enum { TOOL_NONE = -1, TOOL_PENCIL, TOOL_PIPETTE, TOOL_FILL, TOOL_LINE, TOOL_RECT, TOOL_SELECT }; struct Tool { int id; void (*activate)(); void (*deactivate)(); void (*onMouseEvent)(int x, int y, int lkm, int pkm); void (*onKeyEvent)(dword keycode); void (*onCanvasDraw)(); }; int currentTool = -1; Tool tools[6]; void resetCurrentTool() { if ((currentTool != TOOL_NONE) && (tools[currentTool].deactivate != 0)) { tools[currentTool].deactivate(); } currentTool = TOOL_NONE; } void setCurrentTool(int index) { resetCurrentTool(); currentTool = index; if ((index != TOOL_NONE) && (tools[index].activate != 0)) tools[index].activate(); DrawLeftPanel(); DrawCanvas(); } //===================================================// // // // FUNTIONS // // // //===================================================// void FillTool_onMouseEvent(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lkm, int pkm) { if (canvas.hovered()) && (currentTool==TOOL_FILL) && (mouse.up) { image.fill(mouseY-canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX-canvas.x/zoom.value, tool_color); actionsHistory.saveCurrentState(); DrawCanvas(); } } void PipetteTool_activate() { SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE); } void PipetteTool_onMouseEvent(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lkm, int pkm) { tool_color = GetPixelUnderMouse(); DrawBar(Form.cwidth-30, 5, 20, 20, tool_color); if (mouse.down) { SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); if (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) EventSetActiveColor(1, tool_color); if (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) EventSetActiveColor(2, tool_color); setCurrentTool(TOOL_PENCIL); } } bool PencilTool_Drawing = false; void PencilTool_onMouseEvent(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lkm, int pkm) { if (canvas.hovered()) { if ((PencilTool_Drawing == true) && (!mouse.key)) { actionsHistory.saveCurrentState(); PencilTool_Drawing = false; } if (mouse.key) { image.set_pixel(mouseY-canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX-canvas.x/zoom.value, tool_color); PencilTool_Drawing = true; } DrawCanvas(); } } void PencilTool_reset() { PencilTool_Drawing = false; } // Line tool struct SimpleFigureTool_State { int startX, startY; int lastTempPosX, lastTempPosY; }; enum { TOOL_LINE_STATE, TOOL_RECT_STATE }; dword currentFigToolState = -1; SimpleFigureTool_State figTool_States[2]; void SimpleFigureTool_Reset() { if (currentTool == TOOL_LINE) currentFigToolState = TOOL_LINE_STATE; else if (currentTool == TOOL_RECT) currentFigToolState = TOOL_RECT_STATE; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX = -1; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY = -1; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].lastTempPosX = -1; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].lastTempPosY = -1; } int mouseX_last; int mouseY_last; bool first_click_in_canvas = false; void SimpleFigureTool_onMouseEvent(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lkm, int pkm) { if (mouse.down) && (canvas.hovered()) first_click_in_canvas = true; if (first_click_in_canvas) { if (mouseX>canvas.x+canvas.w-zoom.value) mouseX = canvas.x+canvas.w-zoom.value; if (mouseY>canvas.y+canvas.h-zoom.value) mouseY = canvas.y+canvas.h-zoom.value; if (mouseX= 0) && (figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY >= 0)) { // Draw line from start position to current position if (currentTool == TOOL_LINE) { DrawLine(figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX - canvas.x/zoom.value, figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY - canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX - canvas.x/zoom.value, mouseY - canvas.y/zoom.value, tool_color, 1); } else if (currentTool == TOOL_RECT) { DrawRectangleInCanvas(figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX - canvas.x/zoom.value, figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY - canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX - canvas.x/zoom.value, mouseY - canvas.y/zoom.value, tool_color, 