mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 13:23:27 +03:00
1421 lines
37 KiB
1421 lines
37 KiB
![]() |
#define BUILD_RUS
#ifndef __MENUET__
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <menuet.h>
#include <me_heap.h>
using namespace Menuet;
#define strlen StrLen
#define strcpy StrCopy
#define memcpy MemCopy
#include <stdarg.h>
const unsigned dectab[] = { 1000000000, 100000000, 10000000, 1000000, 100000,
10000, 1000, 100, 10, 0 };
int sprintf( char *Str, char* Format, ... )
int i, fmtlinesize, j, k, flag;
unsigned head, tail;
char c;
va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, Format);
fmtlinesize = strlen( Format );
if( fmtlinesize == 0 ) return 0;
for( i = 0, j = 0; i < fmtlinesize; i++ )
c = Format[i];
if( c != '%' )
Str[j++] = c;
if( i >= fmtlinesize ) break;
flag = 0;
c = Format[i];
if (c == 'l') c = Format[++i];
switch( c )
case '%':
Str[j++] = c;
case 's':
char* str;
str = va_arg(arglist, char*);
for( k = 0; ( c = str[k] ) != 0; k++ )
Str[j++] = c;
case 'c':
Str[j++] = va_arg(arglist, int) & 0xFF;
case 'u':
case 'd':
head = va_arg(arglist, unsigned);
for( k = 0; dectab[k] != 0; k++ )
tail = head % dectab[k];
head /= dectab[k];
c = head + '0';
if( c == '0' )
if( flag ) Str[j++] = c;
Str[j++] = c;
head = tail;
c = head + '0';
Str[j++] = c;
Str[j] = 0;
return j;
int isdigit(int c)
return (c>='0' && c<='9');
int atoi(const char* string)
int res=0;
int sign=0;
const char* ptr;
for (ptr=string; *ptr && *ptr<=' ';ptr++);
if (*ptr=='-') {sign=1;++ptr;}
while (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')
res = res*10 + *ptr++ - '0';
if (sign) res = -res;
return res;
int islower(int c)
return (c>='a' && c<='z');
int abs(int n)
return (n<0)?-n:n;
int memcmp(const void* buf1, const void* buf2, unsigned count)
const char* ptr1 = (const char*)buf1;
const char* ptr2 = (const char*)buf2;
unsigned i=0;
while (i<count && *ptr1==*ptr2) {++i;++ptr1;++ptr2;}
if (i==count)
return 0;
else if (*ptr1<*ptr2)
return -1;
return 1;
void strncpy(char* dest, const char* source, unsigned len)
char* ptr1 = dest;
const char *ptr2 = source;
for (;len-- && *ptr2; *ptr1++=*ptr2++) ;
unsigned int rand_data[4];
void randomize()
rand_data[0] = (unsigned int)Clock();
rand_data[1] = (unsigned int)GetPackedTime();
rand_data[2] = (unsigned int)GetPackedDate();
rand_data[3] = (unsigned int)0xA3901BD2 ^ GetPid();
unsigned int rand()
rand_data[0] ^= _HashDword(rand_data[3] + 0x2835C013U);
rand_data[1] += _HashDword(rand_data[0]);
rand_data[2] -= _HashDword(rand_data[1]);
rand_data[3] ^= _HashDword(rand_data[2]);
return rand_data[3];
#define random(k) (rand() % (k))
#define floor Floor
double fabs(double x)
__asm fld x
__asm fabs
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
double cos(double x)
__asm fld x
__asm fcos
double sin(double x)
__asm fld x
__asm fsin
/*inline void printf(const char* format, ...)
#define printf /* nothing */
inline void strcat(char* str1, const char* str2)
int strncmp(const char* str1, const char* str2, unsigned len)
for (;len--;)
if (*str1 != *str2) break;
if (*str1 == 0)
return 0;
if (len==(unsigned)-1)
return 0;
if (*str1 < *str2)
return -1;
return 1;
#define clock Clock
typedef unsigned int clock_t;
#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 100
#define XK_Left 0xB0
#define XK_Right 0xB3
#define XK_Up 0xB2
#define XK_Down 0xB1
#define XK_Return 0x0D
#define XK_space 0x20
#define XK_Escape 0x1B
#define XK_less '<'
#define XK_comma ','
#define XK_period '.'
