642 lines
11 KiB
642 lines
11 KiB
;-procedure draws smooth shaded lines (I mean interpolation 24 bit--
;-color), with z coord interpolation--------------------------------
;-author: Maciej Guba (www.macgub.hekko.pl)-------------------------
;-in : -------------------------------------------------------------
;----- edi - pointer to screen buffer ------------------------------
;----- esi - pointer to Z buffer -----------------------------------
;------ constans : SIZE_X, SIZE_Y - screen width and height---------
;----------------- ROUND - fixed point shift------------------------
;------ other parameters via stack----------------------------------
.x1 equ ebp+4
.y1 equ ebp+6
.z1 equ ebp+8
.r1 equ ebp+10
.g1 equ ebp+12
.b1 equ ebp+14
.x2 equ ebp+16
.y2 equ ebp+18
.z2 equ ebp+20
.r2 equ ebp+22
.g2 equ ebp+24
.b2 equ ebp+26
.line_lenght equ ebp-2
.delta equ ebp-6
.delta_x equ ebp-10
.delta_y equ ebp-14
.dr equ ebp-18
.dg equ ebp-22
.db equ ebp-26
.dz equ ebp-30
.cr equ ebp-34
.cg equ ebp-38
.cb equ ebp-42
.cz equ ebp-46
;.line_lenght equ ebp-48
.screen equ ebp-52
.zbuffer equ ebp-56
.ccoord equ ebp-60 ;current coordinate
.czbuf equ ebp-64
.cscr equ ebp-68
.xres equ ebp-72
.yres equ ebp-76
.xresm1 equ ebp-80
.yresm1 equ ebp-84
.xresp1 equ ebp-88
.yresp1 equ ebp-92
.xres3 equ ebp-96
.xres4 equ ebp-100
macro .update_cur_var
if Ext=NON
mov ebx,[.dz]
add [.cz],ebx
mov ebx,[.dr]
add [.cr],ebx
mov ebx,[.dg]
add [.cg],ebx
mov ebx,[.db]
add [.cb],ebx
elseif Ext=MMX
movq mm0,[.cz]
movq mm1,[.cg]
paddd mm0,mm2 ;[.dz]
paddd mm1,mm3 ;[.dg]
movq [.cz],mm0
movq [.cg],mm1
elseif Ext >= SSE2
; movups xmm1,[.cz]
paddd xmm1,xmm0
; movups [.cz],xmm1
end if
macro .draw_pixel
mov [esi],ebx ; actualize Z buffer
if Ext=SSE2
movaps xmm7,xmm1 ;[.cb] ;;xmm1
shufps xmm7,xmm7,00111001b
psrld xmm7,ROUND
packssdw xmm7,xmm7
packuswb xmm7,xmm7
pand xmm7,xmm6 ;[.mask]
movd [edi],xmm7
mov eax,[.cb]
sar eax,ROUND
mov [edi],al
; and eax,0x000000ff ; clean unused bits
mov ebx,[.cg]
sar ebx,ROUND
mov [edi+1],bl
; mov ah,bl
mov edx,[.cr]
sar edx,ROUND
mov [edi+2],dl
end if
; shl ebx,16
; or eax,ebx
; mov [edi],eax
macro .sort
if Ext >= MMX
movq mm0,[.x1]
movq mm1,[.x2]
movq [.x1],mm1
movq [.x2],mm0
mov edx,[.x1]
xchg edx,[.x2]
mov [.x1],edx
mov edx,[.z1]
xchg edx,[.z2]
mov [.z1],edx
end if
mov edx,[.g1]
xchg edx,[.g2]
mov [.g1],edx
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,128
mov eax,[.x1] ; check if parameters exceedes screen area
mov ebx,[.x2]
or eax,ebx
test eax,80008000h
jne .end_line
movzx edx,word [size_x_var]
mov [.xres],edx
movzx ecx,word [size_y_var]
mov [.yres],ecx
cmp word[.x1],dx ;SIZE_X
jg .end_line
cmp word[.x2],dx ;SIZE_X
jg .end_line
cmp word[.y1],cx ;SIZE_Y
jg .end_line
cmp word[.y2],cx ;SIZE_Y
jg .end_line
mov edx,[.xres]
shl edx,2
mov [.xres4],edx
shr edx,2
lea edx,[edx*3]
mov [.xres3],edx
mov edx,[.xres]
mov ecx,[.yres]
dec edx
dec ecx
mov [.xresm1],edx
mov [.yresm1],ecx
add edx,2
add ecx,2
mov [.xresp1],edx
mov [.yresp1],ecx
mov [.screen],edi
mov cx,[.x1]
cmp cx,[.x2]
je .vertical_l
mov cx,[.y1]
cmp cx,[.y2]
je .horizontal_l
mov ax,[.x1]
sub ax,[.x2]
cmp ax,0
jg @f
neg ax ; calc absolute value
mov [.delta_x],ax
mov bx,[.y1]
sub bx,[.y2]
cmp bx,0
jg @f
neg bx
mov [.delta_y],bx
