2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# define _MAIN_
# ifdef _UNIX_
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
# endif
# ifdef _WIN32_
# define DIV_PATH ';'
# define DIV_FOLD '\\'
# endif
# ifdef _KOS_
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# define DIV_PATH ';'
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
# define DIV_FOLD ' / '
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# endif
# include <sys/stat.h>
2016-10-26 23:10:14 +03:00
# include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# include <fcntl.h>
# include "tok.h"
static char * * _Argv ; //!!! simplest way to make your own variable
unsigned char compilerstr [ ] = " SPHINX C-- 0.239 " ;
char * rawfilename ; /* file name */
char * rawext ;
LISTCOM * listcom ;
EWAR wartype = { NULL , NULL } , errfile = { NULL , NULL } ;
int numfindpath = 0 ;
char * findpath [ 16 ] ;
char modelmem = TINY ;
char * stubfile = NULL ;
char * winstub = NULL ;
FILE * hout = NULL ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
const char * namestartupfile = " startup.h-- " ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
char outext [ 4 ] = " kex " ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
//int scrsize;
unsigned char gwarning = FALSE ;
unsigned char sobj = FALSE ;
unsigned char usestub = TRUE ;
unsigned char dpmistub = FALSE ;
short dllflag = FALSE ;
static int numstr ;
char meinfo [ ] =
" \n Edition of this version by \n "
" Mishel Sheker \n "
" Fido 2:5021/3.40 \n "
" E-Mail sheker@mail.ru \n "
" Russia " ;
time_t systime ;
struct tm timeptr ;
char comsymbios = FALSE ;
unsigned int startptr = 0x100 ; // start address
unsigned char crif = TRUE ; //check reply include file
unsigned char useordinal = FALSE ;
unsigned char useDOS4GW = FALSE ;
unsigned char clearpost = FALSE ;
unsigned char uselea = TRUE ;
unsigned char regoverstack = TRUE ;
unsigned char shortimport = FALSE ;
unsigned char useinline = 2 ;
unsigned char ocoff = FALSE ;
unsigned char ESPloc = FALSE ;
int startupfile = - 1 ;
int alignproc = 8 , aligncycle = 8 ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
const char * usage [ ] = {
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" " ,
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -OC optimize for code size -DE enable temporary expansion variable " ,
" -OS optimize for speed -OST enable optimization string " ,
" -ON enable optimization number -AP[=n] align start function " ,
" -UST use startup code for variables -AC[=n] align start cycles " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -ORV replace variable on constant -OIR skip repeated initializing register " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# else
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -OIR skip repeated initializing register " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
# endif
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -2 80286 code optimizations -SA=#### start code address " ,
" -3 80386 code optimizations -AL=## set value insert byte " ,
" -4 80486 code optimizations -WFA fast call API functions " ,
" -5 pentium code optimizations -IV initial all variables " ,
" -A enable address alignment -SUV=#### start address variables " ,
" -AS[=n] def. alignment in structures -LRS load in registers over stack " ,
" -UL use 'lea' for adding registers -JS join stack calling functions " ,
" -BA byte access to array " , // -ASP addressing local variable via ESP",
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -IP=<path> include file path -IA assembly instructions as identifier " ,
" -D=<idname> defined identifier -CRI- not check include file on repeated " ,
" -MIF=<file> main input file -IND=<name> import name from dll " ,
" -SF=<file> other startup file " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -AT insert ATEXIT support block -NS disable stub " ,
" -ARGC insert parse command line -S=##### set stack size " ,
" -P insert parse command line -WIB=##### set image base address " ,
" -C insert CTRL<C> ignoring code -WFU add Fix Up table, for Windows " ,
" -R insert resize memory block -WMB create Windows mono block " ,
" -ENV insert variable with environ -WS=<name> set name stub file for win32 " ,
" -J0 disable initial jump to main() -WBSS set post data in bss section " ,
" -J1 initial jump to main() short -WO call API functions on ordinals " ,
" -J2 initial jump to main() near -CPA clear post area " ,
" -STUB= <name> set name stub file -WSI short import table, for Windows " ,
" -DOS4GW file running with DOS4GW -WAF=#### align Windows file (def 512) " ,
" -STM startup code in main function " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -TEXE DOS EXE file (model TINY) -D32 EXE file (32bit code for DOS) " ,
" -EXE DOS EXE file (model SMALL) -W32 EXE for Windows32 GUI " ,
" -OBJ OBJ output file -W32C EXE for Windows32 console " ,
" -SOBJ slave OBJ output file -DLL DLL for Windows32 " ,
" -COFF OBJ COFF output file -DBG create debug information " ,
" -SYM COM file symbiosis -LST create assembly listing " ,
" -SYS device (SYS) file -B32 32bit binary files " ,
" -MEOS executable file for MeOS -MAP create function map file " ,
" -EXT= <ext> set file extension " ,
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" " ,
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
" -HELP -H -? help, this info -WORDS list of C-- reserved words " ,
" -W enable warning -LAI list of assembler instructions " ,
" -WF=<file> direct warnings to a file -ME display my name and my address " ,
" -MER=## set maximum number errors -X disable SPHINX C-- header in output " ,
" -NW=## disable selected warnings -WE=## selected warning will be error " ,
//" -SCD split code and date",
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
NULL } ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
const char * dir [ ] = {
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
" ME " , " WORDS " , " SYM " , " LAI " ,
" OBJ " , " SOBJ " , " J0 " , " J1 " , " J2 " , " C " , " R " ,
" P " , " X " , " EXE " , " S " , " SYS " , " ARGC " , " TEXE " ,
" ROM " , " W32 " , " D32 " , " W32C " , " AT " , " WFA " , " SA " ,
" STM " , " SUV " , " UST " , " MIF " , " DLL " , " DOS4GW " , " ENV " ,
" CPA " , " WBSS " , " MEOS " , " SF " , " B32 " , " WIB " , " DBG " ,
" OS " , " OC " , " A " , " 0 " , " 1 " , " 2 " , " 3 " ,
" 4 " , " 5 " , " 6 " , " 7 " , " 8 " , " 9 " , " W " ,
" WF " , " DE " ,
" ON " , " IP " , " STUB " , " NS " , " AP " , " D " , " OST " ,
" CRI " , " IA " , " SCD " , " AL " , " WFU " , " IV " ,
" MER " , " WMB " , " HELP " , " H " , " ? " , " AC " , " WS " ,
" IND " , " WO " , " NW " , " LST " , " AS " , " UL " , " LRS " ,
" WSI " , " WAF " , " OIR " , " COFF " , " JS " , " BA " , " ASP " ,
" ORV " ,
# endif
" MAP " , " WE " , " EXT " , NULL } ;
enum {
