IgorA 0a69c65794 fix memory.inc, delete old files
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@6327 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2016-03-12 11:05:16 +00:00

708 lines
16 KiB

;**********************DECODING BMP FILE(1,4,8,24 bits)*********************
; BMPTOIMG -Convert BMP format TO IMG format
mov [bmp_load_area],esi
mov [img_dest_area],edi
xor eax,eax
mov ax,word[esi+28]
mov ebx,[esi+14]
mov ecx,[esi+18]
mov edx,[esi+22]
mov [bmp_bits_per_pixel],ax
mov [bmp_first_structure_size],ebx
mov [Bmp_SizeY],edx
mov [Bmp_SizeX],ecx
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[esi+28]
mul dword [esi+18]
add eax,31
shr eax,5
mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_dwps],eax ;dwps-doublewords per string
shl eax,2
mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps],eax ;bps-bytes per string
cmp dword [esi+34],0
jne yespicsize ;if picture size is defined
mul dword [esi+22]
mov dword [esi+34],eax
mov eax,[bmp_load_area]
add eax, [esi+10] ;how mach bytes to begin bitmap
add eax, [esi+34] ;size of bitmap in BMP file
mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eop],eax ;eop-end of picture in file
;calculate bytes per string
mov eax, [esi+18]
lea eax,[eax+2*eax] ;3x pixels in eax
mov [bmp_bytes_per_string],eax
mov esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eop]
sub esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
mov ebp,[img_dest_area]
mov edi,[img_dest_area]
mov ebx,[bmp_load_area]
add ebx, [bmp_first_structure_size]
add ebx,14 ;in ebx start of color table
cmp [bmp_bits_per_pixel],24
je convert_to_24bpp
cmp [bmp_bits_per_pixel],8
je convert_to_8bpp
cmp [bmp_bits_per_pixel],4
je convert_to_4bpp
cmp [bmp_bits_per_pixel],1
je convert_to_1bpp
jmp end_bmp
;-----------Decoding 24 bit BMP file---------------
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov edi,ebp
mov ecx,[bmptoimg_data_area_dwps]
rep movsd
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
add ebp,eax
dec ebx
jnz loop_convert_to_24bpp_y
jmp end_bmp
;--------------Decoding 8 bits BMP file---------------
mov ebp,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov ecx,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
push edi
xor eax,eax
mov al,byte [esi]
call converttable
inc esi
add edi,3
dec ecx
jnz loop_convert_8bpp_x
pop edi
add edi,[bmp_bytes_per_string]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
dec ebp
jnz loop_convert_8bpp_y
jmp end_bmp
;--------------Decoding 4 bits BMP file---------------
mov ebp,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov ecx,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
push edi
mov [Bmp_save1],ecx
xor eax,eax
mov al,byte [esi]
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,al
shr al,4 ;first pixel in byte
and cl,0xf ;second pixel in byte
call converttable ;draw first pixel of byte
mov eax,ecx ;move second pixel to register al and draw
add edi,3
call converttable ;draw second pixel of byte
add edi,3
mov ecx,[Bmp_save1]
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz loop_convert_4bpp_x
pop edi
add edi,[bmp_bytes_per_string]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
dec ebp
jnz loop_convert_4bpp_y
jmp end_bmp
;---------------Decoding 1 bit BMP file---------------
mov ebp,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov ecx,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
push edi
xor eax,eax
mov al,byte [esi]
mov [Bmp_save1],ecx
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,7
xor eax,eax
bt ecx,edx
jnc noaddelem
inc eax
push edx
call converttable
pop edx
add edi,3
dec edx
jns nextbit
mov ecx,[Bmp_save1]
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz loop_convert_1bpp_x
pop edi
add edi,[bmp_bytes_per_string]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
sub esi,[bmptoimg_data_area_bps]
dec ebp
jnz loop_convert_1bpp_y
jmp end_bmp
shl eax,2
add eax,ebx
mov edx, dword [eax]
mov [edi],edx
bmptoimg_data_area_bps dd 0
bmptoimg_data_area_dwps dd 0
bmptoimg_data_area_eop dd 0
bmp_load_area dd 0
img_dest_area dd 0
bmp_bits_per_pixel dw 0
bmp_first_structure_size dd 0
bmp_bytes_per_string dd 0
;*******************CODING BMP FILE(1,4,8,24 bits)**************************
;-------------------------autor andrew_programmer---------------------------
mov [PointerToImage],ebx
mov [WhereCodingBMP],ecx
mov [BmpPalette],edx
mov [Bmp_SizeX],esi
mov [Bmp_SizeY],edi
;******************1 bit BMP*******************
cmp eax,2
ja no_monohrom_colors
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
add edi,54
mov eax,[esi] ;first color
mov ebx,[esi+4] ;second color
mov [edi],eax
mov [edi+4],ebx
;coding image to bmp 1 bit format
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edx,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeX]
add ebx,31 ;picture_size_x+31
shr ebx,5 ;((picture_size_x)+31)/32
mov [Bmp_doublewords],ebx ;double words in string
shl ebx,2
mov [Bmp_bytes_per_string],ebx ;bytes per string
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
dec ecx
imul ebx,ecx
add edx,54+8
add edx,ebx ;in edx pointer to area for coding
mov ebp,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edi,edx
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
lea edx,[edx+edx*2]
mov [Bmp_Counter],7
and [Bmp_Counter2],0
push esi
mov ecx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
shl ecx,3 ;(Bmp_bytes_per_string)*8
mov eax,[esi]
and eax,0xffffff
push esi
push ecx
push ebx
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,[esi]
and ebx,0xffffff
cmp eax,ebx ;color fined ?
