2019-10-26 09:01:21 +00:00

464 lines
30 KiB

1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-libtracker 838081337
Created ContainerWindow Creât
Open and make preferred OpenWithWindow Vierç e rint preferît
Kind ContainerWindow Gjenar
Open with… ContainerWindow Vierç cun…
Error moving \"%name\" to Trash. (%error) FSUtils Erôr tal spostâ \"%name\" te Scovacere. (%error)
Or FindPanel Opûr
before FindPanel prime
Volume icons TrackerSettingsWindow Iconis volums
Ignore case SelectionWindow Ignore maiusculis/minusculis
Current folder ContainerWindow Cartele atuâl
Finish: %time - Over %finishtime left StatusWindow Completament: %time - Tor %finishtime restants
Mount all disks now AutoMounterSettings Monte ducj i discs cumò
Location: InfoWindow Posizion:
Name PoseView Non
Kind: InfoWindow Gjenar:
{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} WidgetAttributeText {0, plural, one{# byte} other{# byte}}
contains FindPanel al conten
32 x 32 ContainerWindow 32 x 32
Open FilePanelPriv Vierç
You can't replace a folder with one of its sub-folders. FSUtils No si pues sostituî une cartele cuntune des sôs sot-cartelis.
Name Default Query Columns Non
Unmount ContainerWindow Dismonte
Eject when unmounting AutoMounterSettings Pare fûr une volte che al è dismontât
Searching for disks to mount… StatusWindow Daûr a cirî discs di montâ…
Information InfoWindow Informazion
Error emptying Trash FSUtils Erôr tal disvuedâ la scovacere
Opens with: InfoWindow Vierç cun:
Size QueryPoseView Dimension
128 x 128 ContainerWindow 128 x 128
Disk mount TrackerSettingsWindow Montaç discs
Prompt FSUtils Domande
Error in regular expression:\n\n'%errstring' PoseView Erôr te espression regolâr:\n\n'%errstring'
Would you like to find a suitable application to open the file? FSUtils Cjatâ une aplicazion adate par vierzi il file?
64 x 64 ContainerWindow 64 x 64
You cannot replace a folder or a symbolic link with a file. FSUtils No si pues sostituî une cartele o un colegament simbolic cuntun file.
Trailing \\. libtracker \\ ae fin.
At %func \nfind_directory() failed. \nReason: %error Email Query Columns Su %func\nal è falît find_directory().\nMotîf: %error
Handles any file OpenWithWindow Al gjestìs cualsisei file
save text FilePanelPriv salve test
Preparing to move items… StatusWindow Daûr a prontâ il spostament dai elements…
Size ContainerWindow Dimension
Select… ContainerWindow Selezione…
Show shared volumes on Desktop SettingsView Mostre i volums condividûts sul Scritori
Size PoseView Dimension
matches wildcard expression SelectionWindow al coincît cu la espression cun matis (*)
96 x 96 ContainerWindow 96 x 96
Title Bookmark Query Columns Titul
Identify ContainerWindow Identifiche
You can't move or copy items to read-only volumes. FSUtils No si pues spostâ o copiâ elements su volums in dome-leture.
Create link ContainerWindow Cree colegament
starts with FindPanel al tache cun
Replace FSUtils Sostituìs
?+* follows nothing. libtracker ?+* nol continue cun nuie.
Move to ContainerWindow Sposte su
Status Email Query Columns Stât
New folder FSUtils Gnove cartele
Junk on end. libtracker Robate ae fin.
New Query FindPanel Gnove interogazion
system B_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY sisteme
Preparing to delete items… StatusWindow Daûr a prontâ la eliminazion dai elements…
Open %name with: OpenWithWindow Vierç %name cun:
\"%name\" is an unsupported executable. FSUtils \"%name\" nol è un eseguibil supuartât.
You cannot copy or move the root directory. FSUtils No si pues copiâ o spostâ la cartele lidrîs.
Capacity: InfoWindow Capacitât:
File ContainerWindow File
Relation OpenWithWindow Relazion
Moving: StatusWindow Spostament di:
Select SelectionWindow Selezione
Select InfoWindow Selezione
OK OpenWithWindow Va ben
Include trash FindPanel Inclût scovacere
GiB WidgetAttributeText GiB
Clean up ContainerWindow Met a puest
Modified FindPanel Modificât
Select all QueryContainerWindow Selezione dutis
Select… FilePanelPriv Selezione…
preferences B_PREFERENCES_DIRECTORY preferencis
Name Person Query Columns Non
Skip all FSUtils Salte ducj
Corrupted opcode. libtracker Opcode corot.
