Until now we always declared in the HPKG header that the package file is zlib compressed. For uncompressed files we would just store all individual chunks uncompressed. Now we handle completely uncompressed files slightly differently: We don't write the redundant chunk size table anymore. The size savings are minor, but it makes the uncompressed format read-streamable which may be handy.
201 lines
5.5 KiB
201 lines
5.5 KiB
* Copyright 2013-2014, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <new>
#include <Referenceable.h>
#include <CompressionAlgorithm.h>
#include <package/hpkg/DataReader.h>
namespace BPackageKit {
namespace BHPKG {
class BErrorOutput;
namespace BPrivate {
template<typename Parameters>
struct GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner : BReferenceable {
BCompressionAlgorithm* algorithm;
Parameters* parameters;
GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner(BCompressionAlgorithm* algorithm,
Parameters* parameters)
delete algorithm;
delete parameters;
static GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner* Create(
BCompressionAlgorithm* algorithm, Parameters* parameters)
GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner* owner
= new(std::nothrow) GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner(algorithm,
if (owner == NULL) {
delete algorithm;
delete parameters;
return owner;
typedef GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner<BCompressionParameters>
typedef GenericCompressionAlgorithmOwner<BDecompressionParameters>
class PackageFileHeapAccessorBase : public BAbstractBufferedDataReader {
class OffsetArray;
BErrorOutput* errorOutput,
BPositionIO* file, off_t heapOffset,
virtual ~PackageFileHeapAccessorBase();
off_t HeapOffset() const
{ return fHeapOffset; }
off_t CompressedHeapSize() const
{ return fCompressedHeapSize; }
uint64 UncompressedHeapSize() const
{ return fUncompressedHeapSize; }
size_t ChunkSize() const
{ return kChunkSize; }
// normally used after cloning a PackageFileHeapReader only
void SetErrorOutput(BErrorOutput* errorOutput)
{ fErrorOutput = errorOutput; }
void SetFile(BPositionIO* file)
{ fFile = file; }
// BAbstractBufferedDataReader
virtual status_t ReadDataToOutput(off_t offset,
size_t size, BDataIO* output);
static const size_t kChunkSize = 64 * 1024;
virtual status_t ReadAndDecompressChunk(size_t chunkIndex,
void* compressedDataBuffer,
void* uncompressedDataBuffer) = 0;
status_t ReadAndDecompressChunkData(uint64 offset,
size_t compressedSize,
size_t uncompressedSize,
void* compressedDataBuffer,
void* uncompressedDataBuffer);
status_t DecompressChunkData(
void* compressedDataBuffer,
size_t compressedSize,
void* uncompressedDataBuffer,
size_t uncompressedSize);
status_t ReadFileData(uint64 offset, void* buffer,
size_t size);
BErrorOutput* fErrorOutput;
BPositionIO* fFile;
off_t fHeapOffset;
uint64 fCompressedHeapSize;
uint64 fUncompressedHeapSize;
DecompressionAlgorithmOwner* fDecompressionAlgorithm;
/*! Stores the chunk offsets in a compact way, while still providing quick
- The object doesn't store the number of chunks/offsets it contains. During
initialization the chunk count is provided. Later, when getting an offset,
the caller is responsible for ensuring a valid index.
- The first (index 0) chunk offset is omitted, since it is always 0.
- The chunk offsets that fit in a 32 bit number use only one 32 bit element
in the offsets array.
- The chunk offsets that don't fit in a 32 bit number use two elements in
the offsets array.
Memory use is one pointer, if the chunk count is <= 1 (uncompressed heap size
<= 64 KiB). Afterwards it's one pointer plus 32 bit per chunk as long as the
last offset still fits 32 bit (compressed heap size < 4GiB). For any further
chunks it is 64 bit per chunk. So, for the common case we use sizeof(void*)
plus 1 KiB per 16 MiB of uncompressed heap, or about 64 KiB per 1 GiB. Which
seems reasonable for packagefs to keep in memory.
class PackageFileHeapAccessorBase::OffsetArray {
bool InitUncompressedChunksOffsets(
size_t totalChunkCount);
bool InitChunksOffsets(size_t totalChunkCount,
size_t baseIndex, const uint16* chunkSizes,
size_t chunkCount);
bool Init(size_t totalChunkCount,
const OffsetArray& other);
// "copy" init
uint64 operator[](size_t index) const;
static uint32* _AllocateOffsetArray(size_t totalChunkCount,
size_t offset32BitChunkCount);
uint32* fOffsets;
// - NULL, if chunkCount <= 1
// - element 0 contains the number of 32 bit
// offsets that follow, or is 0, when all
// offsets are 32 bit only
// - the following offsets use two elements
// each (lower followed by upper 32 bit)
// to represent the 64 bit value
inline uint64
PackageFileHeapAccessorBase::OffsetArray::operator[](size_t index) const
if (index == 0)
return 0;
if (fOffsets[0] == 0 || index < fOffsets[0])
return fOffsets[index];
index += index - fOffsets[0];
return fOffsets[index] | ((uint64)fOffsets[index + 1] << 32);
} // namespace BPrivate
} // namespace BHPKG
} // namespace BPackageKit