1) Fixed window flicker when redrawing 2) Fixed memory leak for stack git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@1643 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
398 lines
7.1 KiB
398 lines
7.1 KiB
;-----interraction panel with user----------------
; mcall 18,14
and [Panel_flag],0
;collision with text on panel
mov eax,[edi]
mov ebx,[edi+4]
sub eax,10
sub ebx,3
mov [Icon_text_x],eax
mov [Icon_text_y],ebx
mov esi,[edi+8]
imul esi,10
mov [button_menu_size_x],esi
mov [button_menu_size_y],dword 13
mov esi,[edi+8]
add edi,4*3
add edi,esi
mov ecx,[MouseX]
mov edx,[MouseY]
push edi
mov edi,[button_menu_size_y]
mov esi,[button_menu_size_x]
call columnus
pop edi
mov esi,7
test eax,eax
jz no_columnus_text
mov esi,1
mov [Panel_flag],1
call GetMouseClick
test eax,eax
jz no_mouse_pressed
; mcall 18,14
jmp print_panel_menu
mov eax,[Icon_text_x]
mov ebx,[Icon_text_y]
mov ecx,[button_menu_size_x]
mov edx,[button_menu_size_y]
call draw_volume_rectangle
push [counter]
push edi
mov [counter],7
mov edi,panel_text
call print_panel_text
pop edi
pop [counter]
dec [counter]
jnz next_columnus_text
jmp still
;-----draw panel menu(main engin of panel)----------------
push [counter]
;delit main buttons(some time)
mov [counter],10
mov edx,[counter]
add edx,11100000000000000000000000000000b
mcall 8
inc [counter]
cmp [counter],30
jl next_icon_delit1
;delit buttons of brushes
mov [counter],40
mov edx,[counter]
add edx,11100000000000000000000000000000b
mcall 8
inc [counter]
cmp [counter],45
jl next_icon_delit2
;delit buttons of zoom
mov [counter],45
mov edx,[counter]
add edx,11100000000000000000000000000000b
mcall 8
inc [counter]
cmp [counter],50
jl next_icon_delit3
;delit buttons of palette
mov edx,51
add edx,11100000000000000000000000000000b
mcall 8
;delit buttons of color
mov edx,52
add edx,11100000000000000000000000000000b
mcall 8
pop [counter]
push esi
mov esi,[counter]
dec esi
shl esi,4
mov eax,[menu_rectangles+esi]
mov ebx,[menu_rectangles+esi+4]
mov ecx,[menu_rectangles+esi+8]
mov edx,[menu_rectangles+esi+12]
mov esi,1
mov [menu_coordinat_x],eax
mov [menu_size_x],ecx
call draw_volume_rectangle
pop esi
;calculate menu counter
mov eax,[counter]
dec eax
shl eax,2
mov ebx,[menu_counters+eax]
mov [counter_menu],ebx
call GetMouseCoordinats
and [menu_counter],0
push esi edi
; mcall 18,4
mov eax,[menu_coordinat_x]
mov ebx,36
mov ecx,[MouseX]
mov edx,[MouseY]
mov esi,[menu_size_x]
mov edi,18
add ebx,[menu_counter]
add eax,2
sub esi,3
inc ebx
call columnus
mov esi,7
test eax,eax
jz no_columnus_menu_text
mov esi,1
mov eax,[menu_coordinat_x]
mov ebx,36
mov ecx,[menu_size_x]
mov edx,18
add ebx,[menu_counter]
add eax,2
sub ecx,3
inc ebx
call draw_volume_rectangle
add [menu_counter],20
dec [counter_menu]
jnz menu_loop
;print menu text
push [counter]
mov esi,[counter]
dec esi
shl esi,2
mov edi,[menu_text_en+esi]