c_me , c_key , c_sym , c_lasm , c_endinfo = c_lasm ,
c_obj , c_sobj , c_j0 , c_j1 , c_j2 , c_ctrlc , c_r ,
c_p , c_x , c_exe , c_s , c_sys , c_arg , c_texe ,
c_rom , c_w32 , c_d32 , c_w32c , c_at , c_wfa , c_sa ,
c_stm , c_suv , c_ust , c_mif , c_dll , c_d4g , c_env ,
c_cpa , c_wbss , c_meos , c_sf , c_b32 , c_wib , c_dbg ,
c_endstart = c_dbg ,
c_os , c_oc , c_a , c_0 , c_1 , c_2 , c_3 ,
c_4 , c_5 , c_6 , c_7 , c_8 , c_9 , c_w ,
c_wf , c_de ,
c_opnum , c_ip , c_stub , c_ns , c_ap , c_define , c_ost ,
c_cri , c_ia , c_scd , c_al , c_wfu , c_iv ,
c_mer , c_wmb , c_help , c_h , c_hh , c_ac , c_ws ,
c_ind , c_wo , c_nw , c_lst , c_as , c_ul , c_lrs ,
c_wsi , c_waf , c_oir , c_coff , c_js , c_ba , c_asp ,
c_orv ,
# endif
c_map , c_we , c_ext , c_end } ;
char extcompile [ NUMEXT ] [ 4 ] = { " c-- " , " cmm " , " c " , " h-- " , " hmm " , " h " } ;
# ifdef _KOS_
char __pgmname [ 256 ] ;
char __cmdline [ 256 ] ;
# endif
char * bufstr = NULL ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
void compile ( ) ;
void PrintInfo ( char * * str ) ;
void LoadIni ( char * name ) ;
//void CheckNumStr();
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
void ListId ( int num , unsigned char * list , unsigned short * ofs ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
void printmemsizes ( ) ;
void print8item ( char * str ) ;
void doposts ( void ) ;
void GetMemExeDat ( ) ;
void AddJmpApi ( ) ;
void startsymbiosys ( char * symfile ) ;
int writeoutput ( ) ;
void BadCommandLine ( char * str ) ;
void CheckExtenshions ( ) ;
void ImportName ( char * name ) ;
void MakeExeHeader ( EXE_DOS_HEADER * exeheader ) ;
void CheckPageCode ( unsigned int ofs ) ;
int MakePE ( ) ;
int MakeObj ( ) ;
void CheckUndefClassProc ( ) ;
2018-11-07 21:32:42 +03:00
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
void ListId ( int numfirstchar , unsigned char * list , unsigned short * ofs )
char buf [ 40 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numfirstchar ; i + + ) {
if ( ( short ) ofs [ i ] ! = - 1 ) {
if ( i < 26 ) buf [ 0 ] = ( char ) ( ' A ' + i ) ;
else if ( i = = 26 ) buf [ 0 ] = ' _ ' ;
else buf [ 0 ] = ( char ) ( i - 27 + ' a ' ) ;
unsigned char * ii = ( unsigned char * ) ( list + ofs [ i ] ) ;
while ( * ( short * ) & * ii ! = - 1 ) {
ii + = 2 ;
strcpy ( buf + 1 , ( char * ) ii ) ;
ii + = strlen ( ( char * ) ii ) + 1 ;
puts ( buf ) ;
// CheckNumStr();
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
void PrintTegList ( structteg * tteg )
if ( tteg ) {
PrintTegList ( tteg - > left ) ;
PrintTegList ( tteg - > right ) ;
puts ( tteg - > name ) ;
} */
//unsigned long maxusedmem=0;
void ErrOpenFile ( char * str )
printf ( " Unable to open file %s. \n " , str ) ;
int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )
int count ;
unsigned char pari = FALSE ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
char * buffer ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
printf ( " \n SPHINX C-- Compiler Version %d.%d%s %s \r \n " , ver1 , ver2 , betta , __DATE__ ) ;
// scrsize=24;
if ( argc > 1 ) {
_Argv = argv ; // This make portable code
bufstr = ( char * ) MALLOC ( SIZEBUF ) ;
output = ( unsigned char * ) MALLOC ( ( size_t ) MAXDATA ) ;
outputdata = output ;
postbuf = ( postinfo * ) MALLOC ( MAXPOSTS * sizeof ( postinfo ) ) ;
strcpy ( ( char * ) string , argv [ 0 ] ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
rawext = strrchr ( ( char * ) string , DIV_FOLD ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( rawext ! = NULL ) {
rawext [ 0 ] = 0 ;
IncludePath ( ( char * ) string ) ;
rawfilename = getenv ( " C-- " ) ;
if ( rawfilename ! = NULL ) IncludePath ( rawfilename ) ;
rawfilename = rawext = NULL ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
LoadIni ( ( char * ) " c--.ini " ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
for ( count = 1 ; count < argc ; count + + ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( argv [ count ] [ 0 ] = = ' - ' ) {
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( SelectComand ( argv [ count ] + 1 , & count ) = = c_end ) BadCommandLine ( argv [ count ] ) ;
else {
if ( pari = = FALSE ) {
rawfilename = argv [ count ] ;
pari = TRUE ;
if ( ( rawext = strrchr ( rawfilename , ' . ' ) ) ! = NULL ) {
if ( stricmp ( rawext , " .ini " ) = = 0 ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ini <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
rawfilename = NULL ;
rawext = NULL ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
LoadIni ( argv [ count ] ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( rawfilename = = NULL ) pari = FALSE ;
else {
* rawext + + = 0 ;
CheckExtenshions ( ) ;
if ( rawfilename = = NULL ) {
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
PrintInfo ( ( char * * ) usage ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
exit ( e_noinputspecified ) ;
time ( & systime ) ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
memcpy ( & timeptr , localtime ( & systime ) , sizeof ( tm ) ) ;
InitDefineConst ( ) ;
compile ( ) ;
if ( error = = 0 ) exit ( e_ok ) ;
exit ( e_someerrors ) ;
return 0 ;
void CheckExtenshions ( )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUMEXT ; i + + ) {
if ( stricmp ( rawext , extcompile [ i ] ) = = 0 ) break ;
if ( i = = NUMEXT ) {
printf ( " Bad input file extension '%s'. " , rawext ) ;
exit ( e_badinputfilename ) ;
void compile ( )
long segments_required ;
union {
long longhold ;
void * nextstr ;
} ;
errfile . name = ( char * ) MALLOC ( strlen ( rawfilename ) + 5 ) ;
sprintf ( errfile . name , " %s.err " , rawfilename ) ;
if ( stat ( errfile . name , ( struct stat * ) string2 ) = = 0 ) remove ( errfile . name ) ;
if ( wartype . name ! = NULL ) {
if ( stat ( wartype . name , ( struct stat * ) string2 ) = = 0 ) remove ( wartype . name ) ;
puts ( " Compiling Commenced . . . " ) ;
if ( rawext ! = NULL ) sprintf ( ( char * ) string , " %s.%s " , rawfilename , rawext ) ;
else {
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < NUMEXT ; i + + ) {
sprintf ( ( char * ) string , " %s.%s " , rawfilename , extcompile [ i ] ) ;
if ( stat ( ( char * ) string , ( struct stat * ) string2 ) = = 0 ) break ;
linenumber = 0 ;
initregstat ( ) ;
CreateMainLVIC ( ) ;
# endif
# ifdef __NEWLEX__
inittokn ( ) ;
# endif
compilefile ( ( char * ) string , 2 ) ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
puts ( " Link . . . " ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_w32 & & wbss = = 2 ) {
wbss = FALSE ;
if ( wconsole = = FALSE ) wbss = TRUE ;
if ( notdoneprestuff = = TRUE ) doprestuff ( ) ; //startup code
if ( endifcount > = 0 ) preerror ( " ?endif expected before end of file " ) ;
AddObj ( ) ;
addinitvar ( ) ;
CheckUndefClassProc ( ) ;
UNDEFOFF * curptr = undefoffstart ;
for ( ; ; ) {
char holdstr [ 80 ] ;
UNDEFOFF * ocurptr ;
linenumber = curptr - > pos - > line ;