#define XK_greater '>'
#define XK_minus '-'
#define XK_equal '='
#define XK_underscore '_'
#define XK_plus '+'
#define XK_Delete 0xB6
#define XK_F8 0x39
#define XK_l 'l'
#define XK_L 'L'
#define XK_F2 0x33
#define XK_s 's'
#define XK_S 'S'
#define XK_slash '/'
#define XK_question '?'
#define XK_n 'n'
#define XK_N 'N'
#define XK_t 't'
#define XK_T 'T'
#define XK_r 'r'
#define XK_R 'R'
#define XK_b 'b'
#define XK_B 'B'
#define XK_f 'f'
#define XK_F 'F'
#define assert(a) /* nothing */
#include "qsort.c"
#include "gr-draw.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "buttons.h"
#include "sysproc.h"
char *strskipref(char *s1, char *s2)
int L = strlen(s2);
if (strncmp(s1, s2, L) == 0) return s1 + L;
else return 0;
class TPlayArray
TPlayArray(int d = 10) : play(0), nplay(0), mplay(0) {}
~TPlayArray() {Clear();}
void Clear();
void Add(const PlayWrite &pl);
PlayWrite &operator[](int i) {return play[i];}
int GetNPlay() const {return nplay;}
#ifndef __MENUET__
int OpenFile(const char *name, int kind);
int MsgOpenFile(const char *name, int kind);
int SaveFile(const char *name, int num, int kind);
int MsgSaveFile(const char *name, int num, int kind);
void Del(int n);
void Extend(int n = -1);
PlayWrite *play;
int nplay, mplay;
#ifndef __MENUET__
static const char *const search[];
static int AnalizeKind(FILE *f, const int w[], const char *smb = 0);
static int ReadFileTo(FILE *f, char c);
static int ReadFileTo(FILE *f, const char *c);
static int ReadTheText(FILE *f, const char *s);
#ifndef __MENUET__
const char *const TPlayArray::search[] =
{"checkers-", "play:", "text", "bin_1.0\n", "history_", "1.0", "1.1"};
void TPlayArray::Clear()
if (play) delete[] play;
play = 0; nplay = 0; mplay = 0;
void TPlayArray::Extend(int n)
if (n < 0) n = nplay + 1;
if (mplay < n)
PlayWrite *p_old = play;
int m_old = mplay;
mplay = n * 2;
play = new PlayWrite[mplay];
if (p_old)
for (int i = 0; i < m_old; i++) play[i] = p_old[i];
delete[] p_old;
void TPlayArray::Add(const PlayWrite &pl)
play[nplay] = pl;
#ifndef __MENUET__
int TPlayArray::AnalizeKind(FILE *f, const int w[], const char *smb)
int i, L, was1 = 1;
unsigned char ch;
int fnd[NELEM(search)];
for (i = 0; i < NELEM(search); i++) fnd[i] = 1;
for (L = 0; was1; L++)
was1 = 0;
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) return (L == 0) ? -2 : -1;
for (i = 0; w[i] >= 0; i++) if (fnd[i])
if (tolower(ch) != tolower(search[w[i]][L])) fnd[i] = 0;
was1 = 1;
if (search[w[i]][L+1] == 0)
if (smb && smb[0] && fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) == 1)
ungetc(ch, f);
if (strchr(smb, tolower(ch)) || isalpha(ch) && strchr(smb, toupper(ch)))
return i;
return -10 - L;
int TPlayArray::ReadFileTo(FILE *f, char c)
char ch;
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) return 0;
while(ch != c);
return 1;
int TPlayArray::ReadFileTo(FILE *f, const char *c)
char ch;
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) return 0;
while(!strchr(c, ch));
return 1;
int TPlayArray::ReadTheText(FILE *f, const char *s)
char ch;
while (*s)
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1 || ch != *s) return 0;
return 1;
int TPlayArray::OpenFile(const char *name, int kind)
int k_fnd = 0;
FILE *f = fopen(name, "rb");
if (!f) return -1;
if (kind == -1)
const int w[] = {0, -1};
int r = AnalizeKind(f, w);
if (r >= 0) {kind = w[r]; k_fnd = 1;}
else if (r == -11) {kind = 3; k_fnd = 3;}
else {fclose(f); return (kind == -2) ? -2 : -10;}
if (kind == 0)
if (k_fnd < 1 && !ReadFileTo(f, '-')) {fclose(f); return -10;}
k_fnd = 1;
const int w[] = {1, 4, -1};
int r = AnalizeKind(f, w);
if (r >= 0) {kind = w[r]; k_fnd = 2;}
else {fclose(f); return -10;}
if (kind == 1)
if (k_fnd < 2 && !ReadFileTo(f, ':')) {fclose(f); return -10;}
k_fnd = 2;
