@panel: to match K0581 distro: SYSMETER -> GMON @numcalc: moved to the appropriate place in repository HeEd: added english variant NetSendC, NetSendS: added english variant + optimization pic4: changes in set background + optimization tetris, @rcher, board, sysxtree, vrr: new versions from K0581 distro bgitest: fixed small error + ability to set language via lang.inc c4: small correction in label height to match K0581 distro git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@131 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
87 lines
3.3 KiB
87 lines
3.3 KiB
The new file browser with support sorting file by name, extension, size, date
Develop by Pavlushin Evgeni for Menuet OS e-mail: waptap@mail.ru
site (slow update) : www.deck4.narod.ru
Copy program COPYR to ramdisk !!! for work feuters - copy and paste file's
PageUp\PageDown , Up Arrow/Down Arrow -Navigation
Blackspace - goto to previous folder
Enter - enter to folder or run/view/edit file
F2 - change sort mode (name,extension,size,date,sohw/fade del files)
F3 - view file in notepad
F5 - copy file to clipboard
F6 - paste file from clipboard
F12 - update source
Íîâûé ôàéëîâûé áðàóçåð ïîäåððæèâàþùèé ñîðòèðîâêó ôîèëîâ ïî èìåíè,
ðàñøèðåíèþ, ðàçìåðó è äàòå.
Ðàçðàáîòàë Ïàâëþøèí Åâãåíèé äëÿ Menuet OS e-mail: waptap@mail.ru
ñàéò (ìåäëåííî îáíîâëÿåòñÿ) : www.deck4.narod.ru
Ñêîïèðóéòå ïðîãó COPYR íà ramdisk !!! äëÿ âîçìîæíîñòè êîïèðîâàòü è âñòàâëÿòü ôàèëû
PageUp\PageDown , Up Arrow/Down Arrow - Íàâèãàöèÿ
Blackspace - Ïåðåéòè ê ïðåäèäóùåé ïàïêå
Enter - Çàéòè â ïàïêó èëè çàïóñòèòü/ïðîñìîòðåòü/ðåäàêòèðîâàòü ôàèë
F2 - Ñìåíèòü ðåæèì ñîðòèðîâêè (Ïî èìåíè,ðàñøèðåíèþ,ðàçìåðó,äàòå,ïîêàçûâàòü óäàë. ôàèëû)
F3 - Ïðîñìîòðåòü ôàèë â òåêñòîâîì áëîêíîòå
F5 - êîïèðîâàòü ôàèë â clipboard
F6 - âñòàâèòü ôàèë èç clipboard'à
F12 - Îáíîâèòü ñîäåðæèìîå îêíà
Translate of russian documentation for xtree
Sorry i'm write in English very poor.
The new concept of dialogues, now dialogues
is made do not use file system for an exchange
with the client, and use IPC - Inter process comunication
(Support since 52 Versions).
52 Version support IPC of dialogues
53 Version is added protection dialogs from
external processes.
Test with TESTOPDG 54 Version IPC protection it is
improved Test with TESTOPD2 That testing dialogues
copy SYSTRE54 on ramdisk under name SYSXTREE and start TESTOPD2
In window TESTOPD2 the following information is displayed:
In heading at the left???
Below parameters transferred SYSTEM XTREE,
namely PID TESTOPD2, the blank and
type of dialogue of one byte (O-Open, S-Save)
is even lower PID SYSTEM XTREE and current num of the
started processes After file will be open in dialogue,
it will be displayed in window TESTOPD2 below heading,
and dialogue will be closed.
Protection TESTOPD2:
1) If at start SYSTEM XTREE from XTREE don't it is
received it PID during 2 sec, 54 version XTREE or
not XTREE at all means on ramdisk not, TESTOPD2
comes to the end.
2) If worked SYSTEM XTREE it was closed not
having sent path to file (itself or from CPU programs)
TESTOPD2 comes to the end since parameters from XTREE
have not been received and since XTREE is closed
that already and don't are received.
;78Ver input in dir whith extension (for example TEST.DIR\XT\) bug deleted
;64Ver Run file from HD bug deleted.
;65Ver The bad scroll realization
;66Ver The good scroll realization, url line anti-flick
;67Ver Url line monolith procedure
;68Ver Mini icon on left of file name
;69Ver Getimg proc size minus 900 bytes
;70Ver Del data area ramsize minus 140000 bytes
;72Ver Quick sort, ramsize minus 200000 bytes
;73Ver Url flick and out bugs delete
;sort type in headmenu bug del |