sprintf ( holdstr , " \' %s \' offset undefined " , curptr - > name ) ;
currentfileinfo = curptr - > pos - > file ;
preerror ( holdstr ) ;
free ( curptr - > pos ) ;
if ( curptr - > next = = NULL ) break ;
ocurptr = curptr - > next ;
free ( curptr ) ;
curptr = ocurptr ;
free ( curptr ) ;
while ( liststring ! = NULL ) {
ins = ( STRING_LIST * ) liststring ;
nextstr = ins - > next ;
free ( liststring ) ;
liststring = nextstr ;
free ( bufstr ) ;
if ( fobj = = FALSE ) {
if ( comfile = = file_w32 & & error = = 0 ) {
CreatWinStub ( ) ;
longhold = outptr ;
if ( comfile = = file_rom ) {
ooutptr = outptr ;
if ( modelmem = = SMALL ) {
* ( short * ) & output [ stackstartaddress ] = ( short ) ( ( ( outptrdata + postsize + stacksize ) / 4 + 1 ) * 4 ) ;
* ( short * ) & output [ dataromstart ] = ( short ) ( outptr + 4 ) ;
* ( short * ) & output [ dataromsize ] = ( short ) ( outptrdata / 2 ) ;
// printf("outptr=%d outptrdate=%d outptrsize=%d\n",outptr,outptrdata,outptrsize);
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < outptrdata ; i + + ) op ( outputdata [ i ] ) ;
if ( romsize = = 0 ) {
unsigned int i = outptr / 1024 ;
if ( ( outptr % 1024 ) ! = 0 ) i + + ;
if ( i > 32 ) i = 64 ;
else if ( i > 16 ) i = 32 ;
else if ( i > 8 ) i = 16 ;
else if ( i > 4 ) i = 8 ;
else if ( i > 2 ) i = 4 ;
romsize = i * 1024 ;
output [ 2 ] = ( unsigned char ) ( romsize / 512 ) ;
if ( outptr > = romsize ) preerror ( " The size of a code is more than the size of the ROM " ) ;
for ( ; outptr < romsize ; ) op ( aligner ) ;
unsigned char summa = 0 ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < romsize ; i + + ) summa + = output [ i ] ;
output [ romsize - 1 ] - = summa ;
outptr = ooutptr ;
else if ( modelmem = = SMALL & & comfile = = file_exe ) { // if an EXE file
longhold + = AlignCD ( CS , 16 ) ;
// if((outptr%16)!=0)outptr+=16-outptr%16;// paragraph align the end of the code seg
if ( ( ( long ) outptrdata + ( long ) postsize + ( long ) stacksize ) > 65535L )
preerror ( " Data and stack total exceeds 64k " ) ;
else if ( comfile = = file_sys ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sysnumcom ; i + + ) {
searchvar ( ( listcom + i ) - > name ) ;
* ( short * ) & output [ syscom + i * 2 ] = ( unsigned short ) itok . number ;
free ( listcom ) ;
else longhold + = ( long ) postsize + ( long ) ( stacksize ) ;
if ( am32 = = 0 & & longhold > 65535L & & ! ( modelmem = = TINY & & ( ! resizemem ) ) ) preerror ( " Code, data and stack total exceeds 64k " ) ;
if ( resizemem & & comfile = = file_com ) {
segments_required = ( outptr + postsize + stacksize + 15 ) / 16 ;
* ( short * ) & output [ resizesizeaddress ] = ( short ) segments_required ;
* ( short * ) & output [ stackstartaddress ] = ( short ) ( segments_required * 16 ) ;
deinitregstat ( ) ;
KillMainLVIC ( ) ;
# endif
// puts("List Teg name:");
// PrintTegList(tegtree);
printf ( " COMPILING FINISHED. Errors: %d \n " , error ) ;
if ( error = = 0 ) {
if ( cpu > = 1 ) {
char m1 [ 12 ] ;
switch ( cpu ) {
case 5 :
strcpy ( m1 , " Pentium " ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
strcpy ( m1 , " MMX " ) ;
break ;
case 7 :
strcpy ( m1 , " Pentium II " ) ;
break ;
case 8 :
strcpy ( m1 , " Pentium III " ) ;
break ;
case 9 :
strcpy ( m1 , " Pentium IV " ) ;
break ;
default : sprintf ( m1 , " 80%d86 " , cpu ) ;
printf ( " CPU required: %s or greater. \n " , m1 ) ;
runfilesize = outptr - startptr ;
if ( comfile = = file_rom ) runfilesize = romsize ;
else if ( modelmem = = SMALL & & comfile = = file_exe ) {
runfilesize + = outptrdata - startptrdata + 0x20 ;
postsize + = postsize % 2 ;
stacksize = ( stacksize + 15 ) / 16 * 16 ;
else if ( ( comfile = = file_exe | | comfile = = file_d32 ) & & modelmem = = TINY )
runfilesize + = 0x20 ;
printmemsizes ( ) ;
endinptr = outptr ;
if ( writeoutput ( ) = = 0 ) printf ( " Run File Saved (%ld bytes). \n " , runfilesize ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_w32 & & fobj = = FALSE ) printf ( " Created file of a format PE for Windows. \n For alignment section code, added %u zero bytes. \n " , filingzerope ) ;
// else if(FILEALIGN&&fobj==FALSE)printf("For alignment file, added %u zero bytes.\n",filingzerope);
if ( pdbg ) DoTDS ( ) ;
void printmemsizes ( )
long stacklong ;
unsigned int stackword ;
unsigned int postword , codeword ;
postword = postsize ;
codeword = outptr - startptr ;
stackword = stacksize ;
if ( comfile = = file_com | | ( comfile = = file_exe & & modelmem = = TINY ) ) {
if ( resizemem = = 0 ) {
stacklong = 0xFFFE - outptr - postsize ;
stackword = stacklong ;
codeword = codeword - datasize - alignersize ;
else if ( comfile = = file_sys ) stackword = sysstack ;
else if ( comfile = = file_exe | | comfile = = file_rom ) datasize = outptrdata ;
else if ( comfile = = file_d32 ) codeword - = datasize ;
printf ( " Code: %u bytes, Data: %u bytes, Post: %u bytes, Stack: %u bytes \n "
, codeword , datasize , postword , stackword ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < posts ; i + + ) {
switch ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type ) {
case CODE_SIZE :
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = codeword ;
break ;
case CODE_SIZE32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = codeword ;
break ;
case DATA_SIZE :
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = datasize ;
break ;
case DATA_SIZE32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = datasize ;
break ;
case POST_SIZE :
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = postword ;
break ;
case POST_SIZE32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = postword ;
break ;
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = stackword ;
break ;
case STACK_SIZE32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = stackword ;
break ;
void PrintInfo ( char * * str )
numstr = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; str [ i ] ! = NULL ; i + + ) {
puts ( str [ i ] ) ;
// CheckNumStr();
/*void CheckNumStr()
# ifndef _UNIX_
if ( ( ( numstr + 1 ) % ( scrsize - 1 ) ) = = 0 & & outfile ! = 0 ) {
puts ( " Press any key... " ) ;
getch ( ) ;
numstr + + ;
# endif
} */
void strbtrim ( char * st )
int i ;
char * p , * q ;
p = q = st ;
while ( isspace ( * p ) ) p + + ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
while ( * p ) * q + + = * p + + ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
* q = ' \0 ' ;
for ( i = strlen ( st ) - 1 ; isspace ( st [ i ] ) & & i > = 0 ; i - - ) ;
st [ i + 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
unsigned long getnumber ( unsigned char * buf )
int temp2 ;
unsigned long retnum ;
unsigned char * oinput ;
unsigned int oinptr , oendinptr ;
if ( ! isdigit ( buf [ 0 ] ) ) return 0 ;
oinptr = inptr ;
oinput = input ;
oendinptr = endinptr ;
input = buf ;
inptr = 0 ;
endinptr = 256 ;
retnum = scannumber ( & temp2 ) ;
inptr = oinptr ;
input = oinput ;
