2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> . <20> ᯮ<EFBFBD> <E1AFAE> 塞<EFBFBD> <EFA5AC> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <20> ᥣ<EFBFBD> <E1A5A3> 8 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
dd 0x1
dd start
dd i_end ;ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <20> ਫ<EFBFBD> <E0A8AB> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
dd mem
dd stacktop
dd 0
dd sys_path
include '../../../../programs/macros.inc'
include '../../../../programs/proc32.inc'
include '../../../../programs/develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
2013-10-03 22:47:46 +04:00
include '../../../../programs/dll.inc'
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
include '../trunk/vox_draw.inc'
2013-10-03 22:47:46 +04:00
include '../trunk/vox_rotate.inc'
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
include '../trunk/str.inc'
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
@ use_library_mem mem.Alloc , mem.Free , mem.ReAlloc , dl l.Load
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
caption db 'Voxel mover 29.01.15' , 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
struc t FileInfoBlock
Function dd ?
Position dd ?
Flags dd ?
Count dd ?
Buffer dd ?
db ?
FileName dd ?
run_file_70 FileInfoBlock
image_data dd 0 ;㪠<> <E3AAA0> ⥫<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> ६<EFBFBD> <E0A5AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> . <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> 㦥<EFBFBD> <20> ८<EFBFBD> ࠧ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
image_data_toolbar dd 0
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 㬮<> 砭<EFBFBD> <E7A0AD> , <20> <> <EFBFBD> ini 䠩<> <E4A0A9>
ini_def_window_t equ 10
ini_def_window_l equ 10
ini_def_window_w equ 550
ini_def_window_h equ 415
ini_def_buf_w equ 198 ;=192+6
ini_def_buf_h equ 231 ;=224+7
ini_def_s_zoom equ 5
ini_def_t_size equ 10
ini_def_color_b equ 0xffffff
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ᠭ<EFBFBD> <E1A0AD> <20> <> ࠬ<EFBFBD> <E0A0AC> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ini 䠩<> <E4A0A9>
ini_name db 'vox_mover.ini' , 0
ini_sec_window db 'Window' , 0
key_window_t db 't' , 0
key_window_l db 'l' , 0
key_window_w db 'w' , 0
key_window_h db 'h' , 0
key_buf_w db 'buf_w' , 0
key_buf_h db 'buf_h' , 0
ini_sec_options db 'Options' , 0
key_s_zoom db 's_zoom' , 0
key_t_size db 'tile_size' , 0
key_f_size db 'file_size' , 0
key_col_b db 'c_background' , 0
macro load_image_file path , buf , si ze { ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㧪<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
;path - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ६<EFBFBD> <E0A5AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ப<EFBFBD> <E0AEAA> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ࠬ<EFBFBD> <E0A0AC>
if path eqtype '' ;<3B> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ப<EFBFBD> <E0AEAA> <20> <> ࠬ<EFBFBD> <E0A0AC> <EFBFBD> path
jmp @ f
local .path_str
.path_str db path ;<3B> <> ନ<EFBFBD> 㥬 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ६<EFBFBD> <E0A5AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
db 0
@ @ :
;32 - <20> ⠭<EFBFBD> <E2A0AD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ⥬<EFBFBD> <E2A5AC> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ⥬
copy_path .path_str ,[ 32 ], file_name , 0x0
copy_path path ,[ 32 ], file_name , 0x0 ;<3B> <> ନ<EFBFBD> 㥬 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> , <20> <> <EFBFBD> ࠧ㬥<E0A0A7> <E3ACA5> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> ணࠬ<E0AEA3> <E0A0AC> <EFBFBD>
end if
stdcall mem.Alloc , dword si ze ;<3B> 뤥<EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov [ buf ], eax
mov eax , 70 ;70-<2D> <20> 㭪<EFBFBD> <E3ADAA> <EFBFBD> ࠡ<> <E0A0A1> <EFBFBD> <20> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov [ run_file_70.Function ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Position ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Flags ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Count ], dword si ze
m2m [ run_file_70.Buffer ], [ buf ]
mov byte [ run_file_70 + 20 ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.FileName ], file_name
mov ebx , run_file_70
int 0x40 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㦠<EFBFBD> <E3A6A0> 䠩<> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
cmp ebx , 0xffffffff
je @ f
;<3B> <> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> ॢ<EFBFBD> <E0A5A2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> ६<EFBFBD> <E0A5AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> image_data
stdcall dword [ img_decode ], dword [ buf ], ebx , 0
mov dword [ image_data ], eax
;<3B> ८<EFBFBD> ࠧ㥬 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> ଠ <EFBFBD> <E0ACA0> rgb
stdcall dword [ img_to_rgb2 ], dword [ image_data ], dword [ buf ]
;㤠<> 塞 <20> ६<EFBFBD> <E0A5AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> image_data
stdcall dword [ img_destroy ], dword [ image_data ]
@ @ :
OT_MAP_X equ 0
OT_MAP_Y equ 0
PEN_MODE_CLEAR equ 0 ;० <> <E0A5A6> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ࠭<EFBFBD> <E0A0AD>
PEN_MODE_SELECT_COLOR equ 2 ;० <> <E0A5A6> <20> 롮<EFBFBD> <EBA1AE> 梥<> <E6A2A5>
align 4
load_libraries l_libs_start , l_libs_end
;<3B> <EFBFBD> ઠ <20> <> <> 쪮 㤠筮 <20> <> <EFBFBD> 㧨<EFBFBD> <E3A7A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD>
mov ebp , lib_2
cmp dword [ ebp + ll_struc_size - 4 ], 0
jz @ f
mcall - 1 ;exit not correct
@ @ :
mcall 48 , 3 , sc , si zeof.system_colors
mcall 40 , 0x27
stdcall [ OpenDialog_Init ], OpenDialog_data ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⮢<EFBFBD> <E2AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
;--- load ini file ---
copy_path ini_name , sys_path , file_name , 0
;window startup pozition
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_window_l , ini_def_window_l
mov word [ wnd_s_pos + 2 ], ax
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_window_w , ini_def_window_w
mov word [ wnd_s_pos ], ax
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_window_t , ini_def_window_t
mov word [ wnd_s_pos + 6 ], ax
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_window_h , ini_def_window_h
mov word [ wnd_s_pos + 4 ], ax
;image buffer size
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_buf_w , ini_def_buf_w
mov [ buf_0.w ], eax