je color_fined_1
add esi,4
inc ecx
cmp ecx,256
jl find_color_in_palette_1
mov [Bmp_Counter3],ecx ;number color in palette
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esi
mov eax,[Bmp_Counter3]
test eax,eax
jz no_change_bit_in_byte
push ecx
mov ecx,[Bmp_Counter]
bts [Bmp_Counter2],ecx
pop ecx
dec [Bmp_Counter]
jns no_minus_in_counter
push eax
mov eax,[Bmp_Counter2]
mov [edi],al
inc edi
mov [Bmp_Counter],7
and [Bmp_Counter2],0 ;obnulyaem byte
pop eax
add esi,3
dec ecx
jnz rep_movsb_1
pop esi
add esi,edx
sub edi,ebp
sub edi,ebp
dec ebx
jnz copy_lines_1
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
add ebx,(54+8)
;crate list of bmp description
mov [edi],word 'BM'
mov [edi+2],ebx
mov [edi+10],dword 54+8 ;where bigin bmp imige
mov [edi+14],dword 40
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov [edi+18],edx ;picture size x
mov [edi+22],ecx ;picture size y
mov [edi+26],word 1
mov [edi+28],word 1 ;bits per pixel
mov [edi+30],dword 0
mov edx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul edx,ecx
mov [edi+34],edx
mov [edi+38],dword 0
mov [edi+42],dword 0
mov [edi+46],dword 0
;*****************4 bits BMP*******************
cmp eax,16
ja no_16_colors
;copy 16 colors palette
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
add edi,54
mov ecx,16
rep movsd
;coding image to bmp 4 bits format
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edx,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeX]
shl ebx,2 ;4*(picture_size_x)
add ebx,31 ;4*(picture_size_x)+31
shr ebx,5 ;(4*(picture_size_x)+31)/32
mov [Bmp_doublewords],ebx ;double words in string
shl ebx,2
mov [Bmp_bytes_per_string],ebx ;bytes per string
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
dec ecx
imul ebx,ecx
add edx,54+64
add edx,ebx
mov ebp,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov [Bmp_Counter2],ebx
mov edi,edx
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
shl ecx,1
and [Bmp_Counter3],0
push esi
mov eax,[esi]
and eax,0xffffff
mov [Bmp_save1],esi
mov [Bmp_save2],ecx
mov [Bmp_save3],ebx
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,[esi]
and ebx,0xffffff
cmp eax,ebx ;color fined ?
je color_fined_
add esi,4
inc ecx
cmp ecx,16
jl find_color_in_palette_
mov [Bmp_Counter],ecx ;number color in palette
mov esi,[Bmp_save1]
mov ecx,[Bmp_save2]
mov ebx,[Bmp_save3]
xor eax,eax
mov eax,[Bmp_Counter]
shl bl,4
add bl,al
mov eax,[Bmp_Counter3]
and eax,1b
test eax,eax ;next block ready ?