endinptr = oendinptr ;
return retnum ;
int SelectComand ( char * pptr , int * count )
int i ;
unsigned char neg = FALSE ;
char * ptr ;
int len ;
if ( ( ptr = strchr ( pptr , ' ; ' ) ) ! = NULL ) * ptr = 0 ; // <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
if ( ( ptr = strchr ( pptr , ' = ' ) ) ! = NULL ) { // <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
* ptr = 0 ; // <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
ptr + + ;
strbtrim ( ptr ) ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
strbtrim ( pptr ) ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
if ( * pptr = = 0 ) return c_end + 1 ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
if ( ( i = strlen ( pptr ) ) > 1 & & pptr [ i - 1 ] = = ' - ' ) {
neg = TRUE ;
pptr [ i - 1 ] = 0 ;
strupr ( pptr ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; dir [ i ] ! = NULL ; i + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( dir [ i ] , pptr ) = = 0 ) {
if ( ( i < = c_endinfo ) & & count = = 0 ) {
char buf [ 80 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " Option '%s' is used only in command line " , dir [ i ] ) ;
preerror ( buf ) ;
return i ;
if ( i < = c_endstart & & notdoneprestuff ! = TRUE ) {
errlate :
char buf [ 80 ] ;
sprintf ( buf , " Too late used '#pragma option %s' " , dir [ i ] ) ;
preerror ( buf ) ;
return i ;
switch ( i ) {
case c_j0 : jumptomain = ( unsigned char ) ( neg ! = FALSE ? CALL_NEAR : CALL_NONE ) ; header = ( unsigned char ) 0 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_j1 : jumptomain = ( unsigned char ) CALL_SHORT ; header = ( unsigned char ) 1 ; break ;
case c_j2 : jumptomain = ( unsigned char ) ( neg = = FALSE ? CALL_NEAR : CALL_NONE ) ; header = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_ctrlc : killctrlc = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_os : optimizespeed = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_oc : optimizespeed = ( unsigned char ) 0 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_r : resizemem = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_p : parsecommandline = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_a : alignword = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_sym :
startptr = 0x100 ;
comsymbios = TRUE ;
* count = * count + 1 ;
startsymbiosys ( _Argv [ * count ] ) ;
break ;
case c_0 : chip = 0 ; break ;
case c_1 : chip = 1 ; break ;
case c_2 : chip = 2 ; break ;
case c_3 : chip = 3 ; break ;
case c_4 : chip = 4 ; break ;
case c_5 : chip = 5 ; break ;
case c_6 : chip = 6 ; break ; //MMX
case c_7 : chip = 7 ; break ; //Pro
case c_8 : chip = 8 ; break ; //PII
case c_9 : chip = 9 ; break ; //PIII
case c_x : header = ( unsigned char ) 0 ^ neg ; break ;
case c_exe :
comfile = file_exe ;
modelmem = SMALL ;
splitdata = TRUE ;
GetMemExeDat ( ) ;
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " exe " ) ;
startptr = 0 ; // start address
startptrdata = 0 ; // data start address
dos1 = 2 ;
dos2 = 0 ;
break ;
case c_sys :
comfile = file_sys ;
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " sys " ) ;
startptr = 0 ; // start address
startptrdata = 0 ; // data start address
jumptomain = CALL_NONE ;
header = 0 ;
break ;
case c_sobj :
sobj = TRUE ;
FixUp = TRUE ;
jumptomain = CALL_NONE ;
case c_obj :
fobj = TRUE ;
// if(comfile==file_d32)FixUp=TRUE;
FastCallApi = FALSE ;
break ;
case c_me :
puts ( meinfo ) ;
exit ( e_ok ) ;
case c_key :
int j , jj ;
numstr = 1 ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
ListId ( 53 , ( unsigned char * ) id , idofs ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
for ( j = 0 ; j < ID2S ; j + + ) {
puts ( id2 [ j ] ) ;
// CheckNumStr();
for ( jj = 0 ; jj < 2 ; jj + + ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j + + ) printf ( " %s " , regs [ jj ] [ j ] ) ;
puts ( " " ) ;
// CheckNumStr();
for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j + + ) printf ( " %s " , begs [ j ] ) ;
puts ( " " ) ;
// CheckNumStr();
for ( j = 0 ; j < 6 ; j + + ) printf ( " %s " , segs [ j ] ) ;
print8item ( " ST(%d) " ) ;
puts ( " ST " ) ;
print8item ( " st(%d) " ) ;
puts ( " st " ) ;
exit ( e_ok ) ;
case c_lasm :
numstr = 1 ;
ListId ( 26 , asmMnem , ofsmnem ) ;
exit ( e_ok ) ;
case c_s :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
if ( ( stacksize = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ) = = 0 ) {
puts ( " Bad stack size. " ) ;
exit ( e_unknowncommandline ) ;
stacksize = Align ( stacksize , 4 ) ;
break ;
case c_w :
gwarning = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wf :
if ( wartype . name ) free ( wartype . name ) ;
wartype . name = BackString ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_de :
divexpand = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_opnum :
optnumber = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_ip :
IncludePath ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_arg :
parsecommandline = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
fargc = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_texe :
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " exe " ) ;
comfile = file_exe ;
break ;
case c_rom :
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " rom " ) ;
comfile = file_rom ;
startptr = 0 ;
startptrdata = 0 ; // data start address
GetMemExeDat ( ) ;
break ;
case c_dll :
wconsole = TRUE ;
dllflag = TRUE ;
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " dll " ) ;
comfile = file_w32 ;
FixUpTable = TRUE ;
goto nexpardll ;
/* FixUp=TRUE;
startptrdata = startptr = 0 ;
am32 = TRUE ;
if ( chip < 3 ) chip = 3 ;
if ( FILEALIGN = = 0 ) FILEALIGN = 512 ;
break ; */
case c_w32c :
wconsole = TRUE ;
goto init_w32 ;
case c_w32 :
wconsole = FALSE ;
dllflag = FALSE ;
init_w32 :
comfile = file_w32 ;
goto nexpar ;
case c_d32 :
comfile = file_d32 ;
nexpar :
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " exe " ) ;
nexpardll :
FixUp = TRUE ;
startptrdata = startptr = 0 ;
am32 = TRUE ;
if ( chip < 3 ) chip = 3 ;
if ( FILEALIGN = = 0 ) FILEALIGN = 512 ;
break ;
case c_meos :
comfile = file_meos ;
am32 = TRUE ;
startptrdata = startptr = 0 ;
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " " ) ;
if ( chip < 3 ) chip = 3 ;
break ;
case c_b32 :
comfile = file_bin ;
am32 = TRUE ;
startptrdata = startptr = 0 ;
if ( extflag ) strcpy ( outext , " bin " ) ;
FixUp = TRUE ;
ImageBase = 0 ;
if ( chip < 3 ) chip = 3 ;
break ;
case c_stub :
if ( stubfile ) free ( stubfile ) ;
stubfile = BackString ( ptr ) ;
dpmistub = FALSE ;
if ( stricmp ( stubfile , " dpmi " ) = = 0 ) {
if ( notdoneprestuff ! = TRUE ) goto errlate ;
dpmistub = TRUE ;
usestub = FALSE ;
break ;
case c_ns :
usestub = ( unsigned char ) 0 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_ap :
AlignProc = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
if ( ptr ! = NULL ) {
