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# UserBuildConfig ReadMe
# ----------------------
# UserBuildConfig can be used to customize the build according to your needs.
# If existent it is included by the build system, but it is ignored by Git.
# This file documents a few examples, what can be done. Don't just rename it
# to UserBuildConfig -- you don't want all the things to happen, that are
# specified here. Rather create an empty UserBuildConfig and copy the lines
# you really want, or start out with UserBuildConfig.sample.
# Of course, noone reads ReadMe files, so they will just get an error here
# when copying it and jamming:
Exit You must NOT copy UserBuildConfig.ReadMe directly but use parts of it! ;
# Adjusting Build Variables
# The following variables can be configured per subdirectory (or subtree) or
# even per object file:
# The following examples would work analogously for any of these variables.
# Turn off warnings in directory src/system/kernel. As fourth (scope) parameter
# "local" is specified, which means, that this setting applies only to the
# given directory, but not any of its subdirectories.
SetConfigVar WARNINGS : HAIKU_TOP src system kernel : 0 : local ;
# Set the debug level for directory src/system/boot/loader and recursively all
# of its subdirectories (scope is "global") to 1. All affected generated files
# will be put into another subtree of the "generated" directory, which allows
# for fast switching between normal and debug builds.
SetConfigVar DEBUG : HAIKU_TOP src system boot loader : 1 : global ;
# Add "RUN_WITHOUT_REGISTRAR" to the DEFINES for the directory src/kits and
# all of its subdirectories.
: global ;
# Set the debug level for file src/bin/gdb/gdb/haiku-nat.c (note, that
# the object file must be specified) to 1. It is worth mentioning, that the
# executable the object file is linked into (gdb), will still be placed in
# generated/objects/.../release/... Only when setting DEBUG for the executable,
# too, it will be placed in .../debug_1/.... Apart from that, the DEBUG variable
# has no effect on executables or other shared objects.
DEBUG on <src!bin!gdb!gdb!>haiku-nat.o = 1 ;
# Enables the SSL build feature. Several targets will be compiled with SSL
# support. Adding the OpenSSL optional package will automatically enable this
# feature.
# Haiku Image Related Modifications
# Create a 100 MB image at /tmp/walter.image.
HAIKU_IMAGE_NAME = walter.image ;
# Set image volume label to "Walter". Default label is "Haiku".
# Name the VMWare image walter.vmdk (in directory $(HAIKU_IMAGE_DIR)).
# Install Haiku in directory /Haiku.
# If the image does already exist it won't be zeroed out. It will nevertheless
# freshly be initialized with BFS. Useful when installing Haiku on a partition.
# Set the compression level for the creation and update of Haiku packages to 1.
# Values from 0 to 9 are supported. 0 means no compression, 1 fastest, ..., and
# 9 best. The default is 9 which should be used for official builds (release or
# nightly) to achieve the smallest possible package files at the cost of long
# package building times. For developers who frequently rebuild/update packages
# level 1 is a good compromise. Depending on the package data it's about an
# order of magnitude faster while still achieving acceptable compression ratios.
# Using level 0 will make package creation mostly I/O bound. It can be used, if
# package size is not a concern. Depending on the package data, files may be
# several times larger than even with level 1.
# Override the Haiku revision string determined via git. This is e.g. useful,
# when your git repository doesn't have hrev tags. You may need to remove the
# file <generated>/build/haiku-revision whenever you change this variable.
HAIKU_REVISION = hrev66666 ;
# Affects the haiku-image, haiku-vmware-image, and install-haiku targets. Only
# targets on which the HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_IMAGE variable has been set will be
# updated in the image file/installation directory.
# The update-image, update-vmware-image, and update-install targets always invoke
# this rule, so one likely doesn't ever need to do it manually.
SetUpdateHaikuImageOnly 1 ;
# libbe.so and the kernel will be updated on image updates. Note that this
# generally doesn't work for pseudo targets (it does where special support
# has been added, like for "kernel").
HAIKU_INCLUDE_IN_IMAGE on libbe.so kernel = 1 ;
# Add "crashing_app" to the system/bin directory of the Haiku image/installation.
# Note, that this also makes the image depend on the target, i.e. it is
# automatically updated when the image is built.
AddFilesToHaikuImage system bin : crashing_app ;
# Make a symlink to home/config/bin/crash.
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home config bin : /bin/crashing_app : crash ;
# Add keymap settings.
AddFilesToHaikuImage home config settings : <keymap>US-International : Key_map ;
