Closes #6349 git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@37670 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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9.4 KiB
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Copyright 1999, Be Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
This file may be used under the terms of the Be Sample Code License.
Other authors:
Rudolf Cornelissen 4/2003-1/2006
#include <Accelerant.h>
#include "video_overlay.h"
#include <Drivers.h>
#include <PCI.h>
#include <OS.h>
#define DRIVER_PREFIX "neomagic"
Internal driver state (also for sharing info between driver and accelerant)
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
sem_id sem;
int32 ben;
} benaphore;
#define INIT_BEN(x) x.sem = create_sem(0, "NM "#x" benaphore"); x.ben = 0;
#define AQUIRE_BEN(x) if((atomic_add(&(x.ben), 1)) >= 1) acquire_sem(x.sem);
#define RELEASE_BEN(x) if((atomic_add(&(x.ben), -1)) > 1) release_sem(x.sem);
#define DELETE_BEN(x) delete_sem(x.sem);
#define NM_PRIVATE_DATA_MAGIC 0x0009 /* a private driver rev, of sorts */
/*dualhead extensions to flags*/
#define DUALHEAD_OFF (0<<6)
#define DUALHEAD_CLONE (1<<6)
#define DUALHEAD_ON (2<<6)
#define DUALHEAD_SWITCH (3<<6)
#define DUALHEAD_BITS (3<<6)
#define DUALHEAD_CAPABLE (1<<8)
#define TV_BITS (3<<9)
#define TV_MON (0<<9
#define TV_PAL (1<<9)
#define TV_NTSC (2<<9)
#define TV_CAPABLE (1<<11)
#define TV_VIDEO (1<<12)
#define TV_PRIMARY (1<<13)
#define SKD_MOVE_CURSOR 0x00000001
#define SKD_PROGRAM_CLUT 0x00000002
#define SKD_SET_START_ADDR 0x00000004
#define SKD_SET_CURSOR 0x00000008
#define SKD_HANDLER_INSTALLED 0x80000000
enum {
/* max. number of overlay buffers */
#define MAXBUFFERS 3
/* internal used info on overlay buffers */
typedef struct
uint16 slopspace;
uint32 size;
} int_buf_info;
typedef struct settings { // apsed, see comments in nm.settings
// for driver
char accelerant[B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
bool dumprom;
// for accelerant
uint32 logmask;
uint32 memory;
bool usebios;
bool hardcursor;
} settings;
/*shared info*/
typedef struct {
/*a few ID things*/
uint16 vendor_id; /* PCI vendor ID, from pci_info */
uint16 device_id; /* PCI device ID, from pci_info */
uint8 revision; /* PCI device revsion, from pci_info */
/* used to return status for INIT_ACCELERANT and CLONE_ACCELERANT */
bool accelerant_in_use;
/* bug workaround for 4.5.0 */
uint32 use_clone_bugfix; /*for 4.5.0, cloning of physical memory does not work*/
uint32 * clone_bugfix_regs;
uint32 * clone_bugfix_regs2;
/* old cards have their registers mapped inside the framebuffer area */
bool regs_in_fb;
/*memory mappings*/
area_id regs_area, regs2_area; /* Kernel's area_id for the memory mapped registers.
It will be cloned into the accelerant's address
space. */
area_id fb_area; /* Frame buffer's area_id. The addresses are shared with all teams. */
area_id pseudo_dma_area; /* Pseudo dma area_id. Shared by all teams. */
area_id dma_buffer_area; /* Area assigned for dma*/
void *framebuffer; /* As viewed from virtual memory */
void *framebuffer_pci; /* As viewed from the PCI bus (for DMA) */
void *pseudo_dma; /* As viewed from virtual memory */
void *dma_buffer; /* buffer for dma*/
void *dma_buffer_pci; /* buffer for dma - from PCI bus*/
/*screenmode list*/
area_id mode_area; /* Contains the list of display modes the driver supports */
uint32 mode_count; /* Number of display modes in the list */
/*flags - used by driver*/
uint32 flags;
/*vblank semaphore*/
sem_id vblank; /* The vertical blank semaphore. Ownership will be
transfered to the team opening the device first */
/*cursor information*/
struct {
uint16 hot_x; /* Cursor hot spot. The top left corner of the cursor */
uint16 hot_y; /* is 0,0 */
uint16 x; /* The location of the cursor hot spot on the */
uint16 y; /* desktop */
uint16 width; /* Width and height of the cursor shape (always 16!) */
uint16 height;
bool is_visible; /* Is the cursor currently displayed? */
} cursor;
/*colour lookup table*/
uint8 color_data[3 * 256]; /* Colour lookup table - as used by DAC */
/*more display mode stuff*/
display_mode dm; /* current display mode configuration: head1 */
uint32 dpms_flags; /* current DPMS mode */
bool acc_mode; /* signals (non)accelerated mode */
/*frame buffer config - for BDirectScreen*/
frame_buffer_config fbc; /* bytes_per_row and start of frame buffer: head1 */
accelerant_device_info adi; /* as returned by hook GET_ACCELERANT_DEVICE_INFO */