mov [ buf_0z.w ], eax
add ax , 15
mov [ buf_pl.l ], ax ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> ࠢ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A2> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_buf_h , ini_def_buf_h
mov [ buf_0.h ], eax
mov [ buf_0z.h ], eax
;梥<> 䮭<>
stdcall dword [ ini_get_color ], file_name , ini_sec_window , key_col_b , ini_def_color_b
mov [ buf_0.color ], eax
mov [ buf_pl.color ], eax
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⠡, <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ண<EFBFBD> <20> 㤥<EFBFBD> 㢥<> <E3A2A5> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_options , key_s_zoom , ini_def_s_zoom
mov [ scaled_zoom ], eax
;ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⨪<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E1AAAE> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_options , key_t_size , ini_def_t_size
mov [ tile_size ], eax
stdcall dword [ ini_get_int ], file_name , ini_sec_options , key_f_size , 64
shl eax , 10
mov [ max_open_file_size ], eax
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
imul eax ,[ tile_size ]
mov [ buf_pl.w ], eax
add eax ,[ tile_size ]
mov [ buf_pl.h ], eax
stdcall [ buf2d_create ], buf_0 ;ᮧ<> <E1AEA7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_create ], buf_0z ;ᮧ<> <E1AEA7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 㡨<EFBFBD> <E3A1A8>
stdcall [ buf2d_create ], buf_pl ;ᮧ<> <E1AEA7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_brush_create ], buf_vox , vox_6_7_z
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
load_image_file 'toolbar_m.png' , image_data_toolbar , IMAGE_TOOLBAR_SIZE
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall mem.Alloc ,[ max_open_file_size ]
mov dword [ open_file_vox ], eax
stdcall mem.Alloc ,[ max_open_file_size ]
mov dword [ moved_file_vox ], eax
stdcall but_new_file , [ open_file_vox ]
stdcall but_new_file , [ moved_file_vox ]
align 4
call draw_window
align 4
mcall 10
cmp al , 1
jz red_win
cmp al , 2
jz key
cmp al , 3
jz button
cmp al , 6
jne @ f
mcall 9 , procinfo , - 1
cmp ax , word [ procinfo + 4 ]
jne @ f ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ⨢<EFBFBD> <E2A8A2>
call mouse
@ @ :
jmp still
align 4
mcall 37 , 2
bt eax , 1 ;right button
jnc @ f
mcall 37 , 1 ;get mouse coords
mov ebx , eax
shr ebx , 16
and eax , 0xffff
stdcall get_buf_color , buf_0
stdcall get_buf_color , buf_pl
jmp .end_f
@ @ :
bt eax , 0 ;left button
jnc .end_f
mcall 37 , 1 ;get mouse coords
mov ebx , eax
shr ebx , 16
and eax , 0xffff
push eax ebx
mov edx ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp edx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle @ f
sub edx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
sub ax , word [ buf_0.t ]
sub bx , word [ buf_0.l ]
stdcall get_mouse_ev_scale , buf_vox , ebx , eax , [ scaled_zoom ], edx
cmp eax , 0
je @ f
mov ebx , eax
and eax , 0x3fffffff
rol ebx , 2
and ebx , 3
dec ebx
shl ebx , 2
add ebx , cam_x
mov dword [ ebx ], eax ;change [cam_x] or [cam_y] or [cam_z]
call draw_objects
pop ebx eax
jmp .end_f
@ @ :
pop ebx eax
;eax - mouse coord y
;ebx - mouse coord x
movzx edx , word [ buf_pl.t ]
add edx , OT_MAP_Y
cmp eax , edx
jl .end_f
sub eax , edx
xor edx , edx
mov ecx ,[ tile_size ] ;H
div ecx
movzx edx , word [ buf_pl.l ]
add edx , OT_MAP_X
cmp ebx , edx
jl .end_f
call convert_y ;<3B> ८<EFBFBD> ࠧ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y
cmp eax , 0
jge .end_0 ;<3B> <> ࠭<EFBFBD> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y
cmp eax , - 1
jne .end_f
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> , <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⨪
sub ebx , edx
mov eax , ebx
xor edx , edx
mov ecx ,[ tile_size ] ;W
div ecx
mov [ n_plane ], eax
jmp .end_1
mov [ v_cur_y ], eax ;Y-coord
sub ebx , edx
mov eax , ebx
xor edx , edx
mov ecx ,[ tile_size ] ;W
div ecx
mov [ v_cur_x ], eax ;X-coord
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
; eax - coord y
; ebx - coord x
align 4
proc get_buf_color , buf : dword
mov edi ,[ buf ]
cmp ax , buf2d_t
jl .end_f
sub ax , buf2d_t
cmp eax , buf2d_h
jg .end_f
cmp bx , buf2d_l
jl .end_f
sub bx , buf2d_l
cmp ebx , buf2d_w
jg .end_f
stdcall [ buf2d_get_pixel ], edi , ebx , eax
mov [ v_color ], eax
call on_change_color ;<3B> ⮡ࠦ<E2AEA1> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 梥<> <E6A2A5>
;<3B> ८<EFBFBD> ࠧ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A7> 뢠<EFBFBD> <EBA2A0> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y (<28> <> <EFBFBD> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㢥<> <E3A2A5> 稢<EFBFBD> <E7A8A2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> )
align 4
push ecx edx
mov ecx ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle @ f
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
@ @ :
mov edx , 1
cmp ecx , 1
jl @ f
shl edx , cl
@ @ :
sub edx , eax
dec edx
mov eax , edx
pop edx ecx
align 4
mcall 12 , 1
; *** <20> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> (<28> 믮<EFBFBD> <EBAFAE> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 1 ࠧ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᪥) ***
mov edx ,[ sc.work ]
or edx ,( 3 shl 24 ) + 0x30000000
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 0 , dword [ wnd_s_pos ], dword [ wnd_s_pos + 4 ],,, caption
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
; *** ᮧ<> <E1AEA7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ***
mov esi ,[ sc.work_button ]
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 8 ,( 5 shl 16 ) + 20 ,( 5 shl 16 ) + 20 , 3
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
mov ebx ,( 30 shl 16 ) + 20
mov edx , 4
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 5
int 0x40
add ebx , 30 shl 16
mov edx , 6
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 7
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 8
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 9
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 10
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 11
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 12
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 13
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 14
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 15
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 16
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 17
