2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
{-$codepage cp866}
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
TKosPoint = packed record
X: Longint;
Y: Longint;
TKosRect = packed record
case Integer of
0: (Left, Top, Width, Height: Longint);
1: (TopLeft, HeightWidth: TKosPoint);
{ User interface }
procedure kos_definewindow(x, y, w, h: Word; style: DWord = $23FFFFFF; header: DWord = $008899FF; clframe: DWord = $008899FF);
procedure kos_movewindow(x, y, w, h: DWord);
function kos_getkey(): DWord;
function kos_getevent(wait: Boolean = True): DWord;
function kos_waitevent(timeout: DWord): DWord;
function kos_getbutton(): DWord;
function kos_getmousepos(): TKosPoint;
function kos_getmousewinpos(): TKosPoint;
function kos_getmousebuttons(): DWord;
procedure kos_maskevents(mask: DWord);
2008-02-29 20:47:04 +03:00
procedure kos_setkeyboardmode(mode: DWord);
function kos_getkeyboardmode(): DWord;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
procedure kos_setcaption(caption: PChar);
{ Graphics }
2007-09-04 17:23:24 +04:00
function kos_screensize(): TKosPoint;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
procedure kos_begindraw();
procedure kos_enddraw();
procedure kos_putpixel(x, y: Word; color: DWord = $000000);
procedure kos_drawtext(x, y: Word; text: String; flags: DWord = $000000; bgcolor: DWord = $00FFFFFF);
procedure kos_drawrect(x, y, w, h: Word; color: DWord = $000000);
procedure kos_drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2: Word; color: DWord = $000000);
procedure kos_drawimage(x, y, w, h, depth: DWord; image: Pointer; palette: Pointer = nil; xoffset: DWord = 0);
procedure kos_drawimage24(x, y, w, h: DWord; image: Pointer);
{ Work with system }
{ Work with system - System services }
function kos_killthread(tid: TThreadID): Boolean;
procedure kos_setactivewindow(slot: TThreadSlot);
function kos_getthreadslot(tid: TThreadID): TThreadSlot;
{ Work with system - Set system parameters }
procedure kos_enablepci();
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
{ Work with system - Get system parameters }
function kos_timecounter(): DWord;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
{ Work with system - Internal system services }
procedure kos_switchthread();
function kos_initheap(): DWord;
function kos_alloc(size: DWord): Pointer;
function kos_free(ptr: Pointer): Boolean;
function kos_loaddriver(name: PChar): THandle;
{ Processes and threads }
PKosThreadInfo = ^TKosThreadInfo;
TKosThreadInfo = packed record
Speed: DWord;
WindowID: Word;
ThreadSlot: Word;
Reserved1: Word;
AppName: array[0..10] of Char;
Reserved2: Byte;
ProcessBase: Pointer;
MemoryUsage: DWord;
ThreadID: TThreadID;
WindowRect: TKosRect;
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
Reserved3: DWord;
ClientRect: TKosRect;
Reserved4: array[1..1046] of Byte;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
TKosIPC = packed record
Lock: LongBool;
Size: DWord;
PKosMessage = ^TKosMessage;
TKosMessage = packed record
SenderID: TThreadID;
Size: DWord;
function kos_threadinfo(info: PKosThreadInfo; slot: TThreadSlot = -1): DWord;
function kos_newthread(entry, stack: Pointer): TThreadID;
procedure kos_initipc(ipc: PKosIPC; size: DWord);
function kos_sendmsg(tid: TThreadID; msg: Pointer; size: DWord): DWord;
function kos_resizemem(size: DWord): Boolean;
{ File system }
{ File system - Work with the current folder }
procedure kos_setdir(path: PChar);
function kos_getdir(path: PChar; size: DWord): DWord;
{ File system - Work with file system with long names support }
kfReadOnly = $01;
kfHidden = $02;
kfSystem = $04;
kfLabel = $08;
kfFolder = $10;
kfNotArchive = $20;
PKosFile = ^TKosFile;
TKosFile = packed record
SubFunc: DWord;
Position, PositionReserved: DWord;
Size: DWord;
Data: Pointer;
Name: array[0..0] of Char; {...ASCIIZ}
TKosBDFE = packed record
Attributes: DWord;
NameType: Byte; {bit0 - 0:ascii, 1:unicode}
Reserved: array[0..2] of Byte;
CTime: DWord; {ss,mm,hh,00}
