00 02 (2)
Exponent Size: 00 00 00 00 (0 means the
default exp)
Modulus Length: 256 (bytes)
Modulus: The 256 byte Endorsement Key modulus
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/temp_deactivated
Date: April 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "temp_deactivated" property returns a '1' if the chip has
been temporarily deactivated, usually until the next power
cycle. Whether a warm boot (reboot) will clear a TPM chip
from a temp_deactivated state is platform specific.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/device/timeouts
Date: March 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "timeouts" property shows the 4 vendor-specific values
for the TPM's interface spec timeouts. The use of these
timeouts is defined by the TPM interface spec that the chip
conforms to.
Example output::
750000 750000 750000 750000 [original]
The four timeout values are shown in usecs, with a trailing
"[original]" or "[adjusted]" depending on whether the values
were scaled by the driver to be reported in usec from msecs.
What: /sys/class/tpm/tpmX/tpm_version_major
Date: October 2019
KernelVersion: 5.5
Contact: linux-integrity@vger.kernel.org
Description: The "tpm_version_major" property shows the TCG spec major version
implemented by the TPM device.
Example output::

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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
What: /sys/class/ubi/
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
The ubi/ class sub-directory belongs to the UBI subsystem and
provides general UBI information, per-UBI device information
and per-UBI volume information.
What: /sys/class/ubi/version
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
This file contains version of the latest supported UBI on-media
format. Currently it is 1, and there is no plan to change this.
However, if in the future UBI needs on-flash format changes
which cannot be done in a compatible manner, a new format
version will be added. So this is a mechanism for possible
future backward-compatible (but forward-incompatible)
What: /sys/class/ubiX/
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
The /sys/class/ubi0, /sys/class/ubi1, etc directories describe
UBI devices (UBI device 0, 1, etc). They contain general UBI
device information and per UBI volume information (each UBI
device may have many UBI volumes)
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/avail_eraseblocks
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Amount of available logical eraseblock. For example, one may
create a new UBI volume which has this amount of logical
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/bad_peb_count
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Count of bad physical eraseblocks on the underlying MTD device.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/bgt_enabled
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Contains ASCII "0\n" if the UBI background thread is disabled,
and ASCII "1\n" if it is enabled.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/dev
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Major and minor numbers of the character device corresponding
to this UBI device (in <major>:<minor> format).
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/eraseblock_size
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Maximum logical eraseblock size this UBI device may provide. UBI
volumes may have smaller logical eraseblock size because of their
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/max_ec
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Maximum physical eraseblock erase counter value.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/max_vol_count
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Maximum number of volumes which this UBI device may have.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/min_io_size
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Minimum input/output unit size. All the I/O may only be done
in fractions of the contained number.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/mtd_num
Date: January 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.25
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Number of the underlying MTD device.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/reserved_for_bad
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Number of physical eraseblocks reserved for bad block handling.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ro_mode
Date: April 2016
KernelVersion: 4.7
Contact: linux-mtd@lists.infradead.org
Contains ASCII "1\n" if the read-only flag is set on this
device, and "0\n" if it is cleared. UBI devices mark themselves
as read-only when they detect an unrecoverable error.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/total_eraseblocks
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Total number of good (not marked as bad) physical eraseblocks on
the underlying MTD device.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/volumes_count
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Count of volumes on this UBI device.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
The /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_0/, /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_1/,
etc directories describe UBI volumes on UBI device X (volumes
0, 1, etc).
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/alignment
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Volume alignment - the value the logical eraseblock size of
this volume has to be aligned on. For example, 2048 means that
logical eraseblock size is multiple of 2048. In other words,
volume logical eraseblock size is UBI device logical eraseblock
size aligned to the alignment value.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/corrupted
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Contains ASCII "0\n" if the UBI volume is OK, and ASCII "1\n"
if it is corrupted (e.g., due to an interrupted volume update).
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/data_bytes
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
The amount of data this volume contains. This value makes sense
only for static volumes, and for dynamic volume it equivalent
to the total volume size in bytes.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/dev
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Major and minor numbers of the character device corresponding
to this UBI volume (in <major>:<minor> format).
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/name
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Volume name.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/reserved_ebs
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Count of physical eraseblock reserved for this volume.
Equivalent to the volume size in logical eraseblocks.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/type
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Volume type. Contains ASCII "dynamic\n" for dynamic volumes and
"static\n" for static volumes.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/upd_marker
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Contains ASCII "0\n" if the update marker is not set for this
volume, and "1\n" if it is set. The update marker is set when
volume update starts, and cleaned when it ends. So the presence
of the update marker indicates that the volume is being updated
at the moment of the update was interrupted. The later may be
checked using the "corrupted" sysfs file.
What: /sys/class/ubi/ubiX/ubiX_Y/usable_eb_size
Date: July 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.22
Contact: Artem Bityutskiy <dedekind@infradead.org>
Logical eraseblock size of this volume. Equivalent to logical
eraseblock size of the device aligned on the volume alignment

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/a_alt_hnp_support
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates if an OTG A-Host supports HNP at an alternate port.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/a_hnp_support
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates if an OTG A-Host supports HNP at this port.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/b_hnp_enable
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates if an OTG A-Host enabled HNP support.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/current_speed
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates the current negotiated speed at this port.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/is_a_peripheral
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates that this port is the default Host on an OTG session
but HNP was used to switch roles.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/is_otg
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates that this port support OTG.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/maximum_speed
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates the maximum USB speed supported by this port.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/soft_connect
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Allows users to disconnect data pullup resistors thus causing a
logical disconnection from the USB Host.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/srp
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Allows users to manually start Session Request Protocol.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/state
Date: June 2011
KernelVersion: 3.1
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Indicates current state of the USB Device Controller. Valid
states are: 'not-attached', 'attached', 'powered',
'reconnecting', 'unauthenticated', 'default', 'addressed',
'configured', and 'suspended'; however not all USB Device
Controllers support reporting all states.
What: /sys/class/udc/<udc>/function
Date: June 2017
KernelVersion: 4.13
Contact: Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
Prints out name of currently running USB Gadget Driver.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
This documents additional properties of any device beyond what
is documented in Documentation/admin-guide/sysfs-rules.rst
What: /sys/devices/*/of_node
Date: February 2015
Contact: Device Tree mailing list <devicetree@vger.kernel.org>
Any device associated with a device-tree node will have
an of_path symlink pointing to the corresponding device
node in /sys/firmware/devicetree/
What: /sys/devices/*/devspec
Date: October 2016
Contact: Device Tree mailing list <devicetree@vger.kernel.org>
If CONFIG_OF is enabled, then this file is present. When
read, it returns full name of the device node.
What: /sys/devices/*/obppath
Date: October 2016
Contact: Device Tree mailing list <devicetree@vger.kernel.org>
If CONFIG_OF is enabled, then this file is present. When
read, it returns full name of the device node.