%SizeProcessed of %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %SizeProcessed di %TotalSize, %BytesPerSecond/s
Preparing to restore items… StatusWindow Daûr a prontâ il ripristinament dai elements…
Mount ContainerWindow Monte
Corrupted pointers. libtracker Pontadôrs corots.
Link to: InfoWindow Colegament a:
Copy here ContainerWindow Copie chi
All disks FindPanel Ducj i discs
Window ContainerWindow Barcon
%BytesPerSecond/s StatusWindow %BytesPerSecond/s
Remove FindPanel Gjave
Company Person Query Columns Aziende
Recent documents FavoritesMenu Documents resints
Save as Query template: FindPanel Salve come model di interogazion
Edit templates… TemplatesMenu Modifiche modei…
{0, plural, one{# byte} other{# bytes}} FSUtils {0, plural, one{# byte} other{# byte}}
%capacity (%used used -- %free free) InfoWindow %capacity (%used doprât -- %free libar)
Hide dotfiles SettingsView Plate i file .*
Trash Model Scovacere
Enable type-ahead filtering SettingsView Abilite filtri scriture anticipade
copy FSUtils filename copy copie
New folder%ld FSUtils Gnove cartele%ld
Location OpenWithWindow Posizion
%Ld B WidgetAttributeText %Ld B
Resize to fit QueryContainerWindow Jemple
List folders first SettingsView Liste prime lis cartelis
Find FSUtils Cjate
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder. Would you like to replace it with the symbolic link you are creating? FSUtils Un element clamât \"%name\" al esist za in cheste cartele. Sostituîlu cul colegament simbolic che si sta creant?
List view ContainerWindow Viodude a liste
Temporary FindPanel Temporani
Modified QueryPoseView Modificât
Create relative link ContainerWindow Cree colegament relatîf
Owner FilePermissionsView Proprietari
Cancel FSClipBoard Anule
Modified PoseView Modificât
Move to Trash ContainerWindow Sposte te Scovacere
All files and folders FindPanel Ducj i file e lis cartelis
Add-ons ContainerWindow Components adizionâi
Too many parenthesis. libtracker Masse parentesis.
Increase size ContainerWindow Aumente dimensions
\nShould this be fixed? FSUtils \nNo varessial di jessi justât chest?
URL Bookmark Query Columns URL
Move PoseView Sposte
Cancel ContainerWindow Anule
Attributes ContainerWindow Atribûts
Error deleting items FSUtils Erôr tal eliminâ i elements
Cut ContainerWindow Taie
Disks Model Discs
Create a Query template FindPanel Cree un model di interogazion
Size FindPanel Dimension
Window FilePanelPriv Barcon
Replace other file WidgetAttributeText Sostituìs l'altri file
OK Email Query Columns Va ben
Location QueryPoseView Posizion
Edit query ContainerWindow Modifiche interogazion
{0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# bytes)}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{(# byte)} other{(# byte)}}
Previously mounted disks AutoMounterSettings Discs montâts in precedence
You cannot replace a file with a folder or a symbolic link. FSUtils No si pues sostituî un file cuntune cartele o un colegament simbolic.
The target disk does not support creating links. FSUtils Il disc di destinazion nol supuarte la creazion di colegaments.
Cut more ContainerWindow Taie di plui
The Tracker must be running to see Info windows. PoseView Il Tracker al scugne jessi viert par viodi i barcons des informazions.
Tracker preferences TrackerSettingsWindow Preferencis dal Tracker
Read FilePermissionsView Leture
There was an error writing the attribute. WidgetAttributeText Si è presentât un erôr tal scrivi l'atribût.
Path Default Query Columns Percors
If you rename %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Se si cambie non a %target, %osName al podaès funzionâ mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?
Could not open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%name\" (%error).
%name info InfoWindow InfoWindow Title Informazions su %name
If you move the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\". FSUtils Se si sposte la cartele home (chê personâl), %osName al podarès funzionâ mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar spostâ distès la cartele home, ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"Sposte\".