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 18
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 19
int 0x40
add ebx , 25 shl 16
mov edx , 20
int 0x40
; *** <20> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ***
mov edx ,( 7 shl 16 ) + 7 ;icon new
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 7 ,[ image_data_toolbar ],( 16 shl 16 ) + 16
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;icon open
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;icon save
int 0x40
add edx ,( 30 shl 16 ) ;㢥<> <E3A2A5> <EFBFBD> . <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;㬥<> <E3ACA5> <EFBFBD> . <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 1
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 2
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;ᤢ<> <E1A4A2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E1AAAE> <EFBFBD> +
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;ᤢ<> <E1A4A2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E1AAAE> <EFBFBD> -
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;<3B> ᢥ饭<E1A2A5> <E9A5AD>
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;७<> <E0A5AD> <EFBFBD> 2*2
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
add edx ,( 25 shl 16 ) ;
int 0x40
; *** <20> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ***
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
mcall 12 , 2
align 4
mov esi ,[ sc.work_button_text ]
or esi ,( 1 shl 30 )
mov edi ,[ sc.work_button ]
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 47 , ( 3 shl 16 ) + ( 1 shl 31 ), [ v_zoom ], (( 350 + 6 * 9 ) shl 16 ) + OT_CAPT_Y_COLOR + 2 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
mov ecx ,[ n_plane ]
add edx , 115 shl 16 ;9
int 0x40 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
mov dword [ txt_curor.size ], 0
mov eax , dword [ v_cur_x ]
mov edi , txt_curor.size
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
stdcall convert_int_to_str , 10
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall str_cat , edi , txt_mull
mov eax , dword [ v_cur_y ]
mov edi , txt_buf
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
stdcall convert_int_to_str , 16
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall str_cat , txt_curor.size , edi
stdcall str_cat , txt_curor.size , txt_space ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 騩 <20> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA1>
mov dword [ txt_mov_offs.size ], 0
mov eax , dword [ mov_x ]
mov edi , txt_mov_offs.size
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
stdcall convert_int_to_str , 30
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall str_cat , edi , txt_space
mov eax , dword [ mov_y ]
mov edi , txt_buf
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
stdcall convert_int_to_str , 16
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall str_cat , txt_mov_offs.size , edi
stdcall str_cat , txt_mov_offs.size , txt_space
mov eax , dword [ mov_z ]
mov edi , txt_buf
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
stdcall convert_int_to_str , 16
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
stdcall str_cat , txt_mov_offs.size , edi
stdcall str_cat , txt_mov_offs.size , txt_space ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 騩 <20> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA1>
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
;<3B> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<> <E2A5AA> <EFBFBD>
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
mov ecx ,[ sc.work_text ]
or ecx , 0x80000000 ;or (1 shl 30)
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 4 , ( OT_CAPT_X_COLOR shl 16 ) + OT_CAPT_Y_COLOR + 2 ,, txt_color
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
mov edx , txt_curor
add ebx , 115 shl 16
or ecx ,( 1 shl 30 )
mov edi ,[ sc.work ]
int 0x40
mov edx , txt_mov_offs
add ebx , 115 shl 16
int 0x40
mov edx , txt_zoom
add ebx , 115 shl 16
int 0x40
mov edx , txt_n_plane
add ebx , 115 shl 16
int 0x40
call on_change_color
align 4
mov ebx ,(( OT_CAPT_X_COLOR + 35 ) shl 16 ) + 16 ;<3B> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> x
mov ecx ,( OT_CAPT_Y_COLOR shl 16 ) + 12 ;<3B> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> y
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 13 ,,,[ v_color ]
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
mov ecx , edx
mov edx ,(( OT_CAPT_X_COLOR + 55 ) shl 16 ) + OT_CAPT_Y_COLOR + 2
mov esi ,[ sc.work_text ]
add esi ,( 1 shl 30 )
mov edi ,[ sc.work ]
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
mcall 47 ,( 1 shl 8 ) + ( 6 shl 16 )
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
align 4
mcall 2
jmp still
align 4
mcall 17
cmp ah , 3
jne @ f
stdcall but_new_file , [ open_file_vox ]
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 4
jne @ f
call but_open_file
@ @ :
cmp ah , 5
jne @ f
call but_save_file
@ @ :
cmp ah , 6
jne @ f
call but_zoom_p
@ @ :
cmp ah , 7
jne @ f
call but_zoom_m
@ @ :
cmp ah , 8
jne @ f
call but_3
@ @ :
cmp ah , 9
jne @ f
call but_4
@ @ :
cmp ah , 10
jne @ f
call but_plane_inc
@ @ :
cmp ah , 11
jne @ f
call but_plane_dec
@ @ :
cmp ah , 12
jne @ f
call but_light
@ @ :
cmp ah , 13
jne @ f
call but_rend_2_2
@ @ :
cmp ah , 14
jne @ f
call but_move
@ @ :
cmp ah , 15
jne @ f
dec dword [ mov_x ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 16
jne @ f
inc dword [ mov_x ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 17
jne @ f
dec dword [ mov_y ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 18
jne @ f
inc dword [ mov_y ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 19
jne @ f
dec dword [ mov_z ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 20
jne @ f
inc dword [ mov_z ]
call draw_pok
@ @ :
cmp ah , 1
jne still
stdcall [ buf2d_delete ], buf_0
stdcall [ buf2d_delete ], buf_0z
cmp dword [ buf_r_img ], 0
je @ f
stdcall [ buf2d_delete ], buf_r_img
stdcall [ buf2d_delete ], buf_r_z
@ @ :
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_brush_delete ], buf_vox
stdcall mem.Free ,[ image_data_toolbar ]
stdcall mem.Free ,[ open_file_vox ]
stdcall mem.Free ,[ moved_file_vox ]
mcall - 1
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> 樠<EFBFBD> <E6A8A0> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 樨 <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᥫ쭮<E1A5AB> <ECADAE> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA>
