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648 lines
13 KiB
// KReversi.java
// The Othello Game, based on the algorithm of Muffy Barkocy
// (muffy@fish.com).
// The strategy is very very simple. The best move for the computer
// is the move that flip more pieces (preferring boards line and
// corners) and give less pieces to move to the opponent.
// Author: Alex "Kazuma" Garbagnati (kazuma@energy.it)
// Date: 20 Jan 96
// L.R.: 26 Jan 96
// Note:
typedef unsigned int u32;
int YSHIFT= 33;
int ENGLISH = 0; //
int ITALIAN = 1; // Languages
int EXTERNAL = 2; //
#define BLACK 0x000000; //
#define BLACK_S 0x333333; //
#define WHITE 0xffffff; // Colors
#define WHITE_S 0xaaaaaa; //
int NOMOVE = 0; //
int REALMOVE = 1; // Type of move
int PSEUDOMOVE = 2; //
int Empty = 0; //
int User = 1; // Board's owners
int Computer = 2; //
#define true 1
#define false 0
int UserMove = true;
int GameOver = false;
int CopyWinOn = false;
int StillInitiated = false; // This solve a little
// problem on reinit.
int TheBoard[8][8]; // Board
int Score[8][8];
int OpponentScore[8][8];
// DrawBoard
// (paint the Othello Board, a 8X8 green square table)
// Input: graphic (Graphics)
// Output: none
// Notes:
void DrawBoard() {
int i;
__asm__ __volatile__("int $0x40"::"a"(38),"b"(320),"c"(YSHIFT+(YSHIFT+(40*i))*65536+40*i),"d"(0x555555));
__menuet__line((40*i),YSHIFT,(40*i),353,0x555555); // horizontal
// End of DrawBoard
// DrawPiece
// (paint a piece, black or white, I'm using an 8x8 array, so
// from the input values for rows and cols must be
// subtracted 1)
// Input: who (int),
// column (int),
// row (int)
// Output: none
// Notes:
void DrawPiece(int Who, int Col, int Row) {
int pCol = (40*(Col-1)+1);
int pRow = YSHIFT+(40*(Row-1)+1);
u32 pColor,pShadow;
if (Who == User) {
pColor = BLACK;
pShadow = BLACK_S;
} else {
pColor = WHITE;
pShadow = WHITE_S;
TheBoard[Col-1][Row-1] = Who;
// End of DrawPiece
// MsgWhoMove
// (paint the message informing who's move)
// Input: is user ? (int)
// Output: none
// Notes:
void MsgWhoMove(int UM) {
// End of MsgWhoMove
// FlipRow
// (calculate number of pieces are flipped by a move
// and return it. Eventually do the complete or pseudo
// move)
// Input: who (int)
// which board (int[][])
// position col, row (int)
// direction col, row (int)
// make move ? (int)
int FlipRow(int Who, int WhichBoard[8][8] , int C, int R,
int CInc, int RInc, int MakeMove) {
int NewCol;
int NewRow;
int Opponent = User + Computer - Who;
int CNT = 0;
NewCol = C - 1;
NewRow = R - 1;
while (true) {
if (((NewCol+CInc) < 0) || ((NewCol+CInc) > 7) ||
((NewRow+RInc) < 0) || ((NewRow+RInc) > 7)) {
return 0;
if (WhichBoard[NewCol+CInc][NewRow+RInc] == Opponent) {
NewCol += CInc;
NewRow += RInc;
} else if (WhichBoard[NewCol+CInc][NewRow+RInc] == Empty) {
return 0;
} else {
if (MakeMove != NOMOVE) {
int v;
for(v=0; v<=CNT; v++) {
if (MakeMove == REALMOVE) {
DrawPiece(Who, C+1, R+1);
} else {
WhichBoard[C][R] = Who;
C += CInc;
R += RInc;
return CNT;
// End of FlipRow
// IsLegalMove
// (verify that the move is legal)
// Input: who (int)
// board (int[][])
// position col, row (int)
// Output: is legal ? (int)
// Notes:
int IsLegalMove(int Who, int WhichBoard[8][8] , int C, int R) {
if (WhichBoard[C-1][R-1] != Empty) {
return false;
int CInc,RInc;
for (CInc=-1; CInc<2; CInc++) {