alignproc = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
if ( alignproc < 1 | | alignproc > 4096 ) alignproc = 8 ;
break ;
case c_define :
addconsttotree ( ptr , TRUE ) ;
break ;
case c_ost :
optstr = ( unsigned char ) TRUE ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_cri :
crif = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_ia :
idasm = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_dbg :
dbg & = 0xFE ;
char c ;
c = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
dbg | = c ;
if ( ! neg ) InitDbg ( ) ;
break ;
case c_scd :
/*-----------------13.08.00 23:01-------------------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
splitdata = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
if ( modelmem = = SMALL ) splitdata = TRUE ;
break ;
case c_al :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
aligner = ( unsigned char ) getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_at :
atex = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wfa :
FastCallApi = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wfu :
FixUpTable = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wib :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
ImageBase = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_iv :
notpost = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_mer :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
if ( ( maxerrors = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ) = = 0 ) maxerrors = 16 ;
break ;
case c_sa :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
startptrdata = startptr = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_stm :
startuptomain = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_suv :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
startStartup = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_wmb :
WinMonoBlock = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_ust :
useStartup = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_help :
case c_h :
case c_hh :
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
PrintInfo ( ( char * * ) usage ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
exit ( e_ok ) ;
case c_mif :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
if ( rawfilename ! = NULL ) {
free ( rawfilename ) ;
rawfilename = NULL ;
if ( rawext ! = NULL ) {
free ( rawext ) ;
rawext = NULL ;
char * temp ;
if ( ( temp = strrchr ( ptr , ' . ' ) ) ! = NULL ) {
* temp + + = 0 ;
rawext = BackString ( temp ) ;
CheckExtenshions ( ) ;
rawfilename = BackString ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_ac :
AlignCycle = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
if ( ptr ! = NULL ) {
aligncycle = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
if ( aligncycle < 1 & & aligncycle > 4096 ) aligncycle = 8 ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
break ;
case c_ws : //dos-stub for windows programs
if ( winstub ) free ( winstub ) ;
winstub = BackString ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_ind :
ImportName ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_wbss :
wbss = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wo :
useordinal = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_nw :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
len = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
if ( len > 0 & & len < = WARNCOUNT ) wact [ len - 1 ] . usewarn = ( unsigned char ) 0 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_we :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
len = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
if ( len > 0 & & len < = WARNCOUNT ) {
if ( neg ) wact [ len - 1 ] . fwarn = warningprint ;
else wact [ len - 1 ] . fwarn = preerror3 ;
break ;
case c_lst :
SetLST ( neg ) ;
break ;
case c_d4g :
useDOS4GW = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_env :
use_env = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_cpa :
clearpost = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_ul :
uselea = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_as :
if ( ptr ) {
len = getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) ;
if ( caselong ( len ) ! = NUMNUM ) strpackdef = len ;
else strpackdef = ( neg = = FALSE ? 8 : 1 ) ;
strpackcur = strpackdef ;
break ;
case c_lrs :
regoverstack = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_wsi :
shortimport = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_waf :
if ( ptr ! = NULL ) {
FILEALIGN = Align ( getnumber ( ( unsigned char * ) ptr ) , 16 ) ;
break ;
case c_sf :
if ( ptr = = NULL ) return c_end ;
namestartupfile = BackString ( ptr ) ;
break ;
case c_oir :
optinitreg = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_coff :
ocoff = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_js :
addstack = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
if ( addstack = = 0 ) RestoreStack ( ) ;
break ;
case c_ba :
bytesize = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_asp :
if ( blockproc ) goto errlate ;
else ESPloc = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
case c_orv :
replasevar = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
if ( replasevar & & listvic ) ClearLVIC ( ) ;
break ;
case c_map :
mapfile = ( unsigned char ) 1 ^ neg ;
break ;
# endif
case c_ext : //***lev***
strcpy ( outext , BackString ( ptr ) ) ; //***lev***
break ; //***lev***
break ;
return i ;
void SetLST ( unsigned char neg )
if ( ( ( dbg & 2 ) > > 1 ) = = neg ) {
dbg & = 0xFD ;
unsigned char c = ( unsigned char ) ( ( 1 ^ neg ) < < 1 ) ;
dbg | = c ;
if ( neg ) {
if ( ( dbg & 0xFE ) = = 0 ) dbgact = TRUE ;
AddEndLine ( ) ;
else {
InitDbg ( ) ;
if ( notdoneprestuff ! = TRUE ) dbgact = FALSE ; //startup cod
void print8item ( char * str )
// CheckNumStr();
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j + + ) printf ( str , j ) ;
puts ( " " ) ;
void _loadIni ( FILE * inih )
char m1 [ 256 ] ;
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( fgets ( m1 , 255 , inih ) = = NULL ) break ;
if ( SelectComand ( m1 , 0 ) = = c_end ) BadCommandLine ( m1 ) ;
fclose ( inih ) ;
void LoadIni ( char * name )
FILE * inih ;
char m1 [ 256 ] ;
// load name
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( inih = fopen ( name , " rb " ) )
{ _loadIni ( inih ) ; return ; }
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( strcmp ( name , " c--.ini " ) ! = 0 )
return ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
//load findpath[0]\c--.ini
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( findpath [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
sprintf ( m1 , " %s%s " , findpath [ 0 ] , name ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( inih = fopen ( m1 , " rb " ) )
{ _loadIni ( inih ) ; return ; }
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
