again. I'm not totally sure why that is, but the set-uid permission kept disappearing. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@25036 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
677 lines
16 KiB
677 lines
16 KiB
# Overridden to allow spaces in file names.
actions Chmod1
$(CHMOD) "$(MODE)" "$(1)"
# Overridden to allow spaces in file names.
actions piecemeal together existing Clean
$(RM) "$(>)"
# Link rule/action are overwritten as they don't handle linking files who's name
# contain spaces very well. Also adds resources and version to executable.
rule Link
# Note: RESFILES must be set before invocation.
if [ on $(1) return $(PLATFORM) ] = host {
LINK on $(1) = $(HOST_LINK) ;
LINKFLAGS on $(1) = $(HOST_LINKFLAGS) [ on $(1) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
} else {
LINK on $(1) = $(TARGET_LINK) ;
[ on $(1) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
NEEDLIBS on $(1) = [ on $(1) return $(NEEDLIBS) ] ;
LINKLIBS on $(1) = [ on $(1) return $(LINKLIBS) ] ;
MODE on $(<) = $(EXEMODE) ;
on $(1) XRes $(1) : $(RESFILES) ;
if ! [ on $(1) return $(DONT_USE_BEOS_RULES) ] {
SetType $(1) ;
MimeSet $(1) ;
SetVersion $(1) ;
# If the generic attribute emulation is enabled, make sure the tool to
# remove the attributes is built first.
Depends $(1) : $(HOST_RM_ATTRS_TARGET) ;
Chmod $(<) ;
rule Object
# find out which headers and defines to use
local headers ;
local sysHeaders ;
local defines ;
on $(1) { # use on $(1) variable values
return ;
# Save HDRS for -I$(HDRS) on compile.
# We shouldn't need -I$(SEARCH_SOURCE) as cc can find headers
# in the .c file's directory, but generated .c files (from
# yacc, lex, etc) are located in $(LOCATE_TARGET), possibly
# different from $(SEARCH_SOURCE).
$(HDRS) ;
sysHeaders = $(SUBDIRSYSHDRS) $(SYSHDRS) ;
defines = $(DEFINES) ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_HDRS) ;
defines += $(HOST_DEFINES) ;
if $(USES_BE_API) {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_BE_API_HEADERS) ;
} else {
sysHeaders += $(TARGET_HDRS) ;
defines += $(TARGET_DEFINES) ;
# locate object and search for source
LocalClean clean : $(<) ;
MakeLocateDebug $(<) ;
HDRS on $(<) = $(headers) ;
SYSHDRS on $(<) = $(sysHeaders) ;
# handle #includes for source: Jam scans for headers with
# the regexp pattern $(HDRSCAN) and then invokes $(HDRRULE)
# with the scanned file as the target and the found headers
# as the sources. HDRSEARCH is the value of SEARCH used for
# the found header files. Finally, if jam must deal with
# header files of the same name in different directories,
# they can be distinguished with HDRGRIST.
# $(SEARCH_SOURCE:E) is where cc first looks for #include
# "foo.h" files. If the source file is in a distant directory,
# look there. Else, look in "" (the current directory).
HDRRULE on $(>) = HdrRule ;
HDRSEARCH on $(>) = $(headers) $(sysHeaders) $(STDHDRS) ;
HDRGRIST on $(>) = $(HDRGRIST) ;
# propagate target specific-defines
DEFINES on $(1) = $(defines) ;
# if source is not .c, generate .c with specific rule
switch $(>:S)
case .asm : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .c : Cc $(<) : $(>) ;
case .C : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .cc : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .cpp : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .f : Fortran $(<) : $(>) ;
case .l : if [ on $(2) return $(GENERATE_C++) ] {
InheritPlatform $(<:S=.cpp) : $(1) ;
C++ $(<) : $(<:S=.cpp) ;
Lex $(<:S=.cpp) : $(>) ;
} else {
InheritPlatform $(<:S=.c) : $(1) ;
Cc $(<) : $(<:S=.c) ;
Lex $(<:S=.c) : $(>) ;
case *.o : return ;
case .s : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .S : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .y : if [ on $(2) return $(GENERATE_C++) ] {
InheritPlatform $(1:S=.cpp) $(1:S=.hpp) : $(1) ;
C++ $(1) : $(1:S=.cpp) ;
Yacc $(1:S=.cpp) $(1:S=.hpp) : $(2) ;
} else {
InheritPlatform $(1:S=.c) $(1:S=.h) : $(1) ;
Cc $(1) : $(1:S=.c) ;
Yacc $(1:S=.c) $(1:S=.h) : $(2) ;
case * : UserObject $(<) : $(>) ;
rule As
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
if [ on $(1) return $(PLATFORM) ] = host {
flags = [ on $(1) return $(HOST_ASFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) ] ;
CC on $(1) = $(HOST_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
flags = [ on $(1) return $(TARGET_ASFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) ] ;
CC on $(1) = $(TARGET_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
ASFLAGS on $(<) += $(flags) $(SUBDIRASFLAGS) ;
ASHDRS on $(<) = [ on $(<) FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ on $(<) FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
ASDEFS on $(<) = [ on $(<) FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
