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* Copyright 2013, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Documentation by:
* Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/storage/PathFinder.h hrev46390
* src/kits/storage/PathFinder.cpp hrev46390
\file Architecture.h
\ingroup support
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides functions for getting the primary and secondary
architectures of the system.
\fn const char* get_architecture()
\brief Returns the name of the caller's architecture.
This is the packaging architecture the caller's code has been built for,
which may not be the system's primary architecture.
\return The name of the caller's architecture.
\see get_primary_architecture()
\fn const char* get_primary_architecture()
\brief Returns the name of the system's primary architecture.
This is the packaging architecture the main system has been built for.
\return The name of the system's primary architecture.
\fn size_t get_secondary_architectures(const char** architectures,
size_t count)
\brief Returns the names of the system's secondary architectures.
These are the packaging architectures the system does provide additional
support for (i.e. not including the primary architecture). Only actually
installed support is considered. E.g. on a pure x86 gcc 2 system
(primary architecture "x86_gcc2") without any support installed for gcc 4
executables, the function will not return any secondary architectures, even
if it would be possible to install the support for gcc 4.
\param architectures A pre-allocated array of size \a count where the names
of the secondary architectures will be stored. Can be \c NULL, if
\a count is 0.
\param count The size of the \a architectures array.
\return The actual number of secondary architectures. May be greater than
\a count, but at most \a count names will be written to
\a architectures.
\fn status_t get_secondary_architectures(BStringList& _architectures)
\brief Returns the names of the system's secondary architectures.
This is a C++ interface similar to
get_secondary_architectures(const char**,size_t). Instead of returning the
architecture names in a pre-allocated array, it expects a BStringList.
Note that this version can fail when running out of memory.
\param _architectures Reference to a BStringList that will be set to the
list of names of secondary architectures. On error the list will be
\return A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY A memory allocation failed.
\see get_secondary_architectures(const char**,size_t)
\fn size_t get_architectures(const char** architectures,
size_t count)
\brief Returns the names of the system's primary and secondary
This is a convenience function that returns both the primary architecture
as returned by get_primary_architecture() and the secondary architectures
as returned by get_secondary_architectures() in the provided array.
\param architectures A pre-allocated array of size \a count where the names
of the architectures will be stored. Can be \c NULL, if \a count is 0.
\param count The size of the \a architectures array.
\return The actual number of architectures. May be greater than \a count,
but at most \a count names will be written to \a architectures.
\fn status_t get_architectures(BStringList& _architectures)
\brief Returns the names of the system's primary and secondary
This is a C++ interface similar to
get_architectures(const char**,size_t). Instead of returning the
architecture names in a pre-allocated array, it expects a BStringList.
Note that this version can fail when running out of memory.
\param _architectures Reference to a BStringList that will be set to the
list of names of primary and secondary architectures. On error the list
will be emptied.
\return A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY A memory allocation failed.
\see get_architectures(const char**,size_t)
\fn const char* guess_architecture_for_path(const char* path)
\brief Returns the name of the architecture associated with the given path.
If the given path refers to an executable, library, or add-on, the function
determines for which architecture it has been built and returns that.
Otherwise it analyzes the path itself, checking whether it points to/into a
directory where files for a secondary architectures reside. If that proved
inconclusive the name of the primary architecture is returned.
\param path The path to be analyzed. It doesn't necessarily have to point to
an existing file or directory.
\return The name of the architecture determined from \a path.