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
What: /sys/devices/system/node/possible
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Nodes that could be possibly become online at some point.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/online
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Nodes that are online.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/has_normal_memory
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Nodes that have regular memory.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/has_cpu
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Nodes that have one or more CPUs.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/has_high_memory
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Nodes that have regular or high memory.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
When CONFIG_NUMA is enabled, this is a directory containing
information on node X such as what CPUs are local to the
node. Each file is detailed next.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/cpumap
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
The node's cpumap.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/cpulist
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
The CPUs associated to the node.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/meminfo
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Provides information about the node's distribution and memory
utilization. Similar to /proc/meminfo, see Documentation/filesystems/proc.rst
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/numastat
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
The node's hit/miss statistics, in units of pages.
See Documentation/admin-guide/numastat.rst
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/distance
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
Distance between the node and all the other nodes
in the system.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/vmstat
Date: October 2002
Contact: Linux Memory Management list <linux-mm@kvack.org>
The node's zoned virtual memory statistics.
This is a superset of numastat.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/compact
Date: February 2010
Contact: Mel Gorman <mel@csn.ul.ie>
When this file is written to, all memory within that node
will be compacted. When it completes, memory will be freed
into blocks which have as many contiguous pages as possible
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/hugepages/hugepages-<size>/
Date: December 2009
Contact: Lee Schermerhorn <lee.schermerhorn@hp.com>
The node's huge page size control/query attributes.
See Documentation/admin-guide/mm/hugetlbpage.rst
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The node's relationship to other nodes for access class "Y".
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/initiators/
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The directory containing symlinks to memory initiator
nodes that have class "Y" access to this target node's
memory. CPUs and other memory initiators in nodes not in
the list accessing this node's memory may have different
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/targets/
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The directory containing symlinks to memory targets that
this initiator node has class "Y" access.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/initiators/read_bandwidth
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
This node's read bandwidth in MB/s when accessed from
nodes found in this access class's linked initiators.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/initiators/read_latency
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
This node's read latency in nanoseconds when accessed
from nodes found in this access class's linked initiators.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/initiators/write_bandwidth
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
This node's write bandwidth in MB/s when accessed from
found in this access class's linked initiators.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/accessY/initiators/write_latency
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
This node's write latency in nanoseconds when access
from nodes found in this class's linked initiators.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/memory_side_cache/indexY/
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The directory containing attributes for the memory-side cache
level 'Y'.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/memory_side_cache/indexY/indexing
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The caches associativity indexing: 0 for direct mapped,
non-zero if indexed.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/memory_side_cache/indexY/line_size
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The number of bytes accessed from the next cache level on a
cache miss.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/memory_side_cache/indexY/size
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The size of this memory side cache in bytes.
What: /sys/devices/system/node/nodeX/memory_side_cache/indexY/write_policy
Date: December 2018
Contact: Keith Busch <keith.busch@intel.com>
The cache write policy: 0 for write-back, 1 for write-through,
other or unknown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
What: /sys/devices/system/cpu/dscr_default
Date: 13-May-2014
KernelVersion: v3.15.0
Description: Writes are equivalent to writing to
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuN/dscr on all CPUs.
Reads return the last written value or 0.
This value is not a global default: it is a way to set
all per-CPU defaults at the same time.
Values: 64 bit unsigned integer (bit field)
What: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]+/dscr
Date: 13-May-2014
KernelVersion: v3.15.0
Description: Default value for the Data Stream Control Register (DSCR) on
a CPU.
This default value is used when the kernel is executing and
for any process that has not set the DSCR itself.
If a process ever sets the DSCR (via direct access to the
SPR) that value will be persisted for that process and used
on any CPU where it executes (overriding the value described
If set by a process it will be inherited by child processes.
Values: 64 bit unsigned integer (bit field)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/max_retry_count
Date: May 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The maximum number of times the balloon driver will
attempt to increase the balloon before giving up. See
also 'retry_count' below.
A value of zero means retry forever and is the default one.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/max_schedule_delay
Date: May 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The limit that 'schedule_delay' (see below) will be
increased to. The default value is 32 seconds.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/retry_count
Date: May 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The current number of times that the balloon driver
has attempted to increase the size of the balloon.
The default value is one. With max_retry_count being
zero (unlimited), this means that the driver will attempt
to retry with a 'schedule_delay' delay.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/schedule_delay
Date: May 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The time (in seconds) to wait between attempts to
increase the balloon. Each time the balloon cannot be
increased, 'schedule_delay' is increased (until
'max_schedule_delay' is reached at which point it
will use the max value).
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/target
Date: April 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
The target number of pages to adjust this domain's
memory reservation to.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/target_kb
Date: April 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
As target above, except the value is in KiB.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/info/current_kb
Date: April 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Current size (in KiB) of this domain's memory
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/info/high_kb
Date: April 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Amount (in KiB) of high memory in the balloon.
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/info/low_kb
Date: April 2008
KernelVersion: 2.6.26
Contact: Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk <konrad.wilk@oracle.com>
Amount (in KiB) of low (or normal) memory in the
What: /sys/devices/system/xen_memory/xen_memory0/scrub_pages
Date: September 2018
KernelVersion: 4.20
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Control scrubbing pages before returning them to Xen for others domains
use. Can be set with xen_scrub_pages cmdline
parameter. Default value controlled with CONFIG_XEN_SCRUB_PAGES_DEFAULT.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
What: /sys/bus/platform/drivers/aspeed-vuart/*/lpc_address
Date: April 2017
Contact: Jeremy Kerr <jk@ozlabs.org>
Description: Configures which IO port the host side of the UART
will appear on the host <-> BMC LPC bus.
Users: OpenBMC. Proposed changes should be mailed to
What: /sys/bus/platform/drivers/aspeed-vuart/*/sirq
Date: April 2017
Contact: Jeremy Kerr <jk@ozlabs.org>
Description: Configures which interrupt number the host side of
the UART will appear on the host <-> BMC LPC bus.
Users: OpenBMC. Proposed changes should be mailed to
What: /sys/bus/platform/drivers/aspeed-vuart/*/sirq_polarity
Date: July 2019
Contact: Oskar Senft <osk@google.com>
Description: Configures the polarity of the serial interrupt to the
host via the BMC LPC bus.
Set to 0 for active-low or 1 for active-high.
Users: OpenBMC. Proposed changes should be mailed to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/version
Date: Apr 15, 2020
KernelVersion: 5.8.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The hardware version number.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/cdev_major
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The major number that the character device driver assigned to
this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/errors
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The error information for this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_batch_size
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The largest number of work descriptors in a batch.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_work_queues_size
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The maximum work queue size supported by this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_engines
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The maximum number of engines supported by this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_groups
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The maximum number of groups can be created under this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_tokens
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The total number of bandwidth tokens supported by this device.
The bandwidth tokens represent resources within the DSA
implementation, and these resources are allocated by engines to
support operations.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_transfer_size
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The number of bytes to be read from the source address to
perform the operation. The maximum transfer size is dependent on
the workqueue the descriptor was submitted to.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/max_work_queues
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The maximum work queue number that this device supports.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/numa_node
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The numa node number for this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/op_cap
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The operation capability bit mask specify the operation types
supported by the this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/state
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The state information of this device. It can be either enabled
or disabled.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/group<m>.<n>
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The assigned group under this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/engine<m>.<n>
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The assigned engine under this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/wq<m>.<n>
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The assigned work queue under this device.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/configurable
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: To indicate if this device is configurable or not.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/token_limit
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The maximum number of bandwidth tokens that may be in use at
one time by operations that access low bandwidth memory in the
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/dsa<m>/cmd_status
Date: Aug 28, 2020
KernelVersion: 5.10.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The last executed device administrative command's status/error.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/group_id
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The group id that this work queue belongs to.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/size
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The work queue size for this work queue.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/type
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The type of this work queue, it can be "kernel" type for work
queue usages in the kernel space or "user" type for work queue
usages by applications in user space.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/cdev_minor
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The minor number assigned to this work queue by the character
device driver.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/mode
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The work queue mode type for this work queue.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/priority
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The priority value of this work queue, it is a vlue relative to
other work queue in the same group to control quality of service
for dispatching work from multiple workqueues in the same group.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/state
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The current state of the work queue.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/threshold
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The number of entries in this work queue that may be filled
via a limited portal.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/max_transfer_size
Date: Aug 28, 2020
KernelVersion: 5.10.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The max transfer sized for this workqueue. Cannot exceed device
max transfer size. Configurable parameter.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/wq<m>.<n>/max_batch_size
Date: Aug 28, 2020
KernelVersion: 5.10.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The max batch size for this workqueue. Cannot exceed device
max batch size. Configurable parameter.
What: /sys/bus/dsa/devices/engine<m>.<n>/group_id
Date: Oct 25, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.6.0
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The group that this engine belongs to.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
What: /sys/devices/pciXXXX:XX/0000:XX:XX.X/dma/dma<n>chan<n>/quickdata/cap
Date: December 3, 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.32
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: Capabilities the DMA supports.Currently there are DMA_PQ, DMA_PQ_VAL,
What: /sys/devices/pciXXXX:XX/0000:XX:XX.X/dma/dma<n>chan<n>/quickdata/ring_active
Date: December 3, 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.32
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: The number of descriptors active in the ring.
What: /sys/devices/pciXXXX:XX/0000:XX:XX.X/dma/dma<n>chan<n>/quickdata/ring_size
Date: December 3, 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.32
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: Descriptor ring size, total number of descriptors available.
What: /sys/devices/pciXXXX:XX/0000:XX:XX.X/dma/dma<n>chan<n>/quickdata/version
Date: December 3, 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.32
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: Version of ioatdma device.
What: /sys/devices/pciXXXX:XX/0000:XX:XX.X/dma/dma<n>chan<n>/quickdata/intr_coalesce
Date: August 8, 2017
KernelVersion: 4.14
Contact: dmaengine@vger.kernel.org
Description: Tune-able interrupt delay value per channel basis.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
What: /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/ggs*
Date: March 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: "Jolly Shah" <jollys@xilinx.com>
Read/Write PMU global general storage register value,
Global general storage register that can be used
by system to pass information between masters.
The register is reset during system or power-on
resets. Three registers are used by the FSBL and
other Xilinx software products: GLOBAL_GEN_STORAGE{4:6}.
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/ggs0
# echo <value> > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/ggs0
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/ggs0
# echo 0x1234ABCD > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/ggs0
Users: Xilinx
What: /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/pggs*
Date: March 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: "Jolly Shah" <jollys@xilinx.com>
Read/Write PMU persistent global general storage register
Persistent global general storage register that
can be used by system to pass information between
This register is only reset by the power-on reset
and maintains its value through a system reset.
Four registers are used by the FSBL and other Xilinx
software products: PERS_GLOB_GEN_STORAGE{4:7}.
Register is reset only by a POR reset.
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/pggs0
# echo <value> > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/pggs0
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/pggs0
# echo 0x1234ABCD > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/pggs0
Users: Xilinx
What: /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/shutdown_scope
Date: March 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: "Jolly Shah" <jollys@xilinx.com>
This sysfs interface allows to set the shutdown scope for the
next shutdown request. When the next shutdown is performed, the
platform specific portion of PSCI-system_off can use the chosen
shutdown scope.
Following are available shutdown scopes(subtypes):
Only the APU along with all of its peripherals
not used by other processing units will be
shut down. This may result in the FPD power
domain being shut down provided that no other
processing unit uses FPD peripherals or DRAM.
The complete PS will be shut down, including the
RPU, PMU, etc. Only the PL domain (FPGA)
remains untouched.
The complete system/device is shut down.
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/shutdown_scope
# echo <scope> > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/shutdown_scope
# cat /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/shutdown_scope
# echo "subsystem" > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/shutdown_scope
Users: Xilinx
What: /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/health_status
Date: March 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: "Jolly Shah" <jollys@xilinx.com>
This sysfs interface allows to set the health status. If PMUFW
is compiled with CHECK_HEALTHY_BOOT, it will check the healthy
bit on FPD WDT expiration. If healthy bit is set by a user
application running in Linux, PMUFW will do APU only restart. If
healthy bit is not set during FPD WDT expiration, PMUFW will do
system restart.
Set healthy bit::
# echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/health_status
Unset healthy bit::
# echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/firmware\:zynqmp-firmware/health_status
Users: Xilinx

