
320 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2002-2010, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _MEDIA_TRACK_H
#define _MEDIA_TRACK_H
#include <MediaFormats.h>
namespace BPrivate { namespace media {
class Decoder;
class Encoder;
class MediaExtractor;
class MediaWriter;
} }
class BMessage;
class BView;
class BParameterWeb;
enum media_seek_type {
// BMediaTrack gives access to a particular media track in a media file
// (as represented by BMediaFile).
// You always instantiate a BMediaTrack through BMediaFile::TrackAt()
// or BMediaFile::CreateTrack(). When a BMediaTrack object is
// constructed it finds the necessary decoder or encoder for the type
// of data stored in the track.
// Unless you created the BMediaFile() in B_MEDIA_REPLACE_MODE, you
// can only access a track for reading or writing, not both.
// If InitCheck() indicates no errors, then the track is ready to be
// used to read and write frames using ReadFrames() and WriteFrames().
// For video data you should always only read one frame.
// You can seek a track with SeekToTime() and SeekToFrame().
// If no codec could be found for the track, it is still possible to
// access the encoded data using ReadChunk().
class BMediaTrack {
// Use BMediaFile::ReleaseTrack() instead -- or it will go away
// on its own when the MediaFile is deleted.
virtual ~BMediaTrack();
// for read-only access the BMediaTrack should be instantiated
// through BMediaFile::TrackAt()
// for write-only access the BMediaTrack should be instantiated
// through BMediaFile::CreateTrack()
status_t InitCheck() const;
// Get information about the codec being used.
status_t GetCodecInfo(
media_codec_info* _codecInfo) const;
// EncodedFormat returns information about the track's
// "native" encoded format.
status_t EncodedFormat(media_format* _format) const;
// DecodedFormat is used to negotiate the format that the codec will
// use when decoding the track's data. You pass in the format that
// that you want; the codec will find and return its "best fit"
// format. (inout_format is used as both the input and the returned
// format.) The format is typically of the B_MEDIA_RAW_AUDIO or
// B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO flavor.
// The data returned through ReadFrames() will be in the format that's
// returned by this function.
status_t DecodedFormat(media_format* _format,
uint32 flags = 0);
// CountFrames and Duration return the total number of frame and the
// total duration (expressed in microseconds) of a track.
int64 CountFrames() const;
bigtime_t Duration() const;
// Returns in _data hierarchical meta-data about the track.
// The fields in the message shall follow a defined naming-scheme,
// such that applications can find the same information in different
// types of tracks.
status_t GetMetaData(BMessage* _data) const;
// CurrentFrame and CurrentTime return the current position (expressed in
// microseconds) within the track, expressed in frame index and time.
int64 CurrentFrame() const;
bigtime_t CurrentTime() const;
// ReadFrames() fills a buffer with the next frames/samples. For a video
// track, it decodes the next frame of video in the passed buffer. For
// an audio track, it fills the buffers with the next N samples, as
// negotiated by DecodedFormat(). However, if it reaches the end of the
// file and was not able to fill the whole buffer, it returns a partial
// buffer. Upon return, out_frameCount contains the actual number of
// frame/samples returned, and the start time for the frame, expressed
// in microseconds, is in the media_header structure.
status_t ReadFrames(void* buffer, int64* _frameCount,
media_header* header = NULL);
status_t ReadFrames(void* buffer, int64* _frameCount,
media_header* header,
media_decode_info* info);
status_t ReplaceFrames(const void* buffer,
int64* _frameCount,
const media_header* header);
// SeekToTime and SeekToFrame are used for seeking to a particular
// position in a track, expressed in either frames or microseconds.
// They return whatever position they were able to seek to. For example,
// a video codec may not be able to seek to arbitrary frames, but only to
// key frames. In this case, it would return the closest key frame before
// the specified seek point.
// If you want to explicitly seek to the nearest keyframe _before_ this
// frame or _after_ this frame, pass B_MEDIA_SEEK_CLOSEST_FORWARD or
// B_MEDIA_SEEK_CLOSEST_BACKWARD as the flags field.
status_t SeekToTime(bigtime_t* _time, int32 flags = 0);
status_t SeekToFrame(int64* _frame, int32 flags = 0);
status_t FindKeyFrameForTime(bigtime_t* _time,
int32 flags = 0) const;
status_t FindKeyFrameForFrame(int64* _frame,
int32 flags = 0) const;
// ReadChunk returns, in _buffer, the next _size bytes of
// data from the track. The data is not decoded -- it will be
// in its native encoded format (as specified by EncodedFormat()).