CDate: DWord; {dd,mm,yyyy}
ATime: DWord;
ADate: DWord;
MTime: DWord;
MDate: DWord;
Size: QWord;
Name: array[0..519] of Char;
function kos_readfile(kosfile: PKosFile; var readed: Longint): DWord;
function kos_rewritefile(kosfile: PKosFile; var writed: Longint): DWord;
function kos_writefile(kosfile: PKosFile; var writed: Longint): DWord;
function kos_fileinfo(kosfile: PKosFile): DWord;
2007-09-12 20:34:21 +04:00
{ Sound }
2007-09-28 16:26:28 +04:00
function kos_speaker(notes: Pointer): Boolean;
2007-09-12 20:34:21 +04:00
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
{ Work with hardware }
function kos_readport(index: DWord): DWord;
procedure kos_writeport(index, value: DWord);
function kos_reserveport(port: DWord): Boolean;
{ Work with hardware - Low-level access to PCI}
function kos_lastpcibus(): Byte;
function kos_readpcib(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): Byte;
function kos_readpciw(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): Word;
function kos_readpcid(bus, dev, func, reg: Byte): DWord;
{ Other }
procedure kos_delay(ms: DWord); {1/100 s}
{ my }
TKosSign = array[0..7] of Byte;
PKosHeader = ^TKosHeader;
TKosHeader = packed record
sign : TKOSSign;
version: DWord;
start : DWord;
size : DWord;
memory : DWord;
stack : DWord;
args : PChar;
path : PChar;
PKonsole = ^TKonsole;
TKonsole = object
FCaption: String;
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
FLines: array of ShortString;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
FCursor: TKosPoint;
FMaxLines: Word;
FThreadID: TThreadID;
FThreadSlot: TThreadSlot;
FIPCBuffer: PKosIPC;
FIPCBufferSize: DWord;
FTerminate: Boolean;
FOpened: Boolean;
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
FOnAir : Boolean;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
FKeyPressed: Word;
function ReceiveMessage(var Message: ShortString): Boolean;
procedure ProcessMessage(Message: ShortString);
procedure ProcessKeyboard(Key: Word);
function GetRect(): TKosRect;
function GetKeyPressed(): Word;
procedure Paint(BottomRow: Boolean = False);
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
procedure Flush();
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
constructor Init(ACaption: String = '');
destructor Done();
procedure Write(Message: ShortString);
property KeyPressed: Word read GetKeyPressed;
property Opened: Boolean read FOpened;
property ThreadID: TThreadID read FThreadID; {JustForFun, must be hidden, do not use}
property ThreadSlot: TThreadSlot read FThreadSlot; {JustForFun, must be hidden, do not use}
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
PTermKursor = ^TTermKursor;
TTermKursor = object
FVisible: Boolean;
procedure SetVisbile(Value: Boolean);
constructor Init;
procedure Repaint;
property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetVisbile;
2007-08-29 13:16:31 +04:00
2007-10-27 20:38:51 +04:00
PTermKIO = ^TTermKIO;
TTermKIO = object
FBuffer: Pointer;
FBufferScreen: Pointer;
FBufferSize : Longword;
FBufferWidth: Longword;
FBufferLines: Longword;
FIPCBuffer: PKosIPC;
FIPCBufferSize: Longword;
FCursor: TTermKursor;
FCaption: String;
FThreadID: TThreadID;
FThreadSlot: TThreadSlot;
FTerminate: Boolean;
FOpened: Boolean;
FWindowBounds: TKosRect;
FWindowStyle : Longword;
FClientBounds: TKosRect;
FMaxWidth : Longword;
FFirstLine: Longword;
FDefaultChar: Word;
FPalette: array[0..15] of Longword;
procedure MainLoop;
procedure ReallocBuffer(Size: Longword);
procedure ResizeBuffer(NewWidth, NewLines: Longword);
procedure FillDefaultChar(var X; Count: Longword);
function GetLine(Index: Longint): Pointer;
function PrevLine(Line: Pointer): Pointer;
{function ReceiveMessage(var Message: ShortString): Boolean;
procedure ProcessMessage(Message: ShortString);}
procedure ProcessKeyboard(Key: Word);
procedure DoPaint(const Bounds: TKosRect);
procedure DoResize;
constructor Init(ACaption: String = '');
destructor Done;
procedure Write(Message: ShortString);
property Cursor: TTermKursor read FCursor;