1); } DrawCanvas(); actionsHistory.saveCurrentState(); // Reset start position figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX = -1; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY = -1; first_click_in_canvas = false; } } } } void SimpleFigureTool_onCanvasDraw() { if ((figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX >= 0) && (figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY >= 0) && (mouse.key)) { if (currentTool == TOOL_LINE) { DrawLine(figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX - canvas.x/zoom.value, figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY - canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX_last - canvas.x/zoom.value, mouseY_last - canvas.y/zoom.value, tool_color, 2); } else if (currentTool == TOOL_RECT) { DrawRectangleInCanvas(figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startX - canvas.x/zoom.value, figTool_States[currentFigToolState].startY - canvas.y/zoom.value, mouseX_last - canvas.x/zoom.value, mouseY_last - canvas.y/zoom.value, tool_color, 2); } figTool_States[currentFigToolState].lastTempPosX = mouseX_last - canvas.x/zoom.value; figTool_States[currentFigToolState].lastTempPosY = mouseY_last - canvas.y/zoom.value; } } // Selection int selection_start_x = -1; int selection_start_y = -1; int selection_end_x = -1; int selection_end_y = -1; bool selection_active = false; dword SelectionTool_buffer = 0; dword SelectionTool_buffer_r = 0; dword SelectionTool_buffer_c = 0; bool selection_moving_started = false; int selection_pivot_x = -1; int selection_pivot_y = -1; void SelectTool_normalizeSelection() { int t; // Restructuring of the selection coordinates if (selection_end_x < selection_start_x) { t = selection_start_x; selection_start_x = selection_end_x; selection_end_x = t; } if (selection_end_y < selection_start_y) { t = selection_end_y; selection_end_y = selection_start_y; selection_start_y = t; } } void reset_selection_moving() { if (selection_moving_started) { SelectTool_drawBuffer(selection_start_x, selection_start_y, 1); selection_pivot_x = -1; selection_pivot_y = -1; selection_moving_started = false; actionsHistory.saveCurrentState(); DrawCanvas(); } } bool is_selection_moving() { return selection_moving_started; } void reset_selection() { reset_selection_moving(); selection_start_x = -1; selection_start_y = -1; selection_end_x = -1; selection_end_y = -1; } void SelectTool_activate() { reset_selection(); selection_active = false; } void SelectTool_deactivate() { reset_selection_moving(); } bool SelectTool_pointInSelection(int x, int y) { if (x >= selection_start_x) && (x <= selection_end_x) && (y >= selection_start_y) && (y <= selection_end_y) return true; else return false; } void SelectTool_copyToBuffer() { dword offset, r, c; if (SelectionTool_buffer != 0) free(SelectionTool_buffer); SelectionTool_buffer_r = selection_end_y - selection_start_y + 1; SelectionTool_buffer_c = selection_end_x - selection_start_x + 1; SelectionTool_buffer = malloc(SelectionTool_buffer_r * SelectionTool_buffer_c * 4); for (r = selection_start_y; r <= selection_end_y; r++) { for (c = selection_start_x; c <= selection_end_x; c++) { offset = calc(SelectionTool_buffer_c * calc(r - selection_start_y) + calc(c - selection_start_x)) * 4; ESDWORD[SelectionTool_buffer + offset] = image.get_pixel(r, c); } } } void SelectTool_onMouseEvent(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lkm, int pkm) { int click_x, click_y, dx, dy, m_x, m_y, r, c, color; dword pixel; m_x = TO_CANVAS_X(mouseX); m_y = TO_CANVAS_Y(mouseY); if (mouse.down) && (canvas.hovered()) && (!selection_active) { if (selection_start_x != -1) && (SelectTool_pointInSelection(m_x, m_y)) { if (selection_pivot_x == -1) { selection_pivot_x = m_x; selection_pivot_y = m_y; GetKeys(); if (!selection_moving_started) && ( !