# TODO: The KERNEL_CCFLAGS were used here before. Check whether we need any
# flags we don't have now.
actions As
$(CC) -c "$(2)" -O2 $(ASFLAGS) -D_ASSEMBLER $(ASDEFS) $(ASHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
rule Lex
Depends $(1) : $(2) ;
MakeLocateArch $(1) ;
LocalClean clean : $(1) ;
actions Lex
$(LEX) $(LEXFLAGS) -o$(1) $(2)
rule Yacc
local source = $(1[1]) ;
local header = $(1[2]) ;
local yaccSource = $(2) ;
MakeLocateArch $(source) $(header) ;
Depends $(source) $(header) : $(yaccSource) ;
Yacc1 $(source) $(header) : $(yaccSource) ;
LocalClean clean : $(source) $(header) ;
# make sure someone includes $(header) else it will be
# a deadly independent target
Includes $(source) : $(header) ;
actions Yacc1
bison $(YACCFLAGS) -o $(1[1]) $(2)
[ -f $(1[1]).h ] && mv $(1[1]).h $(1[2]) || true
rule Cc
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
on $(1) {
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
# optimization flags
if $(DEBUG) = 0 {
flags += $(OPTIM) ;
} else {
flags += -O0 ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
if $(USES_BE_API) {
flags += $(HOST_BE_API_CCFLAGS) ;
CC on $(1) = $(HOST_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
CC on $(1) = $(TARGET_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
CCFLAGS on $(<) = $(flags) ;
CCHDRS on $(<) = [ FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
CCDEFS on $(<) = [ FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
actions Cc
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c "$(2)" $(CCDEFS) $(CCHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
rule C++
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
on $(1) {
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
# optimization flags
if $(DEBUG) = 0 {
flags += $(OPTIM) ;
} else {
flags += -O0 ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
flags += $(HOST_WARNING_C++FLAGS) ;
# debug and other flags
if $(USES_BE_API) {
flags += $(HOST_BE_API_C++FLAGS) ;
C++ on $(1) = $(HOST_C++) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
C++ on $(1) = $(TARGET_C++) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
C++FLAGS on $(<) = $(flags) ;
CCHDRS on $(<) = [ FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
CCDEFS on $(<) = [ FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
actions C++
$(C++) -c "$(2)" $(C++FLAGS) $(CCDEFS) $(CCHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
actions together Archive
# Force recreation of the archive to avoid build errors caused by
# stale dependencies after renaming or deleting object files.
$(RM) $(<)
$(AR) $(<) $(>)
rule Library
local lib = $(1) ;
local sources = [ FGristFiles $(2) ] ;
local objects = $(sources:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
InheritPlatform $(objects) : $(lib) ;
LibraryFromObjects $(lib) : $(objects) ;
Objects $(sources) ;
rule LibraryFromObjects
local _i _l _s ;
# Add grist to file names
# bonefish: No, don't. The Library rule does that anyway, and when we
# have an object from another dir, we certainly don't want that.
_s = $(>) ;
_l = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
on $(_l) {
# set the tools according to the platform
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
AR on $(_l) = $(HOST_AR) $(HOST_ARFLAGS) ;
RANLIB on $(_l) = $(HOST_RANLIB) ;
} else {
AR on $(_l) = $(TARGET_AR) $(TARGET_ARFLAGS) ;
RANLIB on $(_l) = $(TARGET_RANLIB) ;
# library depends on its member objects
LocalDepends obj : $(_s) ;
LocalDepends lib : $(_l) ;
# Set LOCATE for the library and its contents. The bound
# value shows up as $(NEEDLIBS) on the Link actions.
# For compatibility, we only do this if the library doesn't
# already have a path.
if ! $(_l:D)
# locate the library only, if it hasn't been located yet
local dir = $(LOCATE[1]) ;
if ! $(dir) {
MakeLocateDebug $(_l) ;
dir = [ on $(_l) return $(LOCATE[1]) ] ;
# Note: The "on ..." is necessary, since our environment
# isn't changed by MakeLocateDebug.
MakeLocate $(_l)($(_s:BS)) : $(dir) ;
# If we can't scan the library to timestamp its contents,
# we have to just make the library depend directly on the
# on-disk object files.
Depends $(_l) : $(_s) ;