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
What: /sys/class/infiniband_srp/srp-<hca>-<port_number>/add_target
Date: January 2, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.15
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Interface for making ib_srp connect to a new target.
One can request ib_srp to connect to a new target by writing
a comma-separated list of login parameters to this sysfs
attribute. The supported parameters are:
* id_ext, a 16-digit hexadecimal number specifying the eight
byte identifier extension in the 16-byte SRP target port
identifier. The target port identifier is sent by ib_srp
to the target in the SRP_LOGIN_REQ request.
* ioc_guid, a 16-digit hexadecimal number specifying the eight
byte I/O controller GUID portion of the 16-byte target port
* dgid, a 32-digit hexadecimal number specifying the
destination GID.
* pkey, a four-digit hexadecimal number specifying the
InfiniBand partition key.
* service_id, a 16-digit hexadecimal number specifying the
InfiniBand service ID used to establish communication with
the SRP target. How to find out the value of the service ID
is specified in the documentation of the SRP target.
* max_sect, a decimal number specifying the maximum number of
512-byte sectors to be transferred via a single SCSI command.
* max_cmd_per_lun, a decimal number specifying the maximum
number of outstanding commands for a single LUN.
* io_class, a hexadecimal number specifying the SRP I/O class.
Must be either 0xff00 (rev 10) or 0x0100 (rev 16a). The I/O
class defines the format of the SRP initiator and target
port identifiers.
* initiator_ext, a 16-digit hexadecimal number specifying the
identifier extension portion of the SRP initiator port
identifier. This data is sent by the initiator to the target
in the SRP_LOGIN_REQ request.
* cmd_sg_entries, a number in the range 1..255 that specifies
the maximum number of data buffer descriptors stored in the
SRP_CMD information unit itself. With allow_ext_sg=0 the
parameter cmd_sg_entries defines the maximum S/G list length
for a single SRP_CMD, and commands whose S/G list length
exceeds this limit after S/G list collapsing will fail.
* allow_ext_sg, whether ib_srp is allowed to include a partial
memory descriptor list in an SRP_CMD instead of the entire
list. If a partial memory descriptor list has been included
in an SRP_CMD the remaining memory descriptors are
communicated from initiator to target via an additional RDMA
transfer. Setting allow_ext_sg to 1 increases the maximum
amount of data that can be transferred between initiator and
target via a single SCSI command. Since not all SRP target
implementations support partial memory descriptor lists the
default value for this option is 0.
* sg_tablesize, a number in the range 1..2048 specifying the
maximum S/G list length the SCSI layer is allowed to pass to
ib_srp. Specifying a value that exceeds cmd_sg_entries is
only safe with partial memory descriptor list support enabled
* comp_vector, a number in the range 0..n-1 specifying the
MSI-X completion vector of the first RDMA channel. Some
HCA's allocate multiple (n) MSI-X vectors per HCA port. If
the IRQ affinity masks of these interrupts have been
configured such that each MSI-X interrupt is handled by a
different CPU then the comp_vector parameter can be used to
spread the SRP completion workload over multiple CPU's.
* tl_retry_count, a number in the range 2..7 specifying the
IB RC retry count.
* queue_size, the maximum number of commands that the
initiator is allowed to queue per SCSI host. The default
value for this parameter is 62. The lowest supported value
is 2.
* max_it_iu_size, a decimal number specifying the maximum
initiator to target information unit length.
What: /sys/class/infiniband_srp/srp-<hca>-<port_number>/ibdev
Date: January 2, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.15
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: HCA name (<hca>).
What: /sys/class/infiniband_srp/srp-<hca>-<port_number>/port
Date: January 2, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.15
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: HCA port number (<port_number>).
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/allow_ext_sg
Date: May 19, 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Whether ib_srp is allowed to include a partial memory
descriptor list in an SRP_CMD when communicating with an SRP
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/ch_count
Date: April 1, 2015
KernelVersion: 3.19
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of RDMA channels used for communication with the SRP
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/cmd_sg_entries
Date: May 19, 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.39
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Maximum number of data buffer descriptors that may be sent to
the target in a single SRP_CMD request.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/comp_vector
Date: September 2, 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Completion vector used for the first RDMA channel.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/dgid
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: InfiniBand destination GID used for communication with the SRP
target. Differs from orig_dgid if port redirection has happened.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/id_ext
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Eight-byte identifier extension portion of the 16-byte target
port identifier.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/ioc_guid
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Eight-byte I/O controller GUID portion of the 16-byte target
port identifier.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/local_ib_device
Date: November 29, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.19
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Name of the InfiniBand HCA used for communicating with the
SRP target.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/local_ib_port
Date: November 29, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.19
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of the HCA port used for communicating with the
SRP target.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/orig_dgid
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: InfiniBand destination GID specified in the parameters
written to the add_target sysfs attribute.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/pkey
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: A 16-bit number representing the InfiniBand partition key used
for communication with the SRP target.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/req_lim
Date: October 20, 2010
KernelVersion: 2.6.36
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of requests ib_srp can send to the target before it has
to wait for more credits. For more information see also the
SRP credit algorithm in the SRP specification.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/service_id
Date: June 17, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.17
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: InfiniBand service ID used for establishing communication with
the SRP target.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/sgid
Date: February 1, 2014
KernelVersion: 3.13
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: InfiniBand GID of the source port used for communication with
the SRP target.
What: /sys/class/scsi_host/host<n>/zero_req_lim
Date: September 20, 2006
KernelVersion: 2.6.18
Contact: linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of times the initiator had to wait before sending a
request to the target because it ran out of credits. For more
information see also the SRP credit algorithm in the SRP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/asic_health
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file shows ASIC health status. The possible values are:
0 - health failed, 2 - health OK, 3 - ASIC in booting state.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_version
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
on carrier and switch boards.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/fan_dir
Date: December 2018
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file shows the system fans direction:
forward direction - relevant bit is set 0;
reversed direction - relevant bit is set 1.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_version
Date: November 2018
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
on LED or Gearbox board.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/jtag_enable
Date: November 2018
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files enable and disable the access to the JTAG domain.
By default access to the JTAG domain is disabled.
The file is read/write.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/select_iio
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file allows iio devices selection.
Attribute select_iio can be written with 0 or with 1. It
selects which one of iio devices can be accessed.
The file is read/write.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/psu1_on
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files allow asserting system power cycling, switching
power supply units on and off and system's main power domain
Expected behavior:
When pwr_cycle is written 1: auxiliary power domain will go
down and after short period (about 1 second) up.
When psu1_on or psu2_on is written 1, related unit will be
disconnected from the power source, when written 0 - connected.
If both are written 1 - power supplies main power domain will
go down.
When pwr_down is written 1, system's main power domain will go
The files are write only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_aux_pwr_or_ref
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_asic_thermal
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_hotswap_or_halt
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_hotswap_or_wd
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_fw_reset
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_long_pb
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_main_pwr_fail
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_short_pb
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sw_reset
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following: power
auxiliary outage or power refresh, ASIC thermal shutdown, halt,
hotswap, watchdog, firmware reset, long press power button,
short press power button, software reset. Value 1 in file means
this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise. Only one of the above
causes could be 1 at the same time, representing only last
reset cause.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_pwr_fail
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_from_comex
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_system
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_voltmon_upgrade_fail
Date: November 2018
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following: ComEx
power fail, reset from ComEx, system platform reset, reset
due to voltage monitor devices upgrade failure,
Value 1 in file means this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise.
Only one bit could be 1 at the same time, representing only
the last reset cause.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_version
Date: November 2018
KernelVersion: 5.0
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show with which CPLD versions have been burned
on LED board.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_thermal
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_comex_wd
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_from_asic
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_reload_bios
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sff_wd
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_swb_wd
Date: June 2019
KernelVersion: 5.3
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show the system reset cause, as following:
COMEX thermal shutdown; wathchdog power off or reset was derived
by one of the next components: COMEX, switch board or by Small Form
Factor mezzanine, reset requested from ASIC, reset cuased by BIOS
reload. Value 1 in file means this is reset cause, 0 - otherwise.
Only one of the above causes could be 1 at the same time, representing
only last reset cause.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/config1
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/config2
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show system static topology identification
like system's static I2C topology, number and type of FPGA
devices within the system and so on.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_ac_pwr_fail
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_platform
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_soc
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/reset_sw_pwr_off
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show the system reset causes, as following: reset
due to AC power failure, reset invoked from software by
assertion reset signal through CPLD. reset caused by signal
asserted by SOC through ACPI register, reset invoked from
software by assertion power off signal through CPLD.
The files are read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/pcie_asic_reset_dis
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file allows to retain ASIC up during PCIe root complex
reset, when attribute is set 1.
The file is read/write.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/vpd_wp
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file allows to overwrite system VPD hardware wrtie
protection when attribute is set 1.
The file is read/write.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/voltreg_update_status
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file exposes the configuration update status of burnable
voltage regulator devices. The status values are as following:
0 - OK; 1 - CRC failure; 2 = I2C failure; 3 - in progress.
The file is read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/ufm_version
Date: January 2020
KernelVersion: 5.6
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: This file exposes the firmware version of burnable voltage
regulator devices.
The file is read only.
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_pn
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_pn
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_pn
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_pn
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld1_version_min
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld2_version_min
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld3_version_min
What: /sys/devices/platform/mlxplat/mlxreg-io/hwmon/hwmon*/cpld4_version_min
Date: July 2020
KernelVersion: 5.9
Contact: Vadim Pasternak <vadimpmellanox.com>
Description: These files show with which CPLD part numbers and minor
versions have been burned CPLD devices equipped on a
The files are read only.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
What: /sys/bus/pci/drivers/qla2xxx/.../devices/*
Date: September 2009
Contact: QLogic Linux Driver <linux-driver@qlogic.com>
Description: qla2xxx-udev.sh currently looks for uevent CHANGE events to
signal a firmware-dump has been generated by the driver and is
ready for retrieval.
Users: qla2xxx-udev.sh. Proposed changes should be mailed to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/attrib_bleep
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Beeps the PC speaker when there is an attribute change such as
foreground or background color when using speakup review
commands. One = on, zero = off.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/bell_pos
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This works much like a typewriter bell. If for example 72 is
echoed to bell_pos, it will beep the PC speaker when typing on
a line past character 72.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/bleeps
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This controls whether one hears beeps through the PC speaker
when using speakup's review commands.
TODO: what values does it accept?
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/bleep_time
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This controls the duration of the PC speaker beeps speakup
TODO: What are the units? Jiffies?
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/cursor_time
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This controls cursor delay when using arrow keys. When a
connection is very slow, with the default setting, when moving
with the arrows, or backspacing etc. speakup says the incorrect
characters. Set this to a higher value to adjust for the delay
and better synchronisation between cursor position and speech.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/delimiters
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Delimit a word from speakup.
TODO: add more info
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/ex_num
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/key_echo
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Controls if speakup speaks keys when they are typed. One = on,
zero = off or don't echo keys.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/keymap
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Speakup keymap remaps keys to Speakup functions.
It uses a binary
format. A special program called genmap is needed to compile a
textual keymap into the binary format which is then loaded into
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/no_interrupt
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Controls if typing interrupts output from speakup. With
no_interrupt set to zero, typing on the keyboard will interrupt
speakup if for example
the say screen command is used before the
entire screen is read.
With no_interrupt set to one, if the say
screen command is used, and one then types on the keyboard,
speakup will continue to say the whole screen regardless until
it finishes.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/punc_all
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This is a list of all the punctuation speakup should speak when
punc_level is set to four.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/punc_level
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Controls the level of punctuation spoken as the screen is
displayed, not reviewed. Levels range from zero no punctuation,
to four, all punctuation. One corresponds to punc_some, two
corresponds to punc_most, and three as well as four both
correspond to punc_all. Some hardware synthesizers may have
different levels each corresponding to three and four for
punc_level. Also note that if punc_level is set to zero, and
key_echo is set to one, typed punctuation is still spoken as it
is typed.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/punc_most
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This is a list of all the punctuation speakup should speak when
punc_level is set to two.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/punc_some
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This is a list of all the punctuation speakup should speak when
punc_level is set to one.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/reading_punc
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Almost the same as punc_level, the differences being that
reading_punc controls the level of punctuation when reviewing
the screen with speakup's screen review commands. The other
difference is that reading_punc set to three speaks punc_all,
and reading_punc set to four speaks all punctuation, including
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/repeats
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: A list of characters speakup repeats. Normally, when there are
more than three characters in a row, speakup
just reads three of
those characters. For example, "......" would be read as dot,
dot, dot. If a . is added to the list of characters in repeats,
"......" would be read as dot, dot, dot, times six.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/say_control
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: If set to one, speakup speaks shift, alt and control when those
keys are pressed. If say_control is set to zero, shift, ctrl,
and alt are not spoken when they are pressed.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/say_word_ctl
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/silent
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/spell_delay
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This controls how fast a word is spelled
when speakup's say word
review command is pressed twice quickly to speak the current
word being reviewed. Zero just speaks the letters one after
another, while values one through four
seem to introduce more of
a pause between the spelling of each letter by speakup.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the synthesizer driver currently in use. Reading
synth returns the synthesizer driver currently in use. Writing
synth switches to the given synthesizer driver, provided it is
either built into the kernel, or already loaded as a module.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/synth_direct
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Sends whatever is written to synth_direct
directly to the speech synthesizer in use, bypassing speakup.
This could be used to make the synthesizer speak
a string, or to
send control sequences to the synthesizer to change how the
synthesizer behaves.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/version
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Reading version returns the version of speakup, and the version
of the synthesizer driver currently in use.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/announcements
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This file contains various general announcements, most of which
cannot be categorized. You will find messages such as "You
killed Speakup", "I'm alive", "leaving help", "parked",
"unparked", and others. You will also find the names of the
screen edges and cursor tracking modes here.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/chartab
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/ctl_keys
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Here, you will find names of control keys. These are used with
Speakup's say_control feature.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/function_names
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Here, you will find a list of names for Speakup functions.
These are used by the help system. For example, suppose that
you have activated help mode, and you pressed
keypad 3. Speakup
says: "keypad 3 is character, say next."
The message "character, say next" names a Speakup function, and
it comes from this function_names file.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/states
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This file contains names for key states.
Again, these are part of the help system. For instance, if you
had pressed speakup + keypad 3, you would hear:
"speakup keypad 3 is go to bottom edge."
The speakup key is depressed, so the name of the key state is
This part of the message comes from the states collection.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/characters
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Through this sys entry, Speakup gives you the ability to change
how Speakup pronounces a given character. You could, for
example, change how some punctuation characters are spoken. You
can even change how Speakup will pronounce certain letters. For
further details see '12. Changing the Pronunciation of
Characters' in Speakup User's Guide (file spkguide.txt in
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/colors
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: When you use the "say attributes" function, Speakup says the
name of the foreground and background colors. These names come
from the i18n/colors file.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/formatted
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This group of messages contains embedded formatting codes, to
specify the type and width of displayed data. If you change
these, you must preserve all of the formatting codes, and they
must appear in the order used by the default messages.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/i18n/key_names
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Again, key_names is used by Speakup's help system. In the
previous example, Speakup said that you pressed "keypad 3."
This name came from the key_names file.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/<synth-name>/
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: In `/sys/accessibility/speakup` is a directory corresponding to
the synthesizer driver currently in use (E.G) `soft` for the
soft driver. This directory contains files which control the
speech synthesizer itself,
as opposed to controlling the speakup
screen reader. The parameters in this directory have the same
names and functions across all
supported synthesizers. The range
of values for freq, pitch, rate, and vol is the same for all
supported synthesizers, with the given range being internally
mapped by the driver to more or less fit the range of values
supported for a given parameter by the individual synthesizer.
Below is a description of values and parameters for soft
synthesizer, which is currently the most commonly used.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/caps_start
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This is the string that is sent to the synthesizer to cause it
to start speaking uppercase letters. For the soft synthesizer
and most others, this causes the pitch of the voice to rise
above the currently set pitch.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/caps_stop
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This is the string sent to the synthesizer to cause it to stop
speaking uppercase letters. In the case of the soft synthesizer
and most others, this returns the pitch of the voice
down to the
currently set pitch.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/delay_time
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/direct
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Controls if punctuation is spoken by speakup, or by the
For example, speakup speaks ">" as "greater", while
the espeak synthesizer used by the soft driver speaks "greater
than". Zero lets speakup speak the punctuation. One lets the
synthesizer itself speak punctuation.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/freq
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the frequency of the speech synthesizer. Range is
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/full_time
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/jiffy_delta
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: This controls how many jiffys the kernel gives to the
synthesizer. Setting this too high can make a system unstable,
or even crash it.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/pitch
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the pitch of the synthesizer. The range is 0-9.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/inflection
KernelVersion: 5.8
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the inflection of the synthesizer, i.e. the pitch
range. The range is 0-9.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/punct
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the amount of punctuation spoken by the
synthesizer. The range for the soft driver seems to be 0-2.
TODO: How is this related to speakup's punc_level, or
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/rate
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the rate of the synthesizer. Range is from zero
slowest, to nine fastest.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/tone
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the tone of the speech synthesizer. The range for
the soft driver seems to be 0-2. This seems to make no
difference if using espeak and the espeakup connector.
TODO: does espeakup support different tonalities?
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/trigger_time
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: TODO:
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/voice
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the voice used by the synthesizer if the
synthesizer can speak in more than one voice. The range for the
soft driver is 0-7. Note that while espeak supports multiple
voices, this parameter will not set the voice when the espeakup
connector is used between speakup and espeak.
What: /sys/accessibility/speakup/soft/vol
KernelVersion: 2.6
Contact: speakup@linux-speakup.org
Description: Gets or sets the volume of the speech synthesizer. Range is 0-9,
with zero being the softest, and nine being the loudest.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
What: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbtmc/*/interface_capabilities
What: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbtmc/*/device_capabilities
Date: August 2008
Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
These files show the various USB TMC capabilities as described
by the device itself. The full description of the bitfields
can be found in the USB TMC documents from the USB-IF entitled
"Universal Serial Bus Test and Measurement Class Specification
(USBTMC) Revision 1.0" section
The files are read only.
What: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbtmc/*/usb488_interface_capabilities
What: /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbtmc/*/usb488_device_capabilities
Date: August 2008
Contact: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
These files show the various USB TMC capabilities as described
by the device itself. The full description of the bitfields
can be found in the USB TMC documents from the USB-IF entitled
"Universal Serial Bus Test and Measurement Class, Subclass
USB488 Specification (USBTMC-USB488) Revision 1.0" section
The files are read only.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
What: /sys/bus/w1/devices/.../pio
Date: May 2012
Contact: Markus Franke <franm@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
Description: read/write the contents of the two PIO's of the DS28E04-100
see Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_ds28e04.rst for detailed information
Users: any user space application which wants to communicate with DS28E04-100
What: /sys/bus/w1/devices/.../eeprom
Date: May 2012
Contact: Markus Franke <franm@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
Description: read/write the contents of the EEPROM memory of the DS28E04-100
see Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_ds28e04.rst for detailed information
Users: any user space application which wants to communicate with DS28E04-100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
What: /sys/bus/w1/devices/.../w1_seq
Date: Apr 2015
Contact: Matt Campbell <mattrcampbell@gmail.com>
Description: Support for the DS28EA00 chain sequence function
see Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst for detailed information
Users: any user space application which wants to communicate with DS28EA00