(key_modifier&KEY_LSHIFT) ) { for (r = selection_start_y; r <= selection_end_y; r++) for (c = selection_start_x; c <= selection_end_x; c++) { image.set_pixel(r, c, color2); } } selection_moving_started = true; } } else { reset_selection(); selection_active = true; } } if (selection_pivot_x != -1) { dx = m_x - selection_pivot_x; dy = m_y - selection_pivot_y; if (selection_start_x + dx < 0) dx = selection_start_x; if (selection_end_x + dx >= image.columns) dx = image.columns-1 - selection_end_x; if (selection_start_y + dy < 0) dy = selection_start_y; if (selection_end_y + dy >= image.rows) dy = image.rows-1 - selection_end_y; selection_start_x += dx; selection_end_x += dx; selection_start_y += dy; selection_end_y += dy; selection_pivot_x += dx; selection_pivot_y += dy; DrawCanvas(); } if (selection_active) { if (mouseX>canvas.x+canvas.w-zoom.value) mouseX = canvas.x+canvas.w-zoom.value; if (mouseY>canvas.y+canvas.h-zoom.value) mouseY = canvas.y+canvas.h-zoom.value; if (mouseX= 0) && (selection_start_y >= 0) && (selection_end_x >= 0) && (selection_end_y >= 0)) { DrawSelection(selection_start_x, selection_start_y, selection_end_x, selection_end_y); } } void SelectTool_drawBuffer(int insert_x, int insert_y, int target) { dword color; dword offset, r, c; dword insert_to_x, insert_to_y; if (SelectionTool_buffer != 0) { insert_to_x = insert_x + SelectionTool_buffer_c - 1; if (insert_to_x >= image.columns) insert_to_x = image.columns-1; insert_to_y = insert_y + SelectionTool_buffer_r - 1; if (insert_to_y >= image.rows) insert_to_y = image.rows-1; for (r = insert_y; r <= insert_to_y; r++) { for (c = insert_x; c <= insert_to_x; c++) { offset = calc(SelectionTool_buffer_c * calc(r - insert_y) + calc(c - insert_x)) * 4; color = ESDWORD[SelectionTool_buffer + offset]; if (target == 1) image.set_pixel(r, c, color); else DrawBar(c*zoom.value + canvas.x, r*zoom.value + canvas.y, zoom.value, zoom.value, color); } } } } void SelectTool_onKeyEvent(dword keycode) { dword offset, r, c; dword insert_x, insert_y, insert_to_x, insert_to_y; if (keycode == SCAN_CODE_KEY_V) { if (SelectionTool_buffer != 0) { reset_selection(); selection_moving_started = true; selection_start_x = 0; selection_end_x = SelectionTool_buffer_c - 1; selection_start_y = 0; selection_end_y = SelectionTool_buffer_r - 1; DrawCanvas(); } } } //===================================================// // // // DRAWs // // // //===================================================// // target - image (1) or canvas (2) void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, dword color, int target) { int dx, dy, signX, signY, error, error2; if (1==target) { image.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color); return; } dx = x2 - x1; if (dx < 0) dx = -dx; dy = y2 - y1; if (dy < 0) dy = -dy; if (x1 < x2) signX = 1; else signX = -1; if (y1 < y2) signY = 1; else signY = -1; error = dx - dy; DrawBar(x2*zoom.value + canvas.x, y2*zoom.value + canvas.y, zoom.value, zoom.value, color); while((x1 != x2) || (y1 != y2)) { DrawBar(x1*zoom.value + canvas.x, y1*zoom.value + canvas.y, zoom.value, zoom.value, color); error2 = error * 2; if(error2 > calc(-dy)) { error -= dy; x1 += signX; } if(error2 < dx) { error += dx; y1 += signY; } } } void DrawRectangleInCanvas(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, dword color, int target) { DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y1, color, target); DrawLine(x2, y1, x2, y2, color, target); DrawLine(x2, y2, x1, y2, color, target); DrawLine(x1, y2, x1, y1, color, target); } #define SELECTION_COLOR 0xAAE5EF void DrawSelection(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, r, c, old_color, new_color; dword offset; if (x1 <= x2) { p1x = x1; p2x = x2; } else { p1x = x2; p2x = x1; } if (y1 <= y2) { p2y = y1; p1y = y2; } else { p2y = y2; p1y = y1; } for (r = p1y; r >= p2y; r--) { for (c = p1x; c <= p2x; c++) { if (selection_moving_started) && (SelectTool_pointInSelection(c, r)) { offset = calc(SelectionTool_buffer_c * calc(r - selection_start_y) + calc(c - selection_start_x)) * 4; old_color = ESDWORD[SelectionTool_buffer + offset]; } else { old_color = image.get_pixel(r, c); } new_color = MixColors(old_color, SELECTION_COLOR, 64); DrawBar(c*zoom.value + canvas.x, r*zoom.value + canvas.y, zoom.value, zoom.value, new_color); } } }