cmp ax,bx
je .deg45_l
jl .more_vertical_l
jg .more_horizon_l
jmp .end_line
mov ax,[.x1]
mov bx,[.x2]
cmp bx,ax
jge @f
mov bx,[.x2]
sub bx,[.x1]
movsx ebx,bx
cmp ebx,0 ;line lenght equql 0
je .end_line
mov [.delta_x],ebx
call .calc_delta
movzx eax,word [size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1]
mul ebx
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add esi,eax
add edi,eax
movsx eax,word[.x1]
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax
add esi,eax
mov ecx,[.delta_x]
movsx ebx,word[.r1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cr],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.g1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cg],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.b1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cb],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.z1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cz],ebx
if Ext = SSE2
movups xmm1,[.cz]
end if
if Ext = SSE2
movd ebx,xmm1
mov ebx,[.cz]
end if
cmp [esi],ebx
jle .skip
add edi,3
add esi,4
loop .hdraw
jmp .end_line
mov ax,[.y1]
cmp [.y2],ax
jge @f
mov bx,[.y2]
sub bx,[.y1]
movsx ebx,bx
cmp ebx,0
je .end_line
mov [.delta_y],ebx
call .calc_delta
movzx eax,word[size_x_var] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1]
mul ebx
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add edi,eax
add esi,eax
movsx eax,word[.x1]
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add esi,eax
add edi,eax
mov ecx,[.delta_y]
movsx ebx,word[.r1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cr],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.g1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cg],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.b1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cb],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.z1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cz],ebx
if Ext = SSE2
movups xmm1,[.cz]
end if
if Ext = SSE2
movd ebx,xmm1
mov ebx,[.cz]
end if
cmp [esi],ebx
jle @f
add edi,[.xres3]
add esi,[.xres4]
loop .v_draw
jmp .end_line
mov word[.line_lenght],ax
mov ax,[.x1]
cmp [.x2],ax
jge @f
mov bx,[.y2]
sub bx,[.y1]
movsx ebx,bx
cmp ebx,0
je .end_line
mov [.delta_y],ebx
mov bx,[.x2]
sub bx,[.x1]
movsx ebx,bx
mov [.delta_x],ebx
call .calc_delta
mov eax,[.xres]
movsx ebx,word[.y1] ;calc begin values in screen and Z buffers
mul ebx
lea ebx,[3*eax]
add edi,ebx
shl eax,2
add esi,eax
movsx eax,word[.x1]
lea ebx,[eax*3]
add edi,ebx
shl eax,2
add esi,eax
movzx ecx,word[.line_lenght]
movsx ebx,word[.r1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cr],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.g1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cg],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.b1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cb],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.z1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cz],ebx
if Ext = SSE2
movd ebx,xmm1
mov ebx,[.cz]
end if
cmp [esi],ebx
jle @f
cmp dword[.delta_y],0
jl @f
add edi,[.xres3] ;SIZE_X*3+3
add edi,3
add esi,[.xres4] ;SIZE_X*4+4
add esi,4
jmp .d45_1
sub edi,[.xres3] ;(SIZE_X*3)-3
sub edi,3
sub esi,[.xres4] ;(SIZE_X*4)-4
sub esi,4
loop .d45_draw