//load PATH[i=0..end]/c--.ini
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
char * pth = getenv ( " PATH " ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( pth ! = 0 )
char * start ;
int size ;
start = pth ;
while ( * start )
size = 0 ;
char * endp = strchr ( start , DIV_PATH ) ;
size = ( endp = = 0 ) ? strlen ( start ) : endp - start ;
strncpy ( m1 , start , size ) ;
start + = size + 1 ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( m1 [ size - 1 ] ! = DIV_FOLD )
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
m1 [ size + + ] = ' / ' ;
strcpy ( m1 + size , " c--.ini " ) ;
if ( inih = fopen ( m1 , " rb " ) )
{ _loadIni ( inih ) ; return ; }
# ifdef _KOS_
//for KolibriOS: load program_dir/c--.ini
int p ;
strcpy ( m1 , __pgmname ) ;
p = strlen ( m1 ) ;
while ( ( * ( m1 + p ) ! = ' / ' ) & & ( p ! = 0 ) )
p - - ;
if ( p ) {
p + + ;
strcpy ( m1 + p , " c--.ini " ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( inih = fopen ( m1 , " rb " ) )
{ _loadIni ( inih ) ; return ; }
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
//for KolibriOS: load /rd/0/settings/c--.ini
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
inih = fopen ( " /rd/1/settings/c--.ini " , " rb " ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( fgets ( m1 , 255 , inih ) = = NULL ) break ;
if ( SelectComand ( m1 , 0 ) = = c_end ) BadCommandLine ( m1 ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
fclose ( inih ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
return ;
# endif //_KOS_
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
void OutMemory ( )
preerror ( " Compiler out of memory " ) ;
exit ( e_outofmemory ) ;
void * MALLOC ( unsigned long size )
void * mem ;
mem = malloc ( size ) ;
if ( mem = = NULL ) OutMemory ( ) ;
2018-11-09 21:21:10 +03:00
# ifdef _UNIX_
else memset ( mem , 0 , size ) ;
# endif
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
// if(((unsigned long)mem+size)>maxusedmem)maxusedmem=(unsigned long)mem+size;
return mem ;
void * REALLOC ( void * block , unsigned long size )
void * mem ;
mem = realloc ( block , size ) ;
if ( mem = = NULL ) OutMemory ( ) ;
// if(((unsigned long)mem+size)>maxusedmem)maxusedmem=(unsigned long)mem+size;
return mem ;
void IncludePath ( char * buf )
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
char divfold [ 3 ] ;
sprintf ( divfold , " %c " , DIV_FOLD ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( numfindpath < MAXNUMPATH - 1 ) {
int len = strlen ( buf ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
if ( buf [ len - 1 ] = = DIV_FOLD ) buf [ len - 1 ] = 0 ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
else len + + ;
char * a = ( char * ) MALLOC ( len + 1 ) ;
strcpy ( a , buf ) ;
2016-06-16 18:08:19 +03:00
strcat ( a , divfold ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
findpath [ numfindpath ] = a ;
numfindpath + + ;
findpath [ numfindpath ] = " " ;
else puts ( " Too many include paths " ) ;
void doposts ( )
unsigned long addvalue , i , addval , addvalw32 = 0 , addvalbss = 0 ;
if ( splitdata & & modelmem = = TINY & & outptrdata ) {
memcpy ( ( char * ) & output [ outptr ] , ( char * ) & outputdata [ 0 ] , outptrdata ) ;
addval = outptr ;
outptr + = outptrdata ;
outptrdata = outptr ;
addvalue = outptrdata ;
if ( comfile = = file_bin ) addvalbss = addvalw32 = ImageBase ;
else if ( comfile = = file_w32 ) {
addvalbss = addvalw32 = ImageBase + vsizeheader ;
if ( postsize & & wbss ) {
addvalw32 + = Align ( postsize , OBJECTALIGN ) ;
addvalue = 0 ;
else {
if ( ( outptrdata % 2 ) = = 1 ) { /* alignment of entire post data block manditory */
addvalue + + ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> .<2E> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
postsize + + ;
/* if(am32&&(outptrdata%4)==2){
addvalue + = 2 ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> .<2E> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
postsize + = 2 ;
} */
if ( am32 = = 0 & & ( MAXDATA - outptrdata ) < postsize ) preerror ( " post variable size exceeds size left in data segment " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < posts ; i + + ) {
switch ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type ) {
case POST_VAR :
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ( short ) addvalue ;
break ;
case POST_VAR32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = addvalue + addvalbss ;
numrel + + ;
break ;
case FIX_VAR32 :
case FIX_CODE32 :
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = addvalw32 ;
numrel + + ;
break ;
if ( am32 ) {
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = addvalw32 + ( postbuf + i ) - > num ;
( postbuf + i ) - > type = ( unsigned short ) FIX_VAR32 ;
else {
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ( short ) ( addval + ( postbuf + i ) - > num ) ;
( postbuf + i ) - > type = ( unsigned short ) FIX_VAR ;
numrel + + ;
break ;
* ( short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ( short ) addval ;
if ( FixUp ) ( postbuf + i ) - > type = ( unsigned short ) FIX_VAR ;
break ;
* ( long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = addval + addvalw32 ;
if ( FixUp ) ( postbuf + i ) - > type = ( unsigned short ) FIX_VAR32 ;
numrel + + ;
break ;
ooutptr = addvalue ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> post <20> <> <EFBFBD> debug;
void GetMemExeDat ( )
if ( outputdata = = output & & outputdata ! = 0 ) outputdata = ( unsigned char * ) MALLOC ( ( size_t ) MAXDATA ) ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
int writeoutput ( )
EXE_DOS_HEADER exeheader ; // header for EXE format
if ( fobj ) {
if ( comfile = = file_w32 & & ocoff ) return MakeCoff ( ) ;
return MakeObj ( ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_w32 ) return MakePE ( ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_meos ) return MakeMEOS ( ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_bin ) return MakeBin32 ( ) ;
memset ( & exeheader , 0 , sizeof ( EXE_DOS_HEADER ) ) ;
if ( comfile = = file_d32 ) {
if ( usestub ) {
MakeLE ( ) ;
runfilesize + = ftell ( hout ) - 32 ;
goto savecode ;
else goto exefile ;
if ( comfile = = file_com | | comfile = = file_sys | | comfile = = file_rom ) {
hout = CreateOutPut ( outext , " wb " ) ;
if ( fwrite ( output + startptr , comfile = = file_rom ? romsize : outptr - startptr , 1 , hout ) ! = 1 ) {
ErrWrite ( ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
else if ( comfile = = file_exe ) {
exefile :
hout = CreateOutPut ( outext , " wb " ) ;
MakeExeHeader ( & exeheader ) ;
if ( fwrite ( & exeheader , sizeof ( EXE_DOS_HEADER ) , 1 , hout ) ! = 1 ) {
errwr :
fclose ( hout ) ;
hout = NULL ;
ErrWrite ( ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
outputcodestart = ftell ( hout ) ;
savecode :
if ( fwrite ( output + startptr , outptr - startptr , 1 , hout ) ! = 1 ) goto errwr ;