const int w[] = {2, 3, -1};
int r = AnalizeKind(f, w);
if (r >= 0) {kind = w[r]; k_fnd = 3;}
else {fclose(f); return -10;}
if (kind == 4)
if (k_fnd < 2 && !ReadFileTo(f, '_')) {fclose(f); return -10;}
k_fnd = 2;
const int w[] = {5, 6, -1};
int r = AnalizeKind(f, w, ".1234567890");
if (r >= 0) {kind = w[r]; k_fnd = 3;}
else {fclose(f); return -10;}
if (kind == 5) {kind = 3; k_fnd = 0;}
if (kind == 6)
if (!ReadFileTo(f, "\n\r")) {fclose(f); return -4;}
k_fnd = 3;
PlayWrite *pl = 0;
int np = THistory::HRead(f, pl);
if (np > 0 && pl)
int i;
Extend(nplay + np);
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
if (pl[i].GetN() >= 3) play[nplay++] = pl[i];
if (pl) delete[] pl;
return 1;
if (kind == 2)
printf("kind = 2\n");
unsigned char ch;
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) {fclose(f); return -10;}
PlayWrite pl;
char word[101];
int i, kind = 0;
for (;;)
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) break;
while(ch == 0 || isspace(ch));
if (feof(f)) strcpy(word, "[end]");
i = 0;
while(ch != 0 && !isspace(ch))
if (i < 100) word[i++] = ch;
if (fread(&ch, 1, 1, f) != 1) break;
word[i] = 0;
if (word[0] != '[')
if (kind == 1)
if (word[0] != '#' && word[0] != '$' && word[0] != '%')
Position pos;
pos.Read(word, 1);
pl.Add(0, pos);
kind = 2;
else if (kind == 2)
if (word[0] != '#' && word[0] != '$' && word[0] != '%')
for (i = 0; word[i] && word[i] != '.' && word[i] != ','; i++)
if (!isdigit((unsigned char)word[i])) {i = -1; break;}
if (i == -1)
PlayWrite::PMv pmv;
if (pl.GetPosL(pmv.pos) < 0) kind = 3;
else if (!pmv.pos.ReadMv(pmv.mv, word, 1)) kind = 3;
else if (pl.Add(pmv.mv) != 0) kind = 3;
if (kind == 2 || kind == 3)
if (pl.GetN() > 0) Add(pl);
kind = 0;
for (i = 0; word[i]; i++)
word[i] = (char)tolower((unsigned char)word[i]);
if (strskipref(word, "[end]")) break;
else if (strskipref(word, "[play_v1.1]")) kind = 1;
return 1;
if (kind == 3)
char ch[LEN_WPOS];
if (k_fnd < 3 && !ReadFileTo(f, '\n')) {fclose(f); return -10;}
k_fnd = 3;
PlayWrite pl;
for (;;)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LEN_WPOS; i++)
if (fread(ch + i, 1, 1, f) != 1 || ch[i] < 0) break;
if (i < LEN_WPOS) break;
PlayWrite::PMv pmv0, pmv1;
if (pl.GetPMvL(pmv0) >= 0)
TComputerPlayer::Z z;
int r;
for (r = 0; r < z.narr; r++)
if (memcmp(z.array[r].pos.SH, pmv1.pos.SH, sizeof(pmv1.pos.SH)) == 0)
pmv1 = z.array[r];
if (r < z.narr) pl.Add(pmv1);
else {fclose(f); return -3;}
else pl.Add(0, pmv1.pos);
if (pl.GetN() > 0) Add(pl);
return 1;
return -10;
int TPlayArray::MsgOpenFile(const char *name, int kind)
int n0 = nplay, no_games = 0;
int r = OpenFile(name, kind);
if (r <= 0)
if (r == -1)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> 䠩<> \"%s\".\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Can't open the file \"%s\".\n", name);
return 0;
else if (r == -2)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: The file \"%s\" is empty.\n", name);
return 0;
else if (r == -3)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20>訡<EFBFBD><E8A8A1><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Invalid file \"%s\".\n", name);
return 0;
else if (r == -4) no_games = 1;
else if (r == -10)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ⨯.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: The file \"%s\" has wrong type.\n", name);
return 0;
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20>訡<EFBFBD><E8A8A1> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> 䠩<><E4A0A9> \"%s\".\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Error openning the file \"%s\".\n", name);
return 0;
if (!no_games && nplay > n0) return 1;
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20><> ᮤ<>ন<EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD>.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: File \"%s\" don't contains games.\n", name);