Sorry, you can't create links in the Trash. PoseView No si pues creâ un colegament te Scovacere.
From Email Query Columns Di
Invert selection QueryContainerWindow Invertìs selezion
Open selection with: OpenWithWindow Vierç selezion cun:
Preferences… ContainerWindow Preferencis…
Could not open \"%document\" because application \"%app\" is in the Trash. FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%document\" parcè che la aplicazion \"%app\" e je te Scovacere.
Work Phone Person Query Columns Telefon di vore
Close ContainerWindow Siere
Get info ContainerWindow Oten informazions
Show folder location in title tab SettingsView Mostre la posizion de cartele te lenghete dal titul
There was an error resolving the link. Tracker Si è presentât un erôr tal risolvi il colegament.
There was a problem trying to save in the folder you specified. Please try another one. FilePanelPriv Si è presentât un probleme cirint di salvâ te cartele specificade. Prove cuntun'altre.
Desktop TrackerSettingsWindow Scritori
Nested *?+. libtracker Nidificât *?+.
Move FSUtils button label Sposte
Clean up DeskWindow Met a puest
Group FilePermissionsView Grup
Could not find an application to open \"%name\" (%error). FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil cjatâ une aplicazion par vierzi \"%name\" (%error).
Internal error. libtracker Erôr interni.
Mini icon view DeskWindow Viodude a iconis piçulis
contains SelectionWindow al conten
Replace FilePanelPriv Sostituìs
is not FindPanel nol è
Icon view DeskWindow Viodude a iconis
Mount settings… ContainerWindow Impostazions di montaç…
Keywords Bookmark Query Columns Peraulis clâf
Copy more ContainerWindow Copie ancjemò
by name FindPanel par non
Sorry, you can't save things at the root of your system. FilePanelPriv Mi displâs, ma no si pues salvâ robis te lidrîs dal sisteme.
Restore ContainerWindow Ripristine
Location ContainerWindow Posizion
Warning space color SettingsView Colôr aree di avertiment
Skip FSUtils Salte
Used space color SettingsView Colôr dal spazi doprât
Cancel FSUtils Anule
Original name ContainerWindow Non origjinâl
Unknown WidgetAttributeText No cognossût
The specified name is already used as the name of a folder. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Il non specificât al è za doprât come non di une cartele. Par plasê, sielç un altri non.
48 x 48 ContainerWindow 48 x 48
Modified ContainerWindow Modificât
Mini icon view ContainerWindow Viodude a iconis piçulis
File FilePanelPriv File
Search FindPanel Cîr
Modified: InfoWindow Modificât ai:
Cancel FilePanelPriv Anule
Sorry, you cannot edit that attribute. WidgetAttributeText No si pues modificâ chest atribût.
Cancel OpenWithWindow Anule
Select… DeskWindow Selezione…
Files cannot be moved or deleted from a read-only volume. PoseView No si pues spostâ o eliminâ i file di un volum in dome-leture.
Edit name FilePanelPriv Modifiche non
There was an error deleting \"%name\":\n\t%error FSUtils Si è presentât un erôr tal eliminâ \"%name\":\n\t%error
Resize to fit ContainerWindow Jemple
Link \"%name\" to: InfoWindow File dialog title for new sym link Coleghe \"%name\" a:
Mount server error AutoMounterSettings Erôr dal servidôr di montaç
If you rename the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\". FSUtils Se si cambie non ae cartele home, %osName al funzionarà mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar cambiâ non distès ae cartele home (chê personâl), ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"Cambie non\".
Invert selection FilePanelPriv Invertìs selezion
TiB WidgetAttributeText TiB
New folder TemplatesMenu Gnove cartele
(broken) InfoWindow (rot)
Replace all FSUtils Sostituìs ducj
The application \"%appname\" does not support the type of document you are about to open.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?\n\nIf you know that the application supports the document type, you should contact the publisher of the application and ask them to update their application to list the type of your document as supported. OpenWithWindow La aplicazion \"%appname\" no supuarte il gjenar di document che si sta vierzint.\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nSe si è sigûrs che la aplicazion e supuarti il gjenar di document, al sarès il câs di contatâ l'autôr de aplicazion par fâ in mût che al declari il supuart formâl di chest gjenar di document.