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
What: /sys/firmware/efi/vars
Date: April 2004
Contact: Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch@dell.com>
This directory exposes interfaces for interactive with
EFI variables. For more information on EFI variables,
see 'Variable Services' in the UEFI specification
(section 7.2 in specification version 2.3 Errata D).
In summary, EFI variables are named, and are classified
into separate namespaces through the use of a vendor
GUID. They also have an arbitrary binary value
associated with them.
The efivars module enumerates these variables and
creates a separate directory for each one found. Each
directory has a name of the form "<key>-<vendor guid>"
and contains the following files:
=============== ========================================
attributes: A read-only text file enumerating the
EFI variable flags. Potential values
See the EFI documentation for an
explanation of each of these variables.
data: A read-only binary file that can be read
to attain the value of the EFI variable
guid: The vendor GUID of the variable. This
should always match the GUID in the
variable's name.
raw_var: A binary file that can be read to obtain
a structure that contains everything
there is to know about the variable.
For structure definition see "struct
efi_variable" in the kernel sources.
This file can also be written to in
order to update the value of a variable.
For this to work however, all fields of
the "struct efi_variable" passed must
match byte for byte with the structure
read out of the file, save for the value
**Note** the efi_variable structure
read/written with this file contains a
'long' type that may change widths
depending on your underlying
size: As ASCII representation of the size of
the variable's value.
=============== ========================================
In addition, two other magic binary files are provided
in the top-level directory and are used for adding and
removing variables:
=============== ========================================
new_var: Takes a "struct efi_variable" and
instructs the EFI firmware to create a
new variable.
del_var: Takes a "struct efi_variable" and
instructs the EFI firmware to remove any
variable that has a matching vendor GUID
and variable key name.
=============== ========================================