return 0;
int TPlayArray::SaveFile(const char *name, int num, int kind)
FILE *f = 0;
if (kind == 0 || kind == 1 || kind == 2)
f = fopen(name, "wt");
if (!f) return -1;
fprintf(f, "checkers-play:text\n");
int i0 = num, i;
if (num < 0) {i0 = 0; num = nplay-1;}
for (i = i0; i <= num; i++) if (play[i].GetN() > 0)
PlayWrite::PMv pmv;
if (play[i].GetPos(pmv.pos, 0) < 0) return -9;
char *str = new char[10 + NUM_CELL];
if (!str) return -5;
pmv.pos.Write(str, 1);
fprintf(f, "\n[Play_v1.1]#%d %s\n", i - i0 + 1, str);
delete[] str;
int j;
for (j = 1; j < play[i].GetN(); j++)
if (play[i].GetPos(pmv.pos, j - 1) < 0) return -9;
if (play[i].GetMove(pmv.mv, j) < 0) return -9;
str = new char[pmv.pos.GetLenMvEx(pmv.mv, 11)];
if (!str) return -5;
pmv.pos.WriteMvEx(pmv.mv, str, 11);
if (j % 2 == 1)
int nbytes = fprintf(f, "%d. ", (j + 1) / 2);
while(nbytes++ < 5) fprintf(f, " ");
fprintf(f, "%s", str);
if (j % 2 == 0 || j == play[i].GetN() - 1) fprintf(f, "\n");
else fprintf(f, " ,\t");
delete[] str;
return 1;
else if (kind == -1 || kind == 3)
f = fopen(name, "wb");
if (!f) return -1;
if (kind == 3) fprintf(f, "checkers-play:bin_1.0\n");
int i = num;
if (num < 0) {i = 0; num = nplay-1;}
for (; i <= num; i++)
char ch[LEN_WPOS];
Position pos;
if (!pos.AllCanEat() && !pos.AllCanMove())
ch[0] = (pos.wmove == 0) ? char(-3) : char(-1);
else ch[0] = char(-2);
fwrite(ch, 1, 1, f);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < play[i].GetN(); j++)
Position pos;
play[i].GetPos(pos, j);
fwrite(ch, LEN_WPOS, 1, f);
return 1;
if (f) fclose(f);
return -10;
int TPlayArray::MsgSaveFile(const char *name, int num, int kind)
int r = SaveFile(name, num, kind);
if (r <= 0)
if (r == -1)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> 䠩<> \"%s\" <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Can't open the file \"%s\" to write.\n", name);
else if (r == -5)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>筮 <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD>࠭<EFBFBD><E0A0AD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> 䠩<><E4A0A9> \"%s\".\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Not enough memory to save the file \"%s\".\n", name);
else if (r == -10)
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> ⨯.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: The file \"%s\" has wrong type.\n", name);
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20>訡<EFBFBD><E8A8A1> <20><><EFBFBD>࠭<EFBFBD><E0A0AD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> 䠩<><E4A0A9> \"%s\".\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: Error saving the file \"%s\".\n", name);
return 0;
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
printf("\n<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>誨: <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> \"%s\" <20><><EFBFBD>࠭<EFBFBD><E0A0AD>.\n", name);
printf("\nCheckers: File \"%s\" saved.\n", name);
return 1;
void TPlayArray::Del(int n)
if (!play || n < 0 || n >= nplay) return;
else if (nplay <= 1) {Clear(); return;}
int i;
for (i = n; i < nplay - 1; i++) play[i] = play[i+1];
play[nplay - 1].Clear();
void SetPlayerString(char *str, int c, TChPlayer *p)
strcpy(str, c ? "blue: " : "red: ");
if (!p) strcat(str, "input");
else strcat(str, "computer");
class TMainDraw : public TSomeDraw
TMainDraw() : undo_redo(0), ur_type(-1), cur_play(0),
def_savefile("save.che"), def_savekind(2) {InitButton();}
virtual void Draw(TGraphDraw *drw, int w, int h)
int d = button.GetDelt();
int hh = button.GetHeight(w - 2*d);
if (hh != 0) hh += d;
button.Draw(drw, d, h - hh, w - 2*d);
virtual void DrawB(TGraphDraw *drw, TChBoard &board)