mov eax,[menu_counters+esi]
mov [counter],eax
call print_panel_text
pop [counter]
pop edi esi
mcall 10
mcall 2
mcall 17
call GetMouseClick
test eax,eax
jz calculate_counter_menu
call GetMouseCoordinats
;calculate menu counter
mov eax,[counter]
dec eax
shl eax,2
mov ebx,[menu_counters+eax]
mov [counter_menu],ebx
and [menu_counter],0
and [counter_11],0
push esi edi
mov eax,[menu_coordinat_x]
mov ebx,36
mov ecx,[MouseX]
mov edx,[MouseY]
mov esi,[menu_size_x]
mov edi,18
add ebx,[menu_counter]
add eax,2
sub esi,3
inc ebx
call columnus
inc [counter_11]
test eax,eax
jz no_columnus_menu_text2
mov esi,[counter_11]
mov [number_menu],esi
add [menu_counter],20
dec [counter_menu]
jnz menu_loop2
pop edi esi
mcall 5,15
push [counter]
call drawwin
pop [counter]
mov eax,[counter]
mov [number_panel],eax
jmp TakeInstruments
;------print mouse position on panel----------------------
mov eax,[Window_SizeX]
sub eax,75
mov ebx,20+15+6
mov ecx,52
mov edx,18
mov esi,4
call draw_volume_rectangle
mov eax,[Window_SizeX]
sub eax,75
mov ebx,20+15+6+18+2
mov ecx,52
mov edx,18
mov esi,4
call draw_volume_rectangle
mov eax,[Window_SizeX]
sub eax,70
mov ebx,20+15+6+6
and ecx,0
mov edx,mouse_pos_x
mov esi,2
call print_text
mov eax,[Window_SizeX]
sub eax,70
mov ebx,20+15+6+6+18+1
and ecx,0
mov edx,mouse_pos_y
mov esi,2
call print_text
mov ecx,[ScreenX]
add ecx,[PosX]
mov edx,[Window_SizeX]
sub edx,55
shl edx,16
add edx,20+15+6+6
and esi,0
mcall 47,<4,0>
mov ecx,[ScreenY]
add ecx,[PosY]
mov edx,[Window_SizeX]
sub edx,55
shl edx,16
add edx,20+15+6+18+1+6
;----------print text on the panel and menu----------------
mov eax,[edi]
mov ebx,[edi+4]
; xor ecx,ecx
mov ecx,0x10000000
mov edx,edi
add edx,12
mov esi,[edi+8]
add edi,esi
add edi,3*4
push edi
call print_text
pop edi
dec [counter]
jnz next_panel_text
;------------draw lines of scoll---------------------------
mov edi,[CounterX]
mov eax,[Scroll1CoordinatX]
mov ebx,[Window_SizeY]
sub ebx,22+10
mov ecx,[Window_SizeX]
sub ecx,10+5+20+10+1
mov edx,14+10
mov esi,1
mov [Scroll1CoordinatX],eax
mov [Scroll1CoordinatY],ebx
mov [Scroll1MaxSizeY],edx
mov [Scroll1MaxSizeX],ecx
imul ecx,edi
push eax ebx edx
mov eax,ecx
mov ebx,[Picture_SizeX]
idiv ebx
mov ecx,eax
pop edx ebx eax
mov [Scroll1SizeX],ecx
mov edi,[Scroll1MaxSizeX]
sub edi,ecx
mov [Scroll1FreeX],edi
call draw_volume_rectangle
mov eax,[Window_SizeX]
sub eax,22+10
mov ebx,[Scroll2CoordinatY]
mov ecx,14+10
mov edx,[Window_SizeY]
sub edx,20+15+1+49+10+20+11
mov esi,1
mov [Scroll2CoordinatX],eax
mov [Scroll2CoordinatY],ebx
mov [Scroll2MaxSizeX],ecx
mov [Scroll2MaxSizeY],edx
imul edx,[CounterY]
push eax ebx
mov eax,edx
mov ebx,[Picture_SizeY]
idiv ebx
mov edx,eax
pop ebx eax
mov [Scroll2SizeY],edx
mov edi,[Scroll2MaxSizeY]
sub edi,edx
mov [Scroll2FreeY],edi
call draw_volume_rectangle
button_menu_size_x dd 0
button_menu_size_y dd 0 |