/*acceleration engine*/
struct {
uint32 count; /* last dwgsync slot used */
uint32 last_idle; /* last dwgsync slot we *know* the engine was idle after */
benaphore lock; /* for serializing access to the acceleration engine */
uint32 control; /* colordepth, memory pitch and other config stuff */
uint8 depth; /* bytes per pixel used */
} engine;
/* card info - information gathered from PINS (and other sources) */
{ // card_type in order of date of nm chip design
NM2070 = 0,
} card_type;
/* specialised registers for predefined cardspecs */
/* general card information */
uint32 card_type; /* see card_type enum above */
bool int_assigned; /* card has a useable INT assigned to it */
/* PINS */
float f_ref; /* PLL reference-oscillator frequency (Mhz) */
uint32 max_system_vco; /* graphics engine PLL VCO limits (Mhz) */
uint32 min_system_vco;
uint32 max_pixel_vco; /* dac1 PLL VCO limits (Mhz) */
uint32 min_pixel_vco;
uint32 std_engine_clock; /* graphics engine clock speed needed (Mhz) */
uint32 max_dac1_clock; /* dac1 limits (Mhz) */
uint32 max_dac1_clock_8; /* dac1 limits correlated to RAMspeed limits (Mhz) */
uint32 max_dac1_clock_16;
uint32 max_dac1_clock_24;
uint32 memory_size; /* memory (Kbytes) */
uint32 curmem_size; /* memory (bytes) */
uint16 max_crtc_width; /* CRTC max constraints */
uint16 max_crtc_height;
uint8 panel_type; /* panel type */
uint16 panel_width; /* panel size */
uint16 panel_height;
uint8 outputs; /* in BIOS preselected output(s) */
} ps;
/*mirror of the ROM (copied in driver, because may not be mapped permanently - only over fb)*/
uint8 rom_mirror[65536];
/* apsed: some configuration settings from ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/nm.settings if exists */
settings settings;
overlay_buffer myBuffer[MAXBUFFERS];/* scaler input buffers */
int_buf_info myBufInfo[MAXBUFFERS]; /* extra info on scaler input buffers */
overlay_token myToken; /* scaler is free/in use */
benaphore lock; /* for creating buffers and aquiring overlay unit routines */
/* variables needed for virtualscreens (move_overlay()): */
bool active; /* true is overlay currently in use */
overlay_window ow; /* current position of overlay output window */
overlay_buffer ob; /* current inputbuffer in use */
overlay_view my_ov; /* current corrected view in inputbuffer */
uint32 h_ifactor; /* current 'unclipped' horizontal inverse scaling factor */
uint32 v_ifactor; /* current 'unclipped' vertical inverse scaling factor */
} overlay;
} shared_info;
/* Read or write a value in PCI configuration space */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
uint32 offset; /* Offset to read/write */
uint32 size; /* Number of bytes to transfer */
uint32 value; /* The value read or written */
} nm_get_set_pci;
/* Read or write a value in ISA I/O space */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
uint16 adress; /* Offset to read/write */
uint8 size; /* Number of bytes to transfer */
uint16 data; /* The value read or written */
} nm_in_out_isa;
/* move_overlay related info */
typedef struct {
uint32 hcoordv; /* left and right edges of video output window */
uint32 vcoordv; /* top and bottom edges of video output window */
uint32 hsrcendv; /* horizontal source end in source buffer (clipping) */
uint32 a1orgv; /* vertical source clipping via startadress of source buffer */
} move_overlay_info;
/* setup ISA BES registers for overlay on ISA cards */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
uint32 card_type; /* see card_type enum above */
uint32 hiscalv;
uint32 viscalv;
uint32 globctlv;
uint32 weight;
uint8 colkey_r;
uint8 colkey_g;
uint8 colkey_b;
uint16 ob_width;
move_overlay_info moi;
bool move_only;
} nm_bes_data;
/* Set some boolean condition (like enabling or disabling interrupts) */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
bool do_it; /* state to set */
} nm_set_bool_state;
/* Retrieve the area_id of the kernel/accelerant shared info */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
area_id shared_info_area; /* area_id containing the shared information */
} nm_get_private_data;
/* Retrieve the device name. Usefull for when we have a file handle, but want
to know the device name (like when we are cloning the accelerant) */
typedef struct {
uint32 magic; /* magic number to make sure the caller groks us */
char *name; /* The name of the device, less the /dev root */
} nm_device_name;
enum {
_WAIT_FOR_VBLANK = (1 << 0)
#if defined(__cplusplus)