int urt = (board.GetCurMoveN() <= 0) +
2*(board.GetCurMoveN() >= board.GetNumMove());
if (ur_type != urt) SetButtonKind(board);
Draw(drw, board.GetW(), board.GetH());
virtual TIntPoint GetDSize(int w, int h)
int d = button.GetDelt();
int hh = button.GetHeight(w - 2*d);
if (hh != 0) hh += d;
return TIntPoint(0, hh);
virtual int ButtonPnt(int xp, int yp, int w, int h, int &n, int k = 0)
int d = button.GetDelt();
int hh = button.GetHeight(w - 2*d);
if (hh != 0) hh += d;
return button.ButtonPnt(xp - d, yp - (h - hh), w - 2*d, n, k);
void InitButton();
void SetButtonKind(const TChBoard &board);
void PressUR(int n, TChBoard &board, TGraphDraw *drw);
void PressLS(int n, TChBoard &board, TGraphDraw *drw);
void CurPlayNorm()
if (cur_play < 0 || cur_play >= play.GetNPlay()) cur_play = 0;
TXButtonArray button;
TMultiButton *undo_redo, *play_list;
char player_str[2][50], play_num[2][10];
TPlayArray play;
int cur_play;
char *def_savefile;
int def_savekind;
int ur_type;
void TMainDraw::InitButton()
button.Add(1, 80, 22, "new game");
button.Add(6, 60, 22, "list");
button.Add(7, 60, 22, "delete");
play_list = new TMultiButton(20);
play_list->a.Add(26, 20, 22, "1");
play_list->a.Add(21, 20, 22, "-");
play_list->a.Add(23, 37, 22, play_num[0], -2);
play_list->a.Add(22, 20, 22, "+");
play_list->a.Add(27, 37, 22, play_num[1]);
button.Add(24, 50, 22, "clear");
#ifndef __MENUET__
button.Add(25, 50, 22, "save");
button.Add(2, 120, 22, player_str[0]);
button.Add(3, 120, 22, player_str[1]);
button.Add(4, 110, 22, "rotate board");
undo_redo = new TMultiButton(10);
undo_redo->a.Add(11, 27, 22, "<<");
undo_redo->a.Add(12, 20, 22, "<");
undo_redo->a.Add(15, 20, 22, "^");
undo_redo->a.Add(13, 20, 22, ">");
undo_redo->a.Add(14, 27, 22, ">>");
button.Add(5, 60, 22, "exit");
void TMainDraw::SetButtonKind(const TChBoard &board)
int thick;
TextButton *txb;
TXButton *bt1;
ur_type = 0;
SetPlayerString(player_str[0], 0, board.GetPlayer(0));
SetPlayerString(player_str[1], 1, board.GetPlayer(1));
int is_drw = !board.GetPViewStatus();
bt1 = button.GetButton(2);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = is_drw;
bt1 = button.GetButton(3);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = is_drw;
if (board.GetCurMoveN() <= 0) {ur_type++; thick = 0;}
else thick = 3;
// txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(undo_redo->a.GetButton(11));
// if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
// txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(undo_redo->a.GetButton(12));
// if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
// we can use simple static cast
((TextButton*)(undo_redo->a.GetButton(11)))->thick = thick;
((TextButton*)(undo_redo->a.GetButton(12)))->thick = thick;
if (board.GetCurMoveN() >= board.GetNumMove()) {ur_type += 2; thick = 0;}
else thick = 3;
// txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(undo_redo->a.GetButton(13));
// if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
// txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(undo_redo->a.GetButton(14));
// if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
((TextButton*)(undo_redo->a.GetButton(13)))->thick = thick;
((TextButton*)(undo_redo->a.GetButton(14)))->thick = thick;
if (board.GetCurMoveN() < board.GetNumMove() ||
(board.GetPViewStatus() && board.GetGameEnd() <= 0))
thick = 3;
else thick = 0;
// txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(undo_redo->a.GetButton(15));
// if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
((TextButton*)(undo_redo->a.GetButton(15)))->thick = thick;
if (play.GetNPlay() == 0) is_drw = 1;
bt1 = button.GetButton(6);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = is_drw;
bt1 = button.GetButton(7);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = !is_drw;
