mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:32:35 +03:00
345 lines
8.6 KiB
345 lines
8.6 KiB
;**************GRAPHICS EDITOR ANIMAGE *****************
; version: 1.4
; last update: 12/03/2016
; changes: Use library 'libimg.obj'
; version: 1.3
; last update: 05/10/2010
; written by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario
; changes: Fixed window flicker when redrawing,
; Fixed memory leak for stack
; version: 1.2
; last update: 30/09/2010
; written by: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79, aka Mario
; changes: Program used function 68 instead 64 is now,
; select path with OpenDialog
; version 1.1 year 9.12.2006
; programming by andrew_programmer
; design by golus
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x1
dd I_END
dd stacktop
dd file_path ;parameters
dd cur_dir_path
include '../../../config.inc' ;for nightbuild
include '../../../macros.inc'
include '../../../proc32.inc'
include '../../../KOSfuncs.inc'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../dll.inc'
include '../../../libio.inc'
@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
; *** ª®áâ âë ¤«ï ¨â¥à䥩á ***
; *** constants for interface ***
; ª®à४â¨à®¢ª¨ ᪨
ci_offs_skin_w equ 0 ; 5 ;ª®à४â¨à®¢ª è¨à¨ã à ¬ª¨ ᪨
ci_offs_skin_h equ 0 ;24 ;ª®à४â¨à®¢ª ¢ëá®âã ᪨
; £« ¢®¥ ®ª®
ci_wnd_min_siz_x equ 585 ;minimum size x
ci_wnd_min_siz_y equ 400 ;minimum size y
; ®ª® । ªâ®à
ci_edit_wnd_x_pos equ 5 ;ª®®à¤¨ â x ¤«ï ®ª । ªâ®à
ci_edit_wnd_y_pos equ 87 ;ª®®à¤¨ â y ¤«ï ®ª । ªâ®à
ci_edit_wnd_border equ 3 ;à ¬ª ¢®ªà㣠®ª । ªâ®à
; áªà®««¨£¨
ci_scroll_dim equ 22 ;à §¬¥àë áªà®««¨£®¢
ci_scrollh_coord_x_min equ (ci_edit_wnd_x_pos+3) ;¬¨¨¬ «ì ï ¯®§¨æ¨ï ¯®«§ãª
;£®à¨§®â «ì®£® áªà®««¨£
ci_scrollv_coord_y_min equ (ci_edit_wnd_y_pos+3) ;¬¨¨¬ «ì ï ¯®§¨æ¨ï ¯®«§ãª
;¢¥à⨪ «ì®£® áªà®««¨£
include 'bmplib.inc'
include 'dialog2.inc'
include 'design.inc'
include 'graphlib.inc'
include 'cursors.inc'
include 'memory.inc'
include 'load_from_parameters.inc'
load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs
cmp eax,-1
jz close
mcall SF_SET_EVENTS_MASK,0x80000067 ; 1100111b
;-----------------------init data-------------------------
include 'init_data.inc'
;--------get memory and draw window of program-------------
call GetMemory
call cleare_work_arrea
call load_icons
;load cursors
mov eax,CursorsID
call load_cursors
call drawwin
;---------Check loading of file from parameters-----------
mov eax,file_path
cmp [eax],byte 0
jz @f
call load_picture
call MovePictureToWorkScreen
mov edi,filename_area
mov esi,path4+5
call copy_str_1
mov edi,file_path
cmp [edi],byte 0
jne @f
mov esi,path4
call copy_str_1
;OpenDialog initialisation
push dword OpenDialog_data
call [OpenDialog_Init]
call drawwin
;---------------------MAIN LOOP----------------------------
align 4
call event
cmp eax,1
je red
cmp eax,2
je keys
cmp eax,3
je buttons
cmp eax,6
je mouse
jmp still
xor eax,eax
test eax,eax
jnz @b
include 'events.inc'
include 'events_of_window.inc'
include 'events_of_keys.inc'
include 'events_of_buttons.inc'
include 'events_of_mouse.inc'
