/****************************************************************** * 21 days: a game for programmers * Copyright (C) 2014 Maxim Grishin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. *******************************************************************/ #include "sys.h" #ifndef _KOS32 #include // printf() #include #define printf2 printf #endif #include // strlen #include using std::string; char getAnswer(char a1, char a2) { while(1) { if (kbhit()) { char ch = getch(); #ifdef _KOS32 if (ch == 0) ch = getch(); #endif if (ch == a1 || ch == a2) return ch; } } } char getAnswer(char a1, char a2, char a3) { while(1) { if (kbhit()) { char ch = getch(); #ifdef _KOS32 if (ch == 0) ch = getch(); #endif if (ch == a1 || ch == a2 || ch == a3) return ch; } } } char getAnswer(char a1, char a2, char a3, char a4) { while(1) { if (kbhit()) { char ch = getch(); #ifdef _KOS32 if (ch == 0) ch = getch(); #endif if (ch == a1 || ch == a2 || ch == a3 || ch == a4) return ch; } } } void wait(char a = ENTER_KEY, char b = ENTER_KEY) { getAnswer(a, b); } char getKey() { #ifdef _KOS32 while(1) { if (kbhit()) { char ch = getch(); if (ch == 0) ch = getch(); return ch; } } #else return getch(); #endif } void blankline(int line, int width) { printf2(" "); consoleGoto(line, width); printf2("\n"); } void drawHBorder(int line, int left, int right, char l = '', char c = '', char r = '', char e = '\n') { consoleGoto(line, left); printf2("%c", l); for (int i = 0; i< right - left; i++) printf2("%c", c); consoleGoto(line, right); printf2("%c%c", r, e); } void drawStringLine(int line, int left, int right, const char* str, int pos = -1, char border = '', bool shadow = false) { consoleGoto(line, left); if (pos == -1) printf2("%c %s", border, str); else { printf2("%c ", border); consoleGoto(line, pos); printf2("%s", str); } consoleGoto(line, right); if (shadow) printf2("%c", border); else printf2("%c\n", border); } void drawModalWindow(const char* content, const char* title, const char* buttons) { cls(); int winWidth, winHeight; getWinWH(winWidth, winHeight); int lines = winHeight/3; int msgWidth = strlen(content)+2; if (msgWidth >= winWidth-4) msgWidth = winWidth-5; int msgLeft = winWidth/2 - msgWidth/2; int msgRight = winWidth/2 + msgWidth/2+1; if (msgWidth%2!=0) msgRight++; int titleWidth = 0; if (title != 0) titleWidth = strlen(title)+2; drawHBorder(lines, msgLeft, msgRight,'','', ''); // title if (title != 0) { consoleGoto(lines, msgLeft+msgWidth/2-titleWidth/2); printf2(" %s ", title); } lines++; drawHBorder(lines, msgLeft, msgRight, '',' ','',''); lines++; //======Splitting content into pieces========================= int maxTextWidth = msgRight-msgLeft; // 2 borders + 2 spaces int start = 0; int len = strlen(content); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (content[i] == '\n') { string tmp = content; string t1 = tmp.substr(start, i-start+1); drawStringLine(lines, msgLeft, msgRight, t1.c_str(), -1, '', true); start = i+1; lines++; } else if (i - start >= maxTextWidth-3) { string tmp = content; string t1 = tmp.substr(start, i-start); t1+="\n"; drawStringLine(lines, msgLeft, msgRight, t1.c_str(), -1, '', true); start = i; lines++; } } if (start != len) { string tmp = content; string t1 = tmp.substr(start, len-start); drawStringLine(lines, msgLeft, msgRight, t1.c_str(), -1, '', true); lines++; } //=============================== drawHBorder(lines, msgLeft, msgRight, '',' ','',''); lines++; consoleGoto(lines, msgLeft); printf2(""); if (!buttons) { for (int q = 0; q< msgWidth/2-4;q++) printf2(" "); printf2("[Enter]"); for (int i = 0; i< msgWidth/2-2; i++) printf2(" "); } else { int buttonsLen = strlen(buttons); for (int i = 0; i < msgWidth/2-buttonsLen/2; i++) printf2(" "); printf2("%s", buttons); } consoleGoto(lines, msgRight); printf2(""); lines++; drawHBorder(lines, msgLeft, msgRight,'', '', '',''); lines++; consoleGoto(lines, msgLeft+1); for (int i = 0; i< msgWidth+2; i++) printf2(""); printf2(" "); } void drawWindow(string content, const char* title, string topline , string bottomline, bool usePagesForLongText = false) { cls(); int winWidth, winHeight; getWinWH(winWidth, winHeight); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_KOS32) int deltaX = 0; #else int deltaX = 1; #endif // Total lines #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_KOS32) int lines = 0; #else int lines = 1; #endif // Top drawHBorder(lines, deltaX, winWidth); lines++; if (topline != "") { drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, topline.c_str()); lines++; } // Title if (title != 0) { if (topline != "") { blankline(lines, winWidth); lines++; } drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, title, (int)(winWidth/2.0-strlen(title)/2.0)); lines++; blankline(lines, winWidth); lines++; } //==========Splitting content into pieces===================== int maxTextWidth = winWidth-4; // 2 borders + 2 spaces int start = 0; unsigned int i = 0; // Let's split content into pieces if it too long or doesn't fit the screen while (i < content.length()) { if (usePagesForLongText && lines > winHeight-3) { consoleGoto(lines, 0); blankline(lines, winWidth); lines++; drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, " [Enter] த..."); // Bottom line drawHBorder(winHeight, deltaX, winWidth,'','',''); wait(); // Print next page cls(); lines = 0; // Top line drawHBorder(lines, deltaX, winWidth); #ifdef _WIN32 lines = 1; #else lines = 2; #endif } // Use tag to place text in the center if (content[i] == '<') { // Checking for the tag. tag should be prepended with '\n' if (i+2 < content.length()) { if (content[i+1] == 'c' && content[i+2] == '>') { // Tag found. Looking for the end of a string int cLineEnd = content.length()-1; for (unsigned int j = i; j < content.length(); j++) if (content[j] == '\n') { cLineEnd = j; break; } int cLineWidth = cLineEnd - i-1; drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, content.substr(i+3, cLineWidth-2).c_str(), winWidth/2-cLineWidth/2); i = cLineEnd+1; start = i; lines++; continue; } } } else if (content[i] == '\n') { consoleGoto(lines, 0); string t1 = content.substr(start, i-start+1); drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, t1.c_str()); start = i+1; lines++; } else if ((int)i - start >= maxTextWidth-1) { consoleGoto(lines, 0); string t1 = content.substr(start, i-start); t1+="\n"; drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, t1.c_str()); start = i; lines++; } i++; } if (start <= (int)content.length()) { consoleGoto(lines, 0); string t1 = content.substr(start, content.length()-start); drawStringLine(lines, deltaX, winWidth, t1.c_str()); lines++; } //=============================== for (int i = lines; i< winHeight; i++) { blankline(lines, winWidth); lines++; } if (!bottomline.empty()) { ///Fix for long bottomline if ((int)bottomline.length() >= winWidth) { drawStringLine(winHeight-2, deltaX, winWidth, bottomline.substr(0, winWidth-4).c_str()); drawStringLine(winHeight-1, deltaX, winWidth, bottomline.substr(winWidth-4).c_str()); } else { drawStringLine(winHeight-1, deltaX, winWidth, bottomline.c_str()); } } // Bottom drawHBorder(winHeight, deltaX, winWidth,'','',''); }