* Move bios-related part of kernel.asm before B32 label to bootbios.asm file; * Move bx_from_load, boot_dev and kernel_restart_bootblock variables to BOOT_* 0x9000 block; * Update Tupfile.lua, Makefile, build.bat, build.sh accordingly; * Now bios and uefi loaders can jump to very first byte of the kernel. git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@7129 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
6 lines
503 B
6 lines
503 B
if tup.getconfig("NO_FASM") ~= "" then return end
tup.rule("echo lang fix " .. ((tup.getconfig("LANG") == "") and "en" or tup.getconfig("LANG")) .. " > %o", {"lang.inc"})
tup.rule({"bootbios.asm", extra_inputs = {"lang.inc"}}, "fasm %f %o ", "bootbios.bin")
tup.rule({"kernel.asm", extra_inputs = {"bootbios.bin", "lang.inc"}}, "fasm -m 65536 %f %o " .. tup.getconfig("KERPACK_CMD"), "kernel.mnt")
tup.rule({"kernel.asm", extra_inputs = {"lang.inc"}}, "fasm -m 65536 %f %o -dUEFI=1", "kernel.bin")