Reverse order ContainerWindow Ordin contrari
Copying: StatusWindow Daûr a copiâ:
Show navigator SettingsView Mostre navigadôr
Select all DeskWindow Selezione dut
Decrease size ContainerWindow Diminuìs dimensions
Recent queries FindPanel Interogazions resintis
Mount all MountMenu Monte ducj
128 x 128 DeskWindow 128 x 128
Size Default Query Columns Dimension
Favorites FavoritesMenu Preferîts
Delete FilePanelPriv Elimine
<No recent items> FavoritesMenu <Nissun element resint>
Formula %formula FindPanel FindResultTitle Formule %formula
Preparing to create links… StatusWindow Preparazion ae creazion dai colegaments…
Tracker status StatusWindow Stât dal Tracker
Handles any %type OpenWithWindow Al gjestìs cualsisei %type
The mount server could not be contacted. AutoMounterSettings Nol è stât pussibil contatâ il servidôr di montaç.
Query template FindPanel Model di interogazion
ends with SelectionWindow al finìs cun
Open OpenWithWindow Vierç
You must have at least one attribute showing. PoseView Si scugne vê almancul un atribût di mostrâ.
Cut FilePanelPriv Taie
Favorites FilePanelPriv Preferîts
Tracker New Templates B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY/Tracker/Tracker New Templates Gnûfs Modei Tracker
Disk mounting during boot AutoMounterSettings Montaç discs dilunc l'inviament
Don't automount AutoMounterSettings No sta montâ in automatic
Could not find application \"%appname\" OpenWithWindow Nol è stât pussibil cjatâ la aplicazion \"%appname\"
Unmatched parenthesis. libtracker Parentesis no imbinadis.
Unmatched brackets. libtracker Parentesis no imbinadis.
Error %error loading Add-On %name. ContainerWindow Erôr %error cjariant il component adizionâl %name.
You are trying to replace the item:\n\t%name%dest\nwith:\n\t%name%src\n\nWould you like to replace it with the one you are %movemode? FSUtils Si sta cirint di sostituî l'element:\n\t%name%dest\ncun:\n\t%name%src\n\nSostituîlu cun chel che tu stâs %movemode?
Empty Trash ContainerWindow Disvuede la scovacere
no supporting apps OpenWithWindow nissune aplicazion supuartade
Preparing to empty Trash… StatusWindow Preparazions par disvuedâ la Scovacere…
Deleting: StatusWindow Eliminazion:
the MIME settings FSUtils lis impostazions MIME
You can't move or copy the trash. FSUtils No si pues spostâ o copiâ la Scovacere.
label too long PoseView etichete masse lungje
Error creating link to \"%name\". FSUtils Erôr tal creâ il colegament a \"%name\".
Unknown FilePermissionsView No cognossût
Paste links ContainerWindow Tache colegaments
Restoring: StatusWindow Ripristinament:
calculating… InfoWindow daûr a calcolâ…
Preferred for file OpenWithWindow Preferît par file
OK AutoMounterSettings Va ben
copying FSUtils copiant
Get info FilePanelPriv Oten informazions
Delete ContainerWindow Elimine
Execute FilePermissionsView Esecuzion
Show volumes on Desktop SettingsView Mostre volums sul Scritori
Recent folders ContainerWindow Cartelis resintis
Desktop Model Scritori
Select all ContainerWindow Selezione ducj
apps B_APPS_DIRECTORY aplicazions
Error calculating folder size. InfoWindow Erôr tal calcolâ la dimension de cartele.
MiB WidgetAttributeText MiB
Delete FSUtils Elimine
Edit name ContainerWindow Modifiche non
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%document\" (Al mancje il simbul: %symbol). \n
More options FindPanel Altris opzions
config B_USER_CONFIG_DIRECTORY configurazion
Error moving \"%name\". FSUtils Erôr tal spostâ \"%name\".
Select… QueryContainerWindow Selezione…
Open ContainerWindow Vierç
Settings… MountMenu Impostazions…
You cannot put the selected item(s) into the trash. FSUtils No si pues butâ l'element(s) selezionât(s) te scovacere.
Increase size DeskWindow Aumente dimensions
starts with SelectionWindow al tache cun
New DeskWindow Gnûf
Invert SelectionWindow Invertìs
Would you like to find some other suitable application? FSUtils Cirî cualchi altre aplicazion adate?
