These utilities convert timestamp strings that are formatted according to the HTTP RFC into BDateTime objects, and vice versa. Change-Id: Ia2498944fb63d09233839f19d08f15d82a0a9685
260 lines
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260 lines
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* Copyright 2022 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Niels Sascha Reedijk, niels.reedijk@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/private/netservices2/HttpTime.h hrev?????
* src/kits/network/libnetservices2/HttpTime.cpp hrev?????
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
namespace BPrivate {
namespace Network {
\file HttpTime.h
\ingroup netservices
\brief Provides tools to parse and format HTTP dates.
The HTTP protocols prescribe that each HTTP response should have a \c Date header field with a
timestamp the response was generated. Optionally, there are other fields that may have a
timestamp in them, such as \c Set-Cookie or \c If-Modified-Since.
According to section 3.3 of RFC 2616, the standard date format is the format described by
RFC 1123, which updates the previous RFC 822. However, a proper implementation of a HTTP parser
may also want to support the RFC 850 format (which was obsoleted by RFC 1036) and the old
C-library standard date formatting of \c asctime().
<tr><td>RFC1123 / RFC822</td><td>Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT</td></tr>
<tr><td>RFC850</td><td>Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT</td></tr>
<tr><td>asctime</td><td>Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994</td></tr>
The tools in this module will make it easer to parse and format dates according to those
standards. When parsing the
You can use \ref parse_http_time() to parse a string that contains a HTTP timestamp. You can
use \ref format_http_time() to format the HTTP time according to the prescribed format. If you
want slightly more information about parsing, or if you want to hold an intermediate
representation of the timestamp, have a look at the \ref BPrivate::Network::BHttpTime class.
Note that when parsing a timestamp string, the tools are slightly more permissive than the
standards. For example, if the RFC 1123 timestamp does not have the GMT timezone indicator at
the end, it will still be accepted. Likewise, there is support for RFC 850 timestamps with a
4-digit year format. When formatting a \ref BPrivate::BDateTime to a string, it will always use
prescribed representation.
\since Haiku R1
\enum BHttpTimeFormat
\brief Describes the three time formats supported by the HTTP RFC.
\class BHttpTime::InvalidInput
\ingroup netservices
\brief Error that indicates that a string cannot be parsed as a valid HTTP timestamp.
\since Haiku R1
\var BString BHttpTime::InvalidInput::input
\brief Copy of the original timestamp that could not be parsed.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BHttpTime::InvalidInput::InvalidInput(const char *origin, BString input)
\brief Constructor that sets the \a origin and the invalid \a input.
\since Haiku R1
\class BHttpTime
\ingroup netservices
\brief Utility class that can parse and format HTTP Date strings.
See the description of the module in \ref HttpTime.h for more information about HTTP
Note that for quick conversions of a \ref BDateTime into a \ref BString and vice versa, you can
also use the \ref format_http_time() and \ref parse_http_time() utilities.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BHttpTime::BHttpTime() noexcept
\brief Constructs a new object and sets the timestamp to the current time.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BHttpTime::BHttpTime(BDateTime date)
\brief Constructs a new object and sets the timestamp to \a date.
\param date A valid \ref BDateTime object for the desired timestamp.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a date does not contain a valid timestamp.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BHttpTime::BHttpTime(const BString &dateString)
\brief Constructs a new object and parses the timestamp from \a dateString.
\param dateString A string that contains a valid HTTP timestamp. The \a dateString must not
contain any characters, other than the timestamp. It is up to the caller to sanitize any
input, including trimming whitespace at the beginning and end of the string.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a dateString cannot be parsed as a valid timestamp.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BHttpTime::SetTo(BDateTime date)
\brief Set the current timestamp to \a date.
\param date A valid \ref BDateTime object for the desired timestamp.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a date does not contain a valid timestamp.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BPrivate::Network::BHttpTime::SetTo(const BString &string)
\brief Set the current timestamp by parsing \a string.
\param string A string that contains a valid HTTP timestamp. The \a dateString must not
contain any characters, other than the timestamp. It is up to the caller to sanitize any
input, including trimming whitespace at the beginning and end of the string.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a dateString cannot be parsed as a valid timestamp.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BDateTime BPrivate::Network::BHttpTime::DateTime() const noexcept
\brief Get the current timestamp.
\return A valid \ref BDateTime object that contains the timestamp that this object is currently
set to.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BHttpTimeFormat BHttpTime::DateTimeFormat() const noexcept
\brief Get the format that the current timestamp parsed from.
If the timestamp was parsed from a string, this method supplies a bit of information about what
format the original string was in. Note that for both the RFC 1132 and RFC 850 formats, the
parsing is slightly less strict than the RFC prescribes. This may mean that if you parse a
non-canonical string, and then format it back using the same format specifier, the two strings
may differ in content.
If the timestamp was set by setting it to a \ref BDateTime object, then this will always return
\c BHttpTimeFormat::RFC1123.
\return The \ref BHttpTimeFormat that describes the format the input string was in, or
\c BHttpTimeFormat::RFC1123 if the timestamp was set by a \ref BDateTime.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BString BHttpTime::ToString(BHttpTimeFormat outputFormat=BHttpTimeFormat::RFC1123) const
\brief Formats the timestamp to a string.
\param outputFormat The requested outputformat. The default is the recommended RFC 1123 format.
\return A string that contains the formatted timestamp.
\exception std::bad_alloc In the future this method may throw this exception when the memory
for the output string cannot be allocated.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BString format_http_time(BDateTime timestamp,
BHttpTimeFormat outputFormat=BHttpTimeFormat::RFC1123)
\brief Format the \a timestamp into a string according to the \a outputFormat.
See the description of the module in \ref HttpTime.h for more information about HTTP
\param timestamp A valid \ref BDateTime object for the desired timestamp.
\param outputFormat The requested outputformat. The default is the recommended RFC 1123 format.
\return A string that contains the formatted timestamp.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a date does not contain a valid timestamp.
\exception std::bad_alloc In the future this method may throw this exception when the memory
for the output string cannot be allocated.
\see \ref BHttpTime \ref parse_http_time()
\since Haiku R1
\fn BDateTime parse_http_time(const BString &string)
\brief Parse a \a string that contains a timestamp and return a \ref BDateTime object.
See the description of the module in \ref HttpTime.h for more information about HTTP
\param string A string that contains a valid HTTP timestamp. The \a dateString must not
contain any characters, other than the timestamp. It is up to the caller to sanitize any
input, including trimming whitespace at the beginning and end of the string.
\exception BHttpTime::InvalidInput The \a string cannot be parsed as a valid timestamp.
\see \ref BHttpTime \ref format_http_time()
\since Haiku R1
} // namespace BPrivate
} // namespace Network