# Adds the source directories src/kits/storage and src/tests/servers/debug
# (recursively) to the image (as /boot/home/HaikuSources/src/kits/storage
# and /boot/home/HaikuSources/src/tests/servers/debug respectively).
# Note that the second directory will also be copied, if the image will only
# be updated; the first one won't in that case.
AddSourceDirectoryToHaikuImage src kits storage ;
AddSourceDirectoryToHaikuImage src tests servers debug : alwaysUpdate ;
# Copy the jam sources (assuming they are located ../buildtools/jam relatively
# to your Haiku sources) to the image as /boot/home/Desktop/jam-src, excluding
# any file or directory named ".git" and any source path that matches the
# pattern "*/jam/./bin.*". Note that the "*" character needs to be escaped with
# two backslashes (one because it goes through a shell and one to quote the
# first one in jam), and that the build system always appends "/." to the source
# path (hence this pattern). Just as AddSourceDirectoryToHaikuImage this rule
# can also take another optional parameter indicating whether the directory shall
# also be copied in update mode.
CopyDirectoryToHaikuImage home Desktop
: $(HAIKU_TOP)/../buildtools/jam
: "jam-src" : -x .git -X \\*/jam/./bin.\\* ;
# Extracts the given archive onto the image under /boot/develop/tools.
ExtractArchiveToHaikuImage develop tools
: /home/bonefish/develop/haiku/misc/gcc-2.95.3-beos-070218/gcc-2.95.3_binutils-2.17_rel-070218.zip ;
# Add the optional package WonderBrush to the image. The package is downloaded
# via wget (i.e. wget must be installed).
AddHaikuImageSystemPackages WonderBrush ;
# Add the optional package WebPositive to the image but don't add its
# dependent SQLite optional package to the image. WebPositive still needs
# SQLite to run, this allows you to test a different version of it though.
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages WebPositive ;
SuppressHaikuImagePackages SQLite ;
# Specify scripts that shall be run when populating the image/installation
# directory. The "early" script is run before anything has been copied onto
# the image/into the installation directory. The "late" script is run after
# everything has been copied, but before the MIME database is installed.
HAIKU_IMAGE_EARLY_USER_SCRIPTS = $(HAIKU_TOP)/../early-image-script.sh ;
HAIKU_IMAGE_LATE_USER_SCRIPTS = $(HAIKU_TOP)/../late-image-script.sh ;
# Set name and real name of the root user. Defaults to "baron" and "Root User".
# Set host name to "mybox". By default the installation doesn't have a host
# name.
# Add user "walter" with user ID 1000 and group ID 100 (note, that a group with
# that ID should exist -- 100 already exists and is the "users" group), home
# directory "/boot/home", shell "/bin/bash", and real name "Just Walter" to the
# image.
AddUserToHaikuImage walter : 1000 : 100 : /boot/home : /bin/bash
: "Just Walter" ;
# Add group "party" with group ID 101 and members "baron" and "walter" to the
# image.
AddGroupToHaikuImage party : 101 : baron walter ;
