mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:22:35 +03:00
393 lines
5.8 KiB
393 lines
5.8 KiB
; Port to KolibliOS
; (jacekm.pl@gmail.com)
;B+ System header
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x01
dd I_END
dd 0x500000
dd 0x7fff0
dd 0x0,0x0
;B+ Include C files
; Compiler tools
include "INTRINS.ASM"
; C Library ("stdio.asm")
include "LIBSTD.ASM"
; MenuetOS implement
include "OSFUNC.ASM"
_fopen equ _OS_fopen
_fputc equ _OS_fputc
_fgetc equ _OS_fgetc
_fclose equ _OS_fclos
;Main program (compiled from C)
include "GETARG.ASM"
include "CC1.ASM"
include "CC2.ASM"
include "CC3.ASM"
include "CC4.ASM"
;B+ Main cycle
call draw_window
mov eax,10
int 0x40
cmp eax,1
je red
cmp eax,2
je key
cmp eax,3
je button
jmp still
call draw_window
jmp still
mov eax,2
int 0x40
jmp still
mov eax,17
int 0x40
cmp ah,1
jne .noclose
mov eax,-1
int 0x40
cmp ah,2
jne .no_run
; call begin_osfunc
;B+ Copy file path
mov esi,inp_path
mov edi,filepath
mov ecx,[p_len]
push ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx
add ecx,filepath
mov [p_filename],ecx
;B+ Clear word area
mov ebx,10 shl 16 + 280
mov ecx,60 shl 16 + 250
mov edx,0x303030
mov eax,13
int 0x40
;B+ Init parameters
mov ecx,_input
sub ecx,_nogo
mov edi,_nogo
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
mov [_input],-1
mov [_input2],-1
mov [_usexpr],1
mov [_ccode],1
mov [_quote],34
mov [test_outch.y_coord],60
call init_osfunc
push dword 4
push args
;B+ Save exit ESP
mov [exit_esp],esp
call _main
add esp,8
; call end_osfunc
cmp ah,3
jne .no_path
mov eax,inp_path
mov bx,27
call read_string
mov edx,[r_pos]
mov [p_len],edx
cmp ah,10
je still
jmp still1
cmp ah,4
jne .no_file
mov eax,inp_file
mov bx,42
call read_string
mov edx,[r_pos]
mov [f_len],edx
cmp ah,10
je still
jmp still1
jmp still
;B+ Read string
mov [c_place],eax
mov [r_pos],0
mov [rel_x],60
mov [rel_y],bx
mov ebx,60
shl ebx,16
mov bx,6*26+1
movzx ecx,[rel_y]
shl ecx,16
mov cx,10
mov edx,0x000000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
add ecx,11 shl 16
mov cx,2
mov edx,0x999999
int 0x40
mov ebx,[rel_x]
shl ebx,16
mov bx,7
movzx ecx,[rel_y]
shl ecx,16
mov cx,10
mov edx,0x000000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
mov ebx,[c_place]
mov byte [ebx],0
mov eax,10
int 0x40
cmp eax,2
je .key
jmp .to_ret
mov eax,2
int 0x40
cmp ah,13
jne .no_enter
jmp .to_ret
cmp ah,8
jne .no_back
cmp [r_pos],0
je .next
dec [r_pos]
dec [c_place]
sub [rel_x],6
jmp .next
cmp [r_pos],25
je .next
cmp ah,'a'
jb .no_sm_l
cmp ah,'z'
ja .no_sm_l
add ah,'A'-'a'
mov byte [ebx],ah
mov [char],ah
inc [c_place]
inc [r_pos]
mov ebx,[rel_x]
inc ebx
shl ebx,16
mov bx,[rel_y]
inc bx
mov ecx,0x00ffff
mov edx,char
mov esi,1
mov eax,4
int 0x40
add [rel_x],6
jmp .next
push eax
mov ebx,60
shl ebx,16
mov bx,6*26+1
movzx ecx,[rel_y]
add ecx,11
shl ecx,16
mov cx,2
mov edx,0x000000
mov eax,13
int 0x40
pop eax
rel_x dd 60
rel_y dw 0x0
c_place dd 0x0
r_pos dd 0x0
char db '?'
;B+ Draw window
mov eax,12
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
mov ebx,100*65536+320
mov ecx,100*65536+320
mov edx,0x035555DD
mov esi,0x805080d0
mov edi,0x005080d0
mov eax,0
int 0x40
mov ebx,8*65536+8
mov ecx,0x10ddeeff
mov edx,caption
mov esi,caption_end-caption
mov eax,4
int 0x40
;mov ebx,(300-19)*65536+12
;mov ecx,5*65536+12
;mov edx,1
;mov esi,0x6688dd
;mov eax,8
;int 0x40
;B+ Hot buttons
mov ebx,220 shl 16 + 70
mov ecx,25 shl 16 + 29
mov edx,2 ; compile
mov esi,0x6688dd
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov ebx,10 shl 16 + 47
mov ecx,26 shl 16 + 12
mov edx,3 ; path
mov esi,0x6688dd
mov eax,8
int 0x40
mov ebx,10 shl 16 + 47
mov ecx,41 shl 16 + 12
mov edx,4 ; file name
mov esi,0x6688dd
mov eax,8
int 0x40
;B+ Text in buttons
mov ebx,231 shl 16 + 36
mov ecx,0x10ffffff
mov edx,txt_compile
mov esi,txt_compile_end-txt_compile
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ebx,14 shl 16 + 28
mov ecx,0xffffff
mov edx,txt_path
mov esi,txt_path_end-txt_path
int 0x40
mov ebx,14 shl 16 + 43
mov edx,txt_file
mov esi,txt_file_end-txt_file
int 0x40
;B+ Draw path / file name
mov ebx,61 shl 16 + 28
mov ecx,0x00ffff
mov edx,inp_path
mov esi,[p_len]
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov ebx,61 shl 16 + 43
mov ecx,0x00ffff
mov edx,inp_file
mov esi,[f_len]
mov eax,4
int 0x40
mov eax,12
mov ebx,2
int 0x40
;B+ Data area
;B+ Interface
inp_path: times 100 db '/RD/1/',0
p_len dd 6
inp_file: times 100 db 'EXAMPLE',0
f_len dd 7
txt_compile db 'Compile'
txt_path db 'Path ->'
txt_file db 'File ->'
;B+ Main arguments
args dd arg_str0,inp_file,arg_str2,arg_str3,arg_str4
arg_str0 db 'CC',0
arg_str1 db 'prog',0
arg_str2 db '-m',0
arg_str3 db '-a',0
arg_str4 db '-p',0
;B+ System parameters
exit_esp dd 0x0
caption db 'Small C compiler for KolibriOS v 0.5.3'
times 8-($ mod 8) db 0