Pointer style Newlines Indentation Compare against NULL or 0 explicitly use single floating point precision for float literals (i.e. use 0.0f)
233 lines
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233 lines
6.3 KiB
* Copyright 2001-2016 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _SLIDER_H
#define _SLIDER_H
#include <Control.h>
enum hash_mark_location {
enum thumb_style {
class BSlider : public BControl {
BSlider(BRect frame, const char* name,
const char* label, BMessage* message,
int32 minValue, int32 maxValue,
thumb_style thumbType = B_BLOCK_THUMB,
uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 flags = B_NAVIGABLE | B_WILL_DRAW
BSlider(BRect frame, const char* name,
const char* label, BMessage* message,
int32 minValue, int32 maxValue,
orientation posture,
thumb_style thumbType = B_BLOCK_THUMB,
uint32 resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 flags = B_NAVIGABLE | B_WILL_DRAW
BSlider(const char* name, const char* label,
BMessage* message, int32 minValue,
int32 maxValue, orientation posture,
thumb_style thumbType = B_BLOCK_THUMB,
uint32 flags = B_NAVIGABLE | B_WILL_DRAW
BSlider(BMessage* archive);
virtual ~BSlider();
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive);
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* archive,
bool deep = true) const;
virtual status_t Perform(perform_code code, void* data);
virtual void WindowActivated(bool state);
virtual void AttachedToWindow();
virtual void AllAttached();
virtual void AllDetached();
virtual void DetachedFromWindow();
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
virtual void FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition);
virtual void FrameResized(float width, float height);
virtual void KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void MouseDown(BPoint point);
virtual void MouseUp(BPoint point);
virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint point, uint32 transit,
const BMessage* dragMessage);
virtual void Pulse();
virtual void SetLabel(const char* label);
virtual void SetLimitLabels(const char* minLabel,
const char* maxLabel);
const char* MinLimitLabel() const;
const char* MaxLimitLabel() const;
virtual void SetValue(int32 value);
virtual int32 ValueForPoint(BPoint point) const;
virtual void SetPosition(float);
float Position() const;
virtual void SetEnabled(bool on);
void GetLimits(int32* minimum, int32* maximum) const;
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void DrawSlider();
virtual void DrawBar();
virtual void DrawHashMarks();
virtual void DrawThumb();
virtual void DrawFocusMark();
virtual void DrawText();
virtual const char* UpdateText() const;
void UpdateTextChanged();
virtual BRect BarFrame() const;
virtual BRect HashMarksFrame() const;
virtual BRect ThumbFrame() const;
virtual void SetFlags(uint32 flags);
virtual void SetResizingMode(uint32 mode);
virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* _width,
float* _height);
virtual void ResizeToPreferred();
virtual status_t Invoke(BMessage* message = NULL);
virtual BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message,
int32 index, BMessage* specifier,
int32 form, const char* property);
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);
virtual void SetModificationMessage(BMessage* message);
BMessage* ModificationMessage() const;
virtual void SetSnoozeAmount(int32 microSeconds);
int32 SnoozeAmount() const;
virtual void SetKeyIncrementValue(int32 value);
int32 KeyIncrementValue() const;
virtual void SetHashMarkCount(int32 count);
int32 HashMarkCount() const;
virtual void SetHashMarks(hash_mark_location where);
hash_mark_location HashMarks() const;
virtual void SetStyle(thumb_style style);
thumb_style Style() const;
virtual void SetBarColor(rgb_color color);
rgb_color BarColor() const;
virtual void UseFillColor(bool useFill,
const rgb_color* color = NULL);
bool FillColor(rgb_color* color) const;
BView* OffscreenView() const;
orientation Orientation() const;
virtual void SetOrientation(orientation);
float BarThickness() const;
virtual void SetBarThickness(float thickness);
virtual void SetFont(const BFont* font,
uint32 properties = B_FONT_ALL);
virtual void SetLimits(int32 minimum, int32 maximum);
virtual float MaxUpdateTextWidth();
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MaxSize();
virtual BSize PreferredSize();
virtual status_t SetIcon(const BBitmap* icon, uint32 flags = 0);
virtual void LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants);
void _DrawBlockThumb();
void _DrawTriangleThumb();
BPoint _Location() const;
void _SetLocationForValue(int32 value);
float _MinPosition() const;
float _MaxPosition() const;
bool _ConstrainPoint(BPoint& point,
BPoint compare) const;
BSize _ValidateMinSize();
void _InitBarColor();
void _InitObject();
// FBC padding and forbidden methods
virtual void _ReservedSlider6();
virtual void _ReservedSlider7();
virtual void _ReservedSlider8();
virtual void _ReservedSlider9();
virtual void _ReservedSlider10();
virtual void _ReservedSlider11();
virtual void _ReservedSlider12();
BSlider& operator=(const BSlider& other);
BMessage* fModificationMessage;
int32 fSnoozeAmount;
rgb_color fBarColor;
rgb_color fFillColor;
bool fUseFillColor;
char* fMinLimitLabel;
char* fMaxLimitLabel;
const char* fUpdateText;
int32 fMinValue;
int32 fMaxValue;
int32 fKeyIncrementValue;
int32 fHashMarkCount;
hash_mark_location fHashMarks;
BBitmap* fOffScreenBits;
BView* fOffScreenView;
thumb_style fStyle;
BPoint fLocation;
BPoint fInitialLocation;
orientation fOrientation;
float fBarThickness;
BSize fMinSize;
float fMaxUpdateTextWidth;
uint32 _reserved[4];
#endif // _SLIDER_H