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
What: /sys/firmware/opal/dump
Date: Feb 2014
Contact: Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
This directory exposes interfaces for interacting with
the FSP and platform dumps through OPAL firmware interface.
This is only for the powerpc/powernv platform.
=============== ===============================================
initiate_dump: When '1' is written to it,
we will initiate a dump.
Read this file for supported commands.
0xXX-0xYYYY: A directory for dump of type 0xXX and
id 0xYYYY (in hex). The name of this
directory should not be relied upon to
be in this format, only that it's unique
among all dumps. For determining the type
and ID of the dump, use the id and type files.
Do not rely on any particular size of dump
type or dump id.
=============== ===============================================
Each dump has the following files:
=============== ===============================================
id: An ASCII representation of the dump ID
in hex (e.g. '0x01')
type: An ASCII representation of the type of
dump in the format "0x%x %s" with the ID
in hex and a description of the dump type
(or 'unknown').
Type '0xffffffff unknown' is used when
we could not get the type from firmware.
e.g. '0x02 System/Platform Dump'
dump: A binary file containing the dump.
The size of the dump is the size of this file.
acknowledge: When 'ack' is written to this, we will
acknowledge that we've retrieved the
dump to the service processor. It will
then remove it, making the dump
Reading this file will get a list of
supported actions.
=============== ===============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
What: /sys/firmware/opal/elog
Date: Feb 2014
Contact: Stewart Smith <stewart@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
This directory exposes error log entries retrieved
through the OPAL firmware interface.
Each error log is identified by a unique ID and will
exist until explicitly acknowledged to firmware.
Each log entry has a directory in /sys/firmware/opal/elog.
Log entries may be purged by the service processor
before retrieved by firmware or retrieved/acknowledged by
Linux if there is no room for more log entries.
In the event that Linux has retrieved the log entries
but not explicitly acknowledged them to firmware and
the service processor needs more room for log entries,
the only remaining copy of a log message may be in
Typically, a user space daemon will monitor for new
entries, read them out and acknowledge them.
The service processor may be able to store more log
entries than firmware can, so after you acknowledge
an event from Linux you may instantly get another one
from the queue that was generated some time in the past.
The raw log format is a binary format. We currently
do not parse this at all in kernel, leaving it up to
user space to solve the problem. In future, we may
do more parsing in kernel and add more files to make
it easier for simple user space processes to extract
more information.
For each log entry (directory), there are the following
============== ================================================
id: An ASCII representation of the ID of the
error log, in hex - e.g. "0x01".
type: An ASCII representation of the type id and
description of the type of error log.
Currently just "0x00 PEL" - platform error log.
In the future there may be additional types.
raw: A read-only binary file that can be read
to get the raw log entry. These are
<16kb, often just hundreds of bytes and
"average" 2kb.
acknowledge: Writing 'ack' to this file will acknowledge
the error log to firmware (and in turn
the service processor, if applicable).
Shortly after acknowledging it, the log
entry will be removed from sysfs.
Reading this file will list the supported
operations (currently just acknowledge).
============== ================================================