if ( modelmem = = SMALL & & outptrdata ! = 0 ) {
if ( fwrite ( outputdata , outptrdata , 1 , hout ) ! = 1 ) goto errwr ;
fclose ( hout ) ;
hout = NULL ;
return ( 0 ) ;
long CopyFile ( FILE * in , FILE * out )
char tbuf [ 1024 ] ;
long loads = 0 ;
unsigned int len ;
do {
len = fread ( tbuf , 1 , 1024 , in ) ;
if ( fwrite ( tbuf , 1 , len , out ) ! = len ) {
ErrWrite ( ) ;
return - 1 ;
loads + = len ;
} while ( len = = 1024 ) ;
return loads ;
unsigned int EntryPoint ( )
ITOK btok ;
int bb = tk_id ;
unsigned char bufmain [ ] = " main " ;
unsigned char buf2 [ ] = " __startupproc " ;
unsigned char * buf ;
if ( comfile = = file_com ) return startptr ;
btok . number = 0 ;
// if(jumptomain!=CALL_NONE||(comfile==file_w32&&dllflag))buf=buf2;
// else buf=bufmain;
if ( jumptomain = = CALL_NONE ) {
if ( useDOS4GW ) buf = buf2 ;
else buf = bufmain ;
else buf = buf2 ;
searchtree ( & btok , & bb , buf ) ;
if ( bb = = tk_id ) {
if ( comfile = = file_w32 & & dllflag ) return 0xffffffff ;
printf ( " Error! Entry point '%s' is not found. \n " , buf ) ;
exit ( e_entrynotfound ) ;
return btok . number ;
void MakeExeHeader ( EXE_DOS_HEADER * exeheader )
long paragraphsrequired ;
unsigned short count , i ;
int pointstart ;
exeheader - > sign = 0x5a4D ; // MZ
// if(modelmem==TINY&&comfile==file_exe)pointstart=0x100;
/* else*/ pointstart = EntryPoint ( ) ;
count = ( unsigned short ) ( runfilesize % 512 ) ;
i = ( unsigned short ) ( runfilesize / 512 ) ;
exeheader - > numlastbyte = count ;
exeheader - > numpage = ( unsigned short ) ( count = = 0 ? i : i + 1 ) ;
exeheader - > headsize = 2 ; // size of header in paragraphs (2 paragraphs)
exeheader - > initIP = ( unsigned short ) pointstart ; // IP at entry (0x0000)
paragraphsrequired = ( outptr + outptrdata + postsize + stacksize + 15 ) / 16 ;
if ( modelmem = = TINY & & comfile = = file_exe ) {
exeheader - > initSS = 0xFFF0 ; // displacement of SS
exeheader - > initSP = 0xFFFE ; // intial value of SP
exeheader - > initCS = 0xfff0 ; // displacement of CS (0x0000)
if ( ! resizemem ) {
exeheader - > minmem = 0xfff ; // min-paragraphs
exeheader - > maxmem = 0xffff ; // max-paragraphs
else {
paragraphsrequired - = 0x10 ;
exeheader - > initSP = ( unsigned short ) ( paragraphsrequired * 16 ) ; // intial value of SP
exeheader - > minmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // min-paragraphs
exeheader - > maxmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // max-paragraphs
else if ( comfile = = file_d32 ) {
exeheader - > initSP = ( unsigned short ) stacksize ; // intial value of SP
exeheader - > initSS = ( unsigned short ) ( ( outptr + postsize + 15 ) / 16 ) ; // displacement of SS
exeheader - > initCS = ( unsigned short ) ( ( pointstart / 65536 ) * 4096 ) ;
if ( resizemem ) {
exeheader - > minmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // min-paragraphs
exeheader - > maxmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // max-paragraphs
else exeheader - > maxmem = ( unsigned short ) 0xFFFF ; // max-paragraphs
else {
exeheader - > initSS = ( unsigned short ) ( outptr / 16 ) ; // displacement of SS
exeheader - > initSP = ( unsigned short ) ( outptrdata + postsize + stacksize ) ; // intial value of SP
exeheader - > minmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // min-paragraphs
exeheader - > maxmem = ( unsigned short ) paragraphsrequired ; // max-paragraphs
exeheader - > ofsreloc = 0x1c ; // offset of first relocation item (0x0000)
void startsymbiosys ( char * symfile )
unsigned int size ;
int filehandle ;
long filesize ;
outptr = startptr ;
if ( ( filehandle = open ( symfile , O_BINARY | O_RDONLY ) ) = = - 1 ) { ;
ErrOpenFile ( symfile ) ;
exit ( e_symbioerror ) ;
if ( ( filesize = getfilelen ( filehandle ) ) ! = - 1L ) {
if ( filesize + outptr < MAXDATA ) {
size = filesize ;
if ( ( unsigned int ) read ( filehandle , output + outptr , size ) ! = size ) {
close ( filehandle ) ;
puts ( " Error reading symbio COM file. " ) ;
exit ( e_symbioerror ) ;
outptr + = size ;
else {
puts ( " Symbio COM file is too large. " ) ;
exit ( e_symbioerror ) ;
else {
puts ( " Unable to determine symbio COM file size. " ) ;
exit ( e_symbioerror ) ;
close ( filehandle ) ;
outptrdata = outptr ;
outputcodestart = outptr - startptr ;
addconsttotree ( " __comsymbios " , TRUE ) ;
void BadCommandLine ( char * str )
printf ( " Unknown or bad command line option '%s'. \n " , str ) ;
// PrintInfo(usage);
exit ( e_unknowncommandline ) ;
void warnunused ( struct idrec * ptr )
//static count=0;
if ( ptr ! = NULL ) {
if ( ptr - > count = = 0 & & startupfile ! = ptr - > file ) {
linenumber = ptr - > line ;
currentfileinfo = ptr - > file ;
int i = 0 ;
switch ( ptr - > rectok ) {
case tk_proc :
if ( ptr - > recsegm ! = NOT_DYNAMIC | | strcmp ( ptr - > recid , mesmain ) = = 0 ) break ;
i + + ;
case tk_structvar :
i + + ;
case tk_charvar :
case tk_bytevar :
case tk_intvar :
case tk_wordvar :
case tk_longvar :
case tk_dwordvar :
case tk_floatvar :
case tk_pointer :
case tk_qword :
case tk_double :
if ( i < = 1 & & ( ptr - > recpost = = DYNAMIC_VAR | | ptr - > recpost = = DYNAMIC_POST ) ) break ;
warningnotused ( ptr - > recid , i ) ;
break ;
warnunused ( ptr - > left ) ;
warnunused ( ptr - > right ) ;
warnunused ( treestart ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < totalmodule ; i + + ) warnunused ( ( startfileinfo + i ) - > stlist ) ;
void addinitvar ( )
unsigned int i ;
if ( numfloatconst ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> float <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <>
if ( alignword | | optimizespeed ) AlignCD ( DS , chip > 5 ? 16 : 4 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < posts ; i + + ) {
if ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = POST_FLOATNUM ) {
if ( am32 ) * ( unsigned long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] = outptrdata + ( postbuf + i ) - > num ;
else * ( unsigned short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] = ( unsigned short ) ( outptrdata + ( postbuf + i ) - > num ) ;
if ( FixUp ) ( postbuf + i ) - > type = FIX_VAR32 ;
else killpost ( i - - ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numfloatconst ; i + + ) {
if ( dbg & 2 ) {
if ( ( floatnum + i ) - > type = = tk_float ) sprintf ( ( char * ) string , " const float %f " , ( floatnum + i ) - > fnum ) ;
else sprintf ( ( char * ) string , " const double %f " , ( floatnum + i ) - > dnum ) ;
AddDataNullLine ( 4 , ( char * ) string ) ;
outdwordd ( ( floatnum + i ) - > num [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ( floatnum + i ) - > type ! = tk_float ) {
outdwordd ( ( floatnum + i ) - > num [ 1 ] ) ;
datasize + = 4 ;
datasize + = 4 ;
free ( floatnum ) ;
numfloatconst = 0 ;
floatnum = NULL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( unsigned int ) numswtable ; i + + ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> switch