*+? operand may be empty. libtracker la cuantitât de operazion *+? e podarès jessi vueide.
Recent folders FavoritesMenu Cartelis resintis
The specified name is illegal. Please choose another name. FilePanelPriv Il non specificât al è illegâl. Par plasê, sielç un altri non.
of %items StatusWindow di %items
less than FindPanel mancul di
Error copying file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils Erôr tal copiâ il file \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nContinuâ?
Creating links: StatusWindow Creazion colegaments:
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (%error). FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%document\" cu la aplicazion \"%app\" (%error).
Create %s clipping PoseView Cree ritai %s
Error moving \"%name\" FSUtils Erôr tal spostâ \"%name\"
To: %dir StatusWindow A: %dir
Paste layout ContainerWindow Tache disposizion
Cancel Tracker Anule
Make active printer ContainerWindow Rint ative la stampadore
Copy to ContainerWindow Copie su
Name SelectionWindow Non
by attribute FindPanel par atribût
info InfoWindow informazions
Write FilePermissionsView Scriture
If you alter the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\". FSUtils Se si modifiche la cartele di sisteme o i siei contignûts, no si rivarà plui inviâ %osName!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar modificâ distès la cartele di sisteme o i siei contignûts, ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"O sai ce che o fâs\".
Save FilePanelPriv Salve
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%document\" cu la aplicazion \"%app\" (Librariis che a mancjin: %library). \n
Finish: %time StatusWindow Fin: %time
after FindPanel dopo
Version OpenWithWindow Version
Some of the selected items cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete them instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView Cualchidun dai elements selezionâts nol pues jessi spostât te Scovacere. Eliminâju dal dut? (Cheste operazion e sarà permanente.)
Add printer… ContainerWindow Zonte stampadore…
On FindPanel Su
Permissions ContainerWindow Permès
Size: InfoWindow Dimension:
The selected item cannot be moved to the Trash. Would you like to delete it instead? (This operation cannot be reverted.) PoseView L'element selezionât nol pues jessi spostât te Scovacere. Eliminâlu dal dut? (Cheste operazion e sarà permanente.)
Copy ContainerWindow Copie
Sorry, the 'Character' attribute cannot store a multi-byte glyph. WidgetAttributeText Mi displâs, l'atribût 'Character' nol pues contignî un glif a plui byte.
And FindPanel E
multiple disks FindPanel plui discs
Name = %name FindPanel FindResultTitle Non = %name
Subject Email Query Columns Ogjet
Error copying folder \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nWould you like to continue? FSUtils Erôr tal copiâ la cartele \"%name\":\n\t%error\n\nContinuâ?
You cannot create a link to the root directory. FSUtils No si pues creâ un colegament ae cartele lidrîs.
Select all FilePanelPriv Selezione dut
Other FilePermissionsView Altri
Automatic disk mounting AutoMounterSettings Montaç automatic dai discs
parent folder NavMenu cartele superiôr
Create link here ContainerWindow Cree colegament achì
Force identify ContainerWindow Sfuarce identificazion
48 x 48 DeskWindow 48 x 48
no items CountView nissun element
Disks DirMenu Discs
Query name: FindPanel Non interogazion:
Open parent ContainerWindow Va ae cartele superiôr
Find… ContainerWindow Cjate…
moving FSUtils spostant
Single window navigation SettingsView Navigazion a barcon ugnul
greater than FindPanel plui grant di
Add FindPanel Zonte
Created: InfoWindow Creât ai:
Edit Query template FindPanel Modifiche model di interogazion
Save query as template… FindPanel Salve interogazion come model…
All disks AutoMounterSettings Ducj i discs
link FSUtils filename link colegament
Proceed FSUtils Procêt
Edit favorites… FilePanelPriv Modifiche preferîts…
You can't move a folder into itself or any of its own sub-folders. FSUtils No si pues spostâ une cartele dentri se stesse o cualsisei des sôs sot-cartelis.
New ContainerWindow Gnûf
Fewer options FindPanel Mancul opzions
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. FSClipBoard Si scugne strissinâ e molâ i elements suntune des iconis dai discs, tal barcon \"Disks\".
If you alter %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Se si modifiche %target, %osName al funzionarà mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?
Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. FSClipBoard No si pues copiâ i elements te Scovacere.