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/perf_counters/*
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Counters and settings for various caches.
Read only.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/perf_counter_reset
Date: June 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
echo a 0 or a 1 into perf_counter_reset to
reset all the counters in
except ones with PINT_PERF_PRESERVE set.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/perf_time_interval_secs
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Length of perf counter intervals in
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/perf_history_size
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
The perf_counters cache statistics have N, or
perf_history_size, samples. The default is
Every perf_time_interval_secs the (first)
samples are reset.
If N is greater than one, the "current" set
of samples is reset, and the samples from the
other N-1 intervals remain available.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/op_timeout_secs
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Service operation timeout in seconds.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/slot_timeout_secs
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
"Slot" timeout in seconds. A "slot"
is an indexed buffer in the shared
memory segment used for communication
between the kernel module and userspace.
Slots are requested and waited for,
the wait times out after slot_timeout_secs.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/acache/*
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Attribute cache configurable settings.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/ncache/*
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Name cache configurable settings.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/capcache/*
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Capability cache configurable settings.
What: /sys/fs/orangefs/ccache/*
Date: Jun 2015
Contact: Mike Marshall <hubcap@omnibond.com>
Credential cache configurable settings.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
What: /sys/hypervisor/compilation/compile_date
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Contains the build time stamp of the Xen hypervisor
Might return "<denied>" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiled_by
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Contains information who built the Xen hypervisor
Might return "<denied>" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/compilation/compiler
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Compiler which was used to build the Xen hypervisor
Might return "<denied>" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/properties/capabilities
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Space separated list of supported guest system types. Each type
is in the format: <class>-<major>.<minor>-<arch>
======== ============================================
<class>: "xen" -- x86: paravirtualized, arm: standard
"hvm" -- x86 only: fully virtualized
<major>: major guest interface version
<minor>: minor guest interface version
<arch>: architecture, e.g.:
"x86_32": 32 bit x86 guest without PAE
"x86_32p": 32 bit x86 guest with PAE
"x86_64": 64 bit x86 guest
"armv7l": 32 bit arm guest
"aarch64": 64 bit arm guest
======== ============================================
What: /sys/hypervisor/properties/changeset
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Changeset of the hypervisor (git commit)
Might return "<denied>" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/properties/features
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Features the Xen hypervisor supports for the guest as defined
in include/xen/interface/features.h printed as a hex value.
What: /sys/hypervisor/properties/pagesize
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Default page size of the hypervisor printed as a hex value.
Might return "0" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/properties/virtual_start
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Virtual address of the hypervisor as a hex value.
What: /sys/hypervisor/type
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
Type of hypervisor:
"xen": Xen hypervisor
What: /sys/hypervisor/uuid
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
UUID of the guest as known to the Xen hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/version/extra
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
The Xen version is in the format <major>.<minor><extra>
This is the <extra> part of it.
Might return "<denied>" in case of special security settings
in the hypervisor.
What: /sys/hypervisor/version/major
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
The Xen version is in the format <major>.<minor><extra>
This is the <major> part of it.
What: /sys/hypervisor/version/minor
Date: March 2009
KernelVersion: 2.6.30
Contact: xen-devel@lists.xenproject.org
Description: If running under Xen:
The Xen version is in the format <major>.<minor><extra>
This is the <minor> part of it.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
What: /sys/kernel/notes
Date: July 2009
Contact: <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org>
Description: The /sys/kernel/notes file contains the binary representation
of the running vmlinux's .notes section.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
What: /sys/module
The /sys/module tree consists of the following structure:
The name of the module that is in the kernel. This
module name will always show up if the module is loaded as a
dynamic module. If it is built directly into the kernel, it
will only show up if it has a version or at least one
Note: The conditions of creation in the built-in case are not
by design and may be removed in the future.
This directory contains individual files that are each
individual parameters of the module that are able to be
changed at runtime. See the individual module
documentation as to the contents of these parameters and
what they accomplish.
Note: The individual parameter names and values are not
considered stable, only the fact that they will be
placed in this location within sysfs. See the
individual driver documentation for details as to the
stability of the different parameters.
If the module is able to be unloaded from the kernel, this file
will contain the current reference count of the module.
Note: If the module is built into the kernel, or if the
CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD kernel configuration value is not enabled,
this file will not be present.