align 4
db 2 , 0 , 0 , 0
db 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ;default table
dd 0 ;null node
align 4
proc but_new_file uses ecx edi esi , file_data : dword
mov ecx , vox_offs_data + 4
mov esi , vox_new_data
mov edi ,[ file_data ]
rep movsb
align 4
open_file_vox dd 0 ;㪠<> <E3AAA0> ⥫<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD>
moved_file_vox dd 0
align 4
copy_path open_dialog_name , communication_area_default_path , file_name , 0
mov [ OpenDialog_data.type ], 0
stdcall [ OpenDialog_Start ], OpenDialog_data
cmp [ OpenDialog_data.status ], 2
je .end_open_file
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> 㤠筮<E3A4A0> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⨨ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov eax , 70 ;70-<2D> <20> 㭪<EFBFBD> <E3ADAA> <EFBFBD> ࠡ<> <E0A0A1> <EFBFBD> <20> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov [ run_file_70.Function ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Position ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Flags ], 0
m2m dword [ run_file_70.Count ], dword [ max_open_file_size ]
m2m [ run_file_70.Buffer ], [ open_file_vox ]
mov byte [ run_file_70 + 20 ], 0
mov dword [ run_file_70.FileName ], openfile_path
mov ebx , run_file_70
int 0x40 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㦠<EFBFBD> <E3A6A0> 䠩<> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
cmp ebx , 0xffffffff
je .end_open_file
;add ebx,[open_file_vox]
;mov byte[ebx],0 ;<3B> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> 砩 <20> ࠭<> <E0A0AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 襣<EFBFBD> ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD>
mcall 71 , 1 , openfile_path
mov eax ,[ open_file_vox ]
movzx eax , byte [ eax ]
and eax , 0xff ;<3B> <> ६ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡ <20> <> 㬮<> 砭<EFBFBD> <E7A0AD>
mov dword [ v_zoom ], eax ;<3B> <> ६ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡ <20> <> 㬮<> 砭<EFBFBD> <E7A0AD>
mov dword [ cam_x ], 0
mov dword [ cam_y ], 0
mov dword [ cam_z ], 0
call draw_objects
align 4
copy_path open_dialog_name , communication_area_default_path , file_name , 0
mov [ OpenDialog_data.type ], 1
stdcall [ OpenDialog_Start ], OpenDialog_data
cmp [ OpenDialog_data.status ], 2
je .end_save_file
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> 㤠筮<E3A4A0> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⨨ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov eax , dword [ v_zoom ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡ <20> <> 㬮<> 砭<EFBFBD> <E7A0AD>
mov ebx ,[ moved_file_vox ]
mov byte [ ebx ], al
stdcall buf2d_vox_obj_get_size , ebx
mov dword [ run_file_70.Count ], eax ;ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <E4A0A9>
mov eax , 70 ;70-<2D> <20> 㭪<EFBFBD> <E3ADAA> <EFBFBD> ࠡ<> <E0A0A1> <EFBFBD> <20> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov [ run_file_70.Function ], 2
mov [ run_file_70.Position ], 0
mov [ run_file_70.Flags ], 0
mov ebx , dword [ moved_file_vox ]
mov [ run_file_70.Buffer ], ebx
mov byte [ run_file_70 + 20 ], 0
mov dword [ run_file_70.FileName ], openfile_path
mov ebx , run_file_70
int 0x40 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㦠<EFBFBD> <E3A6A0> 䠩<> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
cmp ebx , 0xffffffff
je .end_save_file
;㢥<> <E3A2A5> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡<EFBFBD>
align 4
cmp dword [ v_zoom ], 10 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ᨬ<EFBFBD> <E1A8AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> , <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ண<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㢥<> <E3A2A5> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 2^10=1024
jge @ f
inc dword [ v_zoom ]
shl dword [ n_plane ], 1
push eax
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jl .end_0
push ecx
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
shl dword [ cam_x ], 1
shl dword [ cam_y ], 1
shl dword [ cam_z ], 1
cmp eax ,[ n_plane ]
jg .end_1
;<3B> <> ४<EFBFBD> <E0A5AA> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㭪<EFBFBD>
sub [ n_plane ], eax
inc dword [ cam_y ]
pop ecx
pop eax
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
@ @ :
;㬥<> <E3ACA5> 襭<EFBFBD> <E8A5AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡<EFBFBD>
align 4
cmp dword [ v_zoom ], 1
jl @ f
dec dword [ v_zoom ]
shr dword [ n_plane ], 1
push eax
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jl .end_0
shr dword [ cam_x ], 1
shr dword [ cam_y ], 1
jnc .end_1
;<3B> <> ४<EFBFBD> <E0A5AA> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㭪<EFBFBD>
push ecx
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
dec ecx
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
add [ n_plane ], eax
pop ecx
shr dword [ cam_z ], 1
pop eax
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
@ @ :
align 4
stdcall vox_obj_rot_z , [ open_file_vox ]
call draw_objects
align 4
stdcall vox_obj_rot_x , [ open_file_vox ]
call draw_objects
align 4
push eax ecx
inc dword [ n_plane ]
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle .end_0
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
cmp eax ,[ n_plane ]
jg @ f
mov dword [ n_plane ], 0
inc dword [ cam_y ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 室<EFBFBD> <E5AEA4> <20> <20> <> ᥤ<EFBFBD> <E1A5A4> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD>
neg ecx
;inc ecx
add ecx ,[ v_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
cmp eax ,[ cam_y ]
jg @ f
mov dword [ cam_y ], 0 ;<3B> <> 横<EFBFBD> <E6A8AA> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> 뫥<EFBFBD> <EBABA5> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <E1ABA5> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> 㡠
@ @ :
jmp .end_1
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> ந<EFBFBD> 室<EFBFBD> <E5AEA4>
mov ecx , eax
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
cmp eax ,[ n_plane ]
jg .end_1
mov dword [ n_plane ], 0
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
pop ecx eax
align 4
dec dword [ n_plane ]
cmp dword [ n_plane ], 0
jge .end_f
push eax ecx
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
dec eax
mov dword [ n_plane ], eax
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle .end_0
