New functions for work with system calls KolibriOS are added. Functions for format output are added: printf (), fprintf (), sprintf (), snprintf (), vsnprintf (). For material numbers it is meanwhile supported only format output the (%f), and exponential output a (%e) is not realized yet. Functions for format output correctly work only in GCC because TinyC incorrectly works with the functions containing variable number of arguments. git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@647 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
68 lines
1.6 KiB
68 lines
1.6 KiB
@echo off
echo ####################################################
echo # Melibc builder #
echo # usage: build [clean] #
echo ####################################################
rem #### CONFIG SECTION ####
set LIBNAME=libck.a
set INCLUDE=include
set CC=
set CFLAGS=-c -nostdinc -DGNUC -I"%cd%\%INCLUDE%"
set AR=
set ASM=
set dirs=stdio memory kolibrisys string stdlib
set objs=
set target=%1
if not "%1"=="clean" set target=all
set INCLUDE="%cd%"
call :Target_%target%
if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto Exit_OK
echo Probably at runing has been created error
echo For help send a report...
goto :eof
%CC% %CFLAGS% %1 -o "%~dpn1.o"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
%ASM% %1 "%~dpn1.o"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
echo cleaning ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do del /Q "%%a\*.o"
goto :Exit_OK
echo building all ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do (
for %%f in ("%%a\*.asm") do call :Compile_Asm "%%f"
for %%f in ("%%a\*.c") do call :Compile_C "%%f"
%AR% -ru %LIBNAME% %objs%
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
goto Exit_OK
echo error: execution failed
exit 1
echo ####################################################
echo # All operations has been done... #
echo # For cleaning run this script with param " clean" #
echo ####################################################
exit 0 |