// You can not mix calling ReadChunk() and ReadFrames() -- either
// you access the track raw (i.e. with ReadChunk) or you access
// it with ReadFrames.
status_t ReadChunk(char** _buffer, int32* _size,
media_header* _header = NULL);
// Write-only Functions
status_t AddCopyright(const char* copyright);
status_t AddTrackInfo(uint32 code, const void* data,
size_t size, uint32 flags = 0);
// Write frameCount of data to the track. This data is passed
// through the encoder that was specified when the MediaTrack
// was constructed.
// Pass B_MEDIA_KEY_FRAME for flags if it is.
status_t WriteFrames(const void* data, int32 frameCount,
int32 flags = 0);
status_t WriteFrames(const void* data, int64 frameCount,
media_encode_info* info);
// Write a raw chunk of (presumably already encoded data) to
// the file.
// Pass B_MEDIA_KEY_FRAME for flags if it is.
status_t WriteChunk(const void* data, size_t size,
uint32 flags = 0);
status_t WriteChunk(const void* data, size_t size,
media_encode_info* info);
// Flush all buffered encoded datas to disk. You should call it after
// writing the last frame to be sure all datas are flushed at the right
// offset into the file.
status_t Flush();
// These are for controlling the underlying encoder and track parameters
// returns a copy of the parameter web
status_t GetParameterWeb(BParameterWeb** _web);
status_t GetParameterValue(int32 id, void* value,
size_t* size);
status_t SetParameterValue(int32 id, const void* value,
size_t size);
BView* GetParameterView();
// This is a simplified control API, only one parameter low=0.0, high=1.0
// Return B_ERROR if it's not supported by the current encoder.
status_t GetQuality(float* _quality);
status_t SetQuality(float quality);
status_t GetEncodeParameters(
encode_parameters* parameters) const;
status_t SetEncodeParameters(
encode_parameters* parameters);
virtual status_t Perform(int32 code, void* data);
friend class BMediaFile;
// deprecated, but for BeOS R5 compatibility
BParameterWeb* Web();
// Does nothing, returns B_ERROR, for Zeta compatiblity only
status_t ControlCodec(int32 selector, void* _inOutData,
size_t size);
// For read-only access to a BMediaTrack
BPrivate::media::MediaExtractor* extractor,
int32 streamIndex);
// For write-only access to a BMediaTrack
BPrivate::media::MediaWriter* writer,
int32 streamIndex, media_format* format,
const media_codec_info* codecInfo);
void SetupWorkaround();
bool SetupFormatTranslation(
const media_format& from,
media_format* _to);
status_t fInitStatus;
BPrivate::media::Decoder* fDecoder;
BPrivate::media::Decoder* fRawDecoder;
BPrivate::media::MediaExtractor* fExtractor;
int32 fStream;
int64 fCurrentFrame;
bigtime_t fCurrentTime;
media_codec_info fCodecInfo;
BPrivate::media::Encoder* fEncoder;
int32 fEncoderID;
BPrivate::media::MediaWriter* fWriter;
media_format fFormat;
uint32 fWorkaroundFlags;
int32 EncoderID() { return fEncoderID; };
BMediaTrack(const BMediaTrack&);
BMediaTrack& operator=(const BMediaTrack&);
double _FrameRate() const;
// FBC data and virtuals
uint32 _reserved_BMediaTrack_[31];
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_0(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_1(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_2(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_3(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_4(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_5(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_6(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_7(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_8(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_9(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_10(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_11(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_12(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_13(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_14(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_15(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_16(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_17(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_18(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_19(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_20(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_21(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_22(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_23(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_24(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_25(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_26(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_27(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_28(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_29(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_30(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_31(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_32(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_33(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_34(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_35(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_36(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_37(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_38(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_39(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_40(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_41(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_42(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_43(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_44(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_45(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_46(int32 arg, ...);
virtual status_t _Reserved_BMediaTrack_47(int32 arg, ...);
#endif // _MEDIA_TRACK_H