dec dword [ cam_y ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 室<EFBFBD> <E5AEA4> <20> <20> <> ᥤ<EFBFBD> <E1A5A4> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD>
cmp dword [ cam_y ], 0
jge .end_0
mov ecx , eax
sub ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
xor eax , eax
inc eax
shl eax , cl
dec eax
mov dword [ cam_y ], eax ;<3B> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> 㡠 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 0 <20> <> <EFBFBD> ࠢ<EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᨬ<EFBFBD> <E1A8AC> 쭮<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
pop ecx eax
call draw_objects
call draw_pok
align 4
xor dword [ mode_light ], 1
call draw_objects
align 4
push edi
cmp dword [ buf_r_img ], 0
jne @ f
push ecx esi
mov edi , buf_r_img
mov esi , buf_0
rep movsb ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㥬 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ࠬ<EFBFBD> <E0A0AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> ᭮<EFBFBD> <E1ADAE> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov edi , buf_r_img
mov buf2d_data , 0
shl buf2d_w , 1 ;㢥<> <E3A2A5> 稢<EFBFBD> <E7A8A2> <EFBFBD> ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
shl buf2d_h , 1
stdcall [ buf2d_create ], buf_r_img
mov edi , buf_r_z
mov esi , buf_0z
rep movsb ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㥬 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ࠬ<EFBFBD> <E0A0AC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> ᭮<EFBFBD> <E1ADAE> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov edi , buf_r_z
mov buf2d_data , 0
shl buf2d_w , 1 ;㢥<> <E3A2A5> 稢<EFBFBD> <E7A8A2> <EFBFBD> ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
shl buf2d_h , 1
stdcall [ buf2d_create ], buf_r_z
pop esi ecx
@ @ :
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_r_img , [ buf_0.color ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_r_z , 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
push eax ebx ecx
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle .end_scaled
;७<> <E0A5AD> <EFBFBD> 㢥<> <E3A2A5> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA>
mov ebx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
sub eax , ebx
inc ebx
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled ], buf_r_img , buf_r_z , buf_vox , \
[ open_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , 0 , ebx , [ cam_x ],[ cam_y ],[ cam_z ], eax , [ sc.work_graph ]
bt dword [ mode_light ], 0
jnc @ f
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows ], buf_r_img , buf_r_z , buf_vox , 0 , 0 , 0 , ebx , 3
@ @ :
xor ebx , ebx
xor ecx , ecx
mov edi , buf_r_img
stdcall [ buf2d_img_hdiv2 ], edi
shr buf2d_h , 1
stdcall [ buf2d_img_wdiv2 ], edi
shr buf2d_w , 1
jmp .show
inc eax
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g ], buf_r_img , buf_r_z , buf_vox , [ open_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , 0 , eax
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g ], buf_r_img , buf_r_z , [ open_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , eax
bt dword [ mode_light ], 0
jnc @ f
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows ], buf_r_img , buf_r_z , buf_vox , 0 , 0 , 0 , eax , 3
@ @ :
mov edi , buf_r_img
stdcall [ buf2d_img_hdiv2 ], edi
shr buf2d_h , 1
stdcall [ buf2d_img_wdiv2 ], edi
shr buf2d_w , 1
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g ], buf_vox ,[ v_zoom ]
mov ebx ,[ buf_0.w ]
sub ebx , eax
shr ebx , 1 ;ebx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> 業<> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 쪨<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ਧ<EFBFBD> <E0A8A7> ⠫<EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g ], buf_vox ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ buf_0.h ]
jg @ f
mov ecx ,[ buf_0.h ]
sub ecx , eax
shr ecx , 1 ;ecx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> 業<> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 쪨<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ⨪<EFBFBD> <E2A8AA> <EFBFBD>
@ @ :
stdcall [ buf2d_bit_blt ], buf_0 , ebx , ecx , edi
shl buf2d_h , 1
shl buf2d_w , 1
pop ecx ebx eax
pop edi
stdcall [ buf2d_draw ], buf_0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ࠭<EFBFBD>
align 4
push eax
stdcall but_new_file , [ moved_file_vox ]
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
stdcall buf_vox_obj_recreat , [ open_file_vox ], [ moved_file_vox ], \
[ mov_x ],[ mov_y ],[ mov_z ], eax
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_0 , [ buf_0.color ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_0z , 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle @ f
mov eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
@ @ :
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g ], buf_0 , buf_0z , buf_vox , [ moved_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , 0 , eax
pop eax
stdcall [ buf2d_draw ], buf_0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ࠭<EFBFBD>
; <20> 㭪<EFBFBD> <E3ADAA> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᥫ<EFBFBD> <E1A5AB> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> (<28> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 3 <20> ࠭<EFBFBD> )
; v_obj - <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᥫ<EFBFBD> <E1A5AB> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD>
; k_scale - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> . <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡<EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
align 4
proc buf_vox_obj_recreat , v_obj : dword , obj_n : dword , \
coord_x: dw ord , coord_y : dword , coord_z : dword , k_scale : dword
mov edi ,[ v_obj ]
mov ecx ,[ k_scale ]
mov ebx ,[ coord_x ]
mov edx ,[ coord_y ]
add edi , vox_offs_data
mov esi ,[ coord_z ]
stdcall vox_go_in_node , [ v_obj ], [ obj_n ]
; ebx - coord_x
; edx - coord_y
; esi - coord_z
; ecx - <20> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <EFBFBD> ⥪<> 襣<EFBFBD> 㧫<>
; edi - 㪠<> <E3AAA0> ⥫<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᥫ쭮<E1A5AB> <ECADAE> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA>
align 4
proc vox_go_in_node , v_obj : dword , obj_n : dword
cmp byte [ edi + 3 ], 0 ;ᬮ<> ਬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ॢ<EFBFBD> <E0A5A2>
je .sub_trees
;४<> <E0A5AA> ᨢ<EFBFBD> <E1A8A2> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ॡ<EFBFBD> <E0A5A1> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ॢ쥢
