Haiku implements file locking at vfs level. That would not work for remote and shared file systems, since they need to negotiate locks with peers. This patch introduces three additional hooks in fs_interface that allow file system module to take over the management of file locks.
378 lines
14 KiB
378 lines
14 KiB
* Copyright 2004-2010, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
/*! File System Interface Layer Definition */
#include <OS.h>
#include <Select.h>
#include <module.h>
#include <disk_device_manager.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
struct dirent;
struct stat;
struct fs_info;
struct select_sync;
typedef struct IORequest io_request;
/* additional flags passed to write_stat() (see NodeMonitor.h for the others) */
// NOTE: Changing the constants here or in NodeMonitor.h will break
// src/kits/storage/LibBeAdapter.cpp:_kern_write_stat().
#define B_STAT_SIZE_INSECURE 0x2000
// TODO: this should be faded out once BFS supports sparse files
/* passed to write_fs_info() */
#define FS_WRITE_FSINFO_NAME 0x0001
struct file_io_vec {
off_t offset;
off_t length;
// flags for publish_vnode() and fs_volume_ops::get_vnode()
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct fs_volume fs_volume;
typedef struct fs_volume_ops fs_volume_ops;
typedef struct fs_vnode fs_vnode;
typedef struct fs_vnode_ops fs_vnode_ops;
typedef struct file_system_module_info file_system_module_info;
struct fs_volume {
dev_t id;
partition_id partition;
int32 layer;
void* private_volume;
fs_volume_ops* ops;
fs_volume* sub_volume;
fs_volume* super_volume;
file_system_module_info* file_system;
char* file_system_name;
struct fs_vnode {
void* private_node;
fs_vnode_ops* ops;
struct fs_volume_ops {
status_t (*unmount)(fs_volume* volume);
status_t (*read_fs_info)(fs_volume* volume, struct fs_info* info);
status_t (*write_fs_info)(fs_volume* volume, const struct fs_info* info,
uint32 mask);
status_t (*sync)(fs_volume* volume);
status_t (*get_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, ino_t id, fs_vnode* vnode,
int* _type, uint32* _flags, bool reenter);
/* index directory & index operations */
status_t (*open_index_dir)(fs_volume* volume, void** _cookie);
status_t (*close_index_dir)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
status_t (*free_index_dir_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
status_t (*read_index_dir)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie,
struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num);
status_t (*rewind_index_dir)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
status_t (*create_index)(fs_volume* volume, const char* name, uint32 type,
uint32 flags);
status_t (*remove_index)(fs_volume* volume, const char* name);
status_t (*read_index_stat)(fs_volume* volume, const char* name,
struct stat* stat);
/* query operations */
status_t (*open_query)(fs_volume* volume, const char* query, uint32 flags,
port_id port, uint32 token, void** _cookie);
status_t (*close_query)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
status_t (*free_query_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
status_t (*read_query)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie,
struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num);
status_t (*rewind_query)(fs_volume* volume, void* cookie);
/* support for FS layers */
status_t (*all_layers_mounted)(fs_volume* volume);
status_t (*create_sub_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, ino_t id, fs_vnode* vnode);
status_t (*delete_sub_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode);
struct fs_vnode_ops {
/* vnode operations */
status_t (*lookup)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name,
ino_t* _id);
status_t (*get_vnode_name)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, char* buffer,
size_t bufferSize);
status_t (*put_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, bool reenter);
status_t (*remove_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, bool reenter);
/* VM file access */
bool (*can_page)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie);
status_t (*read_pages)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, const iovec* vecs, size_t count, size_t* _numBytes);
status_t (*write_pages)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie, off_t pos, const iovec* vecs, size_t count,
size_t* _numBytes);
/* asynchronous I/O */
status_t (*io)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
io_request* request);
status_t (*cancel_io)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
io_request* request);
/* cache file access */
status_t (*get_file_map)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, off_t offset,
size_t size, struct file_io_vec* vecs, size_t* _count);
/* common operations */
status_t (*ioctl)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
uint32 op, void* buffer, size_t length);
status_t (*set_flags)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