#ifndef __MENUET__
bt1 = button.GetButton(25);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = !is_drw;
is_drw = board.GetPViewStatus() && play.GetNPlay() > 1;
bt1 = button.GetButton(20);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = is_drw;
bt1 = button.GetButton(24);
if (bt1) bt1->drw = is_drw;
if (is_drw)
play_num[0][0] = 0; play_num[1][0] = 0;
if (cur_play >= 0) sprintf(play_num[0], "%d", cur_play + 1);
sprintf(play_num[1], "%d", play.GetNPlay());
thick = (cur_play <= 0) ? 0 : 3;
#define dynamic_cast static_cast
txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(play_list->a.GetButton(21));
if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(play_list->a.GetButton(26));
if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
thick = (cur_play >= play.GetNPlay() - 1) ? 0 : 3;
txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(play_list->a.GetButton(22));
if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
txb = dynamic_cast<TextButton*>(play_list->a.GetButton(27));
if (txb) txb->thick = thick;
#undef dynamic_cast
void TMainDraw::PressUR(int n, TChBoard &board, TGraphDraw *drw)
int mv;
if (n == 11) mv = 0;
else if (n == 12) mv = board.GetCurMoveN() - 1;
else if (n == 13) mv = board.GetCurMoveN() + 1;
else mv = board.GetNumMove();
if (board.SetCurMoveN(mv))
if (drw && drw->IsDraw())
else Draw(drw, board.GetW(), board.GetH());
void TMainDraw::PressLS(int n, TChBoard &board, TGraphDraw *drw)
int need_redraw = 0;
if (n == 6)
if (!board.GetPViewStatus() || play.GetNPlay() == 0)
PlayWrite cur_pw = board.GetPlay();
if (cur_pw.GetN() > 2 || play.GetNPlay() == 0) play.Add(board.GetPlay());
cur_play = play.GetNPlay() - 1;
need_redraw = 1;
else if (n == 7)
if (board.GetPViewStatus() && play.GetNPlay() != 0)
if (play.GetNPlay() >= 1)
if (cur_play >= play.GetNPlay()) cur_play--;
need_redraw = 1;
else if (n == 21)
if (cur_play > 0) {board.SetPlay(play[--cur_play]); need_redraw = 1;}
else if (n == 22)
if (cur_play < play.GetNPlay() - 1)
board.SetPlay(play[++cur_play]); need_redraw = 1;
else if (n == 26)
if (cur_play > 0)
cur_play = 0;
board.SetPlay(play[cur_play]); need_redraw = 1;
else if (n == 27)
if (cur_play < play.GetNPlay() - 1)
cur_play = play.GetNPlay() - 1;
board.SetPlay(play[cur_play]); need_redraw = 1;
else if (n == 24) {play.Clear(); cur_play = 0; need_redraw = 1;}
#ifndef __MENUET__
else if (n == 25)
if (play.GetNPlay() > 0) play.MsgSaveFile(def_savefile, -1, def_savekind);
else if (n == 28)
if (play.GetNPlay() > 0) play.MsgSaveFile(def_savefile, cur_play, def_savekind);
if (need_redraw)
if (drw && drw->IsDraw())
else Draw(drw, board.GetW(), board.GetH());
struct TTimerDraw
TTimerDraw(TChBoard *brd, TGraphDraw *drw) : brd(brd), drw(drw) {}
TChBoard *brd;
clock_t st, ut, dt;
double x0;
TGraphDraw *drw;
static void draw(void *v, int k = 0);
void TTimerDraw::draw(void *v, int k)
TTimerDraw &d = *(TTimerDraw*)v;
clock_t t = clock();
if (k == 0 && t - d.ut < CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 0.01) return;
if (k > 0)
d.st = t;
if (!d.drw || !d.drw->IsDraw()) return;
d.dt = t;
else if (!d.drw || !d.drw->IsDraw()) return;
double xold = d.x0;
if (k >= 0)
d.x0 = (1 - cos(2.0 * (t - d.st) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)) / 2;
d.brd->DrawTimer(d.drw, d.x0, 0);
d.ut = t;
if (k == 0 && t - d.dt > CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 0.5)
d.dt = t;
if (k <= 0) d.brd->DrawTimer(d.drw, xold, 1);
struct TMainData
TChBoard board;
TComputerPlayer player;
TMainDraw main_draw;
TMainData(int id = 0);
void InitDef();
static int EventFunction(const TGraphDraw::event &ev);
void NewGame(TGraphDraw *drw);
void RotateBoard(TGraphDraw *drw);
void PlayerPress(int np, TGraphDraw *drw);
