
- removed setmouse function that doesnt do anything - redmousepos moved from kernel.asm to gui/mouse.inc - small style fixes git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@9514 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
803 lines
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803 lines
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;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
include 'mousepointer.inc'
;/////// public functions ///////
mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG = 0001b
mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG = 0010b
mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG = 0100b
mouse.BUTTONS_MASK = \
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_N_FLAG = 000001b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG = 000010b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG = 000100b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG = 001000b
mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG = 010000b
align 4
; Check if mouse buttons state or cursor position has changed
push eax ebx
mov al, [BTN_DOWN]
mov bl, [mouse.state.buttons]
and al, mouse.BUTTONS_MASK
mov cl, al
xchg cl, [mouse.state.buttons]
xor bl, al
push eax ebx
; did any mouse button changed its state?
or bl, bl
jz .check_position
; yes it did, is that the first button of all pressed down?
or cl, cl
jnz .check_buttons_released
; yes it is, activate window user is pointing at, if needed
call mouse._.activate_sys_window_under_cursor
; is there any system button under cursor?
call mouse._.find_sys_button_under_cursor
or eax, eax
jz .check_buttons_released
; yes there is, activate it and exit
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.coord], ebx
mov cl, [mouse.state.buttons]
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons], cl
call sys_button_activate_handler
jmp .exit
cmp [mouse.state.buttons], 0
jnz .buttons_changed
; did we press some button earlier?
cmp [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], 0
je .buttons_changed
; yes we did, deactivate it
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid]
mov ebx, [mouse.active_sys_button.coord]
mov cl, [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons]
push eax ebx
call sys_button_deactivate_handler
pop edx ecx
; is the button under cursor the one we deactivated?
call mouse._.find_sys_button_under_cursor
cmp eax, ecx
jne .exit
cmp ebx, edx
jne .exit
; yes it is, perform associated action
mov cl, [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons]
call sys_button_perform_handler
jmp .exit
test byte[esp], mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jz @f
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_left_button_handler
test byte[esp], mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jz @f
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_right_button_handler
test byte[esp], mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG
jz .check_position
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_middle_button_handler
movzx eax, word[MOUSE_X]
movzx ebx, word[MOUSE_Y]
cmp eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
jne .position_changed
cmp ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
je .exit
xchg eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
xchg ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
call mouse._.move_handler
add esp, 8
pop ebx eax
test eax, mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.left_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.left_button_release_handler
test eax, mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.right_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.right_button_release_handler
test eax, mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.middle_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.middle_button_release_handler
;////// private functions //////
.pos POINT
.buttons db ?
; NOTE: since there's no unique and lifetime-constant button identifiers,
; we are using two dwords to identify each of them:
; * pbid - process slot (high 8 bits) and button id (low 24 bits) pack
; * coord - left (high 16 bits) and top (low 16 bits) coordinates pack
align 4
.pbid dd ?
.coord dd ?
.buttons db ?
align 4
.pslot dd ?
.old_box BOX
.new_box BOX
.delta POINT
.last_ticks dd ?
.action db ?
fl_moving db 0
rb 3
align 4
; Called when left mouse button has been pressed down
bts word [BTN_DOWN], 8
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov ebx, eax
xchg ebx, [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks]
sub eax, ebx
movzx ebx, [mouse_doubleclick_delay]
cmp eax, ebx
jg @f
bts dword [BTN_DOWN], 24
test [mouse.state.buttons], not mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz .exit
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
call mouse._.check_sys_window_actions
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.action], al
or eax, eax
jz .exit
xchg eax, edx
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz @f
bt dword [BTN_DOWN], 24
jnc @f
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks], 0
call sys_window_maximize_handler
jmp .exit
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .exit
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot], esi
lea eax, [edi + WDATA.box]
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
call memmove
test edx, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_n_delta
call .calculate_w_delta
jmp .call_window_handler
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_w_delta
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_s_delta
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jz .call_window_handler
call .calculate_e_delta
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.top]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.y], eax
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.x], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.top]
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.height]
sub eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.y], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.width]
sub eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.x], eax
align 4
; Called when left mouse button has been released
bts dword [BTN_DOWN], 16
xor esi, esi
xchg esi, [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot]
or esi, esi
jz .exit
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data + WDATA.box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
call sys_window_end_moving_handler
and [mouse.active_sys_window.action], 0
mov [fl_moving], 0
bts word [BTN_DOWN], 9
test [mouse.state.buttons], not mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz @f
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
call mouse._.check_sys_window_actions
test al, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz @f
jmp sys_window_rollup_handler
bts dword [BTN_DOWN], 17
bts word [BTN_DOWN], 10
bts dword [BTN_DOWN], 18
align 4
; Called when cursor has been moved
;> eax = old x coord
;> ebx = old y coord
cmp [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], 0
jnz .exit
mov esi, [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot]
or esi, esi
jz .exit
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov dl, [mouse.active_sys_window.action]
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz .check_resize_w
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.x]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.y]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.top], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
cmp eax, [_display.width]
jl @f
sub eax, [_display.width]
inc eax
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.top]
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.top], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height]
cmp eax, [_display.height]