int flags);
status_t (*select)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
uint8 event, selectsync* sync);
status_t (*deselect)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
uint8 event, selectsync* sync);
status_t (*fsync)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode);
status_t (*read_symlink)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* link, char* buffer,
size_t* _bufferSize);
status_t (*create_symlink)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir,
const char* name, const char* path, int mode);
status_t (*link)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name,
fs_vnode* vnode);
status_t (*unlink)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name);
status_t (*rename)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* fromDir,
const char* fromName, fs_vnode* toDir, const char* toName);
status_t (*access)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, int mode);
status_t (*read_stat)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
struct stat* stat);
status_t (*write_stat)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
const struct stat* stat, uint32 statMask);
status_t (*preallocate)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
off_t pos, off_t length);
/* file operations */
status_t (*create)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir, const char* name,
int openMode, int perms, void** _cookie,
ino_t* _newVnodeID);
status_t (*open)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, int openMode,
void** _cookie);
status_t (*close)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie);
status_t (*free_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*read)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t* length);
status_t (*write)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t* length);
/* directory operations */
status_t (*create_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* parent,
const char* name, int perms);
status_t (*remove_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* parent,
const char* name);
status_t (*open_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void** _cookie);
status_t (*close_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie);
status_t (*free_dir_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*read_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint32* _num);
status_t (*rewind_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
/* attribute directory operations */
status_t (*open_attr_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void** _cookie);
status_t (*close_attr_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*free_attr_dir_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*read_attr_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie, struct dirent* buffer, size_t bufferSize,
uint32* _num);
status_t (*rewind_attr_dir)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
/* attribute operations */
status_t (*create_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
const char* name, uint32 type, int openMode,
void** _cookie);
status_t (*open_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, const char* name,
int openMode, void** _cookie);
status_t (*close_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*free_attr_cookie)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie);
status_t (*read_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, void* buffer, size_t* length);
status_t (*write_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
off_t pos, const void* buffer, size_t* length);
status_t (*read_attr_stat)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie, struct stat* stat);
status_t (*write_attr_stat)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
void* cookie, const struct stat* stat, int statMask);
status_t (*rename_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* fromVnode,
const char* fromName, fs_vnode* toVnode, const char* toName);
status_t (*remove_attr)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
const char* name);
/* support for node and FS layers */
status_t (*create_special_node)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* dir,
const char* name, fs_vnode* subVnode, mode_t mode, uint32 flags,
fs_vnode* _superVnode, ino_t* _nodeID);
status_t (*get_super_vnode)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode,
fs_volume* superVolume, fs_vnode* superVnode);
/* lock operations */
status_t (*test_lock)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
struct flock* lock);
status_t (*acquire_lock)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
const struct flock* lock, bool wait);
status_t (*release_lock)(fs_volume* volume, fs_vnode* vnode, void* cookie,
const struct flock* lock);
struct file_system_module_info {
struct module_info info;
const char* short_name;
const char* pretty_name;
uint32 flags; // DDM flags
/* scanning (the device is write locked) */