void GoToCurMove(TGraphDraw *drw);
TMainData::TMainData(int id) : board(id)
board.SetPlayer(1, &player);
board.SetMinWSize(90, 140);
void TMainData::InitDef()
if (main_draw.play.GetNPlay() > 0)
void TMainData::NewGame(TGraphDraw *drw)
if (drw && drw->IsDraw()) {drw->DrawClear(); board.Draw(drw);}
void TMainData::RotateBoard(TGraphDraw *drw)
board.SetBottomColor(3 - board.GetBottomColor());
if (drw && drw->IsDraw()) {drw->DrawClear(); board.Draw(drw);}
void TMainData::PlayerPress(int np, TGraphDraw *drw)
if (np != 0 && np != 1) return;
if (board.GetPlayer(np)) board.SetPlayer(np, 0);
else board.SetPlayer(np, &player);
if (board.GetPlayer(0) && !board.GetPlayer(1))
if (board.GetPlayer(1) && !board.GetPlayer(0))
if (drw && drw->IsDraw()) {drw->DrawClear(); board.Draw(drw);}
void TMainData::GoToCurMove(TGraphDraw *drw)
if (drw && drw->IsDraw()) {drw->DrawClear(); board.Draw(drw);}
int TMainData::EventFunction(const TGraphDraw::event &ev)
if (!ev.any.drw->data) return -100;
TMainData &data = *(TMainData*)ev.any.drw->data;
int nbutton, ret = 0;
case TGraphDraw::event::button_down:
if (ev.button.n != 1) break;
if (data.main_draw.ButtonPnt(ev.button.x, ev.button.y,
data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH(), nbutton, 1) > 0)
data.main_draw.Draw(ev.button.drw, data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH());
ret |= TGraphDraw::ret_setcapture;
else data.board.MouseClick(ev.button.drw, ev.button.x, ev.button.y);
case TGraphDraw::event::mouse_move:
if (ev.button.n >= 0 && ev.button.n != 1) break;
if (data.main_draw.ButtonPnt(ev.button.x, ev.button.y,
data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH(), nbutton, 2) >= 1000)
data.main_draw.Draw(ev.button.drw, data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH());
case TGraphDraw::event::button_up:
if (ev.button.n != 1) break;
if (data.main_draw.ButtonPnt(ev.button.x, ev.button.y,
data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH(), nbutton, 3) > 0)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
data.PlayerPress(nbutton - 2, ev.button.drw);
case 4:
case 5:
data.main_draw.Draw(ev.button.drw, data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH());
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
data.main_draw.PressUR(nbutton, data.board, ev.button.drw);
case 15:
case 6:
case 7:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 24:
case 25:
case 26:
case 27:
data.main_draw.PressLS(nbutton, data.board, ev.button.drw);
data.main_draw.Draw(ev.button.drw, data.board.GetW(), data.board.GetH());
case TGraphDraw::event::draw:
case TGraphDraw::event::key_down:
if (ev.key.k == XK_Left) data.board.PKeyEvent(ev.button.drw, TChBoard::PLeft);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Right) data.board.PKeyEvent(ev.button.drw, TChBoard::PRight);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Up) data.board.PKeyEvent(ev.button.drw, TChBoard::PUp);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Down) data.board.PKeyEvent(ev.button.drw, TChBoard::PDown);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Return || ev.key.k == XK_space)
data.board.PKeyEvent(ev.button.drw, TChBoard::PEnter);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Escape) ev.button.drw->Quit();
else if (ev.key.k == XK_less) data.main_draw.PressUR(11, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_comma) data.main_draw.PressUR(12, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_period) data.main_draw.PressUR(13, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_greater) data.main_draw.PressUR(14, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_minus) data.main_draw.PressLS(21, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_equal) data.main_draw.PressLS(22, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_underscore) data.main_draw.PressLS(26, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_plus) data.main_draw.PressLS(27, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_Delete) data.main_draw.PressLS(7, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_F8) data.main_draw.PressLS(24, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_l || ev.key.k == XK_L) data.main_draw.PressLS(6, data.board, ev.button.drw);