for (RInc=-1; RInc<2; RInc++) {
if (FlipRow(Who, WhichBoard, C, R, CInc, RInc, NOMOVE) > 0) {
return true;
return false;
// End of IsLegalMove
// MakeMove
// (make the move)
// Input: who (int)
// position col, row (int)
// Output: false=EndGame, true=next player (int)
// Notes:
int MakeMove(int Who, int C, int R) {
int CInc,RInc;
for (CInc=-1; CInc<2; CInc++) {
for (RInc=-1; RInc<2; RInc++) {
FlipRow(Who, TheBoard, C, R, CInc, RInc, REALMOVE);
if (IsBoardComplete() ||
((!ThereAreMoves(Computer, TheBoard)) && (!ThereAreMoves(User, TheBoard)))) {
return false;
int Opponent = (User + Computer) - Who;
if (ThereAreMoves(Opponent, TheBoard)) {
UserMove = !UserMove;
return true;
// End of MakeMove
// EndGame
// (shows the winning message)
// Input: none
// Output: none
// Notes:
void EndGame() {
int CompPieces = 0;
int UserPieces = 0;
char *WinMsg_W = "Computer Won";
char *WinMsg_L = "User Won";
char *WinMsg_T = "???";
char *TheMsg;
int StrWidth;
int c,r;
for (c=0; c<8; c++) {
for (r=0; r<8; r++) {
if (TheBoard[c][r] == Computer) {
} else {
if (CompPieces > UserPieces) {
TheMsg = WinMsg_W;
} else if (UserPieces > CompPieces) {
TheMsg = WinMsg_L;
} else {
TheMsg = WinMsg_T;
// End of EndGame
// IsBoardComplete
// (checks if the board is complete)
// Input: none
// Output: the board is complete ? (int)
// Notes:
int IsBoardComplete() {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
if (TheBoard[i][j] == Empty) {
return false;
return true;
// End of IsBoardComplete
// ThereAreMoves
// (checks if there are more valid moves for the
// player)
// Input: player (int)
// board (int[][])
// Output: there are moves ? (int)
// Notes:
int ThereAreMoves(int Who, int WhichBoard[8][8] ) {
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<=8; i++) {
for (j=1; j<=8; j++) {
if (IsLegalMove(Who, WhichBoard, i, j)) {
return true;
return false;
// End of ThereAreMoves
// CalcOpponentScore
// (calculate the totalScore of opponent after
// a move)
// Input: position x, y (int)
// Output: score (int)
// Notes:
int CalcOpponentScore(int CP, int RP) {
int OpScore = 0;
int tempBoard[8][8]; // = new int[8][8];
int c,r;
for (c=0; c<8; c++) {
for (r=0; r<8; r++) {
tempBoard[c][r] = TheBoard[c][r];
int CInc,RInc;
for (CInc=-1; CInc<2; CInc++) {
for (RInc=-1; RInc<2; RInc++) {
FlipRow(Computer, tempBoard, CP+1, RP+1, CInc, RInc, PSEUDOMOVE);
if (ThereAreMoves(User, tempBoard)) {
int C,R;
for (C=0; C<8; C++) {
for (R=0; R<8; R++) {
OpScore += RankMove(User, tempBoard, C, R);
return OpScore;
// End of CalcOpponentScore()
// RankMoves
// (rank all moves for the computer)
// Input: none
// Output: none
// Notes:
void RankMoves() {
int C,R;
for (C=0; C<8; C++) {
for (R=0; R<8; R++) {
Score[C][R] = RankMove(Computer, TheBoard, C, R);
if (Score[C][R] != 0) {
OpponentScore[C][R] = CalcOpponentScore(C, R);
} else {
OpponentScore[C][R] = 0;
// End of RankMoves
// RankMove
// (rank a move for a player on a board)
// Input: who moves (int)
// on which board (int[][])
// position col, row (int)
// Output: flipped pieces (int)
// Notes: best are corner, then border lines,
// worst are line near to border lines
int RankMove(int Who, int WhichBoard[8][8], int Col, int Row) {
int CNT = 0;
int MV = 0;
if (WhichBoard[Col][Row] != Empty) {
return 0;
int CInc,RInc;
for (CInc=-1; CInc<2; CInc++) {