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/delete
Date: June 1, 2012
KernelVersion: 3.7
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Instructs an SRP initiator to disconnect from a target and to
remove all LUNs imported from that target.
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/dev_loss_tmo
Date: February 1, 2014
KernelVersion: 3.13
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of seconds the SCSI layer will wait after a transport
layer error has been observed before removing a target port.
Zero means immediate removal. Setting this attribute to "off"
will disable the dev_loss timer.
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/fast_io_fail_tmo
Date: February 1, 2014
KernelVersion: 3.13
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of seconds the SCSI layer will wait after a transport
layer error has been observed before failing I/O. Zero means
failing I/O immediately. Setting this attribute to "off" will
disable the fast_io_fail timer.
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/port_id
Date: June 27, 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.24
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org
Description: 16-byte local SRP port identifier in hexadecimal format. An
example: 4c:49:4e:55:58:20:56:49:4f:00:00:00:00:00:00:00.
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/reconnect_delay
Date: February 1, 2014
KernelVersion: 3.13
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: Number of seconds the SCSI layer will wait after a reconnect
attempt failed before retrying. Setting this attribute to
"off" will disable time-based reconnecting.
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/roles
Date: June 27, 2007
KernelVersion: 2.6.24
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org
Description: Role of the remote port. Either "SRP Initiator" or "SRP Target".
What: /sys/class/srp_remote_ports/port-<h>:<n>/state
Date: February 1, 2014
KernelVersion: 3.13
Contact: linux-scsi@vger.kernel.org, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org
Description: State of the transport layer used for communication with the
remote port. "running" if the transport layer is operational;
"blocked" if a transport layer error has been encountered but
the fast_io_fail_tmo timer has not yet fired; "fail-fast"
after the fast_io_fail_tmo timer has fired and before the
"dev_loss_tmo" timer has fired; "lost" after the
"dev_loss_tmo" timer has fired and before the port is finally

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
What: A notification mechanism for thermal related events
This interface enables notification for thermal related events.
The notification is in the form of a netlink event.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
What: vDSO
Date: July 2011
KernelVersion: 3.0
Contact: Andy Lutomirski <luto@kernel.org>
On some architectures, when the kernel loads any userspace program it
maps an ELF DSO into that program's address space. This DSO is called
the vDSO and it often contains useful and highly-optimized alternatives
to real syscalls.
These functions are called just like ordinary C function according to
your platform's ABI. Call them from a sensible context. (For example,
if you set CS on x86 to something strange, the vDSO functions are
within their rights to crash.) In addition, if you pass a bad
pointer to a vDSO function, you might get SIGSEGV instead of -EFAULT.
To find the DSO, parse the auxiliary vector passed to the program's
entry point. The AT_SYSINFO_EHDR entry will point to the vDSO.
The vDSO uses symbol versioning; whenever you request a symbol from the
vDSO, specify the version you are expecting.
Programs that dynamically link to glibc will use the vDSO automatically.
Otherwise, you can use the reference parser in
Unless otherwise noted, the set of symbols with any given version and the
ABI of those symbols is considered stable. It may vary across architectures,
As of this writing, this ABI documentation as been confirmed for x86_64.
The maintainers of the other vDSO-using architectures should confirm
that it is correct for their architecture.

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
What: /config/acpi
Date: July 2016
KernelVersion: 4.8
Contact: linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org
This represents the ACPI subsystem entry point directory. It
contains sub-groups corresponding to ACPI configurable options.
What: /config/acpi/table
Date: July 2016
KernelVersion: 4.8
This group contains the configuration for user defined ACPI
tables. The attributes of a user define table are:
- a binary attribute that the user can use to
fill in the ACPI aml definitions. Once the aml
data is written to this file and the file is
closed the table will be loaded and ACPI devices
will be enumerated. To check if the operation is
successful the user must check the error code
for close(). If the operation is successful,
subsequent writes to this attribute will fail.
The rest of the attributes are read-only and are valid only
after the table has been loaded by filling the aml entry:
- ASCII table signature
- length of table in bytes, including the header
- ACPI Specification minor version number
- ASCII OEM identification
- ASCII OEM table identification
- OEM revision number
- ASCII ASL compiler vendor ID
- ASL compiler version

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
What: /config/iio
Date: October 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4
Contact: linux-iio@vger.kernel.org
This represents Industrial IO configuration entry point
directory. It contains sub-groups corresponding to IIO
What: /config/iio/triggers
Date: October 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4
Industrial IO software triggers directory.
What: /config/iio/triggers/hrtimers
Date: October 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4
High resolution timers directory. Creating a directory here
will result in creating a hrtimer trigger in the IIO subsystem.
What: /config/iio/devices
Date: April 2016
KernelVersion: 4.7
Industrial IO software devices directory.
What: /config/iio/devices/dummy
Date: April 2016
KernelVersion: 4.7
Dummy IIO devices directory. Creating a directory here will result
in creating a dummy IIO device in the IIO subystem.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_<component>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
Description: Interface is used to configure and connect device channels
to component drivers.
Attributes are visible only when configfs is mounted. To mount
configfs in /sys/kernel/config directory use:
# mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config/
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_cdev/<link>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
The attributes:
configure the buffer size for this channel
configure the sub-buffer size for this channel
(needed for synchronous and isochrnous data)
configure number of buffers used for this
configure type of data that will travel over
this channel
configure whether this link will be an input
or output
configure DBR data buffer size (this is used
for MediaLB communication only)
configure the number of packets that will be
collected from the network before being
transmitted via USB (this is used for USB
communication only)
name of the device the link is to be attached to
name of the channel the link is to be attached to
pass parameters needed by some components
write '1' to this attribute to trigger the
creation of the link. In case of speculative
configuration, the creation is post-poned until
a physical device is being attached to the bus.
write '1' to this attribute to destroy an
active link
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_video/<link>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
The attributes:
configure the buffer size for this channel
configure the sub-buffer size for this channel
(needed for synchronous and isochrnous data)
configure number of buffers used for this
configure type of data that will travel over
this channel
configure whether this link will be an input
or output
configure DBR data buffer size (this is used
for MediaLB communication only)
configure the number of packets that will be
collected from the network before being
transmitted via USB (this is used for USB
communication only)
name of the device the link is to be attached to
name of the channel the link is to be attached to
pass parameters needed by some components
write '1' to this attribute to trigger the
creation of the link. In case of speculative
configuration, the creation is post-poned until
a physical device is being attached to the bus.
write '1' to this attribute to destroy an
active link
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_net/<link>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
The attributes:
configure the buffer size for this channel
configure the sub-buffer size for this channel
(needed for synchronous and isochrnous data)
configure number of buffers used for this
configure type of data that will travel over
this channel
configure whether this link will be an input
or output
configure DBR data buffer size (this is used
for MediaLB communication only)
configure the number of packets that will be
collected from the network before being
transmitted via USB (this is used for USB
communication only)
name of the device the link is to be attached to
name of the channel the link is to be attached to
pass parameters needed by some components
write '1' to this attribute to trigger the
creation of the link. In case of speculative
configuration, the creation is post-poned until
a physical device is being attached to the bus.
write '1' to this attribute to destroy an
active link
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_sound/<card>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
The attributes:
write '1' to this attribute to trigger the
registration of the sound card with the ALSA
What: /sys/kernel/config/most_sound/<card>/<link>
Date: March 8, 2019
KernelVersion: 5.2
The attributes:
configure the buffer size for this channel
configure the sub-buffer size for this channel
(needed for synchronous and isochrnous data)
configure number of buffers used for this
configure type of data that will travel over
this channel
configure whether this link will be an input
or output
configure DBR data buffer size (this is used
for MediaLB communication only)
configure the number of packets that will be
collected from the network before being
transmitted via USB (this is used for USB
communication only)
name of the device the link is to be attached to
name of the channel the link is to be attached to
pass parameters needed by some components
write '1' to this attribute to trigger the
creation of the link. In case of speculative
configuration, the creation is post-poned until
a physical device is being attached to the bus.
write '1' to this attribute to destroy an
active link