Some items already exist in this folder with the same names as the items you are %verb.\n \nWould you like to replace them with the ones you are %verb or be prompted for each one? FSUtils Cualchi element al esist za in cheste cartele cui stes non di chei che si sta %verb.\n \nSostituîju cun chei che si sta %verb o domandâ par ogniun di lôr?
When Email Query Columns Cuant
Paste FilePanelPriv Tache
Paste ContainerWindow Tache
An item named \"%name\" already exists in this folder, and may contain\nitems with the same names. Would you like to replace them with those contained in the folder you are %verb? FSUtils Un element clamât \"%name\" al esist za in cheste cartele e al podarès contignî\nelements cui stes nons. Sostituîju cun chei contignûts te cartele che si sta %verb?
Cannot unmount the boot volume \"%name\". FSUtils Impussibil dismontâ il volum di inviament \"%name\".
Could not open \"%document\" with application \"%app\" (Missing symbol: %symbol). \n FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil \"%document\" cu la aplicazion \"%app\" (Al mancje il simbul: %symbol). \n
New folder ContainerWindow Gnove cartele
Name OpenWithWindow Non
There was a problem trying to replace \"%name\". The item might be open or busy. FSUtils Si è presentât un probleme cirint di sostituî \"%name\". L'element al podarès jessi viert o ocupât.
Windows TrackerSettingsWindow Barcons
Show space bars on volumes SettingsView Mostre sbaris dal spazi sui volums
Could not update permissions of file \"%name\". %error FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil inzornâ i permès dal file \"%name\". %error
Decrease size DeskWindow Diminuìs dimensions
Emptying Trash… StatusWindow Daûr a disvuedâ la scovacere…
{0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # files}} InfoWindow {0, plural, one{for # file} other{for # file}}
KiB WidgetAttributeText KiB
Revert TrackerSettingsWindow Torne indaûr
trash B_TRASH_DIRECTORY scovacere
If you move the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo move the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Move\". FSUtils Se si sposte la cartele di sisteme o il so contignût, no si rivarà plui a inviâ %osName!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar spostâ distès la cartele di sisteme o il so contingût, ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"Sposte\".
Close all in workspace ContainerWindow Siere dut tal spazi di lavôr
Corrupted expression. libtracker Espression corote.
32 x 32 DeskWindow 32 x 32
Finish: %time - %finishtime left StatusWindow Completament: %time - %finishtime ancjemò
Could not open \"%document\" (Missing libraries: %library). \n FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%document\" (A mancjin librariis: %library). \n
Create relative link here ContainerWindow Cree colegament relatîf achì
Copy FilePanelPriv Copie
All Haiku disks AutoMounterSettings Ducj i discs Haiku
Close all ContainerWindow Siere dut
Paused: click to resume or stop StatusWindow In pause: fâ clic par ripiâ il lavôr o fermâ
Name QueryPoseView Non
Error %error loading add-On %name. ContainerWindow Erôr %error cjariant il component adizionâl %name.
Does not handle file OpenWithWindow Nol gjestìs il file
E-mail Person Query Columns E-mail
Arrange by ContainerWindow Ordene par
Sorry, saving more than one item is not allowed. FilePanelPriv Mi displâs, salvâ plui di un element nol è permetût.
Move here ContainerWindow Sposte chi
the config folder FSUtils la cartele di configurazion
Sorry, could not create a new folder. FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil creâ une gnove cartele
Rename FSUtils button label Cambie non
Clean up all ContainerWindow Met a puest dut
Add current folder FilePanelPriv Zonte cartele atuâl
Description: InfoWindow Descizion:
The Tracker must be running to see set the default printer. PoseView Il Tracker al à di jessi in esecuzion par podê configurâ la stampadore predefinide.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? This operation cannot be reverted. FSUtils Eliminâ pardabon i elements selezionâts? Cheste operazion e sarà permanente.
Mount DeskWindow Monte
ends with FindPanel al finìs cun
Show Disks icon SettingsView Mostre icone discs
Outline selection rectangle only SettingsView Dome il retangul di selezion dal contor
by formula FindPanel par formule
Move to Trash FilePanelPriv Sposte te Scovacere
is FindPanel al è
If you rename the system folder or its contents, you won't be able to boot %osName!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo rename the system folder or its contents anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"Rename\". FSUtils Se si cambie non ae cartele di sisteme o al so contignût, no si rivarà plui a inviâ %osName!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar cambiâ non distès ae cartele di sisteme o al so contignût, ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"Cambie non\".