# Build Profiles
# A build profile is a named set of settings for building a Haiku image or
# installation. The following lines define five different build profiles:
# disk - Installation on device /dev/sda57. A lengthy list of optional
# packages will be included. Profile type "disk" implies
# qemu - A plain 200 MB disk image (type "image") named "haiku-qemu.image".
# Since only the image name is given, the default location will be
# chosen for the image, unless HAIKU_IMAGE_DIR has been set
# beforehand.
# vmware - A 400 MB VMware image (type "vmware-image"). It will not be zeroed,
# if not necessary. The optional packages Development and Pe will be
# installed. No image name or path is given, so the defaults
# ("haiku.vmdk" in the generated directory) will be used, unless the
# respective variables are set.
# anyboot - A custom image (type "anyboot-image"), its size will be 4 MB larger
# than the value of HAIKU_IMAGE_SIZE, named haiku-anyboot.iso.
# crash - Similar to the vmware profile, but created at a specific location
# and 1 GB size. Furthermore a "crash-tests" directory will be copied
# to the image.
# install - Installation in directory "/Haiku2" (type "install").
DefineBuildProfile disk : disk : "/dev/sda57" ;
DefineBuildProfile qemu : image : "haiku-qemu.image" ;
DefineBuildProfile vmware : vmware-image ;
DefineBuildProfile anyboot : anyboot-image : "haiku-anyboot.iso" ;
DefineBuildProfile crash : vmware-image
: "/home/foobar/vmware/Virtual Machines/CrashOMatic/CrashOMatic.vmdk" ;
DefineBuildProfile install : install : /Haiku2 ;
case "disk" : {
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages BeBook BeHappy Bluetooth Development
OpenSSH OpenSSL Welcome ;
AddHaikuImageSystemPackages bepdf cvs p7zip pe subversion vision wonderbrush ;
case "qemu" : {
case "vmware" : {
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Development ;
AddHaikuImageSystemPackages pe ;
case "anyboot" : {
case "crash" : {
AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages Development ;
AddHaikuImageSystemPackages pe ;
CopyDirectoryToHaikuImage home Desktop : $(HAIKU_TOP)/../crash-tests ;
# By specifying the build profile name as first (non-option) parameter on the
# jam command line prefixed by an "@" character, the profile will be selected.
# The second parameter specifies the action to be performed, further optional
# parameters may follow. Jam command line examples:
# jam -q @disk build
# -> Equivalent to running "jam -q haiku-image" with the settings for the
# "disk" profile. "build" is the default action, so it could even be
# omitted.
# jam -q @release-raw build haiku.hpkg
# -> Build's haiku.hpkg under the influence of the "release-raw" profile. This
# is is different to "jam -q haiku.hpkg" in that the build profile may
# enable certain build features that might not be enabled by default.
# jam -q @vmware update kernel
# -> Equivalent to running "jam -q update-vmware-image kernel" with the
# settings for the "vmware" profile.
# jam -q @crash mount
# -> Enters the bfs_shell mounting the image specified by the "crash" profile.
# Note, that the build system will automatically define the build profiles
# for the common combination of release type (nightly, minimal, release) and
# image type (raw, anyboot, vmware), as well as the "install" profile,
# unless they are already defined in the UserBuildConfig. They correspond to
# the respective build profile types and use the values of the variables
# their default values.
# "jam -q @nightly-raw" will therefore be equivalent to "jam -q haiku-image".
# Creating Sourceable Shell Scripts
# If you use shell scripts (e.g. for testing) that need to access targets or
# build system properties, you can tell the build system to generate a
# variables defining shell script you can source from your shell script.
# General setup for the shell script to generate. Name is test.inc, located
# in the output directory.
MakeLocate test.inc : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
Always test.inc ;
# Define variable "outputDir" in the shell script, with the value of
AddVariableToScript test.inc : outputDir : $(HAIKU_OUTPUT_DIR) ;
# Define variables "bfsShell" and "fsShellCommand" referring to the
# generated bfs_shell and fs_shell_command respectively.
AddTargetVariableToScript test.inc : bfs_shell : bfsShell ;
AddTargetVariableToScript test.inc : fs_shell_command : fsShellCommand ;
# If no variable name is given, the name (without grist) of the target is
# used, i.e. a variable "rc" referring to the rc command built for the host
# platform is defined in the script.
AddTargetVariableToScript test.inc : <build>rc ;
# Optimizing Jamfile Parsing Times / Third Party Inclusion
# Setting this variable will prevent the root Jamfile to include the Jamfile
# in the src directory. Instead only the directories required for building the
# build tools are included. Only useful in combination with DeferredSubInclude.
# Schedule the given subdirectory for inclusion at the end of the root
# Jamfile (directly using SubInclude here is not possible). Using this
# feature together with HAIKU_DONT_INCLUDE_SRC allows developers working
# only on a subproject to reduce Jamfile parsing times considerably.
DeferredSubInclude HAIKU_TOP src tests add-ons kernel file_systems
userlandfs ;
# Schedule src/3rdparty/myproject/Jamfile.haiku for later inclusion. The "local"
# parameter specifies that the alternative Jamfile name shall not be used for
# any subdirectory of the given directory (i.e. "Jamfile" will be used as
# usual). Omitting this parameter or specifying "global" will cause the given
# name to be used recursively.
DeferredSubInclude HAIKU_TOP src 3rdparty myproject : Jamfile.haiku : local ;
# The following rules can be overriden to do things at different points of
# the build system execution by jam (note: we're talking about execution of
# Jamfiles, not the build actions they define):
# UserBuildConfigRulePostBuildTargets:
# Executed after the complete Jamfile tree has been processed. I.e. all build
# targets are known and located at this point.
# UserBuildConfigRulePreImage:
# Executed after the contents of the Haiku image has been defined, but before
# the scripts generating the images are defined.
# UserBuildConfigRulePostImage:
# Executed after the Haiku image build target has been fully defined.
# E.g. making use of the fact that all targets have already been located when
# UserBuildConfigRulePostBuildTargets is called, we can print the directory
# where the StyledEdit executable will be generated.
rule UserBuildConfigRulePostBuildTargets
Echo "StyledEdit will appear here:" [ on StyledEdit return $(LOCATE) ] ;