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; PSX-Pad for KolibriOS
; Copyright (C) Jeffrey Amelynck 2008. All rights reserved.
; hidnplayr@kolibrios.org
; v0.1
; date: 4/09/2008
; type: private beta
; functions implemented: Read raw data from Digital controller and Analog controller with red led.
; v0.2:
; date: 5/09/2008
; type: public beta
; functions implemented: Same as above plus converting keycodes from keypad do keyboard scancodes.
; : To use this function you need a kernel wich can input scancodes using function 18,23.
; ; I also did some cleanup and speedup
; v0.2.1
; by O. Bogomaz aka Albom, albom85@yandex.ru
; using of standart kernel function 72.1
; TODO: - Multiple controllers
; - Analog controller(s)
; More info about PSX/PS2 gamepad protocol:
; http://curiousinventor.com/guides/ps2
; http://www.geocities.com/digitan000/Hardware/22/e22_page.html
; How to connect your PSX pad to the PC:
; http://www.emulatronia.com/reportajes/directpad/psxeng/print.htm
; PSX-Pad for KolibriOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the
; consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or
; works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU General Public
; License (the "GPL") for full details.
; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute KolibriOS,
; but only under the conditions described in the GPL. A copy of this license
; is supposed to have been given to you along with KolibriOS so you can know
; your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING.
; Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved
; on all copies.
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd 0x100000 ; memory for app
dd 0x100000 ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
; Bits on Data Port (outputs for pc)
command equ 0
attention equ 1
clock equ 2
vcc equ (1 shl 3 + 1 shl 4 + 1 shl 5 + 1 shl 6 + 1 shl 7)
; Bits on Status Port (inputs for PC)
data equ 6
ack equ 5
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 2
include '../../macros.inc'
;include 'fdo.inc'
mov eax, 40 ; Disable notification of all events
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x40
; DEBUGF 2,"\nPSX-Pad for KolibriOS v0.2\n\n"
mov eax, 46 ; Ask the kernel if wse may use the LPT port
mov ebx, 0
movzx ecx, [BASE]
movzx edx, [CONTROL]
int 0x40
test eax, eax
jz @f
; DEBUGF 2,"Could not reserve port!\n"
jmp exit
mov dx, [CONTROL] ; disable bi-directional data port
in al, dx
and al, 0xdf
out dx, al
mov eax, 18 ; read CPU-speed, we'll need it for 100us delay
mov ebx, 5
int 0x40 ; now we've got the cpuspeed in hz, we need it in Mhz
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 1000000
div ecx
mov [CPUSPEED], eax
; DEBUGF 2,"CPUspeed: %u\n",eax
; DEBUGF 1,"Raising attention line\n"
call raise_att
; DEBUGF 1,"Raising Clock\n"
call raise_clk
; DEBUGF 1,"Powering Up controller\n"
call raise_vcc
; All things are ready to go, enter mainloop!
; This loop constantly poll's the PSX-pad for data
mov eax, 5 ; Lets start by giving the other applications some cpu time, we'll take ours later.
mov ebx, 5
int 0x40
; DEBUGF 1,"Lowering attention line\n"
call lower_att ; We've got the attention from the PSX-Pad now :) (yes, it's active low..)
; DEBUGF 1,"Sending Startup byte.. "
mov ah, 0x01 ; Startup code
call tx_rx
call wait_for_ack
; DEBUGF 1,"Rx: %x\n",bl
; DEBUGF 1,"Request for data.. "
mov ah, 0x42 ; Request for data
call tx_rx
call wait_for_ack
; DEBUGF 1,"Rx: %x\n",bl
cmp bl, 0x41
je digital_controller
cmp bl, 0x73
je analog_red_controller
; cmp ah, 0x23
; je negcon_controller
; cmp ah, 0x53
; je analog_green_controller
; cmp ah, 0x12
; je psx_mouse
; DEBUGF 2,"Unsupported controller/mode:%x !\n",bl
jmp exit
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
; Right now, we receive 0x5a from the controller, wich means: sending data!
