106 lines
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106 lines
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;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
db 186,' KolibriOS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See file COP'
db 'YING for details ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 2
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
novesa db "Display: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Version of VESA: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Select a videomode: ",13,10,0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-use preloaded ram-image from kernel restart;"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomode not found.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ required.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Graphics mode not supported by hardware.",0
pres_key db "Press any key to choose a new videomode.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Bad sector. Replace floppy.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db "Loading diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Press [abcde] to change settings, press [Enter] to continue booting",13,10,0
time_msg db " or wait "
time_str db " 5 seconds"
db " before automatical continuation",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Current settings:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomode: ",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",13,10,0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
on_msg db " on",13,10,0
off_msg db " off",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg db " [c] Duplicate debug output to the screen:",0
ask_debug db "Duplicate debug output to the screen? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
launcher_msg db " [d] Start LAUNCHER after kernel is loaded:",0
ask_launcher db "Start first application (LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [e] Floppy image: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "real floppy",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3
pdm1 db "real floppy",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "use already loaded image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Loading KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Remember current settings? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader data invalid, I cannot continue. Stopped.",0
end if
_st:latin1 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐',13,10,0
_r1:latin1 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors │ │',13,10,0
_r2:latin1 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 colors │ │',13,10,0
_rs:latin1 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │',13,10,0
_bt:latin1 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘',13,10,0
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2
num_remarks = 2