for (RInc=-1; RInc<2; RInc++) {
MV = FlipRow(Who, WhichBoard, Col+1, Row+1, CInc, RInc, NOMOVE);
CNT += MV;
if (CNT > 0) {
if (((Col == 0) || (Col == 7)) ||
((Row == 0) || (Row == 7))) {
CNT = 63;
if (((Col == 0) || (Col == 7)) &&
((Row == 0) || (Row == 7))) {
CNT = 64;
if ((((Col == 0) || (Col == 7)) && (Row == 1) || (Row == 6)) &&
(((Col == 1) || (Col == 6)) && (Row == 0) || (Row == 7)) &&
(((Col == 1) || (Col == 6)) && (Row == 1) || (Row == 6))) {
CNT = 1;
return CNT;
// End of RankMove
// BestMove
// (calculate and execute the best move)
// Input: none
// Output: value, col & row (int[3])
// Notes:
void BestMove (int retval[3]) {
retval[0] = -998; // move value;
retval[1] = 0; // column
retval[2] = 0; // row
int C,R;
for (C=0; C<8; C++) {
for (R=0; R<8; R++) {
if ((Score[C][R] == 0) && (OpponentScore[C][R] == 0)) {
Score[C][R] = -999;
} else if (Score[C][R] != 64) {
Score[C][R] = Score[C][R] - OpponentScore[C][R];
for (C=0; C<8; C++) {
for (R=0; R<8; R++) {
if (Score[C][R] > retval[0]) {
retval[1] = C;
retval[2] = R;
retval[0] = Score[C][R];
// return retval;
// End of BestMove
// paint
void paint() {
// MsgWhoMove(UserMove);
if (!CopyWinOn) {
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
if (TheBoard[i][j] != Empty) {
DrawPiece(TheBoard[i][j], i+1, j+1);
// } else {
// ShowAbout();
int _user = 0;
int _computer = 0;
int c, r;
for (c=0; c<8; c++)
for (r=0; r<8; r++) {
if (TheBoard[c][r] == User)
if (TheBoard[c][r] == Computer)
// do not use sprintf function here please! ( sprintf(score, "User: %d - Computer: %d", _user, _computer); )
char score[64];
char tmp[8];
strcpy(score, "User (black): ");
itoa(_user++, tmp, 10);
strcat(score, tmp);
strcat(score, " - Computer (white): ");
itoa(_computer++, tmp, 10);
strcat(score, tmp);
__menuet__bar(58, 8, 250, 16, 0x777777);
__menuet__write_text(58,8,0x333333,score, strlen(score));
// End of paint
// init
void init() {
// This is the right size of the applet 321x387
// resize(321,387);
// I set twice the language. That's because if anybody
// forget a string in an external language file, are
// used english strings.
if (!StillInitiated) {
StillInitiated = true;
int i,j;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
TheBoard[i][j] = 0;
TheBoard[3][3] = User;
TheBoard[3][4] = Computer;
TheBoard[4][3] = Computer;
TheBoard[4][4] = User;
UserMove = true;
// MsgWhoMove(true);
// repaint();
// End of init
void paint_win(void)
void main(void)
int i;
u32 mouse_coord;
u32 mouse_butn;
int X,Y;
int TheCol, TheRow;
int BMove[3];
int BX, BY;
int retval = false;
__menuet__set_bitfield_for_wanted_events(EVENT_REDRAW + EVENT_KEY + EVENT_BUTTON + EVENT_MOUSE_CHANGE);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
if(__menuet__get_button_id()==1) {
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
__asm__ __volatile__("int $0x40":"=a"(mouse_butn):"0"(37),"b"(2));
__asm__ __volatile__("int $0x40":"=a"(mouse_coord):"0"(37),"b"(1));
X = mouse_coord >> 16;
Y = mouse_coord & 0xffff;
// Process a normal click in the board
BX = X;
if ((BY >= 0) && (BY <= 321) &&
(mouse_butn !=0) && (UserMove)) {
TheCol = (int)((BX/40)+1);
TheRow = (int)((BY/40)+1);
if (IsLegalMove(User, TheBoard, TheCol, TheRow)) {
retval = MakeMove(User, TheCol, TheRow);
while (retval && (!UserMove)) {
retval = MakeMove(Computer, BMove[1], BMove[2]);
if (!retval) {