; DEBUGF 1,"Receiving data.. "
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [digital+1], bl
call command_idle
mov byte [digital+0], bl
; DEBUGF 1,"Digital data: %x\n",[digital]:4
mov ax, word [digital_]
xor ax, word [digital]
mov cx, word [digital]
bt ax, 6 ; X
jnc @f
and cx, 1 shl 6
shl cx, 1
add cl, 29
call sendkey
bt ax, 5 ; O
jnc @f
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 5
shl cx, 2
add cl, 56
call sendkey
bt ax, 11 ; Start
jnc @f
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 11
shr cx, 4
add cl, 28
call sendkey
bt ax, 8 ; Select
jnc @f
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 8
shr cx, 1
add cl, 14
call sendkey
bt ax, 12 ; up
jnc @f
mov cl, 224
call sendkey
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 12
shr cx, 5
add cl, 72
call sendkey
bt ax, 13 ; right
jnc @f
mov cl, 224
call sendkey
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 13
shr cx, 6
add cl, 77
call sendkey
bt ax, 14 ; down
jnc @f
mov cl, 224
call sendkey
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 14
shr cx, 7
add cl, 80
call sendkey
bt ax, 15 ; left
jnc @f
mov cl, 224 ; extended key
call sendkey
mov cx, word [digital]
and cx, 1 shl 15
shr cx, 8
add cl, 75 ; left
call sendkey
mov ax, word [digital]
mov word [digital_],ax
call raise_att
jmp mainloop
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
; Right now, we receive 0x5a from the controller, wich means: sending data!
; DEBUGF 1,"Receiving data.. "
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [analog_red+5], bl
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [analog_red+4], bl
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [analog_red+3], bl
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [analog_red+2], bl
call command_idle
call wait_for_ack
mov byte [analog_red+1], bl
call command_idle
mov byte [analog_red+0], bl
; DEBUGF 2,"Analog data: %x%x\n",[analog_red]:8,[analog_red+4]:4
call raise_att
jmp mainloop
mov eax, -1
int 0x40
sendkey: ; This function inserts Keyboard Scan-codes into the kernel's queue
; Scancode is in cl
; mov eax, 18
; mov ebx, 23
; int 0x40
mov eax, 72 ; <-- standart function (by Albom)
mov ebx, 1
mov edx, ecx
and edx, 0xff
mov ecx, 2
int 0x40
; Low-level code starts here
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
bts ax, attention
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
btr ax, attention
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
bts ax, clock
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
btr ax, clock
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
or al, vcc
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
and al, 0xff - vcc
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
mov dx, [STATUS]
mov ecx, 10000
in al, dx
bt ax, ack
jnc .ack
loop .loop
; DEBUGF 2,"ACK timeout!\n"
; pop eax ; balance the stack, we're not doing a ret like we should..
; jmp mainloop
; DEBUGF 1,"ACK !\n"
; This code comes from Serge's audio driver.
; If you know a better way to do 100 us wait, please tell me.
; This RDTSC stuff is know to have a bug in the newer AMD processors.
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
push eax
mov eax, 100
mov ecx, [CPUSPEED]
mul ecx
mov ebx, eax ;low
mov ecx, edx ;high
add ebx, eax
adc ecx,edx
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, ecx
js @B
pop eax
pop ebx
pop edx
pop ecx
; ah = byte to send
; bl = received byte
mov ecx, 8
mov bl, 0
call delay
call lower_clk
mov dl, ah
and dl, 1
; DEBUGF 1,"OUTb:%u ", dl
mov al, [PORT_DATA]
and al, 0xfe
or al, dl
mov [PORT_DATA], al
mov dx, [BASE]
out dx, al
shr ah, 1
call delay
call raise_clk
mov dx, [STATUS]
in al, dx
shl al, 1
and al, 1 shl 7
; DEBUGF 1,"INb:%x\n", al
shr bl, 1
or bl, al
loop tx_rx_loop
; bl = received byte
mov bl, 0
mov ecx, 8
call delay
call lower_clk
call delay
call raise_clk
mov dx, [STATUS]
in al, dx
shl al, 1
and al, 1 shl 7
shr bl, 1
or bl, al
loop command_idle_loop
;include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
; Addresses to PORT
BASE dw 0x378
STATUS dw 0x379
CONTROL dw 0x37a
; Buffer for data port
; hmm, what would this be...
; buffers for data from controller
digital rb 2
digital_ rb 2 ; this buffer is used to find keychanges (if somebody just pressed/released a key)
analog_red rb 6
analog_red_ rb 6