2020-04-18 09:03:25 +00:00

134 lines
6.8 KiB

1 catalan; valencian x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 2944605311
Raw editor AttributeWindow Editor de dades en brut
Remove AttributeWindow Suprimeix
Close ProbeView Tanca
Boolean value: TypeEditors Valor booleà:
File ProbeView Fitxer
Block size ProbeView Menu item. This is in the same menu window than 'Base' and 'Font size' Mida de bloc
MIME type editor TypeEditors Editor del tipus MIME
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadecimal
16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 16 bits sense signe:
8 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 8 bits amb signe:
(native) ProbeView (nadiu)
Attribute offset: ProbeView Desplaçament de l'atribut:
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Text
File offset: ProbeView Desplaçament del fitxer:
Add ProbeView Afegeix
64 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 64 bits amb signe:
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Segur que voleu suprimir l'atribut \"%s\" del fitxer \"%s\"?\n\nNo es pot desfer aquesta acció.
No type editor available AttributeWindow No hi ha cap editor de tipus de lletra disponible
Print… ProbeView Imprimeix...
New… FileWindow Nou...
what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. què: '%.4s\n\n
OK DiskProbe D'acord
DiskProbe System name Provador del disc
Back ProbeView Torna
Device: ProbeView Dispositiu:
Base ProbeView A menu item, the number that is basis for a system of calculation. The base 10 system is a decimal system. This is in the same menu window than 'Font size' and 'BlockSize' Base
Open file… FileWindow Obre un fitxer...
32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors Punter de 32 bits sense signe:
DiskProbe request DiskProbe Sol·licitud del Gestor de Discos
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadecimal
Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView No ha estat possible escriure al disc:\n%s\n\nSi sortiu es perdran tots els canvis..
Examine device: OpenWindow Navega pel dispositiu:
Number editor TypeEditors Editor de números
Icon TypeEditors Icona
Attribute ProbeView Atribut
Don't save ProbeView No el desis
Undo ProbeView Desfés
Flattened bitmap TypeEditors Mapa de bits aplanat
Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Bloc %Ld (0x%Lx)
Cancel OpenWindow Anul·la
Unknown format TypeEditors Format desconegut
File: ProbeView Fitxer:
Swapped: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Intercanviat: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Stop ProbeView Atura
Cancel ProbeView Anul·la
Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. No ha estat possible obrir \"%s\":\n%s
Font size ProbeView Mida del tipus de lletra
Type editor not supported ProbeView El tipus de tipus de lletra no és compatible
Native: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Nadiu: 0x%0*Lx
Copy ProbeView Copia
Redo ProbeView Refés
Floating-point value: TypeEditors Valor de punt flotant:
Cancel AttributeWindow Anul·la
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 16 bits sense signe:
DiskProbe request AttributeWindow Sol·licitud del Gestor de Discos
Next ProbeView Següent
64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors Desplaçament amb signe de 64 bits:
32 bit signed value: TypeEditors Valor de 32 bits sense signe:
Could not find search string. ProbeView No ha estat possible cercar la cadena.
Close FileWindow Tanca
Unknown type TypeEditors Tipus desconegut
Open device FileWindow Obre el dispositiu
Number: TypeEditors Número:
Quit FileWindow Surt
Text FindWindow Text
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Bloc 0x%Lx
Attribute AttributeWindow Atribut
Mode: FindWindow Mode:
16 bit TypeEditors 16 bits
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors Mida o estat de 32 bits:
of ProbeView de
Contents: TypeEditors Contingut:
Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe No ha estat possible obrir el fitxer \"%s\": %s\n
Probe file… OpenWindow Examina el fitxer...
Block: ProbeView Bloc:
Bookmarks ProbeView Adreces d'interès
Probe device OpenWindow Prova del dispositiu
none ProbeView No attributes cap
Case sensitive FindWindow Distingeix les majúscules de les minúscules
32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 32 bits sense signe:
Remove from file AttributeWindow Suprimeix del fitxer
Attributes ProbeView Atributs
Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Missatge
Message View TypeEditors Mostra el missatge
Offset: ProbeView Desplaçament:
Swapped: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Intercanviat: 0x%0*Lx
MIME type: TypeEditors Tipus MIME:
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Ajusta
Type editor ProbeView Editor del tipus de lletra
File FileWindow Fitxer
Grayscale TypeEditors Escala de grisos
32 bit TypeEditors 32 bits
Native: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Nadiu: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Device ProbeView Dispositiu
Close AttributeWindow Tanca
Type editor AttributeWindow Editor del tipus de lletra
Save ProbeView Desa
of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. de 0x0
Attribute type: ProbeView Tipus d'atribut:
15 bit TypeEditors 15 bits
Page setup… ProbeView Arranjament de la pàgina...
Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Booleà
Icon view TypeEditors Mostra les icones
Select all ProbeView Selecciona-ho tot
64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 64 bits sense signe:
OK ProbeView D'acord
Previous ProbeView Anterior
Selection ProbeView Selecció
Find FindWindow Cerca
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Valor de 8 bits sense signe:
%ld (native) ProbeView %ld (nadiu)
Attribute: ProbeView Atribut:
Block ProbeView Bloc
Find again ProbeView Cerca de nou
View ProbeView This is the last menubar item 'File Edit Block View' Visualitza
Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. No s'ha pogut llegir la imatge
DiskProbe request ProbeView Sol·licitud del Gestor de Discos
Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Valor de coma flotant de doble precisió:
Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Imatge
Save changes before closing? ProbeView Voleu desar els canvis abans de tancar?
PNG format TypeEditors Format PNG
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Número
Edit ProbeView Edita
String editor TypeEditors Editor de cadenes
Boolean editor TypeEditors Editor de boleans
Device offset: ProbeView Desplaçament del dispositiu:
Find… ProbeView Cerca...
8 bit palette TypeEditors paleta de 8 bits
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Decimal
Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Mostra les imatges
Paste ProbeView Enganxa
32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Valor de 32 bits sense signe: