213 lines
6.0 KiB
213 lines
6.0 KiB
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
; 1/32
shr eax, 5
; round off up to 8 pages
shr eax, 3
shl eax, 3
; translate pages in butes *4096
shl eax, 12
; check a upper size of the cache, no more than 1 Mb on the physical device
cmp eax, 1024*1024
jbe @f
mov eax, 1024*1024
jmp .continue
; check a lower size of the cache, not less than 128 Kb on the physical device
cmp eax, 128*1024
jae @f
mov eax, 128*1024
mov [cache_ide0_size], eax
mov [cache_ide1_size], eax
mov [cache_ide2_size], eax
mov [cache_ide3_size], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [hdd_appl_data], 1;al
mov [cd_appl_data], 1
mov ch, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
mov cl, ch
and cl, 11b
je .ide2
mov esi, cache_ide3
call get_cache_ide
mov cl, ch
shr cl, 2
and cl, 11b
je .ide1
mov esi, cache_ide2
call get_cache_ide
mov cl, ch
shr cl, 4
and cl, 11b
je .ide0
mov esi, cache_ide1
call get_cache_ide
mov cl, ch
shr cl, 6
and cl, 11b
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide0
call get_cache_ide
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [NumBiosDisks], ecx
jz .endbd
mov esi, BiosDiskCaches
push ecx
movsx ecx, byte [BiosDisksData+ecx*4+2]
inc ecx
jz .getbd
add ecx, ecx
movzx eax, byte [DRIVE_DATA+1]
shl eax, cl
and ah, 3
cmp ah, 1
jz .contbd
pop ecx
mov byte [BiosDisksData+ecx*4+2], -1
push ecx
mov eax, [cache_ide0_size]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_size-cache_ide0], eax
mov cl, 1
call get_cache_ide
pop ecx
add esi, cache_ide1-cache_ide0
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [NumBiosDisks]
jb .loopbd
jmp end_get_cache
and [esi+cache_ide0_search_start-cache_ide0], 0
and [esi+cache_ide0_appl_search_start-cache_ide0], 0
push ecx
stdcall kernel_alloc, [esi+cache_ide0_size-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0], eax
pop ecx
mov edx, eax
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_size-cache_ide0]
shr eax, 3
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_data_size-cache_ide0], eax
mov ebx, eax
imul eax, 7
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data_size-cache_ide0], eax
add ebx, edx
mov [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0], ebx
cmp cl, 10b
je .cd
push ecx
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_system_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_hd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_hd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
pop ecx
push ecx
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_system_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
pop ecx
push eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 9
shl eax, 3
sub ebx, eax
shr ebx, 9
mov ecx, ebx
shl ebx, 9
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
dec ecx
push eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 11
shl eax, 3
sub ebx, eax
shr ebx, 11
mov ecx, ebx
shl ebx, 11
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
dec ecx
push eax
shl ecx, 1
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop eax
; mov [cache_ide0_pointer],HD_CACHE
; mov [cache_ide0_system_data],HD_CACHE+65536
; mov [cache_ide0_system_sad_size],1919