push eax edx
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> ࠬ<> <E0A0AC> <20> ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> 㧫<> = 1
cmp ecx , 0
jne @ f
stdcall buf2d_vox_obj_create_node , [ obj_n ], ebx , edx , esi , [ v_zoom ], [ edi ]
@ @ :
;<3B> 室 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㧫<>
dec ecx
mov ah , byte [ edi + 3 ]
add edi , 4
mov al , 8
bt ax , 8 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㥬 ⮫쪮 ah
jnc .c_next
push ebx edx esi
stdcall vox_corect_coords , [ v_obj ]
stdcall vox_go_in_node , [ v_obj ], [ obj_n ]
pop esi edx ebx
shr ah , 1
dec al
jnz .cycle
;<3B> <> 室 <20> <> 㧫<>
inc ecx
pop edx eax
jmp .end_f
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> 㥬 㧥<>
cmp ecx , 0
jne @ f
stdcall buf2d_vox_obj_create_node , [ obj_n ], ebx , edx , esi , [ v_zoom ], [ edi ]
@ @ :
add edi , 4
;<3B> 㭪<EFBFBD> <E3ADAA> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ४<EFBFBD> <E0A5AA> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD>
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ࠢ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> ᥩ <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ᥫ<EFBFBD> :
; * y
; /
; \
; * x
; al - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㧫<> <20> <20> <> ॢ<EFBFBD> (<28> <> 1 <20> <> 8)
; ebx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> x
; edx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y
; esi - <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> z
; ecx - <20> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <EFBFBD> ⥪<> 襣<EFBFBD> 㧫<>
; ebx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> x
; edx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y
; esi - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> z
align 4
proc vox_corect_coords , v_obj : dword
cmp ecx , 0
jl .end_f ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <20> ७<E1AAAE> <E0A5AD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2>
push eax edi
and eax , 15 ;<3B> 뤥<EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㧫<> <20> <20> <> ॢ<EFBFBD>
mov edi ,[ v_obj ]
add edi , vox_offs_tree_table
add edi , 8
sub edi , eax
xor eax , eax
inc eax
cmp ecx , 1
shl eax , cl
bt word [ edi ], 0 ;test voxel coord x
jnc @ f
add ebx , eax
@ @ :
bt word [ edi ], 1 ;test voxel coord y
jnc @ f
add edx , eax
@ @ :
bt word [ edi ], 2 ;test voxel coord z
jnc @ f
add esi , eax
@ @ :
pop edi eax
align 4
v_zoom dd 3 ;⥪<> 騩 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡
v_cur_x dd 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> x
v_cur_y dd 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> न<EFBFBD> <E0A4A8> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> y (<28> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA> z)
n_plane dd 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E1AAAE> <EFBFBD> <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD>
v_color dd 0xff ;梥<> <20> <> ࠭<EFBFBD> <E0A0AD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mode_light dd 1 ;० <> <E0A5A6> <20> ᢥ饭<E1A2A5> <E9A5AD>
cam_x dd 0
cam_y dd 0
cam_z dd 0
;ᤢ<> <E1A4A2> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᮧ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> (<28> <> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> )
mov_x dd 0
mov_y dd 0
mov_z dd 0
scaled_zoom dd 5 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡ <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ண<EFBFBD> <20> <> 稭<EFBFBD> <E7A8AD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
tile_size dd ? ;ࠧ<> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⨪<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <E1AAAE> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> <EFBFBD>
max_open_file_size dd ?
brush_w dd 5 ;<3B> <> ਭ<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
brush_h dd 5 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
brush_data dd 1 shl 31 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 31
dd 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30
dd 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30
dd 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30
dd 1 shl 31 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 30 , 1 shl 31
rd 999 ;32*32-25
txt_zoom db '<27> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⠡:' , 0
txt_curor: db '<27> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> : '
.size: rb 10
txt_n_plane db '<27> <> 祭<EFBFBD> <E7A5AD> :' , 0
txt_color db '<27> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> :' , 0
txt_mov_offs: db '<27> <> <EFBFBD> 饭<EFBFBD> <E9A5AD> : '
.size: rb 30
txt_mull db '*' , 0
txt_space db ' ' , 0
txt_buf rb 16
align 4
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_0 , [ buf_0.color ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_0z , 0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_clear ], buf_pl , [ buf_pl.color ] ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ⨬ <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
push eax ebx ecx
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g ], buf_vox ,[ v_zoom ]
mov ebx ,[ buf_0.w ]
sub ebx , eax
shr ebx , 1 ;ebx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> 業<> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 쪨<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ਧ<EFBFBD> <E0A8A7> ⠫<EFBFBD>
xor ecx , ecx
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g ], buf_vox ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ buf_0.h ]
jg @ f
mov ecx ,[ buf_0.h ]
sub ecx , eax
shr ecx , 1 ;ecx - <20> <> <EFBFBD> 業<> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 쪨<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <>
@ @ :
mov eax ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jg @ f
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g ], buf_0 , buf_0z , buf_vox , \
[ open_file_vox ], ebx , ecx , 0 , eax
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl ], buf_pl , [ open_file_vox ], \
OT_MAP_X , OT_MAP_Y ,[ tile_size ], eax , [ n_plane ], [ sc.work_graph ]
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g ], buf_0 , buf_0z , \
[ open_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , eax
bt dword [ mode_light ], 0
jnc .end_1
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows ], buf_0 , buf_0z , buf_vox , ebx , ecx , 0 , eax , 3
jmp .end_0