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
What: /config/rdma_cm
Date: November 29, 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4.0
Description: Interface is used to configure RDMA-cable HCAs in respect to
RDMA-CM attributes.
Attributes are visible only when configfs is mounted. To mount
configfs in /config directory use:
# mount -t configfs none /config/
In order to set parameters related to a specific HCA, a directory
for this HCA has to be created:
mkdir -p /config/rdma_cm/<hca>
What: /config/rdma_cm/<hca>/ports/<port-num>/default_roce_mode
Date: November 29, 2015
KernelVersion: 4.4.0
Description: RDMA-CM based connections from HCA <hca> at port <port-num>
will be initiated with this RoCE type as default.
The possible RoCE types are either "IB/RoCE v1" or "RoCE v2".
This parameter has RW access.
What: /config/rdma_cm/<hca>/ports/<port-num>/default_roce_tos
Date: February 7, 2017
KernelVersion: 4.11.0
Description: RDMA-CM QPs from HCA <hca> at port <port-num>
will be created with this TOS as default.
This can be overridden by using the rdma_set_option API.
The possible RoCE TOS values are 0-255.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
What: /config/pcie-gadget
Date: Feb 2011
KernelVersion: 2.6.37
Contact: Pratyush Anand <pratyush.anand@gmail.com>
Interface is used to configure selected dual mode PCIe controller
as device and then program its various registers to configure it
as a particular device type.
This interfaces can be used to show spear's PCIe device capability.
Nodes are only visible when configfs is mounted. To mount configfs
in /config directory use::
# mount -t configfs none /config/
For nth PCIe Device Controller /config/pcie-gadget.n/:
=============== ======================================================
link used to enable ltssm and read its status.
int_type used to configure and read type of supported interrupt
no_of_msi used to configure number of MSI vector needed and
to read no of MSI granted.
inta write 1 to assert INTA and 0 to de-assert.
send_msi write MSI vector to be sent.
vendor_id used to write and read vendor id (hex)
device_id used to write and read device id (hex)
bar0_size used to write and read bar0_size
bar0_address used to write and read bar0 mapped area in hex.
bar0_rw_offset used to write and read offset of bar0 where bar0_data
will be written or read.
bar0_data used to write and read data at bar0_rw_offset.
=============== ======================================================

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
What: /config/stp-policy
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
This group contains policies mandating Master/Channel allocation
for software sources wishing to send trace data over an STM
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>.<policy>
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
This group is the root of a policy; its name is a concatenation
of an stm device name to which this policy applies and an
arbitrary string. If <device> part doesn't match an existing
stm device, mkdir will fail with ENODEV; if that device already
has a policy assigned to it, mkdir will fail with EBUSY.
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>.<policy>/device
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
STM device to which this policy applies, read only. Same as the
<device> component of its parent directory.
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>.<policy>/<node>
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
Policy node is a string identifier that software clients will
use to request a master/channel to be allocated and assigned to
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>.<policy>/<node>/masters
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
Range of masters from which to allocate for users of this node.
Write two numbers: the first master and the last master number.
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>.<policy>/<node>/channels
Date: June 2015
KernelVersion: 4.3
Range of channels from which to allocate for users of this node.
Write two numbers: the first channel and the last channel

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>:p_sys-t.<policy>/<node>/uuid
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
UUID source identifier string, RW.
Default value is randomly generated at the mkdir <node> time.
Data coming from trace sources that use this <node> will be
tagged with this UUID in the MIPI SyS-T packet stream, to
allow the decoder to discern between different sources
within the same master/channel range, and identify the
higher level decoders that may be needed for each source.
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>:p_sys-t.<policy>/<node>/do_len
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Include payload length in the MIPI SyS-T header, boolean.
If enabled, the SyS-T protocol encoder will include payload
length in each packet's metadata. This is normally redundant
if the underlying transport protocol supports marking message
boundaries (which STP does), so this is off by default.
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>:p_sys-t.<policy>/<node>/ts_interval
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Time interval in milliseconds. Include a timestamp in the
MIPI SyS-T packet metadata, if this many milliseconds have
passed since the previous packet from this source. Zero is
the default and stands for "never send the timestamp".
What: /config/stp-policy/<device>:p_sys-t.<policy>/<node>/clocksync_interval
Date: June 2018
KernelVersion: 4.19
Time interval in milliseconds. Send a CLOCKSYNC packet if
this many milliseconds have passed since the previous
CLOCKSYNC packet from this source. Zero is the default and
stands for "never send the CLOCKSYNC". It makes sense to
use this option with sources that generate constant and/or
periodic data, like stm_heartbeat.

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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This group contains sub-groups corresponding to created
USB gadgets.
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes of a gadget:
================ ============================================
UDC bind a gadget to UDC/unbind a gadget;
write UDC's name found in /sys/class/udc/*
to bind a gadget, empty string "" to unbind.
max_speed maximum speed the driver supports. Valid
names are super-speed-plus, super-speed,
high-speed, full-speed, and low-speed.
bDeviceClass USB device class code
bDeviceSubClass USB device subclass code
bDeviceProtocol USB device protocol code
bMaxPacketSize0 maximum endpoint 0 packet size
bcdDevice bcd device release number
bcdUSB bcd USB specification version number
idProduct product ID
idVendor vendor ID
================ ============================================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/configs
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This group contains a USB gadget's configurations
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/configs/config
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes of a configuration:
================ ======================================
bmAttributes configuration characteristics
MaxPower maximum power consumption from the bus
================ ======================================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/configs/config/strings
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This group contains subdirectories for language-specific
strings for this configuration.
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/configs/config/strings/language
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes:
================ =========================
configuration configuration description
================ =========================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This group contains functions available to this USB gadget.
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/<func>.<inst>/interface.<n>
Date: May 2014
KernelVersion: 3.16
This group contains "Feature Descriptors" specific for one
gadget's USB interface or one interface group described
by an IAD.
The attributes:
================= =====================================
compatible_id 8-byte string for "Compatible ID"
sub_compatible_id 8-byte string for "Sub Compatible ID"
================= =====================================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/<func>.<inst>/interface.<n>/<property>
Date: May 2014
KernelVersion: 3.16
This group contains "Extended Property Descriptors" specific for one
gadget's USB interface or one interface group described
by an IAD.
The attributes:
===== ===============================================
type value 1..7 for interpreting the data
- 1: unicode string
- 2: unicode string with environment variable
- 3: binary
- 4: little-endian 32-bit
- 5: big-endian 32-bit
- 6: unicode string with a symbolic link
- 7: multiple unicode strings
data blob of data to be interpreted depending on
===== ===============================================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/strings
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This group contains subdirectories for language-specific
strings for this gadget.
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/strings/language
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes:
============ =================================
serialnumber gadget's serial number (string)
product gadget's product description
manufacturer gadget's manufacturer description
============ =================================
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/os_desc
Date: May 2014
KernelVersion: 3.16
This group contains "OS String" extension handling attributes.
============= ===============================================
use flag turning "OS Desctiptors" support on/off
b_vendor_code one-byte value used for custom per-device and
per-interface requests
qw_sign an identifier to be reported as "OS String"
============= ===============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/acm.name
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
This item contains just one readonly attribute: port_num.
It contains the port number of the /dev/ttyGS<n> device
associated with acm function's instance "name".

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/ecm.name
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes:
- network device interface name associated with
this function instance
- queue length multiplier for high and
super speed
- MAC address of host's end of this
Ethernet over USB link
- MAC address of device's end of this
Ethernet over USB link

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/eem.name
Date: Jun 2013
KernelVersion: 3.11
The attributes:
========== =============================================
ifname network device interface name associated with
this function instance
qmult queue length multiplier for high and
super speed
host_addr MAC address of host's end of this
Ethernet over USB link
dev_addr MAC address of device's end of this
Ethernet over USB link
========== =============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/ffs.name
Date: Nov 2013
KernelVersion: 3.13
Description: The purpose of this directory is to create and remove it.
A corresponding USB function instance is created/removed.
There are no attributes here.
All parameters are set through FunctionFS.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/hid.name
Date: Nov 2014
KernelVersion: 3.19
The attributes:
============= ============================================
protocol HID protocol to use
report_desc blob corresponding to HID report descriptors
except the data passed through /dev/hidg<N>
report_length HID report length
subclass HID device subclass to use
============= ============================================

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
What: /config/usb-gadget/gadget/functions/Loopback.name
Date: Nov 2013
KernelVersion: 3.13
The attributes:
======= =======================
qlen depth of loopback queue
buflen buffer length
======= =======================

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