jl .call_window_handler
sub eax, [_display.height]
inc eax
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.top], eax
jmp .call_window_handler
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jz .check_resize_s
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.x]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
sub eax, 127
jge @f
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], 127
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
or eax, eax
jge .check_resize_s
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jz .check_resize_e
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.y]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.top]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
push eax
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
call window._.get_rolledup_height
mov ecx, eax
pop eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height]
cmp eax, ecx
jge @f
mov eax, ecx
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.top]
cmp eax, [_display.height]
jl .check_resize_e
sub eax, [_display.height]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
mov ecx, [_display.height]
cmp ecx, eax
jg .check_resize_e
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], ecx
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jz .call_window_handler
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.delta.x]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
cmp eax, 127
jge @f
mov eax, 127
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
cmp eax, [_display.width]
jl .call_window_handler
sub eax, [_display.width]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov ecx, [_display.width]
cmp ecx, eax
jg .call_window_handler
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], ecx
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
push esi
mov esi, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov edi, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX / 4
pop esi
je .exit
test [fl_moving], 1
jnz @f
mov [fl_moving], 1
push edi
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, WDATA.box + window_data
call window._.draw_negative_box
pop edi
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks], 0
call sys_window_moving_handler
align 4
; Find system window object which is currently visible on screen
; and has mouse cursor within its bounds
;< esi = process slot
;< edi = pointer to WDATA struct
mov esi, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov esi, [d_width_calc_area + esi*4]
add esi, [_display.win_map]
add esi, [mouse.state.pos.x]
movzx esi, byte[esi]
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
align 4
; activate and redraw window under cursor (if necessary)
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
movzx esi, word[WIN_STACK + esi * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
jmp waredraw
align 4
; Find system button object which is currently visible on screen
; and has mouse cursor within its bounds
;< eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)] or 0
;< ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
push ecx edx esi edi
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
mov edx, esi
; check if any process button contains cursor
mov eax, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ecx, [eax]
imul esi, ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, eax
inc ecx
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ecx
jz .not_found
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
cmp dx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does it contain cursor coordinates?
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.left]
jl .next_button
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.width]
jge .next_button
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.top]
jl .next_button
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.height]
jge .next_button
; okay, return it
shl edx, 24
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and eax, 0x0ffffff
or eax, edx
mov ebx, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left - 2]
mov bx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.top]
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
pop edi esi edx ecx
align 4
;< eax = action flags or 0
; is window movable?
test byte[edi + WDATA.cl_titlebar + 3], 0x01
jnz .no_action
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
mov ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [edi + WDATA.box.left]
sub ebx, [edi + WDATA.box.top]
; is there a window titlebar under cursor?
push eax
call window._.get_titlebar_height
cmp ebx, eax
pop eax
jl .move_action
; no there isn't, can it be resized then?
mov dl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and dl, 0x0f
; NOTE: dangerous optimization, revise if window types changed
; this currently implies only types 2 and 3 could be resized
test dl, 2
jz .no_action
mov ecx, [edi + WDATA.box.width]
add ecx, -window.BORDER_SIZE
mov edx, [edi + WDATA.box.height]
add edx, -window.BORDER_SIZE
; is it rolled up?
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_ROLLEDUP
jnz .resize_w_or_e_action
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE
jl .resize_w_action
cmp eax, ecx
jg .resize_e_action
cmp ebx, edx
jle .no_action
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE + 10
jl .resize_sw_action
add ecx, -10
cmp eax, ecx
jge .resize_se_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jmp .exit
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE + 10
jl .resize_w_action.direct
add ecx, -10
cmp eax, ecx
jg .resize_e_action.direct
jmp .no_action
add edx, -10
cmp ebx, edx
jge .resize_sw_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jmp .exit
add edx, -10
cmp ebx, edx
jge .resize_se_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_SW_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_SE_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
align 4
; eax=0 screen relative
; eax=1 window relative
; eax=2 buttons pressed
; eax=3 buttons pressed ext
; eax=4 load cursor
; eax=5 set cursor
; eax=6 delete cursor
; eax=7 get mouse_z
; eax=8 load cursor unicode
cmp ebx, 8
ja @f
jmp dword[.mousefn+ebx*4]
align 4
dd .msscreen
dd .mswin
dd .msbutton
dd .msbuttonExt
dd .app_load_cursor
dd .app_set_cursor
dd .app_delete_cursor
dd .msz
dd .loadCursorUni
mov eax, [MOUSE_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_Y]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
mov eax, [MOUSE_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_Y]
mov esi, [TASK_BASE]
mov bx, word [esi-twdw+WDATA.box.left]
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, word [esi-twdw+WDATA.box.top]
sub eax, ebx
mov edi, [current_slot_idx]
shl edi, 8
sub ax, word[edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.top]
rol eax, 16
sub ax, word[edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol eax, 16
mov [esp+36-4], eax
movzx eax, byte [BTN_DOWN]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
mov eax, [BTN_DOWN]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae @f
stdcall load_cursor, ecx, edx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae @b
push ecx edx
stdcall kernel_alloc, maxPathLength
mov edi, eax
pop eax esi
push edi
call getFullPath
pop ebp
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall load_cursor, ebp, LOAD_FROM_FILE
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall kernel_free, ebp
stdcall set_cursor, ecx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
stdcall delete_cursor, ecx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
mov edi, [thread_count]
movzx edi, word [WIN_POS + edi*2]
cmp edi, [current_slot_idx]
jne @f
mov ax, [MOUSE_SCROLL_H]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_SCROLL_V]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
and [MOUSE_SCROLL_H], word 0
and [MOUSE_SCROLL_V], word 0
and [esp+36-4], dword 0
ret |