jz no_ready
mov [edi],bl ;4 bit color
inc edi
add esi,3
inc [Bmp_Counter3]
dec ecx
jnz rep_movsb_4
pop esi
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
sub edi,ebp
sub edi,ebp
dec [Bmp_Counter2]
jnz copy_lines_4
;total size of bmp file
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
add ebx,(54+64)
;crate list of bmp description
mov [edi],word 'BM'
mov [edi+2],ebx
mov [edi+10],dword 54+64
mov [edi+14],dword 40
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov [edi+18],edx
mov [edi+22],ecx
mov [edi+26],word 1
mov [edi+28],word 4
mov [edi+30],dword 0
mov edx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul edx,ecx
mov [edi+34],edx
mov [edi+38],dword 0
mov [edi+42],dword 0
mov [edi+46],dword 0
;******************8 bits BMP******************
cmp eax,256
ja no_8_bits_per_pixel
;copy palette
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
add edi,54
mov ecx,256
rep movsd
;coding image to bmp 8 bits format
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edx,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeX]
shl ebx,3 ;8*(picture_size_x)
add ebx,31 ;8*(picture_size_x)+31
shr ebx,5 ;(8*(picture_size_x)+31)/32
mov [Bmp_doublewords],ebx ;double words in string
shl ebx,2
mov [Bmp_bytes_per_string],ebx ;bytes per string
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
dec ecx
imul ebx,ecx
add edx,(1024+54)
add edx,ebx ;in edx pointer to copy bitmap arrea
mov ebp,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
shl ebp,1
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov edi,edx
mov ecx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
mov [Bmp_save1],esi
mov eax,[esi]
and eax,0xffffff
push esi
push ecx
push ebx
mov esi,[BmpPalette]
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,[esi]
and ebx,0xffffff
cmp eax,ebx ;color fined ?
je color_fined
add esi,4
inc ecx
cmp ecx,256
jl find_color_in_palette
mov [Bmp_Counter],ecx ;number color in palette
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esi
mov eax,[Bmp_Counter]
mov [edi],al ;8 bit color
add esi,3
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz rep_movsb_8
mov esi,[Bmp_save1]
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
add esi,[Bmp_SizeX]
sub edi,ebp
dec ebx
jnz copy_lines_8
;total size of bmp file
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
add ebx,54+1024
;crate list of bmp description
mov [edi],word 'BM'
mov [edi+2],ebx
mov [edi+10],dword 54+1024
mov [edi+14],dword 40
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov [edi+18],edx
mov [edi+22],ecx
mov [edi+26],word 1
mov [edi+28],word 8
mov [edi+30],dword 0
mov edx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul edx,ecx
mov [edi+34],edx
mov [edi+38],dword 0
mov [edi+42],dword 0
mov [edi+46],dword 0
;*******************24 bit BMP*****************
cmp eax,256
jle no_32_bits_per_pixel
;copy picture
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edx,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeX]
shl ebx,3 ;8*(picture_size_x)
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] ;3*8*(picture_size_x)
add ebx,31 ;3*8*(picture_size_x)+31
shr ebx,5 ;(3*8*(picture_size_x)+31)/32
mov [Bmp_doublewords],ebx ;double words in string
shl ebx,2
mov [Bmp_bytes_per_string],ebx ;bytes per string
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
dec ecx
imul ebx,ecx
add edx,54
add edx,ebx ;in edx pointer to start of copy bit map
mov ebp,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
shl ebp,1
mov ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov esi,[PointerToImage]
mov edi,edx
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
lea edx,[edx+edx*2]
push esi
mov ecx,[Bmp_doublewords]
mov eax,[esi]
mov [edi],eax
add esi,4
add edi,4
dec ecx
jnz rep_movsb_24
pop esi
add esi,edx
sub edi,ebp
dec ebx
jnz copy_lines_24
;total size of bmp fille
mov edi,[WhereCodingBMP]
mov ebx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul ebx,[Bmp_SizeY]
add ebx,54
;write info to structure of bmp file
mov [edi],word 'BM'
mov [edi+2],ebx
mov [edi+10],dword 54 ;where begin bmp imige
mov [edi+14],dword 40 ;total size of structure number two
mov edx,[Bmp_SizeX]
mov ecx,[Bmp_SizeY]
mov [edi+18],edx
mov [edi+22],ecx
mov [edi+26],word 1
mov [edi+28],word 24 ;bytes per pixel
mov [edi+30],dword 0
mov edx,[Bmp_bytes_per_string]
imul edx,ecx
mov [edi+34],edx ;size of bmp image
mov [edi+38],dword 0
mov [edi+42],dword 0
mov [edi+46],dword 0
PointerToImage dd 0
WhereCodingBMP dd 0
BmpPalette dd 0
Bmp_SizeX dd 0
Bmp_SizeY dd 0
Bmp_Counter dd 0
Bmp_Counter2 dd 0
Bmp_Counter3 dd 0
Bmp_save1 dd 0
Bmp_save2 dd 0
Bmp_save3 dd 0
Bmp_bytes_per_string dd 0
Bmp_doublewords dd 0