int j ;
FSWI * swt = swtables + i ;
if ( alignword ) AlignCD ( DS , swt - > type ) ;
if ( dbg & 2 ) AddDataNullLine ( ( char ) swt - > type , " switch table address " ) ;
if ( am32 = = FALSE ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
* ( unsigned short * ) & output [ swt - > ptb ] = ( unsigned short ) outptrdata ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & output [ swt - > ptb ] = outptrdata ;
unsigned char oam32 = am32 ;
am32 = ( unsigned char ) ( swt - > type / 2 - 1 ) ;
unsigned long val = swt - > defal ;
int oline = outptrdata ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < swt - > sizetab ; j + + ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
// if((swt->info+jj)->type==singlcase)
AddReloc ( DS ) ;
if ( am32 ) outdwordd ( val ) ;
else outwordd ( val ) ;
if ( swt - > mode = = 2 ) {
if ( dbg & 2 ) AddDataNullLine ( ( char ) swt - > razr , " switch table value " ) ;
if ( oam32 = = FALSE ) { //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
* ( unsigned short * ) & output [ swt - > ptv ] = ( unsigned short ) outptrdata ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & output [ swt - > ptv ] = outptrdata ;
int ii = 0 ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> case
for ( int jj = 0 ; jj < swt - > numcase ; jj + + ) {
j = ( swt - > info + jj ) - > value ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
val = ( swt - > info + jj ) - > postcase ;
if ( ( swt - > info + jj ) - > type = = singlcase ) {
if ( swt - > mode = = 1 ) {
if ( am32 = = FALSE ) * ( unsigned short * ) & outputdata [ oline + j * 2 ] = ( unsigned short ) val ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & outputdata [ oline + j * 4 ] = val ;
else {
if ( am32 = = FALSE ) * ( unsigned short * ) & outputdata [ oline + ii * 2 ] = ( unsigned short ) val ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & outputdata [ oline + ii * 4 ] = val ;
switch ( swt - > razr ) {
case r8 : opd ( j ) ; break ;
case r16 : outwordd ( j ) ; break ;
case r32 : outdwordd ( j ) ; break ;
ii + + ;
else {
jj + + ;
for ( ; ( unsigned int ) j < = ( swt - > info + jj ) - > value ; j + + ) {
if ( swt - > mode = = 1 ) {
if ( am32 = = FALSE ) * ( unsigned short * ) & outputdata [ oline + j * 2 ] = ( unsigned short ) val ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & outputdata [ oline + j * 4 ] = val ;
else {
if ( am32 = = FALSE ) * ( unsigned short * ) & outputdata [ oline + ii * 2 ] = ( unsigned short ) val ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & outputdata [ oline + ii * 4 ] = val ;
switch ( swt - > razr ) {
case r8 : opd ( j ) ; break ;
case r16 : outwordd ( j ) ; break ;
case r32 : outdwordd ( j ) ; break ;
ii + + ;
am32 = oam32 ;
free ( swt - > info ) ;
if ( numswtable ) {
free ( swtables ) ;
numswtable = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < posts ; i + + ) {
if ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = DIN_VAR | | ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = DIN_VAR32 ) {
idrec * ptr = ( idrec * ) ( postbuf + i ) - > num ;
// printf("post=%u num=%08X %s\n",ptr->recpost,ptr->recnumber,ptr->recid);
if ( ptr - > recpost = = USED_DIN_VAR ) setdindata ( ptr , i ) ;
else {
if ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = DIN_VAR ) {
* ( unsigned short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ( unsigned short ) ( ptr - > recnumber ) ;
else {
// printf("loc=%08X num=%08X\n",*(unsigned long *)&output[(postbuf+i)->loc],ptr->recnumber);
* ( unsigned long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ptr - > recnumber ;
if ( FixUp ) ( postbuf + i ) - > type = ( unsigned short ) ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = DIN_VAR ? FIX_VAR : FIX_VAR32 ) ;
else killpost ( i - - ) ;
dopoststrings ( ) ;
void setdindata ( idrec * ptr , int i )
unsigned char * oldinput ;
unsigned int oldinptr , oldendinptr ;
unsigned char bcha ;
unsigned int oline , ofile ;
char * ostartline ;
if ( alignword ) {
if ( ptr - > rectok = = tk_structvar ) alignersize + = AlignCD ( DS , 2 ) ; //<2F> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
else alignersize + = AlignCD ( DS , GetVarSize ( ptr - > rectok ) ) ;
// printf("loc=%08X out=%08X num=%08X\n",*(unsigned long *)&output[(postbuf+i)->loc],outptrdata,ptr->recnumber);
if ( ( postbuf + i ) - > type = = DIN_VAR ) * ( unsigned short * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = ( unsigned short ) ( outptrdata ) ;
else * ( unsigned long * ) & output [ ( postbuf + i ) - > loc ] + = outptrdata ;
ptr - > recpost = 0 ;
ptr - > recnumber + = outptrdata ;
oline = linenum2 ;
ofile = currentfileinfo ;
oldinput = input ;
oldinptr = inptr2 ;
bcha = cha2 ;
oldendinptr = endinptr ;
input = ( unsigned char * ) ptr - > sbuf ;
inptr2 = 1 ;
ostartline = startline ;
startline = ( char * ) input ;
cha2 = input [ 0 ] ;
linenum2 = ptr - > line ;
currentfileinfo = ptr - > file ;
endinptr = strlen ( ( char * ) input ) ;
endinput = startline + endinptr ;
endoffile = 0 ;
tok = ptr - > rectok ;
if ( tok = = tk_structvar ) datasize + = initstructvar ( ( structteg * ) ptr - > newid , ptr - > recrm ) ;
else {
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
long type = 0 , ssize = 0 ;
unsigned char typev = 0 ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( tok > = tk_charvar & & tok < = tk_doublevar ) {
type = tok - ( tk_charvar - tk_char ) ;
typev = variable ;
ssize = typesize ( type ) ;
else if ( tok = = tk_pointer ) {
typev = pointer ;
type = itok . type ;
if ( am32 = = FALSE & & ( ( itok . flag & f_far ) = = 0 ) ) ssize = 2 ;
else ssize = 4 ;
datasize + = initglobalvar ( type , ptr - > recsize / ssize , ssize , typev ) ;
free ( input ) ;
linenum2 = oline ;
currentfileinfo = ofile ;
input = oldinput ;
inptr2 = oldinptr ;
cha2 = bcha ;
endinptr = oldendinptr ;
endoffile = 0 ;
startline = ostartline ;
FILE * CreateOutPut ( char * ext , char * mode )
char buf [ 256 ] ;
FILE * diskout ;
2019-11-14 21:45:31 +03:00
sprintf ( buf , " %s.%s " , rawfilename , ext ) ;
2016-06-13 05:07:22 +03:00
if ( ( diskout = fopen ( buf , mode ) ) = = NULL ) {
ErrOpenFile ( buf ) ;
exit ( e_notcreateoutput ) ;
return diskout ;
int numundefclassproc = 0 ;
idrec * * undefclassproc ;
void AddUndefClassProc ( )
if ( numundefclassproc = = 0 ) undefclassproc = ( idrec * * ) MALLOC ( sizeof ( idrec * * ) ) ;
else undefclassproc = ( idrec * * ) REALLOC ( undefclassproc , sizeof ( idrec * * ) * ( numundefclassproc + 1 ) ) ;
undefclassproc [ numundefclassproc ] = itok . rec ;
numundefclassproc + + ;
void CheckUndefClassProc ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numundefclassproc ; i + + ) {
idrec * ptr = undefclassproc [ i ] ;
if ( ptr - > rectok = = tk_undefproc ) {
currentfileinfo = ptr - > file ;
linenumber = ptr - > line ;
thisundefined ( ptr - > recid ) ;