# If we can scan the library, we make the library depend
# on its members and each member depend on the on-disk
# object file.
Depends $(_l) : $(_l)($(_s:BS)) ;
for _i in $(_s)
Depends $(_l)($(_i:BS)) : $(_i) ;
LocalClean clean : $(_l) ;
# bonefish: Not needed on the supported platforms. Maybe later...
# if $(CRELIB) { CreLib $(_l) : $(_s[1]) ; }
Archive $(_l) : $(_s) ;
if $(RANLIB) { Ranlib $(_l) ; }
# If we can't scan the library, we have to leave the .o's around.
if ! ( $(KEEPOBJS) || $(NOARSCAN) || $(NOARUPDATE) ) {
RmTemps $(_l) : $(_s) ;
rule Main
local target = $(1) ;
local sources = [ FGristFiles $(2) ] ;
local objects = $(sources:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
InheritPlatform $(objects) : $(target) ;
MainFromObjects $(target) : $(objects) ;
Objects $(sources) ;
rule MainFromObjects
local _s _t ;
# Add grist to file names
# Add suffix to exe
_s = [ FGristFiles $(>) ] ;
_t = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
# so 'jam foo' works when it's really foo.exe
if $(_t) != $(<)
Depends $(<) : $(_t) ;
NotFile $(<) ;
# make compiled sources a dependency of target
LocalDepends exe : $(_t) ;
Depends $(_t) : $(_s) ;
MakeLocateDebug $(_t) ;
LocalClean clean : $(_t) ;
Link $(_t) : $(_s) ;
# Override Jam 2.5rc3 MakeLocate and MkDir to deal more intelligently
# with grist set on the supplied directory name.
rule MakeLocate
local dir = $(2[1]) ;
if $(dir)
if ! $(dir:G) {
dir = $(dir:G=dir) ;
LOCATE on $(1) += $(dir:G=) ; # don't relocate once located
Depends $(1) : $(dir) ;
MkDir $(dir) ;
rule MkDir
local dir = $(<) ;
if ! $(dir:G) {
dir = $(dir:G=dir) ;
# make this and all super directories
while true {
# If dir exists, don't update it
# Do this even for $(DOT).
NoUpdate $(dir) ;
# Bail out when reaching the CWD (".") or a directory we've already
# made.
if $(dir:G=) = $(DOT) || $($(dir:G=)-mkdir) {
return ;
local s ;
# Cheesy gate to prevent multiple invocations on same dir
# MkDir1 has the actions
# Arrange for jam dirs
$(dir:G=)-mkdir = true ;
MkDir1 $(dir) ;
LocalDepends dirs : $(dir) ;
# Recursively make parent directories.
# $(dir:P) = $(dir)'s parent, & we recurse until root
s = $(dir:P) ; # parent keeps grist
if $(s:G=) && $(s) != $(dir) {
Depends $(dir) : $(s) ;
dir = $(s) ;
} else if $(s) {
NotFile $(s) ;
break ;
rule ObjectCcFlags
# supports inheriting the global variable value
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
CCFLAGS on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(CCFLAGS) ] $(2) ;
rule ObjectC++Flags
# supports inheriting the global variable value
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
C++FLAGS on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(C++FLAGS) ] $(2) ;
rule ObjectDefines
# supports inheriting the global variable value and multiple files
if $(2) {
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
DEFINES on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(DEFINES) ] $(2) ;
CCDEFS on $(file) = [ on $(file) FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
rule ObjectHdrs
# ObjectHdrs <sources or objects> : <headers> : <gristed objects>
# Note: Parameter 3 <gristed objects> is an extension.
local objects = [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] $(3) ;
local headers = $(2) ;
local file ;
for file in $(objects) {
on $(file) {
local localHeaders = $(HDRS) $(headers) ;
SYSHDRS on $(file) = $(localHeaders) ;
# reformat ASHDRS and CCHDRS
local fileHeaders ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
fileHeaders =
[ FIncludes $(localHeaders) : $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS)
} else {
fileHeaders =
[ FIncludes $(localHeaders) : $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS)
ASHDRS on $(file) = $(fileHeaders) ;
CCHDRS on $(file) = $(fileHeaders) ;
# Overridden to avoid calling SubDir for a directory twice (in SubInclude
# and from the Jamfile in the directory).
rule SubInclude
# SubInclude TOP d1 ... ;
# Include a subdirectory's Jamfile.
if ! $($(<[1]))
Exit SubInclude $(<[1]) without prior SubDir $(<[1]) ;
# Set up the config variables for the subdirectory.
local config = [ ConfigObject $(1) ] ;
__configured = ;
if ! [ on $(config) return $(__configured) ] {
# No custom configuration defined for the subdir. We use the variable
# values inherited by the closest ancestor.
local oldSubDirTokens = $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) ;
on $(config) {
include [ FDirName $($(1[1])) $(1[2-) $(JAMFILE) ] ;
SUBDIR_TOKENS = $(oldSubDirTokens) ;