jmp .end_line
mov word[.line_lenght],bx
mov ax,[.y1]
cmp [.y2],ax
jge @f
mov bx,[.y2]
sub bx,[.y1]
movsx ebx,bx
cmp ebx,0
je .end_line ;=======================
mov [.delta_y],ebx
mov ax,[.x2]
sub ax,[.x1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.delta],eax
call .calc_delta
mov eax,[.xres] ;SIZE_X
movsx ebx,word[.y1] ;calc begin values in screen and Z buffers
mul ebx
lea ebx,[3*eax]
add esi,ebx
add esi,eax
add edi,ebx
mov [.cscr],edi
mov [.czbuf],esi
movzx ecx,word[.line_lenght]
movsx ebx,word[.r1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cr],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.g1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cg],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.b1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cb],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.z1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cz],ebx
if Ext = SSE2
movups xmm1,[.cz]
end if
movsx ebx,word[.x1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.ccoord],ebx ; .ccoord -> x coordinate
mov edi,[.cscr]
mov esi,[.czbuf]
mov eax,[.ccoord]
sar eax,ROUND
lea ebx,[eax*3]
add edi,ebx
add esi,ebx
add esi,eax
if Ext = SSE2
movd ebx,xmm1
mov ebx,[.cz]
end if
cmp [esi],ebx
jle @f
mov eax,[.delta]
mov ebx,[.xres3]
add [.ccoord],eax
mov eax,[.xres4]
add dword[.cscr],ebx ;SIZE_X*3 ;
add dword[.czbuf],eax ;SIZE_X*4
dec ecx
jnz .draw_m_v
jmp .end_line
mov word[.line_lenght],ax
mov ax,[.x1]
cmp [.x2],ax
jge @f
mov bx,[.x2]
sub bx,[.x1]
movsx ebx,bx
cmp ebx,0;=======================
je .end_line
mov [.delta_x],ebx
mov ax,[.y2]
sub ax,[.y1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.delta],eax
call .calc_delta
;calc begin values in screen and Z buffers
movsx ebx,word[.x1]
mov eax,ebx
add esi,ebx
lea ebx,[3*ebx]
add esi,ebx
add edi,ebx
mov [.cscr],edi
mov [.czbuf],esi
movzx ecx,word[.line_lenght]
movsx ebx,word[.r1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cr],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.g1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cg],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.b1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cb],ebx
movsx ebx,word[.z1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.cz],ebx
if Ext = SSE2
movups xmm1,[.cz]
end if
movsx ebx,word[.y1]
shl ebx,ROUND
mov [.ccoord],ebx ; .ccoord -> y coordinate
mov edi,[.cscr]
mov esi,[.czbuf]
mov eax,[.ccoord] ; ccoord - cur y coordinate
sar eax,ROUND
mov ebx,[.xres] ;SIZE_X
mul ebx
add esi,eax
lea eax,[eax*3]
add esi,eax
add edi,eax
if Ext = SSE2
movd ebx,xmm1
mov ebx,[.cz]
end if
cmp [esi],ebx
jle @f
mov eax,[.delta]
add [.ccoord],eax
add dword[.cscr],3 ;
add dword[.czbuf],4
dec ecx
jnz .draw_m_h
mov esp,ebp
ret 24
mov ax,[.z2]
sub ax,[.z1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dz],eax
mov ax,[.r2]
sub ax,[.r1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dr],eax
mov ax,[.g2]
sub ax,[.g1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.dg],eax
mov ax,[.b2]
sub ax,[.b1]
shl eax,ROUND
idiv ebx
mov [.db],eax
if Ext=MMX | Ext = SSE
movq mm2,[.dz]
movq mm3,[.dg]
else if Ext >= SSE2
movups xmm0,[.dz]
movups xmm6,[.mask]
end if
dq 0xffffffff00ffffff
dq 0xffffffffffffffff