40 x 40 DeskWindow 40 x 40
40 x 40 ContainerWindow 40 x 40
Permissions FilePermissionsView Permès
New folder %ld FSUtils Gnove cartele %ld
64 x 64 DeskWindow 64 x 64
\"%name\" is a legacy executable. Please obtain an updated version or recompile the application. FSUtils \"%name\" al è un eseguibil de vecje maniere. Si pree di otignî une version inzornade de aplicazion o di tornâ a compilâle.
Only the boot disk AutoMounterSettings Dome il disc di inviament
That name is already taken. Please type another one. WidgetAttributeText Chel non al è za doprât. Scrîf un altri.
Modified Default Query Columns Modificât
Default application InfoWindow Aplicazion predefinide
Untitled bitmap PoseView Bitmap cence non
matches regular expression SelectionWindow al coincît cu la espression regolâr
Invert selection ContainerWindow Invertìs selezion
Real name ContainerWindow Non reâl
Could not open \"%name\". The file is mistakenly marked as executable. FSUtils Nol è stât pussibil vierzi \"%name\". Il file al è stât segnât par erôr come eseguibil.
Go to parent FilePanelPriv Va ae cartele superiôr
Save FindPanel Salve
Name FindPanel Non
Cancel WidgetAttributeText Anule
Memory corruption. libtracker Coruzion de memorie.
Expression too long. libtracker Espression masse lungje.
Copy layout ContainerWindow Copie disposizion
Duplicate ContainerWindow Doplee
Untitled clipping PoseView Ritai cence non
The file \"%name\" already exists in the specified folder. Do you want to replace it? FilePanelPriv Il file \"%name\" al esist za te cartele specificade. Sostituîlu?
You must drop items on one of the disk icons in the \"Disks\" window. PoseView Si à di strissinâ e molâ i elements suntune des iconis dai discs, tal barcon \"Disks\".
Version: InfoWindow Version:
OK PoseView Va ben
Add-ons DeskWindow Components adizionâi
Are you sure you want to move or copy the selected item(s) to this folder? PoseView Sigûrs di spostâ o copiâ i elements selezionâts su cheste cartele?
Find FindPanel Cjate
Empty folder NavMenu Cartele vueide
Defaults TrackerSettingsWindow Predefinîts
Sorry, there is not enough free space on the destination volume to copy the selection. FSUtils Mi displâs, ma nol è vonde spazi libar sul volum di destinazion par copiâ i elements selezionâts.
Add-ons FilePanelPriv Components adizionâi
96 x 96 DeskWindow 96 x 96
Empty folder SlowContextPopup Cartele vueide
Move to Trash FSUtils Sposte te Scovacere
Handles %type OpenWithWindow Al gjestìs %type
Cancel PoseView Anule
Delete PoseView Elimine
If you alter the home folder, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?\n\nTo alter the home folder anyway, hold down the Shift key and click \"I know what I'm doing\". FSUtils Se si modifiche la cartele home (chê personâl), %osName al funzionarà mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?\n\nPar modificâ distès la cartele home, ten fracât il tast Maiusc e fâs clic su \"O sai ce che o fâs\".
Sorry, you can't copy items to the Trash. PoseView Nol è pussibil copiâ i elements te Scovacere.
New folder FilePanelPriv Gnove cartele
{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}} CountView Number of selected items: \"1 item\" or \"2 items\" {0, plural, one{# element} other{# elements}}
Invalid bracket range. libtracker Interval des parentesis no valit.
the settings folder FSUtils la cartele des impostazions
If you move %target, %osName may not behave properly!\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? FSUtils Se si sposte %target, %osName al podarès funzionâ mâl!\n\nContinuâ pardabon?
Create a Query FindPanel Cree une interogazion
Close QueryContainerWindow Siere
I know what I'm doing FSUtils button label O sai ce che o fâs
Preparing to copy items… StatusWindow Daûr a prontâ la copie dai elements…
Icon view ContainerWindow Viodude a iconis
Name ContainerWindow Non
Preferred for %type OpenWithWindow Preferît par %type
Free space color SettingsView Colôr spazi libar
OK WidgetAttributeText Va ben
OK FSUtils Va ben