@ @ :
sub eax ,[ scaled_zoom ]
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled ], buf_0 , buf_0z , buf_vox , \
[ open_file_vox ], 0 , 0 , 0 , [ scaled_zoom ], [ cam_x ],[ cam_y ],[ cam_z ], eax , [ sc.work_graph ] ;scroll -> 2^eax
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled ], buf_pl , [ open_file_vox ], \
OT_MAP_X , OT_MAP_Y ,[ tile_size ], [ scaled_zoom ], [ n_plane ], [ sc.work_graph ],[ cam_x ],[ cam_y ],[ cam_z ], eax
bt dword [ mode_light ], 0
jnc .end_2
stdcall [ buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows ], buf_0 , buf_0z , buf_vox , 0 , 0 , 0 , [ scaled_zoom ], 3
pop ecx ebx eax
call draw_vox_cursor
stdcall [ buf2d_draw ], buf_0 ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ࠭<EFBFBD>
stdcall [ buf2d_draw ], buf_pl ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 塞 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> ࠭<EFBFBD>
align 4
mov ecx ,[ v_zoom ]
cmp ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
jle @ f
mov ecx ,[ scaled_zoom ]
@ @ :
xor edx , edx
inc edx
shl edx , cl
mov eax ,[ v_cur_x ]
cmp eax , edx
jge .end_f ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
mov edi ,[ tile_size ]
imul eax , edi
add eax , OT_MAP_X
mov ebx , edx
dec ebx
sub ebx ,[ v_cur_y ]
imul ebx , edi
add ebx , OT_MAP_Y
inc eax
inc ebx
sub edi , 2
stdcall [ buf2d_rect_by_size ], buf_pl , eax , ebx , edi , edi ,[ sc.work_graph ]
dec ebx
add edi , 2
sub eax , 2
mov ecx , edi
imul edi , edx
shr ecx , 1
add ebx , ecx ;業<> <EFBFBD> <E0AEA2> <20> <> <20> <> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> ⪨
mov ecx , OT_MAP_X
add edi , ecx
stdcall [ buf2d_line ], buf_pl , ecx , ebx , eax , ebx ,[ sc.work_graph ]
add eax ,[ tile_size ]
inc eax
cmp eax , edi
jge @ f ;<3B> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
dec edi
stdcall [ buf2d_line ], buf_pl , eax , ebx , edi , ebx ,[ sc.work_graph ]
@ @ :
align 4
.type dd 0 ;0 - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> , 1 - <20> <> <EFBFBD> ࠭<EFBFBD> <E0A0AD> <EFBFBD> , 2 - <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ४<EFBFBD> <E0A5AA> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
.procinfo dd procinfo ;+4
.com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8
.com_area dd 0 ;+12
.opendir_path dd plugin_path ;+16
.dir_default_path dd default_dir ;+20
.start_path dd file_name ;+24 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <E4A0A9> <EFBFBD>
.draw_window dd draw_window ;+28
.status dd 0 ;+32
.openfile_path dd openfile_path ;+36 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 뢠<EFBFBD> <EBA2A0> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 䠩<> <E4A0A9>
.filename_area dd filename_area ;+40
.filter_area dd Filter
.x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size
.x_start dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position
.y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size
.y_start dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position
default_dir db '/rd/1' , 0
db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog' , 0
db 'opendial' , 0
db '/rd/1/File managers/' , 0
dd Filter.end - Filter ;.1
db 'VOX' , 0
db 0
head_f_l db '<27> <> <EFBFBD> ⥬<EFBFBD> <E2A5AC> <EFBFBD> <20> 訡<EFBFBD> <E8A8A1> ' , 0
system_dir_0 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_0 db 'proc_lib.obj' , 0
err_message_found_lib_0 db '<27> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'proc_lib.obj' , 39 , 0
err_message_import_0 db '<27> 訡<EFBFBD> <E8A8A1> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'proc_lib.obj' , 39 , 0
system_dir_1 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_1 db 'libimg.obj' , 0
err_message_found_lib_1 db '<27> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'libimg.obj' , 39 , 0
err_message_import_1 db '<27> 訡<EFBFBD> <E8A8A1> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'libimg.obj' , 39 , 0
system_dir_2 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_2 db 'buf2d.obj' , 0
err_msg_found_lib_2 db '<27> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'buf2d.obj' , 39 , 0
err_msg_import_2 db '<27> 訡<EFBFBD> <E8A8A1> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'buf2d' , 39 , 0
system_dir_3 db '/sys/lib/'
lib_name_3 db 'libini.obj' , 0
err_msg_found_lib_3 db '<27> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'libini.obj' , 39 , 0
err_msg_import_3 db '<27> 訡<EFBFBD> <E8A8A1> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ' , 39 , 'libini' , 39 , 0
lib0 l_libs lib_name_0 , sys_path , file_name , system_dir_0 , \
err_message_found_lib_0 , head_f_l , proclib_import , err_message_import_0 , head_f_i
lib1 l_libs lib_name_1 , sys_path , file_name , system_dir_1 , \
err_message_found_lib_1 , head_f_l , import_libimg , err_message_import_1 , head_f_i
lib_2 l_libs lib_name_2 , sys_path , library_path , system_dir_2 , \
err_msg_found_lib_2 , head_f_l , import_buf2d , err_msg_import_2 , head_f_i
lib_3 l_libs lib_name_3 , sys_path , library_path , system_dir_3 , \
err_msg_found_lib_3 , head_f_l , import_libini , err_msg_import_3 , head_f_i
align 4
dd al ib_init1
img_is_img dd aimg_is_img
img_info dd aimg_info
img_from_file dd aimg_from_file
img_to_file dd aimg_to_file
img_from_rgb dd aimg_from_rgb
img_to_rgb dd aimg_to_rgb
img_to_rgb2 dd aimg_to_rgb2
img_decode dd aimg_decode
img_encode dd aimg_encode
img_create dd aimg_create
img_destroy dd aimg_destroy
img_destroy_layer dd aimg_destroy_layer
img_count dd aimg_count
img_lock_bits dd aimg_lock_bits
img_unlock_bits dd aimg_unlock_bits
img_flip dd aimg_flip
img_flip_layer dd aimg_flip_layer
img_rotate dd aimg_rotate
img_rotate_layer dd aimg_rotate_layer
img_draw dd aimg_draw
dd 0 , 0
alib_init1 db 'lib_init' , 0
aimg_is_img db 'img_is_img' , 0 ;<3B> <> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> , <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⥪<EFBFBD> ᤥ<> <E1A4A5> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
aimg_info db 'img_info' , 0
aimg_from_file db 'img_from_file' , 0
aimg_to_file db 'img_to_file' , 0
aimg_from_rgb db 'img_from_rgb' , 0
aimg_to_rgb db 'img_to_rgb' , 0 ;<3B> ८<EFBFBD> ࠧ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A7> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> RGB
aimg_to_rgb2 db 'img_to_rgb2' , 0