include 'panel_engen.inc'
include 'screen.inc'
include 'menu_instruments.inc'
include 'icons_instruments.inc'
include 'icons.inc'
include 'sprites.inc'
include 'string.inc'
include 'palette.inc'
include 'files.inc'
include 'time.inc'
;------------variables and data of program------------------
sound_havent_memory db 150,64,0
include 'lib_data.inc'
include 'panel_data.inc'
include 'palitra256.inc'
include 'brushes.inc'
include 'spray.inc'
include 'width_lines.inc'
;-------------------ICON"S picture-------------------------
dd 0
file 'panel_buttons.png'
file 'brush.cur'
file 'flood_fill.cur'
file 'lastik.cur'
file 'other.cur'
file 'pencil.cur'
file 'pipette.cur'
file 'spray.cur'
file 'zoom.cur'
;------------variables and data of program------------------
time rd 1
PosX rd 1 ;scroll x file position
PosY rd 1 ;scroll y file position
PointerToIcons rd 1
ScreenPointer rd 1
PointerToPicture rd 1
PointerToCopyPicture rd 1
PointerToCopyPicture2 rd 1
PointerToEditBufer rd 1
PointerToSpriteBufer rd 1
PointerToPalette rd 1 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¯¨«¨âàã (㦥 ¤«ï á®åà ¥¨ï ¢ *.bmp)
Color rd 1
Number_Brush rd 1
Brush_SizeX rd 1
Brush_SizeY rd 1
Current_instrument rd 1
Last_instrument rd 1
Activate_instrument rb 1
SColor rd 1
OldX rd 1
OldY rd 1
MouseX rd 1
MouseY rd 1
Window_SizeX rd 1
Window_SizeY rd 1
Window_CordinatX rd 1
Window_CordinatY rd 1
Picture_SizeX rd 1
Picture_SizeY rd 1
ScreenX rd 1 ;ª®®à¤¨ â x ªãàá®à á ãç¥â®¬ ¬ áèâ ¡
ScreenY rd 1 ;ª®®à¤¨ â y ªãàá®à á ãç¥â®¬ ¬ áèâ ¡
WorkScreen_SizeX rd 1
WorkScreen_SizeY rd 1
MaxWorkScreen_SizeX rd 1
MaxWorkScreen_SizeY rd 1
k rd 1 ;¬ áèâ ¡
ReserveArray rd 1
register rd 1
CounterX rd 1
CounterY rd 1
OffsetYPicture rd 1
OffsetYWorkScreen rd 1
OffsetYBigPixel rd 1
Icon_X rd 1
Icon_Y rd 1
counter rd 1
counter2 rd 1
Icon_text_x rd 1
Icon_text_y rd 1
Panel_flag rb 1
counter_menu rd 1
menu_coordinat_x rd 1
menu_size_x rd 1
menu_counter rd 1
counter_11 rd 1
number_panel rd 1
number_menu rd 1
Scroll1CoordinatX rd 1 ;scroll x screen position
Scroll1CoordinatY rd 1 ;scroll y screen position
Scroll1MaxSizeX rd 1
Scroll1MaxSizeY rd 1
Scroll1SizeX rd 1 ;scroll polzunok size
Scroll1FreeX rd 1
Scroll2CoordinatX rd 1
Scroll2CoordinatY rd 1
Scroll2MaxSizeX rd 1
Scroll2MaxSizeY rd 1
Scroll2SizeY rd 1
Scroll2FreeY rd 1
;extended_memory rd 1
type rw 1
x rd 1
y rd 1
save_flag rb 1
exit_from_work_arrea rb 1
Radius rd 1
Dx_ rd 1
Dy_ rd 1
line_width rd 1
lastik_is_active rb 1
a_ellips rd 1
b_ellips rd 1
instrument_used rb 1
used_OldX rd 1
used_OldY rd 1
rectangular_shade_x rd 1
rectangular_shade_y rd 1
crossing_old_x rd 1
crossing_old_y rd 1
crossing rd 1
finishing_crossing rd 1
number_undo rd 1
DrawSprite_flag rb 1
Paste_flag rb 1
SpriteSizeX rd 1
SpriteSizeY rd 1
SpriteCoordinatX rd 1
SpriteCoordinatY rd 1
SpriteOldCoordinatX rd 1
SpriteOldCoordinatY rd 1
align 4
CursorsID rd 10
align 4
file_path rb 4096
filename_area rb 256
temp_dir_pach rb 4096
library_path rb 4096
cur_dir_path rb 4096
procinfo: rb 1024
align 4
rb 4096
I_END: |