SharedSolver was archiving too many constraints, partly because of multiple typos, also because it archived some which were just artifacts of the layout process. These extra constraints are created when the layout calls SetRange() on the left/top/right/bottom tabs during layout. * LinearSpec/ActiveSetSolver had to be adjusted to get access to the constraints added by the SetRange() calls. * BALM::TabBase was adjusted to avoid a segfault during unarchiving, caused by an unitialized member. * ALMFriendLayoutTest was adjusted to include a more obvious custom constraint for testing.
179 lines
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179 lines
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* Copyright 2007-2008, Christof Lutteroth, lutteroth@cs.auckland.ac.nz
* Copyright 2007-2008, James Kim, jkim202@ec.auckland.ac.nz
* Copyright 2010, Clemens Zeidler, haiku@clemens-zeidler.de
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <math.h>
#include <List.h>
#include <OS.h>
#include <Referenceable.h>
#include <Size.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <SupportDefs.h>
#include "Constraint.h"
#include "LinearProgrammingTypes.h"
#include "Summand.h"
#include "Variable.h"
namespace LinearProgramming {
class LinearSpec;
const BSize kMinSize(0, 0);
class SolverInterface {
SolverInterface(LinearSpec* linSpec);
virtual ~SolverInterface() {}
virtual ResultType Solve() = 0;
virtual bool VariableAdded(Variable* variable) = 0;
virtual bool VariableRemoved(Variable* variable) = 0;
virtual bool VariableRangeChanged(Variable* variable) = 0;
virtual bool ConstraintAdded(Constraint* constraint) = 0;
virtual bool ConstraintRemoved(Constraint* constraint) = 0;
virtual bool LeftSideChanged(Constraint* constraint) = 0;
virtual bool RightSideChanged(Constraint* constraint) = 0;
virtual bool OperatorChanged(Constraint* constraint) = 0;
virtual bool SaveModel(const char* fileName) = 0;
virtual BSize MinSize(Variable* width, Variable* height) = 0;
virtual BSize MaxSize(Variable* width, Variable* height) = 0;
virtual ResultType FindMins(const VariableList* variables) = 0;
virtual ResultType FindMaxs(const VariableList* variables) = 0;
virtual void GetRangeConstraints(const Variable* var,
const Constraint** _min,
const Constraint** _max) const = 0;
LinearSpec* fLinearSpec;
* Specification of a linear programming problem.
class LinearSpec : public BReferenceable {
virtual ~LinearSpec();
Variable* AddVariable();
bool AddVariable(Variable* variable);
bool RemoveVariable(Variable* variable,
bool deleteVariable = true);
int32 IndexOf(const Variable* variable) const;
int32 GlobalIndexOf(const Variable* variable) const;
bool UpdateRange(Variable* variable);
bool AddConstraint(Constraint* constraint);
bool RemoveConstraint(Constraint* constraint,
bool deleteConstraint = true);
Constraint* AddConstraint(SummandList* summands,
OperatorType op, double rightSide);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
OperatorType op, double rightSide);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
OperatorType op, double rightSide);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
OperatorType op, double rightSide);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
double coeff4, Variable* var4,
OperatorType op, double rightSide);
Constraint* AddConstraint(SummandList* summands,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
double coeff4, Variable* var4,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
BSize MinSize(Variable* width, Variable* height);
BSize MaxSize(Variable* width, Variable* height);
ResultType FindMins(const VariableList* variables);
ResultType FindMaxs(const VariableList* variables);
ResultType Solve();
bool Save(const char* fileName);
int32 CountColumns() const;
ResultType Result() const;
bigtime_t SolvingTime() const;
BString ToString() const;
void GetRangeConstraints(const Variable*,
const Constraint** _min,
const Constraint** _max) const;
const ConstraintList& Constraints() const;
const VariableList& UsedVariables() const;
const VariableList& AllVariables() const;
friend class Constraint;
bool UpdateLeftSide(Constraint* constraint);
bool UpdateRightSide(Constraint* constraint);
bool UpdateOperator(Constraint* constraint);
/*! Check if all entries != NULL otherwise delete the list and its
entries. */
bool _CheckSummandList(SummandList* list);
Constraint* _AddConstraint(SummandList* leftSide,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg, double penaltyPos);
VariableList fVariables;
VariableList fUsedVariables;
ConstraintList fConstraints;
ResultType fResult;
bigtime_t fSolvingTime;
SolverInterface* fSolver;
} // namespace LinearProgramming
using LinearProgramming::LinearSpec;
#endif // LINEAR_SPEC_H