#ifndef __MENUET__
else if (ev.key.k == XK_F2) data.main_draw.PressLS(25, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_s || ev.key.k == XK_S) data.main_draw.PressLS(28, data.board, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_slash || ev.key.k == XK_question) data.GoToCurMove(ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_n || ev.key.k == XK_N) data.NewGame(ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_t || ev.key.k == XK_T) data.RotateBoard(ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_r || ev.key.k == XK_R) data.PlayerPress(0, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_b || ev.key.k == XK_B) data.PlayerPress(1, ev.button.drw);
else if (ev.key.k == XK_f || ev.key.k == XK_F)
int w, h;
ev.button.drw->GetSize(w, h);
if (DuplicateProcess() == 0)
ev.button.drw->ResReinit(w, h);
case TGraphDraw::event::close:
ret = 1;
return ret;
#ifndef __MENUET__
int main(int argc, char **argv)
TMainData data(-1);
if (argv && argc >= 2)
int i, kx = 1;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (kx == 1 && argv[i][0] == '-')
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) kx = 0;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ssf") == 0) ssf = 1;
else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-save", 5) == 0)
int j = 5;
if (argv[i][j])
if (argv[i][j] != '=' || !argv[i][j+1])
data.main_draw.def_savekind = atoi(argv[i] + j);
while (argv[i][j] && argv[i][j] != '=') j++;
if (argv[i][j] != '=' || !argv[i][j+1]) continue;
data.main_draw.def_savefile = argv[i] + j + 1;
else printf("Checkers: Invalid key %s\n", argv[i]);
else if (kx == 0 || kx == 1)
data.main_draw.play.MsgOpenFile(argv[i], -1);
TMainGraphDraw graph(
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
TTimerDraw timer_draw(&data.board, &graph);
data.player.draw = TTimerDraw::draw; data.player.data = &timer_draw;
graph.evfunc = TMainData::EventFunction; graph.data = &data;
graph.Run(TGraphDraw::button_down_mask | TGraphDraw::button_up_mask |
TGraphDraw::key_down_mask | TGraphDraw::mouse_drag_mask,
450 + 100 * ssf, 528);
return 0;
TMainData* mdata;
TMainGraphDraw* graph;
bool MenuetOnStart(TStartData &me_start, TThreadData)
mdata = new TMainData(-1);
graph = new TMainGraphDraw;
static TTimerDraw timer_draw(&mdata->board, graph);
mdata->player.draw = TTimerDraw::draw; mdata->player.data = &timer_draw;
graph->data = mdata;
me_start.WinData.Title =
#ifdef BUILD_RUS
me_start.Width = 450 + 100*ssf;
me_start.Height = 528;
return true;
bool MenuetOnClose(TThreadData)
delete mdata;
delete graph;
return true;
int MenuetOnIdle(TThreadData)
{return -1;}
void MenuetOnSize(int window_rect[], TThreadData)
{mdata->board.Resize(window_rect[2]-window_rect[0], window_rect[3]-window_rect[1]);}
void MenuetOnKeyPress(TThreadData)
TGraphDraw::event ev;
ev.type = TGraphDraw::event::key_down;
ev.any.drw = graph;
ev.key.k = GetKey();
void MenuetOnDraw(void)
TGraphDraw::event ev;
ev.type = TGraphDraw::event::draw;
ev.any.drw = graph;
void MenuetOnMouse(TThreadData)
short x,y;
int m = GetMouseButton() & 1;
static int mprev = 0;
if (m == mprev)
mprev = m;
TGraphDraw::event ev;
ev.type = m ? TGraphDraw::event::button_down : TGraphDraw::event::button_up;
ev.any.drw = graph;
ev.button.n = 1;
ev.button.x = x;
ev.button.y = y;