git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@41259 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
26 lines
1.1 KiB
26 lines
1.1 KiB
1 korean x-vnd.Haiku-About 3992500682
%.2f GHz AboutView %.2f GHz
%ld MHz AboutView %ld MHz
%ld Processors: AboutView %ld 프로세서:
About this system AboutWindow 시스템 정보
Contributors:\n AboutView 공헌자:\n
Current maintainers:\n AboutView 현재 유지관리자:\n
GCC %d Hybrid AboutView GCC %d 하이브리드
Kernel: AboutView 커널:
License: AboutView 라이센스:
Licenses: AboutView 라이센스:
Memory: AboutView 메모리:
Michael Phipps (project founder)\n\n AboutView Michael Phipps (프로젝트 창시자)\n\n
Past maintainers:\n AboutView 과거 유지관리자:\n
Processor: AboutView 프로세서:
Revision AboutView 리비젼
Source Code: AboutView 소스 코드:
The BeGeistert team\n AboutView BeGeistert 팀\n
The Haiku-Ports team\n AboutView Haiku-Ports 팀\n
Time running: AboutView 실행 시간:
Translations:\n AboutView 번역자:\n
Unknown AboutView 알수 없음
Version: AboutView 버젼:
\nCopyrights\n\n AboutView \n저작권\n\n
\n\nSpecial thanks to:\n AboutView \n\n다음 분께 특별히 감사드립니다:\n