aimg_decode db 'img_decode' , 0 ;<3B> <> ⮬<EFBFBD> <E2AEAC> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᪨ <20> <> ।<EFBFBD> <E0A5A4> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ଠ <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ᪨<EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
aimg_encode db 'img_encode' , 0
aimg_create db 'img_create' , 0
aimg_destroy db 'img_destroy' , 0
aimg_destroy_layer db 'img_destroy_layer' , 0
aimg_count db 'img_count' , 0
aimg_lock_bits db 'img_lock_bits' , 0
aimg_unlock_bits db 'img_unlock_bits' , 0
aimg_flip db 'img_flip' , 0
aimg_flip_layer db 'img_flip_layer' , 0
aimg_rotate db 'img_rotate' , 0
aimg_rotate_layer db 'img_rotate_layer' , 0
aimg_draw db 'img_draw' , 0
align 4
proclib_import: ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> ᠭ<EFBFBD> <E1A0AD> <20> <> ᯮ<EFBFBD> <E1AFAE> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 㥬<EFBFBD> <E3A5AC> <20> 㭪権
OpenDialog_Init dd aOpenDialog_Init
OpenDialog_Start dd aOpenDialog_Start
dd 0 , 0
aOpenDialog_Init db 'OpenDialog_init' , 0
aOpenDialog_Start db 'OpenDialog_start' , 0
align 4
init dd sz_init
buf2d_create dd sz_buf2d_create
buf2d_create_f_img dd sz_buf2d_create_f_img
buf2d_clear dd sz_buf2d_clear
buf2d_draw dd sz_buf2d_draw
buf2d_delete dd sz_buf2d_delete
buf2d_line dd sz_buf2d_line
buf2d_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_rect_by_size
buf2d_filled_rect_by_size dd sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size
buf2d_circle dd sz_buf2d_circle
buf2d_img_hdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2
buf2d_img_wdiv2 dd sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2
buf2d_conv_24_to_8 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8
buf2d_conv_24_to_32 dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32
buf2d_bit_blt dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt
buf2d_bit_blt_transp dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp
buf2d_bit_blt_alpha dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha
buf2d_curve_bezier dd sz_buf2d_curve_bezier
buf2d_convert_text_matrix dd sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix
buf2d_draw_text dd sz_buf2d_draw_text
buf2d_crop_color dd sz_buf2d_crop_color
buf2d_offset_h dd sz_buf2d_offset_h
buf2d_flood_fill dd sz_buf2d_flood_fill
buf2d_set_pixel dd sz_buf2d_set_pixel
buf2d_get_pixel dd sz_buf2d_get_pixel
buf2d_vox_brush_create dd sz_buf2d_vox_brush_create
buf2d_vox_brush_delete dd sz_buf2d_vox_brush_delete
buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g
buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl
buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled
dd 0 , 0
sz_init db 'lib_init' , 0
sz_buf2d_create db 'buf2d_create' , 0
sz_buf2d_create_f_img db 'buf2d_create_f_img' , 0
sz_buf2d_clear db 'buf2d_clear' , 0
sz_buf2d_draw db 'buf2d_draw' , 0
sz_buf2d_delete db 'buf2d_delete' , 0
sz_buf2d_line db 'buf2d_line' , 0
sz_buf2d_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_rect_by_size' , 0
sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_filled_rect_by_size' , 0
sz_buf2d_circle db 'buf2d_circle' , 0
sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_hdiv2' , 0
sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_wdiv2' , 0
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_8' , 0
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_32' , 0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt db 'buf2d_bit_blt' , 0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp db 'buf2d_bit_blt_transp' , 0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha db 'buf2d_bit_blt_alpha' , 0
sz_buf2d_curve_bezier db 'buf2d_curve_bezier' , 0
sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix db 'buf2d_convert_text_matrix' , 0
sz_buf2d_draw_text db 'buf2d_draw_text' , 0
sz_buf2d_crop_color db 'buf2d_crop_color' , 0
sz_buf2d_offset_h db 'buf2d_offset_h' , 0
sz_buf2d_flood_fill db 'buf2d_flood_fill' , 0
sz_buf2d_set_pixel db 'buf2d_set_pixel' , 0
sz_buf2d_get_pixel db 'buf2d_get_pixel' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_brush_create db 'buf2d_vox_brush_create' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_brush_delete db 'buf2d_vox_brush_delete' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl' , 0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled' , 0
align 4
dd al ib_init2
ini_get_str dd aini_get_str
ini_get_int dd aini_get_int
ini_get_color dd aini_get_color
dd 0 , 0
alib_init2 db 'lib_init' , 0
aini_get_str db 'ini_get_str' , 0
aini_get_int db 'ini_get_int' , 0
aini_get_color db 'ini_get_color' , 0
mouse_dd dd 0x0
sc system_colors
align 16
procinfo process_information
align 4
buf_0: dd 0 ;㪠<> <E3AAA0> ⥫<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> a<EFBFBD> <61> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ࠦ<EFBFBD> <E0A0A6> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
.l: dw 5 ;+4 left
.t: dw 45 ;+6 top
.w: dd 192 + 6 ;+8 w
.h: dd 224 + 7 ;+12 h
.color: dd 0xffffff ;+16 color
db 24 ;+20 bit in pixel
align 4
buf_0z: dd 0
dw 0 ;+4 left
dw 0 ;+6 top
.w: dd 192 + 6 ;+8 w
.h: dd 224 + 7 ;+12 h
.color: dd 0 ;+16 color
db 32 ;+20 bit in pixel
;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> ᮢ<EFBFBD> <E1AEA2> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> १<EFBFBD> <20> <> ꥪ<EFBFBD> <EAA5AA>
align 4
buf_pl: dd 0
.l: dw 15 + 192 + 6 ;+4 left
.t: dw 45 ;+6 top
.w: dd 320 ;+8 w
.h: dd 330 ;+12 h
.color: dd 0xffffff ;+16 color
db 24 ;+20 bit in pixel
align 4
align 4
align 4
cursor_pointer dd 0 ;㪠<> <E3AAA0> ⥫<EFBFBD> <20> <> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
align 4
dd 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , \
0 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 0 , \
2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , \
2 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 2 , \
2 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 2 , \
0 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 0 , \
0 , 0 , 3 , 3 , 0 , 0
align 4
db 6 , 7 , 4 , 3 ;w,h,h_osn,n
rb BUF_STRUCT_SIZE * ( 3 + 1 )
2015-01-29 14:59:15 +03:00
align 16
2012-09-13 23:51:21 +04:00
wnd_s_pos: ;<3B> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> ⮢<EFBFBD> <E2AEA2> <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> 樨 <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD>
rq 0
rb 4096 ;2048
sys_path rb 1024
rb 1024 ;4096
library _path rb 1024
plugin_path rb 1024 ;4096
openfile_path rb 1024 ;4096
filename_area rb 256