float (*identify_partition)(int fd, partition_data* partition,
void** _cookie);
status_t (*scan_partition)(int fd, partition_data* partition,
void* cookie);
void (*free_identify_partition_cookie)(partition_data* partition,
void* cookie);
void (*free_partition_content_cookie)(partition_data* partition);
/* general operations */
status_t (*mount)(fs_volume* volume, const char* device, uint32 flags,
const char* args, ino_t* _rootVnodeID);
/* capability querying (the device is read locked) */
uint32 (*get_supported_operations)(partition_data* partition, uint32 mask);
bool (*validate_resize)(partition_data* partition, off_t* size);
bool (*validate_move)(partition_data* partition, off_t* start);
bool (*validate_set_content_name)(partition_data* partition,
char* name);
bool (*validate_set_content_parameters)(partition_data* partition,
const char* parameters);
bool (*validate_initialize)(partition_data* partition, char* name,
const char* parameters);
/* shadow partition modification (device is write locked) */
status_t (*shadow_changed)(partition_data* partition,
partition_data* child, uint32 operation);
/* writing (the device is NOT locked) */
status_t (*defragment)(int fd, partition_id partition,
disk_job_id job);
status_t (*repair)(int fd, partition_id partition, bool checkOnly,
disk_job_id job);
status_t (*resize)(int fd, partition_id partition, off_t size,
disk_job_id job);
status_t (*move)(int fd, partition_id partition, off_t offset,
disk_job_id job);
status_t (*set_content_name)(int fd, partition_id partition,
const char* name, disk_job_id job);
status_t (*set_content_parameters)(int fd, partition_id partition,
const char* parameters, disk_job_id job);
status_t (*initialize)(int fd, partition_id partition, const char* name,
const char* parameters, off_t partitionSize, disk_job_id job);
status_t (*uninitialize)(int fd, partition_id partition,
off_t partitionSize, uint32 blockSize, disk_job_id job);
/* file system add-ons only prototypes */
// callbacks for do_iterative_fd_io()
typedef status_t (*iterative_io_get_vecs)(void* cookie, io_request* request,
off_t offset, size_t size, struct file_io_vec* vecs,
size_t* _count);
typedef status_t (*iterative_io_finished)(void* cookie, io_request* request,
status_t status, bool partialTransfer, size_t bytesTransferred);
extern status_t new_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID, void* privateNode,
fs_vnode_ops* ops);
extern status_t publish_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID,
void* privateNode, fs_vnode_ops* ops, int type,
uint32 flags);
extern status_t get_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID,
void** _privateNode);
extern status_t put_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID);
extern status_t acquire_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID);
extern status_t remove_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID);
extern status_t unremove_vnode(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID);
extern status_t get_vnode_removed(fs_volume* volume, ino_t vnodeID,
bool* _removed);
extern fs_volume* volume_for_vnode(fs_vnode* vnode);
extern status_t read_pages(int fd, off_t pos, const struct iovec* vecs,
size_t count, size_t* _numBytes);
extern status_t write_pages(int fd, off_t pos, const struct iovec* vecs,
size_t count, size_t* _numBytes);
extern status_t read_file_io_vec_pages(int fd,
const struct file_io_vec* fileVecs, size_t fileVecCount,
const struct iovec* vecs, size_t vecCount,
uint32* _vecIndex, size_t* _vecOffset, size_t* _bytes);
extern status_t write_file_io_vec_pages(int fd,
const struct file_io_vec* fileVecs, size_t fileVecCount,
const struct iovec* vecs, size_t vecCount,
uint32* _vecIndex, size_t* _vecOffset, size_t* _bytes);
extern status_t do_fd_io(int fd, io_request* request);
extern status_t do_iterative_fd_io(int fd, io_request* request,
iterative_io_get_vecs getVecs,
iterative_io_finished finished, void* cookie);
extern status_t notify_entry_created(dev_t device, ino_t directory,
const char* name, ino_t node);
extern status_t notify_entry_removed(dev_t device, ino_t directory,
const char* name, ino_t node);
extern status_t notify_entry_moved(dev_t device, ino_t fromDirectory,
const char* fromName, ino_t toDirectory,
const char* toName, ino_t node);
extern status_t notify_stat_changed(dev_t device, ino_t node,
uint32 statFields);
extern status_t notify_attribute_changed(dev_t device, ino_t node,
const char* attribute, int32 cause);
extern status_t notify_query_entry_created(port_id port, int32 token,
dev_t device, ino_t directory, const char* name,
ino_t node);
extern status_t notify_query_entry_removed(port_id port, int32 token,
dev_t device, ino_t directory, const char* name,
ino_t node);
extern status_t notify_query_attr_changed(port_id port, int32 token,
dev_t device, ino_t directory, const char* name,
ino_t node);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _FS_INTERFACE_H */